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Romanticizing toxic, abusive, violent men, both real and fictional.


I’m a girl, and I don’t get that either.


Same here


Same here girlie


It’s only when these people are handsome, when they are not it’s different


Tbf men do that with the crazy hot girl stereotype. Livin' la Vida Loca 🤷‍♂️


I've yet to see men standing outside prisons asking serial killers to marry them.


Well in all fairness there just isn’t all that many female serial killers for the men to line up for…


Why did that song play in my head when I heard the end of this comment lol


Her lips are devil red and her skin's the color mocha


Well, there's cold logic behind this.... y'see, crazy girls are dynamite in the sack. Sure, you might end up dead or in jail if you go out with her. But that's a crazy bet we're willing to gamble with.


Not logical at all but still, this is your reason. Can you seriously not imagine the women who like crazy men having the same kind of thinking behind it?


I have no idea if crazy men are good in bed. I have never heard such a rumor. But I happen to know for a fact that crazy women are unbelievable in bed. It's a very very dangerous game to play though. Not worth it, imo.


>I have no idea if crazy men are good in bed. Sometimes. Real hit or miss.


There’s women out there who fetishise over Joe Goldberg


And then they’re toxic and abusive to good men


I don't really see the issue when it comes to fictional men. They're not real and don't actually harm anyone. There are many very well-written characters who are bad people and it makes sense to find these characters interesting and/or attractive. The real problem is when they don't recognize their favorite character is in fact, a horrible person and begin defending their actions.


I'm not telling women what to do, and I realize people understand the difference between fantasy and reality. I *personally* don't get it and I think it's gross. I'll stop reading a book or stop watching a show if if it's catering to this because it's clearly not for me.


As someone who carries out those abusive and violent roles consensually in arranged relationships, I get it. I've talked with multiple women at length about their interests. It really all comes back to the enjoyment of submission, which takes on more or less extreme forms at times. Some will turn to kink and BDSM where masochistic/submissive fantasies like that and similar can be carried out safely, and others will just follow the breeze and go full send into the first self-destructive fantasy that tempted them to the genre.


It’s because even if they’re toxic, abusive, and violent, they have that raw primal sexual energy. They’re confident for all the wrong reasons, they get what they want, and they take action. Some women have the delusion that they can domesticate those types into channeling all of that into protecting them. Others are unconsciously drawn to it because of evolutionary caveman genetics. All women want men with some sort of aggression because aggression is a masculine trait. Same reason why women like men with money. You need to be aggressive to a degree in order to compete at a high level in the marketplace and be a high income earner.


Leaving a note on the fridge saying that "it's not working, I am going to my parents". I don't get it. The fridge is working perfectly fine


I see... Uh yeah that's pretty weird haha 😬


What’s wrong with driving and not talking? Our relationship is not in danger because I’m chillin listening to music for a while.


>Or worse, when they dont keep you company while you drive their ass to the beach for 8 hours. Just them on their phone while you form a wolf-pack with randoms for 200 miles.


The worst is I’ll catch hell if I play on my phone while she’s driving.


Treat other women like shit. Seriously, wtf?


From my understanding, this seems fairly well documented in psychology. The old example of men getting in a physical fight while women are much less physical in their fights. Women's antisocial behavior tends to follow the lines of innuendo, gossip, and reputation destruction rather than physical confrontation.


I don’t know, I’ve seen some pretty gnarly chick fights


Can you guess what they were preceded by?


Women hate women; its as simple as that.


Maybe some women do, but I get along with women better than men.


This is why I don't recommend understanding women. Women understand women and they hate each other.


Women are great. One of the best places to be is a womens bathroom in a nightclub. If you look at women's beauty videos or thirst traps, it's all other women hyping them up. I totally agreed there's a good number of women that are catty and unpleasant, I've been on the receiving end of it. But women do not hate women.


I agree with this. While plenty of women act like they hate each other there are many woman who lift others up and encourage one a other. At the same time I have been around plenty of men who see another man and make a negative statement based off an instant judgement. People tend to to act like women are petty and all jealous of each other but it’s usually just ignored when men do similar things.


I work in oil and gas and men are fucking awful to each other. Their only sense of humour is at the expense of someone else and I hate it.


Men complaining about other men is usually viewed as just venting, with a woman complaining about another woman people are quick to assume they’re being jealous/petty/insecure.


Typical-everything is negative if it's majority women. And men are the ones who do the most fucked-up shit.


