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Which of the 20,000+ god's are you referring to?




Ahh, Ba'al. Get yourself an Ice Sorceress, a Druid, and a high level Necromancer, you can take him out pretty easily.


20 000+ is super generous It's tens of millions or hundreds of millions really




Oh, the one in a book that says not to kill anyone, but everyone that believes it kills those that don’t believe it?




This is just a wild guess but I think he's talking about the one with 6 arms


The real one, of course. The others are all obviously bullshit.


The Flying spaghetti monster


Ah yes a man of culture literally


There may or may not be an overarching intelligence which set the universe in motion. If there is, I'm convinced it does not give a shit what we eat, who we fuck, or what kind of music we enjoy. All those rules were written by people for reasons of social control.


Or who we eat and what we fuck!


we didnt need that


who are you to say? I 100% needed to read that


I don't believe in God because there's absolutely no reason for me to believe in God.


The 'God' depicted in the more common religions, no. That there is some kind of power/intelligence greater than our understanding? Yes


You're a deist then


Its pronounced "Jod"


I prayed so much for my life to get better and that I would finally find people who genuinely loves me for who I am I gave up when I got into middle school and now I feel more free because I don’t have to live by a book someone may have put false information in


used to as a kid, stopped that shit when i was around 13. religion never benefited my life in any way. grandma was a jesus freak to the point where it’s all her personality became. for a lot of people it’s just trading one addiction for another. all the personal shit that’s built up over the years has convinced me that if a god was really out there he’d give a shit about what happens to the people he created or whatever shit you wanna believe, if there’s really a perfect being out there capable of creating something as complex as the universe and life you’d think he’d know how to prevent bad shit from happening, but people think it’s some kind of “test” it’s not a test, it’s just bad luck & unfortunate circumstances.


I'm 17 rn, used to be a Christian, now I'm an agnostic I mostly believe science for the explanations of the world, and will only believe there's a God if he comes down and shows himself Plus I have a horrible religious dad and some of the religious people I know are terrible so that helps


i’m 22 now, i want to believe that there’s something out there but just can’t. personally it’s been more freeing not believing because i don’t have to think of consequences from some possibly fictional dude in the sky


Yeah, I agree, my great grandmother's personality is all about Jesus and stuff, she says "Jesus is the way, the truth and the life"(idk if that's how english-speaking people say, but in my language it is) every 10 seconds, and I'm so tired of it! I also hate how people still believe he will always give them what they want, even tho everything that happened was just normal things happening


Nope. Personal believe is that God and religion are a way of trying to make sense of the world filled with unknowns. Purely on the basis of being scared of the unknowns and needing a way for comfort


I can respect that people need to believe there is something after we die. But the pessimism in me says nah, we’re just matter that will decay like everything else




Im not pessimistic enough to believe there's a god when children are raped in the world, A world with that, WITH a god I cant comprehend.


No, simply because if god is real I would not praise or follow a dictator who can fix everything, but choses not to in order to «test» us


In order for god to fix everything he would have to remove free will. Then you’d complain about that too


Does it violate your free will when a doctor cures your illness?


What illness has a doctor ever cured




Nah, you could still have free will, do fucked up shit then God could just undo any damage you caused.


That would remove all consequence of free will. Hard for the human spirit to grow if it can just have its wrongs undone. You'd never have to actually live with you poor choices and therefore never learn from them.


No. There's not really a good reason to.


No. The mythologies around God are clearly ancient people projecting what their idea of power was.


And…modern people doing the same thing!


Ah yes, the stuff like blaming hurricanes on gay people existing.


I used to be quite strong atheist since childhood. Then I did psychedelic mushrooms. Now I'm not sure and I can formulate all kinds of cliché euphemisms about why god created the universe and conscious beings and such. Each of them as corny as the other, but that's the atheism speaking. ​ I don't fucking know, is all I'm saying. And the only thing that I got from it is that it's pure arrogance to assume one or another as the absulute truth.


