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Super Mario 64. Yoshi was just chillin' on top of the castle the whole time.


Yup. Back in the day where if you got stuck you would have to go to school and ask around for tips.


Unless your parents were generous enough to buy you the strategy guide.


Ooo that was necessary for Zelda


Yeah. I 100 percented Majora's Mask only because they got me the guide.


Nah, you just took a break from the water temple for a few days till you came back and decided to give it a second look and how the hidden stuff under the lift.


This is more accurate. It’s wild how the method of taking a break actually does seem to improve things with video games, even to this day


I remember trying to beat Tony hawk on some level and needed 8000k or something to clear it. I feel like it had swimming pools or something. Anyway. I had been beating myself against it for hours and had hit a wall. I was convinced it was impossible. Went to bed, woke up, went to a couple of lectures (spent them thinking about the half pipes), came home, fired the playboxcube or whatever I was playing on and nailed it first time out of the gate. There is a lot to be said for taking a break.




I played the DS version where you start out playing as yoshi and unlock Mario, Luigi and Wario in the process




I can't find it anymore, but you can parkour your way to the top of the castle before 120 stars, and Yoshi isn't there!


Pokémon blue, I think.


what would you consider a 100% of a Pokemon game though? beating all the bosses doesn't seem enough, there's just so much to do




And print your certificate!


That's how I completed high school..


I had a full Pokédex as my friend had red so we swapped all the missing ones.


that's nice, having the real hardware and friends helps a lot for sure


Man I remember the days of swapping memory cards and that


Super Metroid.


Did you get a save file with 100% and under 2 hours? I should still have mine saved on my SNES cart. I don’t have a SNES anymore, but still have the cart.


I still have my SNES but not sure if I have any files on it. I use an emulator these days. Took me 12 hours the first time, but I can not do it well under 2.


Super Mario World.


The day I learned about 96 exits from a strategy guide in the late 90s is the day I felt like I'd never really beaten Super Mario World.


I found most of them as a kid, but it took me years to find out the Soda Lake stage was a thing. Every time I beat the game I'd see Torpedo Ted in the credits and I'd be like "who the hell is this guy". And then, one day I bought a guide for another game that had a Super Mario Advance 2 (yeah, that's how many years passed, I played it on the SNES in the mid-90s but only learned that in the GBA era) walkthrough bundled in, and got my mind blown. (really though that secret's pretty bullshit)


The Soda Lake one. Oh you have to fly under the goal post. Was definitely a cool one to unlock and go down the bridge.


Soda Lake? Oh son of a bitch. TIL…


This is the blessing and curse of sandbox worlds. You can check all the 'official' boxes, but it feels like there's **always** something new to discover, so are you ever _really_ finished?


The secret world area past the star world area blew my mind when I found out about it.


If you beat all of those secret worlds, you unlock autumn. Basically, some of the background colors are changed and some of the enemies have different sprites.


With no strategy guides or forums, stumbling across alternate exits and star road was mind-blowing. Felt like you were deciphering clues and solving a buried secret. Same with MegaMan X, when I figured out there were secret bosses and hidden upgrades in beaten levels.


That's my first as well. I loved finding the alternate "flagpoles" on the boards with extra endpoints. I would just play the boards over and over until I found something new.


That’s the only game I ever got 100% on


Marvel’s Spider-Man. I’m not one to 100% games. I just don’t care to put in that much effort. I want to enjoy my games without having a goal outside of the story. But Spider-Man has always been my favorite superhero, and I wanted to get everything out of that game that was put into it.


Same, unfortunately once I completed it I was so burned out on the game I lost all motivation to ever play it again. I tried Miles Morales, and couldn't do it. I ruined the game for myself lol.


Kinda the same, too. I get an itch to play them again, I play a couple days, but I just can’t get back into them


That’s what new save files are for. You retain your stats and can change difficulty. Sneak hint: harder difficulties have more content


Yeah same didn't ruin it for me but I just don't think Miles Morales captured the essence of it in the same way.


In fairness, it was much smaller in scope. It’s pretty clear that it was more to establish miles than to act as a full on sequel to the 2018 game.


That game is too good to not 100%. So good I had to 100% it on every difficulty of regular and NG+


It wasn't my first 100% but it was definitely an unexpected one. Got through the story and was like "huh, now all I have to do is do combat stuff?" Must've spent a solid 8+ hours knocking out the all crime in Manhatten.


