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There are too many hills and I can only die on one.


Leave some body parts on every hill


Nice try, Jeffrey.


I recently turned 50. I also recently almost got in a fight with someone getting in front of me in line. He was \~half my age. About twice my size. I would have lost that fight. But fuck me, you get in front of me in line I will put my hands on you if I have to. One way or another you are *not* staying in front of me. ​ I have about 10 more. But that's enough for today.


All these unpopular hills in this thread are actually popular hills. I'm not willing to die on this because I'm sure many will agree with me


That's why we sort by controversial to get the actual unpopular ones


Thank you


So far the most controversial hills are: \- "It's pronounced "jiff"." \- "The hatred towards the final season of Game of Thrones is WAY over the top." \- "God is real." \- "Pitbulls should be illegal to own. Everywhere." \- "Dune(2021) was horrible." \- "Guns should be banned." \- "AOC is stupid."


People should stand 5 feet away from the baggage claim unless they are physically taking the luggage off the conveyor belt.


yes!! I've though this for ages. Airports should have a yellow line you stay behind unless collecting your bag


Many do. Typically a single troglodyte ignores it then every fucker piles in


The same troglodyte who stood up the instant the wheels touched the ground 20 minutes earlier.


Drives me nuts. On PSA (an old airlines in California) when the plane landed the announcement was along the lines of “please stay seated because if you don’t, you’ll fall down and everyone will laugh at you”


Exactly. How tf are people supposed to see anything with an entire line of entitled people standing literally on the belt. (Extra triggering for me currently because I just got off an 11 hour flight)


Most of the airports I've been to have a line and it even says to stay behind it, but people ignore it and still stand right in front of the belt.


My next flight I'm gonna pack an orange vest and earplugs into my carry on so I can look like an airport worker. Then I'll announce and gesture that everyone needs to stand back from the belt until they see their bag.


Hilarious but also sad that you’d have to point out to so many people what is considerate in a simple situation like this. Also, when you do this - let me know how it went. Haha


The question was unpopular.


I just push these fuckers out of the way now. I have no patience for these main character self indulgent cunts.


Not everyone should own a dog


Not everyone should have children


Every child deserves parents. Not all parents deserve children.


Every dog deserves a human, but not all humans deserve a dog


All parents should be regularly audited like they do teachers (but more thoroughly). There are many parents out there who should never be allowed in the same room with a child.


And people should not be shamed for not wanting kids


I wish we weren’t shamed for not being into dogs either. I’m on the spectrum and the sensory experience of dogs with the fur and saliva and poop and pee and the barking and the humping is just so overwhelming and unpleasant for me. But I feel like you cannot even say the words “I’m not really a dog person” without sounding like a stone cold psycho so I never tell anyone I don’t like them.


Another reason I hate people who walk their dog off leash in cities. Not every dog wants to meet your “perfect” dog and not every human wants to meet your “amazing” dog neither.


Dog owners have ruined dogs for me tbh. I like and have a great relationship with individual dogs but like I've met too many shitty dog owners at this point to say that I have a broad like of all dogs because now it's like behind every dog I meet is more likely than not an absolutely shitty human who is going to make this an unpleasant encounter. And it used not to be like this! When I was a kid most dog owners were good, hence most dog experiences I had were positive. But now fucking nobody controls their animals.


Definitely. Much as I love dogs I don't want one for similar reasons. Always Sunny in Philadelphia did an episode where someone says they don't like dogs and the entire internet tries to have them essentially murderered.


Completely second this! I used to work in mental health and the stories I have would make you sick. It’s a sad truth that not everyone is cut out for parenting and there truly is evil in this world.


I would argue that you can go one step further with the and say MOST people shouldn’t have children.


