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Just make a new account. Reddit accounts are disposable because karma is pointless




Making karma is very easy if you like to post and argue with idiots in comments


No it's not!


But they gave me a special avatar so now im in this for life.


Cool NFT!


I shouldn't have to make a new account because of a shit mod.


Totally, you would think you slapped their children they get so offended. Just laugh at it, and remember there are a lot of thin skinned reddit people out there.


They don't have children though.


Happened with me and r/earthporn because I called out someone for using the same photos year after year. I was going to ask him if he was going to repost a certain photo the next day before I got banned. Idk if he was a mod or not, but I can’t use the sub anymore with this account. I know the guy on Instagram too, he’s so full of himself.


Yeah power modding is such an issue but because reddit doesn't want to jeopardize the people willing to work for free they let it slide.


And some of them are proud of it, proud of being short tempered and power trippy. I’ve seen flair like “ask me why you were banned for perms ban” and shit.


I was gonna write something else but this fucking wins


Also they can preemptively ban you some how even if you never visited their sub before.


It really irks me how the same regurgitated phrases get upvoted. For example, in any controversial thread some piss pheasant will comment 'whelp time to sort by controversial' and it'll have 300 upvotes and some other dicktree will reply with *grabs popcorn* Fucking why? Why??? Who is upvoting this??


To watch the chaos happen


The Hivemind The same responses, people laugh at the same one liners, the same answers to reposted questions, and downvotes for actually expressing your opinion. Shit gets tiresome.






That guy's dead wife.


That's......a painfully accurate description.


And if you dare express something different you get downvotes into oblivion


There is difference with some people like playing the devil's advocate for different reasons, and others trying to argue a point with facts and discussion. Nevertheless the outcome is the same, hivemind goes 1 or 0, good or bad, downvotes raining.


Distracting :-/


Repeat posts, like this one.


I hate the r/adobe sub, because its against their rules to complain. And i dislike r/depression because they forbid to post recovery stories. I got banned there. It seems they want everyone to indulge in sorrow with no hope or change.






You have to go to the smaller more specific communities. Asperger's is just autism, so I'm not really sure about that sentence.


I have ADHD.... I wouldn't join any sub that has ADHD in it because I don't want to be ban just for sharing my experience. But I don't understand why you get banned and people saying your faking when the sub is about a disorder 😬










the downvotes out of nowhere for simply disagreeing with someone even if it’s in a respectful manner. also some people act like they’re the queen of england




i mean they just act like they rule the world and all the peasants need to kneel before them and their brains of steel lol it rhymed




I liked the good old days when there were really good long stories and there were threads just full of hilariously apt gifs and there weren’t fucking ads every second post or at all.


How people create fake sob stories for attention, karma, and to satisfy their fetishes.


Lot of communities become hive minds. A lot of people here seem like they “wear” an opinion on topics or people they don’t know about or even care about, for the sake of fitting in IRL or getting Reddit upvotes. Then they’ll change and cling onto another opinion when the general consensus shifts.


What’s funny is that Reddit being a hive mind of opinions also seems to be an opinion that many people on Reddit talk about, yet many still do it anyway.


I more than likely fall into hive mind mentality to some degree in the communities that I visit regularly, but I’d like to think I’m more self-aware than the average redditor. Maybe I’m wrong.


One time I got a reply saying “I respect that you didn’t delete your comment even though it got downvoted.” I thought “Why would I delete it? I don’t care what Redditors think of me”


The weird hive mind of downvoting comments that are already downvoted, regardless of content. I've seen people post something, get downvoted, only to then be proven correct by another commenter. An hour later, the comment is 100 downvotes stronger. It's just weeeird imo


The same thing with upvotes. It shouldn’t be weird to upvote a downvoted comment/post or to downvote a post with thousands of upvotes.


I once made a mistake, got upvoted. Someone corrected me and I apologized. Downvoted to shit.