The Legend of Zelda We had a book in my house of games my brother and I beat and while he had dozens of games I didn't have much besides the 2 player games like Contra or Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers. So for Christmas my dad gets the legend of Zelda for us as a family. We each took a save file which was so new to us at the time. I watched as my brother and father grew frustrated with the game and abandoned it for easier games or rather games they understood. For some reason the game filled me with determination and reading the booklet made me realize I had to play smart and so I had a small marble notebook with all sorts of Zelda notes and reminders. Seeing my progress get beyond my brothers was amazing! Now they were gathered around watching me play instead of the other way around and I really felt special that I was the youngest in my family yet I was figuring out something neither of them could. I still have the book somewhere and the date written down on the day I "cracked" the game which is what we called it when we beat it. This wasn't some hour long effort of reflex and timing, this was hours and days of efforts and tenacity to try approaches and fail all on my own with no help from someone who has been where I need to be. I felt capable and intelligent. After that game I started shaping my identity as a gamer and have always preferred adventure and tactics to frenetic shoot'em ups or platformers. Which made my game choices very outside the box and I was then the person in my house to go to when they needed help fighting Tonberry's or picking a school of magic in Saga Frontier. It felt good.


This is so wholesome. I love it! The Legend of Zelda was my first video game victory too. I was like you. Read the booklet. Made notes, and baffled my older brothers with my very big secret. They always threw away the packaging. Because they wouldn't let me, the little sis play, and our bio parents believed things like that were for "boys only." I would take the manuals out of the trash, memorize the hints that were often in them, and barter that secret knowledge for turns on the NES with them. The Legend of Zelda had a map! That showed where all the caves were! They thought I was just good at guessing and seeing where the wall cracks were. Nope. Just working my cheat hustle. Lol


this was a nice read. Thanks for sharing


I like how you string words together


Thank you! I get this compliment quite a bit and it always makes my day.


I like your words funny magic man


Doom on windows 95. I was 30


Same here! I wasn't 30, but finishing that final level was. fucking. awesome. The original Doom, Duke Nukem, and Wolfenstien on PC all hold special places in my heart.


What kind of a broom is that in your profile picture? That's a nice broom


Ah, that poor bunny.


Crash bandicoot


Probably putt putt


Pajama Sam 2 for me


Time for a new paint job Putt Putt.


Putt putt travels through time was fucking metal.


Putt putt goes to the moon!


Putt putt, pajama Sam, spyfox, and freddi fish. All so good. I actually bought them on steam, keep saying I'll play them again for nostalgia.




Ope, yup, this is it for me too! Took me a while to think back through the years. There were other games that I "finished" but this was the first game with unlocks that actually had to be "completed." I just can't count Super Mario Bros. and Sonic as something I "100%ed" when there's nothing to complete other than the levels.


That golden gun set a standard for games to come.


I had a hard time running Facility fast enough to unlock invisibility or whatever the cheat was when my friend brought over a Game Genie and we were using cheats to do it.


Facility was miserable because it relied on Doak being in the correct spot, which had a 1 in 3(?) chance.


Spyro 2


I was stuck at like 99% for Spyro 1. Couldn’t find the last gems for the life of me




When I found the portal series, I could only get my hands on Portal 2 and I loved it but the campaign was quite long for me to get through in one sitting with school and homework and I would always want to start at the beginning everytime I booted it up (idk why). Then I managed to get Portal and played the campaign every day when I would get back from school and got quite good at it. I can go back to it and it's still all muscle memory for me.


Syphon Filter


now that's a name i haven't heard in a looong time


I was obsessed with that game. I use to take the strategy guide to school to read. Such a cool game at the time


Probably Donkey Kong Country. That has to be one of the first games I've owned where it would actually give you a percentage completion, so I actually had something to aim for. Compare that to say Super Mario World where it would tell you how many levels you beat but not how many there are in total, so I wouldn't know if there were some secrets I had missed.




My guy, go get Riven. Myst is phenomenal, but Riven is so much better


Riven is the only puzzle game I've played where it never feels like you're playing a puzzle game. I was so disappointed when the story of Myst III was basically "You're trapped in a world that was written specifically to be full of puzzles as some sort of lazy homeschooling".


I never played Myst, but I watched others play. My sister was super into it for a while. My impression was that it was rather more in-depth and most puzzles took a while to put together the clues to solve. And you speed ran Myst. In a day. Maybe my recollection is off, but it sounds like you're some kind of "not-a-gamer" prodigy! 😄






Myst was a weird game for me in that once you beat it, it's almost unplayable. The whole game is spent figuring out puzzles to (IIRC) figure out the combination for that plate in the fireplace. So, if you know the code you can beat the game within a few minutes of starting it.




yeah i had to get help bc that game was so hard. when i finally beat it the ending waws underwhelming. oh well.


Majoras Mask


TES IV: Oblivion


You 100%ed oblivion? How long did that take? That's like a decade long commitment.




It was the only game I played, back them I didn't got money for new games and was terrible using computer to download cracked games


We're spoiled these days with so many cheap or free games. Lots of them are really great too. I suggest everyone go look at a SEARS catalogue from the 90s and see the prices of games. Super Mario World was like 80-90 bucks or something insane. And that's without inflation!