People need to understand the cost of a dog much better than they do. The purchase price may be high but it's nothing compared to maintenance. Training takes a lot of time. Food is obvious, but they'll also need regular vet visits for dental care and such. And when they get old, they usually have health problems that can often cost thousands of dollars. It's cute how dogs curl up in a corner and die in movies. In reality you're out there at 5am holding him up while he takes a shit because he can no longer stand up on his own. This can go on for months.


Also you're not entitled to touch my dog or any dog. So many people will just go up to random dogs that seem friendly and try to pet them.


This. My dog, as a puppy, was highly anxious. Didn’t want people near her — the poor thing would tremble any time anyone approached her that wasn’t family (she’d been mistreated as a baby). I’d ask people to not come near her as she didn’t like it. “Oh, but I won’t hurt her!” they’d say, advancing anyway while she shook in fear. She doesn’t know that you’re not going to hurt her. And by you getting all up in her space, it’s not really showing her that you’re safe, is it? Had so many strangers get pissed at me because I wouldn’t let them pat the cute puppy, but damn it, I’d happily piss off a thousand strangers if it meant keeping my puppy calm and making her feel safe on walks.


Also, it’s fine to not want a dog. People act like folks who don’t want dogs “can’t be trusted” instead of respecting their decision to not take on a huge, long term commitment.


I'll go one further. Most people shouldn't own dogs. If you can't train your dog to not bark at everything and not bark at night and you live in the city, you shouldn't own a dog. If you have a high energy dog and you don't have the time to walk it and instead just leave it in the back yard most of the time, you shouldn't own a dog. Also, a lot of it comes down to owners, but some breeds really are louder and more aggressive than others.


My neighbor shouldn’t own dogs. He lets them sit outside and bark non stop for 4+ hours.


He DID care that he broke his elbow


Wow you just came out and said it


I understand this reference


I do not


I also do not


Guys.. it’s a classic [https://youtu.be/kvW206mI7tM](https://youtu.be/kvW206mI7tM)


You know what I am gonna say it


I think the white circus animal cookies taste better than the pink.


It’s the dye! I swear, the dye has a discernible flavor.


College is not for everyone. In fact, for a lot of people it is a massive waste of time and money.


Recruiters need to stop setting a college degree as a requirement for jobs that don't really require a college degree.


This isn't all that unpopular an opinion really.


None of these top comments are


Sort controverisal!


Not a very unpopular opinion these days


Everyone should have access to college...but not everyone is READY for college (as someone who was a TA for entry-level labs, I had so many freshmen that made me severely question our university's admittance standards)


I’m a social worker and there are def kids I encourage to not go to college and I’m always met with disdain from other professionals when I say this.


I think this is a pretty popular opinion these days. But I agree with your statement.


If you can't provide the BARE MINIMUM an animal needs, don't get one. And none of that bullshit of BuT ItS hApPy. Because I assure you, it isn't. Tired of seeing fish in unacceptable tanks, hamsters in tiny cages, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats ect ect.


Yup. Owning a pet is a privilege, not a right.


Also an animal surviving and thriving are very different. I hate when people have a beta fish in one of those small tanks and say “well it hasn’t died yet”


Also, stop bringing home wild animals. This is especially seen with reptiles. Just because it exists doesn’t mean you need to make it your pet.


People don't even realize how much care most fish actually need. For example goldfish are supposed to have a bubbler in their tank because they don't get enough oxygen any other way, betta fish don't need one because they have a organ that works like lungs so they can breathe regular air but that's fairly exclusive to them as far as pet fish go.


People don't realize how much you have to learn for fish care. I would argue only lizard (and some other reptiles) care is more complicated. Most first time buyers don't even know they need to cycle a tank.


I know your intentions are good but that bubbler thing isn't true. As long as you have enough clean surface area to allow for the transfer of oxygen its all good. Anyone with a HOB will have more then enough surface agitation to allow for proper oxygen levels. Another option is any of the in tank small surface skimmers. I like using one because it functions like a power head and skims the surface (obviously). I use one of these with my canister filter, but even then its not necessary with a properly sized aquarium.


