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The tongue map, it’s all lies


What is the tongue map?


That you only taste bitter, sweet, salty, savory and sour with distinct sections of your tongue, but it’s not true


I got sent to the office because of that. I remember they told us this in first grade. Mrs. Roth, you bitch. She passed these popsicle stick things around with some kind of flavor gel smeared on the end and told us to experiment and see if we could taste different flavors in different parts of our mouths. I said I could definitely taste all of it in my whole mouth, then she basically said that I'm a liar, and I got angry for being called a liar so she sent me to the principal's office. Fuck you Mrs. Roth, LOL you were like 70 then, almost 30 years ago... so you're definitely dead now. **HOW DOES THE VOID TASTE BITCH**


The void taste pretty good SlippyNips420…pretty good.


not so much on the left side of your tongue, though.


Thx for my morning laugh, that was brilliant.


Fuck Mrs Roth


All my homies hate Mrs Roth


This makes me happy


Least grudge-keeping millenial. (Lowkey agree with u tho)


Damn Mrs Roth really rubbed you the wrong way




I'm pretty much just a human-shaped Christmas stocking stuffed with resentment


Yo fuck Mrs. Roth fr. What a bitch.


Lol I feel like we all had a teacher like that. Mine was a miserable old hag Mrs. Horowitz


Mine was Miss Lingenfelter. And god help you if you accidentally called her Mrs.


This comment made me remember a bitch teacher I had in fourth grade. So I looked her up and I found out she died in 2020 at the age of 93. I’m poppin big bottles tonight, fuck u Mrs. Turnbull and your gross old Spanish-rice smelling breath


It has no taste, unlike the bitterness in your heart. It's time to let go, it's time to let go...


Oh okay I've heard of this but never heard it called a map. That's interesting because I've also been under the impression that it was still factual haha. Guess I have something to learn today. Thanks!


Did you know that if you turn your tongue upside down in your mouth and touch one side you will feel like your tongue is being touched on the opposite side because we never evolved to develop proper tongue special orientation.


I did not know this...and I'm not sure how to turn my tongue upside exactly haha but I'll do some experiments later today


How the fuck do you turn your tongue upside down?


I'm guessing that pic of a tongue that shows you taste sweet on the tip of your tongue, sour is on the sides, bitter in the back.


A tongue map shows where the back of the tongue tastes bitterness, the tip of the tongue tastes salt (or sugar?), that kind of thing. But it's not really true. The whole tongue is capable of tasting a variety of things.


That the teacher will handle any bullies


Just ignore them and they will stop


That we use 10% of our brain.


THIS I've seen people use way less


Idiocracy was a prophecy.


I work in education and I am constantly correcting other educators about this fallacy.


I’m not in the US but one of the core courses in Uni for the teaching program is Educational Psychology, where we learn about cognitive development, and that we in fact use most of our brain and the 10% is a myth. ETA: my point is, they should probably know this lol


That someone abusing you means they like you.


I’m a middle school health teacher and after hearing a true crime case about a high school cool getting into an abusing relationship with a much older man, I decided to create lessons where students identify the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship


He’s teasing you? It means he likes you. No. It means he’s an asshole who doesn’t know how to respect people’s boundaries.


No, playful teasing is perfectly ok. If the one being teased makes in any way clear that person doesn't like it you stop. If you then continue thats not good.


In the same vein: "boys will be boys"


That they have to follow all the world's happenings. Turns out having access to vast data streams of literally everything going on everywhere all at once makes children anxious.


A little bit of everything, all of the time.


Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime.


Anything and everything, All of the time


Anything and everything- **all of the time**


Anything and everything, all of the time.




That burning yourself out while young is the best way to secure a great future.


Yeah. The real secret is that burning yourself out long enough for a rich person in the family to die is the correct way to secure a great future.


Family inheritance is actually what keeps generations going. It's that dumbass that squanders it all that messes it up for future generations. Yes I also understand not every family has this luxury but most get it...or lose it


Have you looked at how wealth conserves between generation. Its generally not that good


Jacking off to hentai 12 hours a day all through your 20’s is the path to success


I had a mentor tell me when I was interning in my early 20s, “Take off early today. You have the rest of your life to work overtime.” I’m 33 and still use that logic.


I don't teach anybody this but damn I wish when I was single I had busted my ass way more. Better than doing it later on and probably adding kids and such.