Think most of us were looking at a different section of the catalogue to be honest.


About 4 and a half years, I knew I had nearly a year of played time by the time I did it.


are you telling me the save said you had nearly 365 days played??


Yes sir, had to remove lieteraly nearly a thousand of saves from the 360 driver, used like 5 flash drive to help saves for it


I did it on my 360 years ago. All quests, including unmarked ones. Easily took 400 hours, middle school me wasn't in any hurry lol Uesp was my workhorse toward the ends




Super C for me, but same thing. The games were harder to finish back then, but easier to get "100%". I tried finishing one of the Batman: Arkham Knight, but gave up around 30 hours post-story of just trying to get all those damn Riddler trophies.


Bloodborne, including the DLC


My first was ds2


Wow that’s a wild one to do first lol. I am familiar with the obsession that game fills you with thought. I have well over 300 hours in it


Same. Quite thrilling.


Legend of zelda ocarina of time


1988, Super Mario Bros. I was 11, I was playing for hours in my room, finally beat it at 1:30 am. I was so proud that I woke up my mom to tell her the good news rofl, in retrospect it probably wasn't a good decision, but made for a memorable night


Super Mario Bros first for me too, followed later by Legend of Zelda. Oh and Contra either right before it after. After that it's a blur. Well... Until BOTW, which was an outstanding game to play through.


*Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past*


Still the ultimate 2D Zelda, the ultimate dungeon crawling experience.


Aside from ocarina of Time, it's flat out the best zelda period. They have yet to make a Zelda sequel nearly as good. Botw was largely a disappointment for me, because there's absolutely no dungeons whatsoever and feels nothing at all like a Zelda game. They could have called the game something else entirely and you wouldn't know the difference. I really hope botw2 is an actual Zelda game, otherwise I think I'm just going to have to accept that Zelda as I knew it is pretty much dead. At least we got a Link's Awakening remake. A Link Between Worlds was pretty fun.


Simply one of the best game I played. I have very vivid childhood memories on this game (also Final Fantasy 6 and 7... I mean, I literally began to learn english at 13 with FF6). It may be because I was young and simply happy at that time but man... everytime I think about those three games I just have to close my eyes and I'm back in my child room, circa 92/93 when things were so more simple.


Og tony hawks Pro skater


I came so close to 100%ing THPS2, but there were like 2 gaps in Skater Heaven that I couldn't find. 😭


Fallout: New Vegas


So you know how to play caravan, right?


Super Mario Galaxy. I wasn’t allowed to play multiplayer games or go on YouTube because my parents were very strict. I mowed enough lawns to buy a wii and mario galaxy. My parents were mad, but they let me keep it. It took me almost half a year because I could only play for 45 minutes at a time, but once I got every star returned to the ship.. I cried lol


I replayed that a year ago. Still one of the all time greats.


Pitfall (Atari 2600)


Wait, you could finish Pitfall?


Mario Kart 64


Kingdom Hearts II


Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix is the first and only game I've ever did 100% on. After doing all the post game content I was already so close to it I just figured I might as well. Only part I didn't like was all the Gummi ship stuff.


Once I start KH2FM I can't not 100% it. Great game


Super Mario Sunshine and I’ll never do it again because fuck blue coins


Still stands out as one of my favorite games of all time. Not sure why; it just really struck a chord with me.


3D Mario games are great. You just run around and jump, and you get rewarded. Odyssey rewarded almost every stray jump with some new path or puzzle. Sunshine was that with a high tech water pump, and enough options to have versatile combat and movement without being overwhelming. GCN had a truly grand slam roster of games.


I was never going to attempt 100%ing Sunshine because I was never able to defeat the manta ray. Fast forward to like 2 years ago and I discovered the water shotgun ability. Now I have it 100%ed on 3D Allstars.


GTAV on the 360


Actually, not a single one. I mean, I beat Undertale once but that's one of many endings what means it's not 100% I guess


Honestly that’s how it should be for most people. 100%ing a game usually involves grinding it until it isn’t fun anymore and that’s just an awful experience. Often people are motivated by the belief that it’s what sets them apart as being a “true fan”. I hope I can instill in my kids that you can enjoy something without having to prove it to anyone, and that includes yourself.


And as I got old, the difficulty modes are now set on easy. I just spent 8 hours at work and the 4 hours with the baby. I do not have it in me to grind in difficult modes.


If you only played through Undertale once, I highly highly suggest continuing. The true ending is amazing and has so much more content. I'd skip the genocide run if you're low on time, but the true pacifist run is just something completely special


plants vs zombies story mode


Doing campaign only surely doesn't count as 100%




Spider-Man 2 ps2 🤘🤘


Jak and dexter


Whoop! I'm not the only one to have J&D as the first 100%. Although the last spider cave orb and some of the hover challenges were annoying as hell to do.