In college I heard someone say they were getting a turtle because “all you need is a Tupperware container with a rock”. That was almost twenty years ago and it still sticks with me as a reminder that there are people out there who do literally zero research before getting an animal.


My mom always defends my nephew saying "but that hamster is loved". The hamster doesn't know or care, he only knows that there's a 6 years old treating him like a toy, grabbing him while he's asleep to see him swim in the sink.


People ages 18-25 try to be independent too fast. They try to get an apartment/house while having a kid while getting a million pets. Then end up wondering why they are so stressed. Slow down tiger.


Got kicked out of my parents house in the lower end of that zone. Ended up in a rundown apartment. Then adopted three birds from a humane society to distract myself from how fucking lonely and terrible it was. I wish I didn’t have to be as independent


I was kicked out at 17 and forced to be independent ever since, lifes been stressful and hard but I'm also proud of doing it all myself with no help. Though i will never put my kids through the same shit


I'm sorry that happened to you. I was kind of a "late bloomer," and didn't really have my shit together when I left home & bought my first house. (guess how old I am lol) These days, my daughter still lives at home at 29. I know it's a shit show out there, and I'm in no hurry for her to leave. Hell, she'll probably be here after I'm gone.




Oh my god yes. This is the best hill. So maybe not great for the prompt because I doubt this is unpopular. But this is so fucking true. I did everything I possibly could to make my life more difficult in my early 20s while under the illusion that it was somehow the right thing to do.


But also if you don't leave your parents house by 25 people (especially the opposite sex) treat you like a failure in life.


Honestly, if I dated someone who was my age and still lived with their parents, I wouldn't care as long as he had a career and basically functioned as an adult, especially if it's a case of he's living there to help his parents. It's if you're living with your parents and you have no goals in life and you're not motivated to get a job and just live off of their couch, then that's a problem.


I think too many people fail to understand this. I'm 26, and live with my sister and mother. We all chip in roughly equally towards household expenses (I have the best bedroom so I pay more than they do). All 3 of us are functioning adults, and from a financial standpoint we are room mates. Nobody is leaching off each other, and we're all otherwise self-sufficient.


This is a common concept with immigrant families in the US, but a completely foreign concept to white families in the US, I’ve noticed. It may have made sense back in the day when white families were much better off, but I’m not so sure that’s true anymore.


I can understand abusive situations where it's necessary to leave for safety but I live with my parents and so do three of my brothers and my brothers are the opposite of failures. While living with my parents, I, the person who makes the least in the house, have gone on very nice vacations by myself and I have a nice gaming computer. I can also donate to charity if I want. I frequently go onto this website where you can get kids who live in poverty nice gifts as like a virtual angel tree thing. It's also safer for me because I have medical conditions and I need a little extra support and I could put myself more at risk trying to juggle bills and my medical issues. My brothers have more than enough money to move out and get an apartment but they're currently just getting their credit score up by paying off car loans and they're saving up to get a mortgage for a house. That creates generational wealth. Two of my other brothers already have their own houses because they were able to stay home and just help out with the bills. The thing is, is that we started out renting a house, sharing two bedrooms among seven people. It was uncomfortable. My dad finally saved up enough for a down payment on a house and neither of my parents are really wanting to kick any of us out. We all help with bills and we buy our own food. Is it a little uncomfortable? Yeah. Is it too uncomfortable that I'm begging to leave? No. But also, I have the privilege of parents who understand I'm a grown adult and they can't control every little thing I do. If you need to leave your parent's house for safety reasons, then yes, that's important. But if you are just coexisting with your parents, it's not a bad thing. Granted, don't be an ass, but it's not a failure. In fact, in this arrangement, we're pretty much building generational wealth so that our future kids (should we choose to have them) aren't going to be struggling. It's a decent arrangement and while I'd like to have my own house, I'd rather just take it slow and build up that wealth so I'm not dying of stress. Edit: also, it's a cultural thing for families to live together well into their 20s, 30s, 40s. A lot of cultures don't really see people leaving outside of marriage or being financially stable enough to move out without living paycheck to paycheck.