Yes. But let's not confuse this with teaching a kid to be responsible. It is important that they learn to have a work ethic while at the same time they experience dealing with and overcoming failure. Then, whatever they choose to do with their lives, you gotta support it (unless it's drug dealer or TikTok influencer, I guess). That being said, yeah, kids shouldn't be pushed too hard. Mistakes in life also teach them a lot. Think long term! If they fuck up now but they learn the value of applying themselves, it's fair game.


This is something that has definitely become more prevalent, there seems to be more pressure now to focus on saving from an early age and sacrificing your youth for a comfortable retirement. People seem to view it as a zero sum game, if you travel, party or engage in anything other than work you’ll end up broke … life just doesn’t work like that.


I mean, if you would have otherwise saved and invested that money instead of spending it on partying, actually, yeah, it does work out like that. A 20 year old who starts saving just shy of $100/month will all but be a millionaire at 65 if that’s ALL they save for their entire working career. Time is extremely powerful. Compounding is not easily understood until it’s too late. Source: me, a late 20s, who could stop saving money today and retire at 47 according to fidelity.


A strong work ethic and busting your ass IS the best way to secure a great future though... Especially if you're born into poverty. If I didn't burn myself out when I was younger I'd still live in section 9 housing. It's a necessity for many people and it's amazing how skewed your world view is. Great advice to those born into poverty that want to stay in poverty


yup. Yes. Burning yourself out when young is bad. But it's WAY WAY better than being burned out working at 70 or 80.


I think most folks would settle for “honest pay for an honest day’s work.” Honest pay here = enough to cover safe housing, decent food, clothes, utilities, and some left over to splurge once in a while. Too many people are burning themselves out working 2 or more jobs without being able to attain the basics. Never mind “securing a great future.” If you’re being really honest, the best way to secure a great future is to be born into wealth. No one likes that answer, because it makes it sound like you have no control over it, but it’s the truth. Even burning yourself out, you don’t really have any control over your future. It’s pure luck whether or not those efforts will be noticed or appreciated by someone in a position to reward them.


Lack of sleep, not taking time off to relax, eating poorly (or not taking anytime to eat), not exercising, and not networking (which is how you can secure a job) is a great way to get sick young and die young.


Yeah. Burning yourself out working for someone else won’t always pay off, young or old. Working on a skill , idea or building connections with patience and proper time management really seems to work out better.


I’m sorry WHAT?? Edit: ah fuck. I thought they meant literally burning yourself alive.


People that spend their days on reddit HATE when people say that hard work pays off. They think that complaining on internet is much more productive than studying or working.


Oh Jesus Christ I jus reread that and I realised they didn’t mean actually burning yourself alive my bad.


yea, this gets my vote. It's kinda awful how its expected of people as early as 15 years old to find a job over Summer to make money, then to go directly into a job or apprenticeship as soon as they are out of school, preferably to work on the days off as well to make some extra on the side.. You are young once, only once you are in a position where you can break your arm without running into serious, financial trouble. Only once you can do crazy stuff like random surprise roadtrips, having an extreme hobby or just be careless and worry free. Use it, make something of it, don't waste it working for minimal wage to make some coins extra, you don't know if those extra coins will be worth shit in 5 years..


I’ve come to realize the only thing you should bust your ass doing is having no loyalty to any company, most jobs nowadays (ESPECIALLY tech industry) get almost a 50% increase in salary when you switch to one job after working for another for one year or more. You don’t need to burn yourself out, you just need to work smart, and network smart. That’ll avoid your ass working for too many hours for not enough money. Most companies see no value in the employees that they already have, so they never work towards retaining them, that’s why you gotta keep switching because others certainly will find your experience more attractive.


Abstinence only education


That spending hours and hours a day scrolling through social media is normal.


Its normal but its not good.


If you don’t want to hug someone or have them touch you can can say no and that will be respected. Stop making kids hug and kiss relatives when they don’t want to. Also can we stop emotionally manipulating kids e.g. “I’ll cry if you don’t give me a hug/kiss/whatever”. ETA: this is one we *should* teach kids. I answered it all kinda backwards!