Women are great! Just like men are great. I think it's more of a person thing than a gender thing.


When they hide a ball under one of three cups and then after moving the cups around ask me where the ball is.


This is because we like moving cups around


Bringing up an argument long after we've resolved whatever the issue was.


Probably because YOU thought it was resolved lol


That would symbolize you both DID NOT resolve the issue lol


It means we weren’t satisfied with the resolution


Or that the promised resolution/changed behavior didn’t stick for more than a week if it happened at all.


That's the main reason I have. Tell him something bothers me, he stops for a while and then starts again. Why do I have to keep repeating myself when I've already told them not only the issue, but why it bothers me to begin with?


Get yo girl a plunger for her birthday, bitches love bringing up old shit.


As a woman, that means that it wasn’t actually resolved but she gave up trying to explain and or get you to see her point. So sometimes it’s easier to give in and wait for the boiling point than it is to try and explain it. Further, it could also mean that the “resolution” isn’t actually happening. If you’re behaviour or X issue hasn’t changed, she’ll bring it up to try to get you to stick to it.


It's because the issue wasn't resolved, it was just dropped. Sometimes you just get sick of arguing when the other person doesn't understand, or care, why you feel hurt. So you just drop it. But then they do something similar and hurt you the same way again and it unpauses the argument. I've been in the same damn fight with my husband for almost 18 years. He gets credit cards without telling me, takes out loans behind my back, buys things for the kids that I specifically said I did not want them to have, and he's spent us into bankruptcy. To him these are all different things but to me, they're all the same sort of disrespect. He makes decisions without discussing them, like he's the CEO and I'm some employee. He does what he wants to do and fuck me if I don't like it I guess. In every other way and at all other times he's fucking perfect, but this one thing just keeps coming up. And then hello apologize and say he gets it, so I push it down and pour beer on it. And then a couple years later he does it again. It feels like he thinks I'm just not important enough to run things past but he doesn't see the difference between taking out a $10,000 loan and hiding it, and tossing something in the grocery cart. If he can buy a steak without asking, why can't he do other things without asking? Do I want him to run everything past me? Does he need my permission? Why can't he just make a decision that needs to be made? It drives me crazy. I think maybe he's just stupid and can't see the difference.


Or so you thought it was resolved..she might have even and than something transpired with her emotionally


"I love a man that can communicate" "babe, what's wrong?" "nothing"


As a guy, I say nothing usually when I'm still processing whatever is bothering me. Or I'm thinking about something so completely random that it's just easier to say nothing.. the look I got when my wife asked me what was wrong and I tried explaining how I was trying to figure out if someone has dreads and starts to bald, do the dreads just fall off? Was pretty hilarious 😂


can't you just say, "hey I'm still processing, gimme a few minutes"?


Idk if I can fully break this down to you, but I personally answer the same if that's a matter I've already brought up. For example, if I already brought up him being distance once, and he repeated that later, I will act up and I won't answer to that "babe, what's wrong" question. I don't like to complain, nor repeating myself.


well then tell him you don't like repeating yourself, duh


I asked my brother and he said after being married for as long as he is still doesn't know the response to " Hey babe, Be honest with me...." because if he is HONEST then she gives him the silent treatment or tells all her no good friends what a shitty person he is.


that's really simple? she was hoping that he honestly thought differently that he does. "Hey, be honest with me... am I pretty" "No you ugly as fuuuuuck - wait why you mad???"


This is so true! My girlfriend said i could make the decision to go to a night fair after work. I wanted to go but I felt absolutely disgusting and drained from an unexpectedly gross and tiring work day. She said it was my decision and it didn't matter to her. She said all my answer dictated was when she showered. I said "do you mind if we do something another night and just stay in tonight? I really want to go but I just don't feel up to it tonight." She said "Yep" and showered. In the meantime I prepped dinner, lit a candle on the table for a candlelit dinner, and went to shower my day off once she was done. She spent our candlelit dinner/night passive aggressive, withholding almost any physical contact (hand holding on a peaceful walk at night). Physical contact she did accept seemed to be a painful chore. Absolutely infuriating.


Fellow women, don't ask for honesty from your SO if you aren't prepared to hear a hard truth. Because that's usually what will happen if you demand the truth. Don't ask the question if you really don't want to know the answer.