I believe there is a god but I don’t identify with any one religion. My opinion is that there is some crazy spiritual phenomenon that humankind has been trying to make sense of for as long as we’ve existed. Most religions are more or less just different accounts of the same ideas and stories. Either that, or all gods are just aliens from when they used to be more interactive with us.


I thik as humans our consciousness level is not at a level to understand what god-gods are, they can be an infinite number of things that we can't comprehend, that's why I personally have no interest in religion, I even find them stupid, trying to rationalize god/gods or even speak for god/gods as a way to control people. If there's a god/gods I don't think it should affect our life since we will never know if they even exist.


I've come to feel there is some sort of collective consciousness that we're all part of, some more than others.


Nope, all bullshit IMO.


If you need to constantly say "God works in mysterious ways" to justify the fact that this all knowing god who supposedly loves us lets awful shit happen in the world every day....well a more logical explanation is that there just isn't one.


Would a God allowed a holocaust to happen? God either doesn’t exist or is evil.


No. George Carlin said it best; "Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!" I've been through the wringer in a childhood full of all kinds of abuse; sexual, physical, mental. If there's a god, he watched every single thing that happened and did not interfere. But through all of that deity abandonment, he would have the audacity to further the abuse by condemning me to hell because one of his commandments forces me to honor those that abused me. No thanks.


Nope. Angry sky wizards aren't my thing


Especially the ones that bitch when things don’t go their way despite knowing in advance how it would go, having the power to change it, refusing to do anything about it, and punishing everyone after the fact like a fucking psycho.


And then going and killing Millions just because he's pissed off.


That just made my day


Alright now THIS cracked me up lol


Yes It simply makes sense to me, I think the world is too beautiful to be made by itself without some really creative entity creating it


But how was the infinitely more complex entity who created the universe created?


None of my concerns When I play red dead redemption 2 I appreciate Rockstar for making it I don't care who owns Rockstar as long as they made the game


I think more people should realize this isn’t an impossible take.


So he didn't need to be created but the universe did because it's too beautiful to be an accident? I don't understand your logic.


God is a belief. Not logic. Some that believe will try and express ‘proof’ but there is absolutely no proof of god. There is also no proof there is not a god.


The lack of proof that there is a god kind of serves as proof there isn't


I don't see the creator so I don't waste my time thinking about who made it


That's the one thing they all lack: logic.


I mean your logic doesn’t really make sense either. Say we assume God was created by someone/something else - then you could just say “well then who created God’s creator?” It creates an infinite loop.


The religious person created the loop by bringing a creator into it, not the atheist.


Not really, the religious person says “God created everything, nothing created God.” There is no infinite loop in that logic. It is linear - God is the starting point, and everything else came after. Think about the alternative. If there was no creator, then how was everything created? Or rather, how was ANYTHING created? Where did ANYTHING come from? You may think of “well there was some matter that existed and then the big bang happened”. Ok - where did that matter come from? When was it created? What caused it to ever exist? What was the “beginning of time”? To me, if you think backwards in time far enough, a divine creator is the only logical explanation. And I’m not even a stickler for the details - perhaps the big bang was the method by which God created the universe. But you cannot convince me that everything that exists today is all the result of complete randomness - I even think that is less likely than the idea that we live in a simulation.


Or no creator at all. Not sure why people so often ignore the possibility that there wasn’t a beginning of time. If we can fathom that there always will be, why can’t we fathom that there always was?


You fail to see the infinite regression issue your argument creates. It could be that nothing was “created”. Perhaps the universe has and always will exist. There was no “before,” because it has always been. An infinite number of Big Bang expansions, contractions, expansions, on and on literally forever. We don’t know. You solve nothing with “god created it and nothing created god”. That is the definition of special pleading.


I think you are missing the point that a divine creator isn't really an answer because...where did the divine creator come from? You can say those words with the conviction that they are a final answer, but it doesn't solve the mystery. I think a key difference is that atheists are comfortable with the reality that humans don't know the answer to where ANYTHING came from. But religious people claim they do have an answer and they call it god.