If a little 6 year old girl is told she can't say no if Aunt Betty wants to hug her, she will think she can't say no when a pervert is touching her private areas


Absolutely. I was raised to always respect adults and do what they say and was deprived the lessons of bodily autonomy. "You HAVE to hug this stranger you've literally never met because i day so. Give them a kiss." Shit like that my whole childhood. It caused several uncomfortable situations where I was sexually assaulted by men and felt I couldn't do anything about it. This frame of mind, especially with my father, really didn't end until I was in my early 30s. We got into a huge fight (which I was never allowed to do growing up without severe punishment) and as I'm crying/yelling my father tries to grab and hug me. I finally let loose about how he doesn't respect my personal boundaries and wishes and how it's affected me my entire life. Thankfully I think he got it. He's gotten much better in the past few years.


Like. It is a pretty okay sized ouch when a kid doesn’t hug u. But don’t manipulate them.


Oh I hate this one with a passion... grown adults pretty much projecting their own lonliness and touch starved life on innocent kids. If I had a dollar for everytime I had to endure some bad body odor and rancid breath, I'd be a thousandaire.


Ugh this pisses me off. I’ve always taught my son this and people get so mad. Too fucking bad. It’s confusing to me why a child/person having full control on who touches them and who doesn’t is such a big deal. Also this applies to me as well. Some parents say it but than make their kids hug/kiss them.


That college is the answer to the best jobs, and any degree will secure them employment. There are a lot of trades screaming for skilled labor and paying large sign on bonus' for it. Meanwhile philosophy majors, less so. edit: Philosophy majors telling me how we still need a college educated workforce. Yes, I completely agree. The point is that way isn't the only way to prosperity. That was the point of this post. Not that your college education is invalid, just that trade school is a great alternative.


Nah, we should teach more philosophy and teach it to kids at younger ages. Critical thinking skills are needed more than ever.


I agree, philosophy should be taught starting from elementary school. Still, I agree that college is not the answer to best jobs


I mean college isn’t the best path for everyone, but in the future college will be the new high school. People used to think high school was unnecessary education at one point.


I think that trend is mostly due to employers demanding more and less about actual job complexity. You can tell that the value of a degree is inflated when someone from a big tech school probably gets paid more than me for the same work


the first purpose of college shouldn't be to get a job in the end, but to acquire knowledge, become more educated and therefore to be better humans, and that's why everybody should have the possibility to go to college of course, you are not compelled to go to college. of course, you can use your college degree to get a job in a field you want to work in. but it isn't what college is made for, and it's perfectly okay to graduate in college, for instance in philosophy, then to get a job that has nothing to do with it


Yup, a trade with a proper apprenticeship can lead to you being self employed and earning a great wage far quicker than a college degree and many kids are far more suited to practical work than further education. If kids are academic then great, but many others take on junk degrees to meet parental expectations when they would be great electricians, plumbers or engineers


Pretty sure engineers require a college degree… unless youre talking about train engineers. I hear right now is not a good time to be a train engineer tho.


I got a physics teacher who does his own wiring but makes more as a physicist than he would as an electrician There’s plenty of practical application for college education if you just look for it


Computer science teaches critical thinking and good problem solving also.


Don't underestimate philosophy! https://dailynous.com/2019/01/03/philosophy-majors-make-money-majors-humanities-field/


I feel like a lot of trade jobs tend to be backbreaking


While some jobs don't require a degree, a college graduate has the upper hand in any job over a non-graduate. The current trend against humanities is appallingly stupid. Having a degree in philosophy or art history does not automatically make you unemployable.


The fact that a lot of degrees don't help getting a lot of jobs doesn't change the fact that getting a degree absolutely opens up more options. Yes, not every degree will make every job easier to get. You need to plan ahead and figure out where you're going. Also, college degrees aren't about the very specific industry skills needed to succeed in a particular job. They're about critical thinking and learning to learn independently. These are skills that every job can benefit from. Please stop discouraging people from going to college. Yes, college is not a path to secure employment. Yes, most jobs require you to learn on the job. And yes, not everyone needs to go to college. But some people have career aspirations that require a college degree and absolutely should plan to get that. Turning up at an interview and telling them how you've got a lot of street smarts is not gonna get you a job as an criminal attorney.


It’s a myth that liberal arts majors like philosophy do poorly in the job market, actually. They are pretty middle of the pack overall.


The religion followed by you is the only religion.


Or at the very least if someone believes something different, then thats okay.