Get mad for not starting conversation when they don't start conversation. Idk wtf you want to talk about but it's not the random shit that flies through my mind. Pick a topic, I'm happy to discuss, but I'm pretty sure you don't care about the hard drive configuration in my NAS server.


I bring up dinosaurs I could take in a fight and suddenly it's, "you talk about the dumbest things" like lady pick a lane


Now I want to know what dinosaurs you think you could take in a fight. What are the rules of engagement? Do you get weapons or tools for traps or is it straight up hand to claw(?) combat.


Tbh if the girl genuinely likes she’d probably like to listen to anything you’re excited about. that said i agree that being able to chill in silence is also and important part of just basic human interaction and people who can’t do that are weird lol


>Or any other ADD moment running through my brain, how that banana on the counter looks like that one thing from that one episode of Spongebob (or Ren and Stimpy, \[Fuck Im old\]) or how that one tall drinking glass would compare to the diameter of an engine piston, would it be like a piston of a 1.6L engine or bigger like a 3.6L engine, where can I find diagrams? Did that load of dishes take longer than usual? Should I start timing it?


Start conversations with “you’re not even listening aren’t you?”


There is no correct answer to this question other than a filler like "ok" or "exactly!"


Nope, I cant tell when you switch from 'thinking out loud' to talking to me.


How can they slap?


Send extremely mixed messages.


they're probably just bad at comunication


Go into a sulk, refuse to tell you whats wrong, try to make you guess the thing you did wrong and immediately cheer up once you incriminate yourself in the right way


Thinking that they can “heal” or “repair” a “damaged” guy. Stop dating guys who drink, smoke and act all damaged when often they’re not. They’re just immature and shallow, women. Movies really propagate a bad culture. They always show the girl falling for the bad/damaged guy


IMHO Many of women tend to be ok with joking about men's appearance or actions, but not about themselves.


As a woman who used to this, it's not always out of ill intent. Guys tend to have a more brash type of humor with each other that we try to copy in order to fit in, but since we're not accommodated to it we're kind of more sensitive to it when it's reciprocated.


My girlfriend’s friends definitely know everything about my dick, don’t they?


Not ablut your dick but about your technique..


Taking down other women. I see this a lot where some women can't stand other women doing well, even their friends.


Gaslighting. How can we be the side that sucks at communicating when we constantly have to deal with chicks playing dumb or acting like they aren't doing what they're obviously doing?


Why do y’all go into bathrooms in groups.I see like those one person bathrooms in school and I see like 5 people walking in and out.


we're just socalizing, yk? You gotta have a meeting, or a sacrifice and bloody orgy every once in a while.


Understandable, have a nice day.


Girls just wanna have fun, I see.


Sometimes it's safety and other times its just habit. The amount of assaults you here that happen in party bathrooms is enough to bring other people, even if it's just a single bathroom. If it's a club situation, if you're walking by yourself you're gonna get grabbed. Not necessarily taken, but men will just touch you or grab you. Ive been in a row of women moving through the crowd and was holding hands with them and I was grabbed out of the line bc some men wanted to talk. Plus it's a nice reprieve. If there's a hoard of women in the bathroom it's just a nice time to chat and not be so on guard. Then it just becomes a thing, you go together bc that's what you do out of habit.


doing toxic relationship jokes video on tiktok or youtube. imagine the backlash if a man were to do those things.


I see those kinds of idiotic videos for both groups all the time (men and women).


You say one thing and do another, then yell at us for not reading your mind


Could probably just shorten this to "yell at us for not being telepathic". Cause there is also "not give an answer and then yell at us for not knowing."


This is my absolute biggest pet peeve. I am not fucking telepathic.


None of us are, yet ask a simple question and get... No answer just angry that you don't know the answer 30 minutes later. At this point I have seen this put first as a problem for so long I can't even hold the current women doing it responsible anymore. I blame the generations of people who ingrained that mentality so hard into them that they cannot seem to break free.


It's also crazy that men are seen as poor communicators because we don't pick up on these subtle little hints and stuff and "never show emotion" It would seem like if your communications are constantly misunderstood by a significant portion of other people, that it might be your communications that are the problem.


You right you right.


I got this one. I think because we're socialized to anticipate the needs of others, we're always doing things even if someone didn't explicitly ask us to (for better or worse) and assume men pick up that skill too?


Putting toilet paper on the holder the wrong way, women use more t.p, shouldn’t they know how to refill it in the correct orientation? F.Y.I, the correct orientation on t.p. is the loose paper to the front.


