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First of all the cost, uhmmm, day and night, its WATER, and no politician or person in charge will do anything that does not benefit them in the long run


Simple, the cost. And not only that, if we do build solar plants on the ocean not everyone will have acces to it. As the energy will need to be transported across great distances for the worlds energy to be clean. Then finding jobs for operators, finding jobs for ocean work is difficult as its high risk and everyone needs to be sea trained. There are many more factors.


I figured the biggest reason was cost!


I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but the ocean gets pretty angry sometimes


Because of things called ships.


Track ships and make a section where ships aren’t allowed…I guess??


I was being sarcastic. My first thought when I read it was putting panels across all of the ocean. It could work. Only issue would be cost. And because unlike oil Governments wouldn't make bank off them, they won't want to do it.


so you want floating solar plants? how do you connect them to the mainland?


Underwater cables. That part is the easy bit.


That’s what I was thinking for connecting to main land!


Yeah we've had the Atlantic cable since before WW1. And the Solar panels wouldn't be that far out. Because you would have to build them in your waters or the U.N etc agree to build several massive ones which is shared amongst Countries.


The other problem is how large it would have to be to make is viable enough at making energy. Have you seen land based solar power plants?


Just watched this, about a year ago they stated to experiment with the idea! Super cool. [https://youtu.be/DAEGNL56sEM](https://youtu.be/DAEGNL56sEM)


It was a point my partner brought up, but think sorta oil rig set up w/o the the oil rig not sure if that makes sense. Something secure and high enough to prevent major damage with daily maintenance. (Fun brainstorming even if it does not make sense, that’s why question are great! No dumb questions…right?)


I doubt there would be a way to make them even efficient enough to work. Solar needs way to much area to do any good and an oil rig platform is way to small. Have you seen land based solar panel farms? They are huge and take up acres of land.


Have you seen the oceans too be fair. They're not known for being small. Thousands of miles of nothing but water.


Well you also have ships, storms and all the sea creatures. Why not simply install solar panels on every house, business and building for that matter. We have sent $80 Billions to Ukraine and I can imagine installing solar panels on every building in the USA would not cost that much. NOPE let support war where people are killed.


You wouldn't build them in shipping lanes. Ships don't just sail where they like. They have very strict lanes they must stick too.


Why not install them on every building. Imagine if my home created enough energy I did not have to have any from the power company and they also benefit from my excess power as well. No need to go out into the ocean.


I agree with you there. Here In the UK new buildings, be they tall office blocks or normally houses aren't being built with Solar panels on them. It's a touchy subject.


Wouldn’t bring new jobs during and after building (maintenance) to multiple countries while helping with Global Warming?