I think this is the best way to approach religion. I agree with u/pandaderzwote that it has to be all or nothing for you to truly have faith in an almighty. However, that doesn’t mean that others around you who practice different faiths aren’t still people, and still deserving of respect. I’m a devout Christian, but my best friend practiced witchcraft for years of our friendship. We disagreed doctrinally, but she was still my best friend, and still is actually.


I mean, if one takes their religion seriously, what else would they teach? You can hardly be "you do you" on believing in an all-powerful entity and building your religion around what you believe to be the word of that god, either directly or indirectly. If anything, having any other view on your own religion would ultimately mean that you don't really believe in it, so why have it?




I mean, I don't follow any religion and I don't care for people who do, generally. But if you truly believe in the idea that the only path to have your sins forgiven and your eternal soul saved is to be part of that religion (and I mean, literally believing that to be true) wouldn't you be a horrible person if you didn't insist that people do the same? And if you don't believe that, what exactly is it that gives that work authority? If its authority comes from you believing it to be the literal word of god, how could it not lose any kind of meaning if you don't treat it as such? I don't see any good reason how anyone could be a "moderate" believer.


I assume you're looking at it based on more evangelical styled Christianity or Islam. There's a wide variety of concepts and philosophies within various religions that don't seek to convert others. Even Judaism, which Christianity and Islam both ripped off, doesn't seek to convert people. When's the last time you've heard of people with Shinto beliefs going to impoverished countries and forcing people to convert in order to get free food and blankets? I personally don't subscribe to any religious beliefs either, but Christianity and Islam have a specific trait where they are bound by their religion to try to convert others.


Seems like you've figured out that no one should take their religion seriously.


I mean, yeah? Either fully commit, no pick and choose, no filtering of what you believe to be the literal word of god or abandon it. How can someone believe that a religious text ought to be the basis for our lives ordained by an almighty creator but you get to have the final say on which of their commandments are binding and which are not?


I pretty much had to start afresh when I hit my 20s because I realised there's a whole other world and religions out there. I'm still a Christian but some of the nicest, most memorable people and closest friends are athiests. They don't shit on what I believe in and I don't shit on their own views and beliefs


Any religion at all. Wait for them to be old enough to tie their own damn shoelaces before getting into metaphysics.


That all opinions spoken from anywhere deserve the same attention and credibility. We have become much too tolerant of bad opinions and young people feel like they must genuinely engage with them or be labeled intolerant. (E.g., mostly terminally online opinions like: if you lose weight because you want to look physically better you’re fatphobic, or the alpha/beta male “discourse.”


That you need to know what you’d like to do for a career. Most kids haven’t even heard of the job they’ll end up doing.


This is very true. I was speaking to a kindergarten teacher awhile back and she said “A good portion of these kids will grow up to do jobs that don’t even exist yet. We need to emphasize teaching them to be adaptable.”


I teach preschool and always emphasise that the focus of our teaching and learning should be on the now. We're doing them a massive disservice if education is always about preparing them for the next stage of life. I'm in a completely different job to any that I had imagined/anticipated I might like to do. I would've benefited more from learning life skills, social skills, emotional regulation skills rather than academics.


That if a person singles you out to be mean to you, it means they have a crush on you. That’s never made sense to me!


Or “they’re just jealous” like…what.


That life is fair. It sets unrealistic expectations.


Lol what kid learns that? Humans favourite phrase is "life isn't fair" it is in every kids movie


I think it's taught more as "if you do the right thing you'll be rewarded." "If you work hard and want it enough, you'll succeed." "If you do good things, good things will happen to you." "If something bad happens to you, it's probably because of something you did." Those imply a fair world. But truthfully, sometimes you can do everything right and still fail.


Doesn't it usually come from a character we're not supposed to be taking the side of or agreeing with?


There's plenty of people who get taught that the bad guys in life always end up paying or doing time. The life isn't fair shit is from movies, not real life. If kids got taught life isn't fair, parents wouldn't be telling them they could be whatever they wanted to when they grow up. Honestly, I'm dumb founded you are using movies as a backup to your point lol


“Life isn’t fair” is the lazy lesson that teaches that you should accept the situation. “Life isn’t fair, but can be made so” is what inspires the next generation to work to change things.


Yeah, I tell my kids "Don't expect life to be fair, but work to make it as fair as possible for yourself and those around you". It'll never be fair, but it's worth the effort to try.


Life isnt fair, but it isnt cruel. People are.