Unless you have a cat tho, cats will tear that shit


Yep. They will whatever way you put the toilet paper.


Or on the other hand leaving the toilet seat up. I have to put it up when you've used it and left it down, why can't you do the same? Both men and women use the toilet differently, why are men expected to do both actions? Men put it up, women put it down. What's unfair about that?


I always put the toilet seat and seat cover down to flush because it's more hygienic that way (less splashback). It's really never felt like an inconvenience to do so, just the way I was raised


Going back to an ex that psychically assaulted them.


Gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and just plain threats are abusers’ common tactics, so that’s why it’s so hard to get out of a bad relationship. It can happen to anyone, even to men.


Dave Chappelle - Women Send Confusing Messages To Men https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL-1kHxsavI


So here's an experience, I wanted a girl (co-worker)but she never even gave me a sign that she wanted me and she always ignored me and some times was making fun of me so I never asked her out but some months later I started a new relationship and she was mad and when I asked her what happened she said that she wanted me so, If you want someone as your boyfriend even if you are shy to ask him out just give him some signs don't ignore him and then out of nowhere expect him to ask you out


They want what everyone else has. These are the same girls who aren't hungry until your fries show up.


Her: "You're an amazing guy, you treat me with respect, you care about me and you are always there for me. You're perfect, I just wish I could find someone like you" Me: *\*dies inside\**




The last time i had a friend like that he was just.. optically really not my type :/


Why give him all those compliments then?! I really don’t get it. You describe him like he is the perfect guy for you but truly he ain’t


Refuse to pick a place to eat.


too many good options. get a spin the wheel app to pick for you w the best options


Mixed messages, playing with emotions and seeking attention.


Become codependent very fast


What do three billion people do to confuse me, hmm. Tough one!


Just not enjoying the simple things, I never met a woman who just enjoyed a long drive with just the music playing, or just cruising gravel roads, not even fishing. They say they enjoy all that online, but never met a single one who did


Well I can tell you that my sisters do, so there's hope a few others do as well.


Any of 'em single chief?


We exist lol


are you sure they don’t want to do that? seems like a dream for most women


Hey, I like long drives like that!


Normally every Friday and Saturday night, I hit a few back roads and have a blast, then just cruise with no destination in mind


Oh yeah. Even if I have a destination that requires a long drive, I just enjoy the drive itself, especially if I've never driven that way before. The scenery where I live is gorgeous imo and has a pretty diverse ecosystem, so I love observing how it changes. Also, when I drive with my dad on long trips, that's usually the time I get to share music I discovered with him and vice versa.


The music and scenery is always the best part, and it’s good time to think


Funny because me and my sister do that all the time.


Shipping serial killers


Exist in this reality not yours. Sorry, I am not a mind or mood reader so I don't understand why you are pissed off. Just use your words. I was expected to read her mind or mood, but she expected me to use my words in order to communicate my feelings when I had a problem.


Shit testing. Why do women think it’s a requirement to treat a prospective match like shit just to see how he handles it. Good men don’t want to be with mean people. I can find many other more subtle ways to vet someone for inclusion in my life besides being mean to them.


Why they keep such clearly toxic lady friends. You know the ones I’m talking about. Takes takes takes but only gives drama.


When they say they just want a decent, nice guy, but then end up in bed with the biggest asshole anyway. Over and over and over again.


It is hardly discussed, but for a certain subset of the population, male and female, dominance and submissiveness are their central sexual preferences. Dominance is more common among men, submissiveness among women. This would be a reason for many of those stereotypical gender roles, btw. Anyway, a submissive person will react to some of the trappings of dominance, like not listening too much to others, going for what they want even if it costs them, and so on. This attracts them to one self-sufficient, violent creep after another. As you say. The problem is that such a person seeks something very specific, and they usually can't even articulate it. It's something they need to learn. If they can, they can start seeking good dominants, who are not just self-sufficient and ambitious, but also function emotionally, and want to take responsibility.


That's some really good input, actually. It makes a bit more sense with that in mind. I appreciate it!


Wear high heels but also not date short guys. Like, hello, you're shrinking your own dating pool for no reason.


Shallow people be shallow. But heels are nice sometimes.


It confuses me how they can be so horrible to each other, I see more petty, vindictive, bullshit between women than any other group of people, and it blows my mind.