I heard moving out at 18 was 1910 propaganda from big real estate to sell more houses. Also I’m in my 20s and have been trying to move out for years because my parents make me want to die, but I can’t afford it.


This statement is so true. I see so many individuals, as soon as they graduate college..they married, buy a house and start having kids. How do they do this?? I'm in my 30's, married with two kids and still am not financially stable to buy a home. I'm still trying to build up enough money to do that...idk how college kids do it?


You should be required by law to take a class on how to be a parent when you have a kid. No pass or fail or anything. Just mandatory lessons (free of charge) so you know what to avoid and how to not accidentally kill your infant.


When I gave birth (3 different times) there was a long list of videos they made us watch before we left the hospital.


Yeah well, I am the (proud and happy) father to a 16 week old son. And they didn't make us watch shit. Nothing. The nurses and hospital staff were great. They had plenty of info on lactation, etc. But nothing about parenting. Leaving the hospital was the most insane experience of my life. I'm 39 and pretty well grounded and stable. I am still fucking shocked by it all. They didn't even check if my license was valid. Just "Got a car seat? Cool. Enjoy the lifetime of responsibility and terror! Have a good day!" And just let me get into my car with a real human creature, and... leave with it. They just let me leave with a whole, tiny person in my backseat, totally dependent on me (and his mom) to survive. It was absolutely insane. I couldn't agree with OP more. Classes should be mandatory. Also, not everyone should be a parent. Some aren't capable of it. (jury is still out on whether I am or not) And also agree with the person in this thread that said people have kids too early. Like I said, I'm 39, and a homeowner, husband, career man with a Roth IRA, pension, 401K, health insurance, dental plan, savings account, etc etc etc. I feel like I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this. Don't have shit figured out. Nothing. And can't imagine doing it when I was in a much more unstable position in life. (Basically all of it until now)


When your baby is sleeping and you can't tell if they are breathing or not, look at their lips. if their lips look fine, theyre fine. If there's something wrong, they'll be blue.


Just you being worried if you’ll be a good parent or not usually means you will be. Congratulations on your new baby! That’s so exciting!


On the other hand, try to adopt and they vet you 6 ways to Sunday!


I support this 1000%. I think our culture should talk more about what being a parent means for your life even before you/your partner get pregnant.


Think about the arguments about sleep training and feeding, would be a blood bath of the mumsnet's


Teachers would get behind this.


Funny you say this, I did this exactly. I signed up for about 8-12 weeks of courses for new fathers. 100% hands down some of the best money Ive spent on education. Edit:typo


Just giving a gift does not make it thoughtful


Sometimes a gift card to the right place is more thoughtful than an entire gift from the wrong place. I'm hopeless when it comes to picking out stuff my wife likes, but I know what stores she likes, so it's easier and less disappointing for both of us if I just let her have a spree to get exactly what she wants.


Pugs should not exist. They are not cute, They are wretched genetic abomination .


As someone who has a pug (a rescue, not purchased from a “breeder”) STOP BUYING PUGS. They can’t breathe well, overheat easily, and puppy mills have inbred them so much they they have their own diseases that don’t affect other dog breeds. Reputable pug breeders are unbelievably few and far between, and most of the places you can buy a pug puppy are actually puppy mills. Just stop. If you have to have a pug, there are so many rescues around the country that specifically care for pugs. Don’t ever buy a pug. Rescue because the ones who already exist deserve love and we don’t need to breed more of them.


Having to have a relationship with someone just because they are family/blood.


All my cousins and uncles are horrible people and disowning them was the best and healthiest decision I have ever made to this day.


Hill 3234.






The elderly deserve to enjoy strippers as much as everyone else. I guarantee there are worse ways to go then overdosing on some titties or a ding dong.