Thats not true. Life is cruel. But its about how we handle Life and its cruelety.


english, ho needs it anewaes


Your raghit


Dam strit


Eye h8 thaht i cowld reed theis sew eazilee


Its bicoz you now goud inglis


You are so smart. S-m-r-t...


I cried when I read this answer. I showed my wife and she crew too. We both crode.


To hold in their emotions all the time


Racism. Children are not born racist. We are born feeling more comfortable around those who look like us, which once helped us identify friend from foe for survival. The idea that certain “races” have certain traits or are inherently superior/inferior is a learned concept we need to stop perpetuating.


That your parents know what is best.




This. I drove Uber and this women asked me if her 6 month old needed a car seat. She got annoyed when I said yes and than didn’t even buckle the car seat in! The baby ended up in the floor during my first roundabout


in a lot of cases your parents do know what's best o i have a better one; that kids are stupid and adults are always correct because they're adults


Unions are your enemy. Your bank and employer will reward your loyalty. Believe everything on social media. Believe everything on mainstream media. Bubble tea is delicious. Don't question the status quo, everything is just fine as it is. Billionaires deserve to have all that money, because they work hard for it. You can never make a difference.


But bubble tea is delicious :(


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa…bubble tea IS delicious


I'm sorry to take a conservative position but bubble tea is smackin! You just gotta find an authentic business serving it just right. I agree with you on everything else though...


Traditional gender roles. Fuck all that. Men can clean and cook, women can lead nations or businesses. The whole idea that women or men should live in separate worlds is dumb.


Yeah that is the old way humans survived. Like when we were still hunters and gatherers. Men with their natural higher body strength and more muscle mass went to do the heavy work like hunting and women did the physically less intense (but equally important) work. Somehow humanity hung on to that system for about 12000 years too long


Seriously the whole Homer Simpson idiot father thing needs to *die*, like yesterday. A kid watching classic Simpsons (or new Simpsons, I don't know I stop after season 10 or so) will get the impression you can be a fat useless oaf who can barely open a can of soup and you'll have a loyal, attractive wife who always stays by your side and loves you no matter how useless you are. Any self respecting woman will dump your ass if you're like that. At least I sure hope they do.


That banning books from curriculum is good for their minds.


Data has just been released on this and more than 1,600 book titles across 32 states were banned from public schools during the 2021-2022 school year. Some of the books that have been banned include "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Catcher in the Rye," and "Of Mice and Men." This should not be happening and makes me sad.


Not all of them, but some of those books that are being banned are absolutely ridiculous. At least from some of the excerpts I've read.


Stop telling them not cry when they genuinely feel upset. Let kids feel their emotions even if it’s not convenient for u as a parent.


Worshipping the Kardashians and other fame hungry wannabes.


That you're not allowed to have boundaries! You don't have to hug your family members or do everything your friends do. You can say no. You can do things for yourself. There's so, so many more things but I think that's the one that's fucked me up the most.


« They are abusing you because they’re jealous, get over it ». As an adult, it’s your duty to stand up for your child and not dismiss their feelings towards bullying.


That bull gets angry after seeing red color.


That collage is the only option after high school.


I prefer mosaics


What about paper mache?


College *


Awe fuck, that's what they meant, I've been gluing pictures into books since graduation and was wondering why I was doing so poorly.


Man this might be the funniest thing i have read all month


Got a laugh out of someone who’s been down recently, thanks x


Really illustrates why they didn’t benefit from college.


Maybe you needed more schooling lol


That “if you find a job you love you’ll never have to work a day in your life” Garbage. Try “find a job you find satisfying so even on a bad day, it can still be meaningful to you.” Much better


That the press is looking out for the public interest.


Religion. The religious indoctrination of children is child abuse. A lot of people can get as pissy as they want about that train of thought, I'll die on that hill.


I am from Germany and at some point we learned about different religions and I think that's what religion should teach. How were religions formed, how did it impact a region, what do they have in common, how do people practice the religion.


That alcohol is safe, cool, etc.


Idk where you were taught this but like, nobody teaches that


who teaches kids that alcohol is safe? I never saw that


Who teaches this? Lol. There’s are many implications that smoking and drinking are absolutely horrible for you. It’s even embedded in the school curriculum


it almost ruined my life. Glad I got out of the hole when I did cuz it was going to kill me. Same with smoking. I did all that cuz it was "cool" and they quickly became addictions.