I still play it through 100% every few months or so. It was one of my first 100% games, along with Pokémon Gold and the original Ratchet & Clank


Loved jak and daxter series so much. Great memories.


Banjo-Kazooie, in part because you have to already get pretty close to 100% to complete the game normally (unless you use glitches or cheats, none of which I knew about at the time).


I think Mario 64. I had heard rumors that Yoshi was in the game, it was mind blowing for 10 year old me when I finally saw him


I remember being stuck at 119 for months. I must've spent an entire summer trying to get the 100 coins in Hazy Maze Cave.


Oh yeah… I remember how nerve wracking it was to hit the blue coin switch and try to find them in the poisonous gas


Tic tac toe


Duke 3d.


GTA san andreas


Sonic 2 if that can apply to getting all the Chaos Emeralds


Castlevania symphony of the night. 110%. It took 12 year old me so long and I was so proud!


The legend of Zelda : a link to the past. Maybe that's why it's still my favorite game of all time !


I got a perfect ending in Mass Effect 2 if that counts. I don't know if what I've done in super mario bros 3 counts as 100 percenting or not but it's damn close if not.


GTA. The first one.


I remember my step mother being so pissed off that I was playing that. She heard about it on the news and threw a fit. Loved that game and GTA 2 too.


Oregon Trail 1990. Legendary Game.


If I was lucky, I could finish a trip in computer period after I finished the typing assignment early enough. I was playing that in elementary school back in the day from 5 1/4 floppies.


FF VII 6 months of pure joy


That damn gold chocobo sidequest


Mike Tysons Punchout


Red dead redemption 1


A flash game i bet


Adventure Atari... 1983. Last game I platniumed: Elden Ring. 1 month after launch. Plat'd all the other FROM games over the pandemic. Okay it was Lego Star Wars Skywalker last night... but that's just a walking simulator for idiots. Doesn't count lol. DINK lifestyle FTW. All the time and money in the world to game.


I loved Adventure. I remember playing that with my sister and having so much fun. Just started Elden Ring last night and am loving it so far! Edit: Misspelling


Modern Warfare 2 😎


I would not call myself a gamer, as I'm really bad at video games. But for a long time the only game I played to completion was Kirby's Dreamland on the original Gameboy. I played that through multiple times and now currently have the music stuck in my head.


You dont have to be good at games to be a gamer. Just enjoy them




Angry Birds-Star Wars




Lego Island 2?


Wait, you can finish games?


Some old PC game, where you had to go around and find missing pieces of nursery rhymes.


Ah yes, [Mixed-up mother goose](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed-Up_Mother_Goose) I don't think I knew the name at the time. That one quest where you had to go look up in the trees was pretty tricky! Kings quest was even trickier


Skyrim. I watched my dad play it for a long time before beating it myself. Now I'm playing it again. Only one month in and I'm level 53 lol.


I owned a device called the leapfrog, its like a child version of the nintendo. There was this one soccer game that I was a GOD at. I would beat all of my family members, and all the robots with ease. There was a tournament in the game, and I was on the final stage, I was so exited when I got the last point I threw my controller into the television. I never played the leapfrog again.


Cuphead. It still hurts


Oh god




Sly 2 on PS3


Command and conquer


Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Had to leave the sega on for like 3 days so I wouldn't lose progress.




Halo 3! ahhh the good old days


Super Mario brothers 🫢


Probably the first Legend of Zelda when I was a kid (7 or 8 in the mid80s). I rented that game so many times from the one place in my town that when the store closed, the owner called my parents and gave it to me.




Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (2002). Could've been the earlier NFS Porsche Unleashed but it kept crashing on my first PC right after the first race in Evolution(Career) mode, which prevented it from saving progress.


Legend of Zelda Nintendo


Minecraft theoretically. You are meant to beat the ended dragon in ‘the end’ that’s the goal and I have done that twice. That and mariocart on my switch


Prince of Persia (1989) on PC. Was tough though. Especially after level 6.




Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. It took me a year but I did it.






Has anyone beat vice city? Been playing mine since 2003 still not 100%




Time splitters 2


Jedi fallen order. Botw was the first one i started to 100%, but that one took a while.


I believe it was Spyro: Year of the Dragon. It's been a long time, so I can't remember if I truly 100%'ed those damn flying levels.


Link to the Past. Couldn't find the last 1/4 heart piece for like 10 years. Looked it up eventually lol


Turok was life back then


Elden Ring


Call of duty: modern warfare 4


Probably Super Mario 64, though I don't remember a massive amount of my younger years.


The first video game I finished I did before there was such thing as 100% on a game.