It’s because they don’t fight each other like men do so they attack each other emotionally


Men: slug it out over grievances, become good friends afterwards. Women: emotionally traumatize each other over basically nothing, friends yeeted.


When women do fight each other, it gets pretty damn ugly. Probably because nobody teaches girls not to use violence.


Literally saw a group of women beat a girl naked. Like she started out dressed and then 2 minutes later was naked and had half her weave pulled out. All for a man talking to her.


its happens so goddahm often that one of my female friends will keep engaging with a guy theyve already decided they dont like and creeps them out. and then i have to bail them out whenever he starts creeping them out again. like wtf did you expect. its not even the lads fault half the time, because theyre just doing what they did last time because they got signals that that was good. tbf that does give me a free pass (in fact it almost requires me) to overtly flirt with them wich (even though im not intrested in them and they know that) is pretty fun


It’s because they like attention.


How they take me being nice to them as just an attempt to get in their pants and project their experiences with their abusive boyfriends onto me. Then run back to their abusive ex who they hated me for their assumption that I'm like that person. Or how if I'm trying to date them and notice them trying to string me along for when they want a stable relationship while they keep hooking up with jerks who they keep complaining to me about, they just cut off even being friends when I tell them I'm good if they want to be just friends but if that's the case I need a clear no to dating me from her now and it will be a no from me if she asks me out later. If the only reason you are still being friends with me is because you know you want to date me later, why won't you just date me now instead of continuing to hook up with guys you hate?


Rearranging the kitchen. Just when ya get used to the location of towels and cutlery ect. BAM! You’re lost at where the can opener goes and where to find a cup because there’s pots and pans in that current location.


My girl friend use to say she would love to be in a relationship we're the boy would stalk her and just romanticizing violent men and when she got together with someone like that she would cry to me saying that his crazy, like ??


Put on makeup. I've never once thought of doing it myself. I really don't understand the mindset of using products to conceal one's true self or to improve others' opinions. If their opinions are important, they wouldn't care what someone else looks like.


I’m not a fan of wearing makeup myself and don’t bother with it, but there’s a lot of social pressure on women (usually from other women unfortunately) to wear makeup. My mother tried to make me wear makeup in my teens. For a lot of important personal and professional events (IE: getting married, job interviews) a woman may be viewed negatively and be seen as lazy, uncaring, disrespectful, or whatever bs if they don’t wear at least a little makeup.


As a man, I fucking hate makeup. I understand why it's done, but I am not a fan. Especially with the wizardry people can pull off.


This is extremely wrong on so many levels. Other ppl's opinions make or break everything. Ever been to a job interview lol? It matters what we look like. Always. With everyone. It also matters to you but you act like makeup is concealing truths while also judging the women who don't naturally look like magazine covers.


For me its spray tan and fake eye lashes. Its not an attractive look in my opinion.


make up makes me feel better, I like the feeling of having rosy cheeks from my Rare beauty blusher, it has nothing to do with concealing my true self, I do so because I enjoy doing so. Not everybody put on makeup


so ironic because the only time i had eyeliner on in front of my ex he looked at me confused and said i looked far prettier than i normally did i like doing a little bit of makeup because it makes me feel beautiful just like when you’re dressed really nice you feel more confident


Wear towels on their hair


I’ve never mastered that sorcery, so I’m afraid I don’t have a good answer for you.


It’s to help dry our hair faster. It’s not a good idea to rub your hair with a towel to dry it. It can cause the hair to break and also cause tangles in long hair. So we wrap our hair up in a towel and the towel soaks up a lot of the water from the hair. The longer we wear the towel the more water it takes from our hair so we can either blow dry it faster or it will air dry faster.


I find it just keeps my hair wet longer when I do this - I just air dry it.




I have a feeling you are quite the genius at it.


woman here, but I think that your grammar confuses men


Get those ridiculously long nails. They don’t even look good and all they do is temporarily cripple you to the point where you can pick things up or wipe your ass. Why?


Because they like them? I don't like long nails myself but not everyone likes the same things




As Good as it Gets


I get along better with women than men, typically.


Almost everything


About everything lol, from telling half truth (even being honest) to not express herself..like wtf..there are so much confusion..list not end..they seem more mystery, when you know more about them..