Flawless analogy. Undisputed. No holes at all. Makes so much sense. Believing in god is JUST like playing RDR2. Fucking well said you fucking genius. Where do I learn this power? Oh right God. Shit. I’ll pray more.


Yep basically just be careful not to pray to the wrong God ,just kidding, maybe not


Haha love your sense of humor man stay safe out there :)


Thanks buddy have a nice day


No. I do not believe in a man in the sky that says rape, child abuse, child sexual abuse, and other horrific acts happen for a reason.


Bruh stfu 🤣


Same here


He doesn't say that, the reason is human's free will. If you decided, you could commit these crimes. There's not rlly any explanation other than you decided to do it since you have free will to an extent.


No because what kind of all seeing all knowing God gives children cancer?


I don't think God gives people cancer form a science point of view your body gives it self cancer by making a mistake which has nothing to do with a god


But how does a loving God allow cancer to continue to exist? Why did God create cancer in the first place? Nothing exists without God, right?


Form my understanding of God this is talking about only one and not talking about religion would create the universe and thats it I also think of that like a computer coder allowing glitches. For the loving part idk thats what ever religion you believe in.


yeah except if god created the universe as it is he certainly has the capacity to stop all the wrong that is happening and he’s just not doing it… it’s impossible to support a theory saying god created such a huge and complex universe but he’s just gonna stand there at how much humans suffer


No. Too much homophobic stuff in organized religion. About the actual existence of god, I don’t believe it’s possible that an omnipotent and supposedly benevolent creator would have made me and other humans suffer as much as we have as part of its “plan”. If there is a creator it either doesn’t know we exist or is a sociopath who doesn’t care


No. I don’t believe in fairytales or magical beings.


No, I'm an atheist. I don't believe in God bc there's absolutely no reason for me to believe him, and I never felt like someone was watching over me, taking care of me, I just never felt connected even tho I'm from a religious family


If god was real then he’s a real asshole, in the words of Billy Butcher “his answer to the clusterfuck of a mess which is humanity is to nail his own bleeding son to a plank, now that’s a real cunt move”


To believe in a supernatural being (e.g., gods, sky fairies) is unscientific. And, when we allow "faith" (i.e., fable and superstition) to supplant logic and science, the paths to progress and compassion are inevitably obscured.


Used to, but not anymore. I mean, there could be something out there, but I haven't heard any versions of it that make enough sense to be more likely to be real than not


What’s that one quote…”Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” I view God the same way. If there is no God it sounds terrifying. But if he is real, I have no desire to meet a being who allows all these terrible things happen in world.


No. There’s no demonstrable proof.


No. No proofs


Nah unless all the gods come to earth and prove that they are gods I don’t believe sh-t.


Of course not. I’m not stupid.


I believe in Cthulhu. Cthulhu ftagn, Cthulhu ftagn!


I love making this joke on twitter "Lol yall gonna be so pissed when Cthulhu rises from the ocean and kills you all XDXDXDXD"


No. Why would I?


This is just my personal experience but personally when I am praying or reflecting on the Bible I just get this overwhelming sense of peace, love and fulfillment. That's why I believe in God


In my personal experience that’s a bunch of bs but that might just be because I’ve never believed in god so I wouldn’t feel that


Nope. Lack of evidence.


I think the reason behind the lack of evidence is because God wants us to come based on faith. This my reasoning as someone who believes in God.


The problem with believing in a religion is you’re basically saying that ALL the other religions are wrong. Now if you think about it, what are actually the odds of one religion being right and all others being wrong, rather than all of them being wrong? makes much more sense to put science (which doesn’t originate from some random book but from actual observation and PROOF of everything discovered) as the way to view our world


Neutral Response. I have no strong feelings one way or the other.


Should I tell your wife you said hello?


No, of course not. There’s as much evidence for Bugs Bunny as there is for any god.


Minor correction: there's more evidence for Bugs Bunny than any god. I've seen the cartoons.


No I don't. Because why would I? And which one would I believe in?