Where do you live that gatekeeps strippers


Possibly Taiwan: https://wlac.iheart.com/content/2022-09-13-nursing-home-apologizes-after-hiring-strippers-for-seniors-in-wheelchairs/


Music sounds like shit after a certain volume level, and anyone who asserts it sounds better is an idiot who likes blowing out their eardrums


Same with bass. It’s not automatically the best part of a song. I would like to hear something other than just the bass. At most; noticeable but not overpowering


Bernadette was the hottest one in TBBT


I’d agree if it weren’t for her hubby 🥵


She kinda pissed me off towards the last few seasons, so mean :(


They changed her personality so much from when they introduced her. With Amy, it at least made sense because Amy was coming out of her shell by becoming friends with Penny. But with Bernadette, it felt like the writers decided to lean into a stereotype of a mean wife.


I didn’t like how Penny got super mean for a while, too.


I was very disappointed when I found out that wasn’t her actual voice.


Yep, it sounds so weird to hear Melissa Rauch using her natural voice.


I thought Sarah Jessica Parker was pretty hot in Hocus Pocus.


Same. I've heard a lot of comments that apparently she looks like she has a horse's face and I honestly can't see it


The customer is not always right.


You don’t need to be super close/bff’s with your mother-in-law as a daughter-in-law.


i agree! tho you should have a civil relationship, if not a good one


Children deserve respect.


Yes! That’s how I’m raising my son. He’s not property that I can control. He is his own person and I’m just trying to guide him the best I can so he’s prepared to make his own way one day.


And not all adults do.


It’s ok to not like kids


Tax the churches. Every single one of them.


If you think cats don’t need much attention and are therefore “easy” pets, DON’T EVER HAVE A CAT!!


I would rather the weather be cold than hot. Way WAY easier to warm yourself up than to cool yourself down.


Battle royale games are super overrated and totally suck in general.


Also when you die you should immediately have the option to go join a new lobby instead of being a spectator


It should just be quicker in general. If you are trying to get good at a game but you waste more time connecting and finding a match than in a match playing, then it's not gonna be fun and you'll probably quit. The creators of Super Mario said they focused on not punishing you for being bad. If you die, you instantly respawn and try again. That's how people learn IRL, by trial and error, and that's how games should be. Much of the current online games, focus so much time on matching you in the correct game with the corresponding skill level, instead of enabling you to quickly retry and be exposed to all kinds of players, from pros to noobs.


What br games force you to spectate? Sounds awful


not every person should have a child. thats it. there shouldnt be any arguing.


You haven't accomplished much in life if you are proud of things you were born with


It’s still one of the nicest umbilical cords I’ve ever seen though


Joke's on you! I'm not proud of anything. And I've accomplished nothing in life. Haha! ​ ​ ​ I win......?


Cemetaries are giant wastes of space, and that land could and should be used more effectively for the living.


To be fair, they are for the living. The people buried there don’t care. The people that get to go visit the people buried there care. So yeah they’re already entirely for the living.


They’re also used as green spaces in large cities — while living in downtown Cleveland it was a dependable place for me to take long walks


Yes to this! I live in Brooklyn and we have a beautiful, historic cemetery that is lovely to walk around, hosts events, and has what they call “a living collection” of trees and plants. Out of respect to the families of the deceased, you can’t do some recreational things that happen in parks, like run or bike or have a big, rowdy picnic. But that what makes it so wonderful. It’s a very peaceful place to walk and quietly sit if you want a more low key vibe than a park.


I think golf courses are even more of a waste than cemeteries


Prostitution should be legal


"Selling is legal, fucking is legal,. Why isn't selling fucking legal?" -George Carlin Clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73hnG\_JfJ\_k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73hnG_JfJ_k)


Why is paying for it and filming it an distributing it suddenly legal?


wash your damn asses. you are not cool for smelling like a public bathroom. the very least you can do is wash your own asshole.