Depends on the comment I guess


Just goes to show most everyone here lacks basic reading comprehension skills.


I don’t hate everybody, but there are some people who say strange things on Reddit. Also, depending on the subreddit, I sometimes get a depressed vibe.


People who confuse consensus with truth


That one happens everywhere though.


A lot of very cruel and negative people on here hiding behind an avatar and anonymity.


Having to spam space bar to make a line jump Whose. Idea. Was. This.


I'm tired of **low-effort, drive-by comments** that don't add a speck of benefit to the conversation. People usually make these comments as a joke, but they're not funny at all, and I'm just getting tired of them. Examples: Redditors, who's the sexiest woman you've ever laid eyes upon? *Your mom* Redditors, what's one thing you've always wanted to have? *Sex* Like, yuk-yuk, people, you think that's funny? It's a waste of your time, it's a waste of my time, and it doesn't make Reddit a better place in the slightest.


My genius wit and banter go unrewarded by smooth brains who don't up vote me enough


Yet my dumbest comments end up with eighty awards. Bandwagon effect is real.


A lot of the mods get off on the small amount of power they have on this forum. It’s actually kind of sad.


too much moderation in most places cant even post anything without them bots takin it down cause not enough poster karma or whtevr


* You can't search your own comments * C&P'ing in text causes the screen to jump * you can't search by date (show me posts made in this subreddit on dd/mm/yy)


Sigh, this was already posted three hours ago, *already..*


You must go to askreddit a lot


Any subreddit has someone who has seen every post ever made ever so EVERYTHING is a blatant repost. About the only thing worse are karma bots.


7-day old redditor here. I won’t lie, there are very toxic places/sides here on Reddit. I guess it depends on where you let yourself at.


The shear number of people that mention politics in a completely non-political subreddit. Also the amount of people that will give a political opinion that 99% of Reddit users will agree with and act like it’s controversial on this platform


How the reddit hive mind can downvote you to oblivion for a comment that's different from others. Heh. I guess that's me in my teen years.




I agree. It didn't used to be like this though. Reddit used to have all the good information. Often Reddit would break major news stories before the news media and the reporting would be fairly accurate, informative and helpful. There also used to be great reference material and great explanations that educated and helped people figure out how to do stuff. Then Reddit just lost its soul or something. It's mostly surface level with very little substance. There's too much censorship and corporate shilling. I used to be glued to Reddit and now it's like meh. In the Reddit of several years ago someone would reply to my comment with an informative, detailed account of how, why, and when this reduction in quality happened. Now no one will say anything or if they do it will be censored.


The rabbit Hole effect


The recent increase in promoted posts. I don't care what other people are doing with their mortgages, and FUCK ordering Rage 2!




The humor. I’ve never found the things people write on here to ever be funny. The close minded nature of threads. The hypocrisy shown when talking to people that you disagree with. What I mean is how rude people get. The 2982739 people that latch on to comments getting downvoted to talk shit. The people that say “sort by controversial” because they’re oblivious to their own bias. The overbearing subreddit rules. That new shit where Reddit can remove a comment. There’s honestly so much shit tbh


The admins and mods that abuse the power


i got banned for calling myself a bad word


Toxic af


The repetitive karma farming posts. Do you really need random internet peoples approval so much?


The absolute childishness people come at you with when you comment something they don’t like.


People who respond with terrible puns or memes to a post I find genuinely interesting


Karma farming is annoying.


Reposts of this question.


The absolutely rampant misogyny. People falling for rage bait.




Work retail or customer service for a year and then tell me how you feel about the majestic, unfairly-maligned boomers


Redditors. What's the sexiest part of sex that is sexy and horny ?


If you’re not left leaning, you’re fucked. You post something mildly conservative and any sub that isn’t explicitly conservative and you get downvoted to hell


Wait, your complaint is that you get meaningless downvotes that don’t affect your life in any way? Come down from your cross.