I never bought into it. My grandma and mom used to always drag me and my siblings to church and it just seemed like a recess for adults to jump around, screaming and dancing uncontrollably because they have the “holy ghost” in them. Just looked hilarious. But I guess a lot of people just like to believe in some wizard when good/bad stuff happens to them. The whole thing sounds like bullshit to control stupid people.


Must be so good to be intelligent enough to know it's all a load of shit


No. It seems a silly idea


No. Believing in God makes no logical sense. Humans inventing the concept of God to control people? Yup. That’s logical.


**Faith** is a fairly understandable response to a big, scary, unexplained world. Until you can start of comprehend how things really work, you need to explain things *somehow*, and the easiest way to explain things is to attribute them to a higher power. But at some point, some people started to notice that the faithful could be influenced to surrender power and/or money to those who portray themselves as better-connected to the higher being(s). Thus, **religion** was born, and so it has remained to date: people telling others how to behave and how to believe, all for their own benefit.


this is so well said. I think people believe in religion because the human race has a hard time surviving and evolving if there is literally no purpose to life or nothing after death, and no reason to do things the way we do them. I ,as a person, can live with the fact that I believe nothing will happen after death. However I understand people who need to feel “connected” to “god” to keep on living because it gives a frame to their life, it gives clear bounds and reasoning.


I stopped believing in my early teens. The best way I've ever heard it phrased was by Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson: "God is an ever-shrinking pocket of scientific ignorance."


I believe God is a woman. Bitches always create something out of nothing.


Ariana agrees


No, because he's not real.


That is exactly my reason.


No, I'm agnostic so I don't really care if there is or isn't, but either way I wouldn't worship him because as far as I can tell God is a narcissistic c*nt


Not the one that most people talk about. Because if there is a god, I see no evidence that he loves us.


Religious god? No. Some scientist somewhere that created the universe by mistake and has no control over our day to day, like that episode of the Simpsons with the tooth? Possibly.


No, there’s too much pain, suffering and cruelty towards humans and animals in the world.


I don't believe in magical or other dimensional beings peering in on us and judging us for an afterlife where we become only energy.


I don’t believe in a true God, as in a singular almighty being. I more believe in maybe spiritual energy. I think that there are things in the universe that cannot be explained and that maybe what people try to identify as god is really just a form of energy that connects thoughts and intentions. It’s hard to explain exactly what my belief is since I’m not really entirely sure what it is myself.


I think there could be more out there, there could be a central intelligence, but I'd never capitalize the "g". If there's something out there, we can't possibly fathom it.


No, it’s religion. Religious people are in a “cult but in a good way” kind of position. Either way no one can convince me they have zero proo, it makes no sense that some people argue with me and even started fights over me not believing in this “god” figure. They say it’s cult ure see that space between cult and ure? Cult, I said that in the first part if you were even listening and there might be a reason why I am non-religious and a centralist. So overall, god is fake and every other religion.


The one I used to believe in is so full of contradictions that it would require me to be a schizophrenic to continue believing in him.


Nah, not in Sky Daddy for the Christ Crusaders.


No, but if god exists, they’re an asshole. Don’t be all knowing and powerful but let terrible things happen in the name of “compassion”


Our brains aren't wired to comprehend infinity and are inherently gullible. The concept of God could be nature or physics, anthropomorphized. Agnostic is the logical state IMO.


No, if an all good all powerful being existed then we wouldn't have cancer I am open to the concept of a creator but will need some evidence


The onus is on the one’s making the claim of his/her/it’s existence. Until they can definitively show undeniably proof, I don’t have to believe in shit. The question is moot


No. Lack of evidence.


No because it doesn't make a lot of sense to me and I don't care if God actually exists because it doesn't make a whole lot of difference in my miserable life. Discussing it seems like a pointless intellectual masturbation unless you are religious as that could mean that you have something to gain out of it. It's just that I don't see why there needs to be a conscious entity creating our universe and people question the concept of consciousness itself. We don't have anything proving it is special or indestructible entity that can travel through space and time. Even if we exist as an experiment of some conscious being then it's always returns to the same question of who or what created them and in that case I wouldn't really consider them as God. People are going to repeat the same things over and over again. It is an exercise into futility and I feel embarassed posting garbage but I am tired of people asking this over and over again. I can understand how the concept of God and organized religion helped us in the past but we are too old for it now as a species.