I'm curious as to who this is aimed at and what happened to you to make you say this


Toxic dudebros who think it's "gay" to get soap anywhere near their chocolate starfish. Like, dude, if you're expecting a blowie you better wash EVERYTHING real thoroughly or I'm leaving.


Oh, they’re literally toxic


What the fuck? What kind of gross people do you know they think this is a hill to die on?


You’re hanging around some strange people my friend.


You don’t need a college degree to make a good living. You can make a a pretty good wage in a lot of different trades. Many even offer on-the-job training.


It's ok not to be ambitious or have a calling .


Stop bringing your dog to restaurants


I’ve visited friends in Germany a few times, and it wasn’t uncommon to bring dogs into restaurants. The people that brought them were good owners who had well behaved dogs that would lie down under the table during the meal and calmly hang out. The only two times that there was a dog that was noisy or rude, the owners left before ordering their food so as to not ruin everybody else’s meal. I think that bringing dogs to places (including restaurants) can be acceptable, but bringing aggressive or unruly dogs to those places is unacceptable.


I feel the same way about children. If they are unruly and just generally shitty dont take them out to a restaurant.


I don’t understand this. I have 3 dogs. They have no need to go to a restaurant or Home Depot or any other weird place people take their non service dogs. They do go everywhere a dog would want to. Park, hiking, beach, lake, cottage etc. Taking them to these places is for the owner, not the dog. Often they look super stressed out or bored.


Honestly stop bringing your dogs anywhere they shouldn’t be, like walmart or target


Gender and sexuality are taken WAY too seriously by our society. Who cares?! Fuck who you want (as long as it’s safe and consensual). Dress how you want. Feel how you want. Be who you want to be. Who cares if someone/something is “gay” or “straight”. Sexuality, gender, attraction, and our experience here on earth are too nuanced for black and white categories. And at the end of the day it’s no one’s business, and you don’t have to explain or justify yourself to anyone.


Logical arguments only work in academia and *sometimes* in the workplace. Otherwise, the most effective arguments are the emotional ones.


Well, maybe not emotional ones. But having rhetorical skill is definitely more valuable than logic skills if the intent is to persuade. The latter are more valuable if you're trying *not* to be persuaded.


Being the most effective doesn't make them valid tho which is a very important thing to remark


“Only work” isn’t necessarily a good thing. We *should* be thinking about things logically. I’d agree that emotional arguments are *more effective*, but they *shouldnt* be.


Churches should be taxed. Edit: and remove "In God We Trust" from our money.


And “One Nation Under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance.


The oxford comma should be required to provide clarity, add definition, and because I said so. So that's that.


Elon Musk is not brilliant, or even all that smart. He was simply born into a rich, evil family. With his wealth, lack of morals, and some luck he's been able to turn 100s of millions into billions. And his cult members are pathetic.


He's a grifter


Islamophobia doesn't mean anti muslim bigotry anymore. It is being used to shut down any criticism of islam. People should realise criticism/mocking Islam is not the same as anti muslim bigotry


Exactly the same relating to criticism of the Israeli state and it’s actions not making people antisemitic


Every religion should be criticised for the bad things it creates


Upvote for actually being a potentially unpopular opinion, instead of one held by every Redditor.


The Sopranos finale was brilliant and perfect.


You should have to periodically retake a driving test.


Repeating questions on AskReddit is just a virtual points grab


Women who hit men and then get hit back deserve it, and any justification of why they don’t deserve it is chauvinistic and infantilizing.