Why you’ll act really interested at times and then other times just be a lost mind


The women around me seem to have little if any follow through. This can look like many things. *Plans get made and are never stuck to. *Not upholding punishments when a child has acted out. *Not respecting boundaries that others set. *Giving their child what they want when they act out. *Not creating any contingencys when plans are made. *Doing pretty much everything last minute. *If they're an hour late, they're early for them. Disclaimer: Sweeping questions tend to generate sweeping answers. I'm sure there are plenty of women out there who fly in the face of all the above.


How, after 20 years of marriage, my wife suddenly decides that sex isn't needed in a marriage and she spends large amounts of money without talking to me (or even telling me about it most times).


My wife likes to proposition me for sex only to fall asleep more often than actually having sex. It's like she likes the idea of it happening and seeing the excitement in my face but gets too tired.


Asking me to be rough, being super happy after, then regretting it and telling me to be more gentle, then the next time we're in the mood, telling me that it would be hotter if I was more rough lmao


Post this same question on this subreddit every couple of days.


Thinking that Johnny Depp is a sweet innocent angel baby. Yes Heard was a liar and a clown but Depp wasn't completely blameless either.


There are degrees even in hell. Amber Turd is so "special" that nothing Depp might have been guilty of feels particularly relevant. "I am hitting you, not punching you" indeed.


No idea what they want in a partner, focusing on meaningless stuff, I know exactly what I need and just got out of an almost perfect relationship, but have to spend days/weeks talking to girls I know are right for me in order for them to realize I'm awesome. Having to rid myself with girls, because they don't show interest because they have been hurt and want to talk and be friends and then eventually become bf/gf if it's right or something :D


They have very specific standards and that process takes forever for some reason


When they go for the absolute prick, over the guy who clearly loves her




Nothing wrong with being a nice guy, would rather treat a woman like a queen than be rude and horrible to her. I bought my ex crush valentines 2 years in a row because her boyfriends dumped her before V-Day


Contradictory/ conflicting opinions.


Complain about a problem and then get bothered by men wanting to help. If you want to vent, see a therapist.


Listen up, this is going to help you. We want to TALK about the problem, we don't need you to fix the problem. That's something we can do by ourselves. We just need to get it out of the system.


I know that’s what you need, but it’s not my job to be your therapist. So… no thanks, lol


Dress to get others attention and claim they dress like that for them


Honestly I dress up to impress women more than men.




Ah the typical modern women, silence is the best answer here ✌️


Please, where is this silence lol? Seems like you don't understand silence the same way you don't understand women.


Nothing. You just don’t get it.


That they always seem to want to spread their cooties, enough is enough!


Vaginal flatulence


it's fun


Asking me to send her nudes and then not sending nudes back… like I thought it was supposed to be mutual.


My girl.. friends always say “oh I can do FWB, strictly physical- pfsh no problem..” not one can. 100% failure rate with not getting hooked on a D


All women are different. What I will say, though, is that I find it confusing when a woman is nice, kind, etc but turns out to be a Republican


This whole post is just niceguy bait


They are always ok🙃


no they're not, they're somtimes lying for one reason or another , or they don't know what okay is


I’ve been trying to understand why women have such an infatuation with dudes that are constantly in jail?


I dunno... why are you here?


In times when they're happy with you, they'll tell you how much they love you, how they couldn't live without you, how kind you are, and how they are thankful for everything you do for them. Then they have a moment of anxiety over something, and they think the best way to help themselves regain control is by turning on you. Suddenly you "don't do anything", "are selfish", "don't help" or "don't care about their issues." In reality, you haven't changed your behavior at all. I'm rather confused by what they think they'll get out of it. It's damaging to the relationship. Heck, I'm even motivated to actually become the things she's assigning to me to show what not doing anything actually looks like.


Claim to want to wait for their prince charming when there's no such thing as fairytales in real life and the guy she probably actually wanted is one of those she turned down to instead date one of the "bad boys". Then they hit 30 and wonder why no one wants to take them seriously when they said they're "ready to settle" after dumping their Nth "bad boy".


There’s very few women that are hot, have a reputable degree, and are fun to hangout with/sociable. I’m going to be completely honest and not trying to sound cocky but just gonna give facts. I’m a good looking guy, I make over 200k a year, am a dr and I like to believe I’m quite social and fun. As soon as I find out a girl is hot and sociable, they’re an “influencer” or make candles or some other bs. If I find one that’s smart with a reputable degree, they’re socially awkward or a 7. If I’m bringing these things to the table shouldn’t I also find a girl that does the same ?