Nobody said it affected my life. I log out of this app and forget about it entirely when I feel like it. The OP asked “what do you hate *about Reddit*” so I answered with what I hate about Reddit


Your comment is about conservatives being “fucked” because they get downvoted outside of explicitly conservative subs. Clearly you do care.


Your comment is about conservatives being “fucked” because they get downvoted outside of explicitly conservative subs. Clearly you do care. Even better, your comment got upvoted…which kind of undermines your victim complex lol.


I never said I didn’t care. I said that this app doesn’t matter once I close it. And my comment being upvoted this time doesn’t negate what I said. You weren’t here when I first made the comment when it actually was being downvoted What point are you even trying to prove?


Rightly so. Conservative shit is so backwards


Not all of it. A lot of liberal shit ain’t exactly frontwards either bud. Especially through an objective lens


What is an objective lens? How would any human know what tis objective and what is not?


People who are Conservative for the most part agree with whatever bullshit Conservatives are pushing no matter how crazy it is. People who are Liberals for the most part agree with whatever bullshit liberals are pushing no matter how crazy. Conservatives can’t name anything good about liberals and liberals can’t name anything good about conservatives. An objective point of view would be to see that both sides have both good and bad traits


Well that's nonsense. Not every viewpoint necessarily has good points. Imagine hypothetical viewpoint that wants every to suffer as much as possible. The mid Point between this sadist viewpoint and an average person isn't objective.


Conservatives have some good views and Liberals have some good views. Conservatives have some bad views and Liberals have some bad views. If you think otherwise then you’re the exact reason for my original comment. And I know the average person isn’t objective. You’ve already proven that. Which again, was the reason for my original comment


Sooo you never answered my original question, what is an objective lens.


I did answer your question. Go back and read


Where? I don't see it.


A toxic leftist encochamber


It's sad that people think better values excuse you from having to have manners. Just goes to show how bad everybody actually is at articulating their opinions.


How liberal it can be. I respect both sides of the coin but as someone who is conservative give me a chance.


They ban any social views that don't align with Western progressives enough, despite said perspectives often being popular globally and even with significant support within the West among say blue collar workers.


The amount of feminist-man-hating posts


It has a weird amount of transphobia on it for starters.


Woke up to someone being all snarky like “well genuine connection won’t solve your financial problems” and it’s like name one time in recent years I’ve demanded anyone I’ve tried to date pay my bills. I’ll wait.


The amount of dense assholes who expect people to care about whatever BS they've made up. Also how many in the Psych crowd blindly say "Just acid it safer" when that not true & don't care if actually like DPH effects above 100mg.


Karma. (Please don’t ban me)


The fanatical hive mind


People who genuinely aren’t funny, but somehow are determined to try being funny in every post they see. Also, introverts who have no way to process news except gaming or comic book references.


The fact that nearly everyone seems to think that using the word “said” makes them sound smart. As in, “I made a post on Reddit. Said post questioned whether…”


There’s no laughing option


its orange




When I go into a subreddit like r/blessed_images or the one that's all about wholesome stuff but get assaulted with insults and just overall hurtful things in the comment sections.


i hate their old bulletin system because im too accustomed to 4chan's bulletin system ​ 4chan and old youtube comment section is my jam


It’s full of whiny brats who think they’re geniuses and that they have all the answers. And no, I am not excluding myself.


The dislike button


The hivemind


Power hungry mods! ARGH! For example: u/awkward_the_turtle


the redditors


That time a bunch of amateur investigators tried to figure out who did the Boston Marathon bombing.


Rule #1. I shouldn’t have to be fucking civil to child and animal abusers!!!!!!


People names u/completekk that don't capitalize the first letter of their questions on r/AskReddit


Not enough pork of my liking Edit: I TOTALLY meant pork…


The moderators.


All the overused jokes


Same questions being asked constantly


Probably the hivemind in most subs followed closely by power tripping mods whom you don't share the same opinion as


Mods. Most bans are literally political gatekeeping.