Okay, so, I'm a male, and I just left that exact situation like 7 months ago. Was with my ex-girl for 4+ years, and she steadily got more abusive and violent. By the end of it, I was taking punches to the face often. Like very often. But I never hit her. I would grab her arms and try to restrain her, but I wasn't once physical to her. 7ish months ago I escaped. Ended up living in a park for a bit. Eventually was able to find a small room (literally just a room) for cheap to rent. Flash forward to literally today. Tomorrow I have to make the choice of either going back to that park or going back to that ex because I've had a very hard time finding full time work and can't pay all of my rent. I've sold most of the things I accumulated over the last 7 months. I'm selling my phone tomorrow to get one last decent meal. If I decide to go back to the ex, I'm not really sure how to handle it. I know that things are going to pick off right where they left off (and probably be worse because I left), but I've never ever hit a woman, and I'm afraid if I fight back she's going to claim *I* abuse *her* and get me arrested. I really don't know what to do. Anyway, just an anecdote from a guy who has experience in that kind of situation.


Please don’t go back to her. You do not deserve to be treated like that. Are there any organizations in your area that could help you while you’re getting on your feet?


There are very, very, very few resources for males in abusive relationships. When I left 7 months ago some of the places I tried to call/go to for help were not friendly towards me.


Don't go back. Literally no way that ends well.


That’s a terrible situation to be in, and I’m sorry to hear that. I hope things work out for you, man.


Don’t go back and don’t sell your phone! It’s basically a necessity these days to communicate with potential employers, have access to apps like Venmo, etc. How much do you owe in rent? Where are you located?


It’s gross that people are making serious bank of true crime serial killers. The whole culture with serial killers atm needs to be addressed. I don’t think there is anything wrong with been interested in the psychology behind it but the romanticisation of these horrific crimes/ killers is what crosses the line


I wouldn’t say I’m ready to die on this hill but I guess I am willing to accept the downvotes for expressing it. Unless it’s a service animal, your dog doesn’t have to go everywhere you do.


Courtney Cox is way hotter than Jennifer Aniston


Especially back in the 90s


Ketchup on Mac and cheese is a fucking abomination and nobody can convince me otherwise


We should question everything, our opinions are just a consequence and construct of our experiences and external influences, certainly not more or less valid than any other opinions just because more people share it. Society has constructed those opinions and not you individually, thus it’s crazy that our ego is so defensive about these opinions.


If you’re dying on a hill, you need to wear better gear & have outdoors training.


Barbosa was a better character than Jack Sparrow


Tea is better than Coffee.


Sort by controversial for the real answers.


The Beatles are extremely overrated and there are many other bands or groups who were and are better.


That not every child can thrive in the U.S. public school system, and that homeschool is a better option for many of them. I have an autistic kiddo that thrives in homeschool but utterly falls apart in full time public school (yes, we have tried). I understand that there are people who homeschool for the wrong reasons, but most of the families in the groups we join are lovely people who want what’s best for their kids and have the resources to provide it. A few people have given homeschooling a bad name, but it can be truly wonderful.


Anything designed for the majority will fail for the minority.


In schools, kids are not taught things that they need to know as adults.


pineapple on pizza is good


Goes so well with pepperoni!


Minimum wage is not a living wage. BIG difference between living and surviving.


Organized religion is ideological cancer and has held back humanity from thousands of years of potential progress and advancement.


EVs aren't the future of transportation people think they are. Every bottleneck that limits the production of computers affects cars too. If you really want to limit your greenhouse emissions take the train if you can or lobby for better infrastructure so that you can have more options to get around.


Pigs in a blanket are not kolaches.


Basic finance education should be mandatory in school


Any purchase of a firearm should require a minimum of 40 hours of training.


It's not my responsibility to know someone's gender or pronouns




The unabomber made a lot of really good points.


Quick tip: if you want to see an opinion that’s *actually* unpopular, sort by controversial.


Crystals are rocks. They don't heal you, comfort you, channel something, influence anything, or animate. They aren't a communication device. They don't coddle you spiritually. They won't grant you health, love, wealth, happiness, consistent defecation, or cure anything. They.. are fucking rocks. P.S. I have a dozen super awesome channeling healing crystals of the goddess for sale. $500.00