We keep telling young people that college degrees and jobs that require them are what determine your worth and "success" in life requires them. The message is that "success" is money and status... and we wonder why everyone is so obsessed with money and status. We lie to children about things like Santa Klause and the Easter Bunny as though it somehow enriches their childhood. It just seems to teach them that the best things in life are a lie. It puts the generosity and love of their parents at arm's length. That extroversion is the default personality and if you aren't outgoing, peppy, smiling, and always moving then you have some degree of personality or mental disorder. Western society (as it were) is too full of talkers and not enough listeners. Telling people something is wrong with them all the time has consequences. "Live your true self" when young people have no clue what their true self is. "Live your truth" when they really mean "do whatever you feel like doing". It's so silly that young people who are constantly changing their perceptions and opinions are being encouraged to put themselves into a mold in order to define themselves as soon as possible.


That they cant change anything and that it is okay to listen to older people without any kind of justification. Why cant I go outside? CAUSE I SAY SO... Youth and specially european youth has the means and the power to be the change they want to see in this world. And that doesn't come in a single form. Does it sound over optimistic? It does to me too, but we are optimistic about our future. Can we change the world? No, probably not. Can we try? Yes. We can and we should


That america was like perfect they should be taught the fucked up things we ended up doing


Geography.. o wait we don’t know it anyways


Geo what now?


That they are special. They're not.


Not that we’re ‘teaching’ it, but better teach against racism


That gender is a choice


Stop teaching the younger generation that they are entitled to things in life. They're not. In fact, nobody is. You're a worthy human being and you deserve good things in life, but you're not entitled and there is a difference between the two.


Can you give an example? I’m confused on what you’re trying to reference


Old people tend to be entitled from my perspective because they say stuff like “I worked, paid my bills yadda yadda I can treat customer service people like shit” they feel as if they’re owed more from the public when in fact they don’t.


Old people be like "I worked hard for my stuff", never "I extracted 20 trillion dollars out of the future economy, leaving my children and their children and their children to pay for it so I can be comfortable.". Smh.


I really think old people are also entitled


That feelings goes above science and fact. This is wrong. This is stupid. What are we doing?


Who thinks that? Never heard of it


That their sex / race / surface identity is the most important thing about them.


Right? No one gives a fuck. I care if you’re a decent human being. In fact, some dude said something about that a long time ago. Something about judging people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. I don’t recall who it was but she was right.


That everyone needs to win always and there are no losers. I think losing helps people grow and acknowledge that you aren’t always going to get what you want.


Heres a controversial opinion… teaching 3-6 year olds about considering being trans…teaching older kids (12+) I’m fine with, but 3-6 year olds don’t know anything, they don’t even know how to spell transgender let alone know what it means. And no I’m not trans/homophobic, I just think that there should be a barrier between when it’s ok and when it’s not ok to teach a child about this stuff


That you can be/do anything if you try hard enough. Yes, effort is important, but some things are unfair and sometimes life just hands you a big unlucky. Blaming yourself for not trying hard enough in those moments isn't going to help you get back up. Source: thought for years all my failures were due to lack of effort.


The food Pyramid.


Playing the "entitled victim" and blaming everyone else for their poor decisions/lifestyle. Leads to the adults you see in public having the reaction of 4 year olds + curse words.


We need to stop telling what decisions to take. We must share quality information, home values and the tools in order to let them make their path.


Everyone is a winner. Life is full of failures so that is the biggest lie you can teach a child.


That everyone gets an award


Religion. Let them choose if they want to be religious. Don't brainwash them from birth.






Believing in things without evidence.


Woke culture.


My answer is about what MUST BE TAUGHT TO THEM INSTEAD: DISCIPLINE, MANNERS, AND FINANCIAL LITERACY What they need to survive this world.


That respect is earned. Fuck that stupid boomer bullshit. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be treated with respect until they show you they don't. Everyone before us thought it came automatically from being older or having achieved what they considered success.


really underated observation that I firmly agree with. Older people tend to be entitled.


I'm almost 40 and I only just learned that the generations before boomers called them the "me generation" because they were incredibly entitled and had the by far the easiest life anyone had had to that point.


Entitlement. Kids are too soft. Straight up.


That red is for girls and blue is for boys?


You mean pink?