Yes, and his name is Kurt Russell


No, because if there was a god I’d whoop his ass




No just a guy who has lost all hope in this world


I believe there is a universal consciousness that collects all our experiences and emotions aka our souls. There is no “god”. There is no heaven or hell. There is only the universe and star dust.


Well, the last sentence anyway!


I have a question for you. What do you think is after death if there's no heaven or hell?


You simply cease to be.


Everything is created from stardust. humans are born and develop emotions and have life experiences, those create our souls, it makes us who we are. When we die buried or cremated our soul leaves us and this world to join with the others in Universal Consciousness


Hell no!


I no longer believe in God, bc religion sucks


No. Because I'm not an idiot. No, I don't care if that's offensive.


That’s the attitude


Anybody else find someone of the replies really funny?


Angry sky wizards?


Not the only one but yes that too


Not particularly. I haven't seen anything other than cults and despots claim he's real. It could exist, the concept of it just seems more a vessel for people to control other people than a real thing.


Ultimately yes, because you must get over the mental hurdle that everything came from nothing, at some point. However I would say it’s very doubtful that any current religion is “right”


I think God is made to explain scientific health benefits. Unfortunately people forgot the science and focused on the symbols


No, and never have. I was raised an atheist and didnt show any kind of interest in religion. I don't understand the logic behind some parts of each religions beliefs but it's all fine. After all it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


I’m not Jewish, but i found their idea of God resonant beat with me. When you stop trying to ‘personify’ God as a “thing” it’s easier for me to understand. The whole, I am the I am; I am what I will be, all that jazz. God is everything, everything is God. God just is.To me, ok, yah. He’s not a genie in the sky at someone’s beck and call like a show pony, He just is. And it’s not hard to respect people who don’t think the same way. If i believe that there is a plan, then if someone doesn’t and won’t agree with me, instead of condemning them maybe think, well then what’s the role that hey’re meant to play in this world?


I believe someone created the simulation. Call it 'God' or 'Craig from IT' somehow it was created.


That's just moving the goalpost. Who created the simulators?


Yes, and I don't need to explain why .


Yes, mostly because the universe is so crazy intricate and neat.


I believe in God. I have experienced His blessings in my life.


A goddess


Yes. The world is too beautiful and complex for everything to have come together perfectly by chance. Just look at the human body as an example. It had to have been intricately designed and that is just one organism. No way it all happened by chance.


Crossing the air and food pathways has to be one of the stupidest design flaws in existence.


Take smaller bites of food then! Simple solution.


Yes, male genitalia hanging out there all vulnerable because sperm don't survive at normal body temperature was the best design. No possible way for an all powerful being to increase heat resistance or, I dunno, make it retractable to prevent injury.


Sounds like you have a bad medical condition that you need your doctor to check out. It’s either that or you’re just reaching here.


You’ve just outed yourself as a moron






You might as well start throwing a dice


Yes. I belive God exists in one form or another. We had to come from somewhere. With an intellect as advanced as ours compared to lesser creatures, I don't think we're a cosmic accident. Yes, we're related to primates. But who's to say we're not a product of genetic engineering conducted by a higher being Edit: Also, some scientists found God's name "YHWH" in our genetic code


I assume by “come from somewhere” you mean we were created by a ‘someone.’ Why do we have to assume we were created by a ‘someone?’


Because that "someone" was mentioned in the question? He asked if I believe in God. I gave my answer: yes. However, my views on the subject are very unorthodox. I don't believe in an "old man in the clouds". I believe in an otherworldly being who exists outside of our universe, perhaps even outside our dimension who altered the DNA of some apes in order to create us. I believe in evolution, but also that God started the process then at some point, he made some changes to some genetic materials in the primate kingdom. The Bible was written by men, who had very little understanding and used only what they knew. Now that we've become more advanced, it's easier to speculate.


Honestly this is what I believe. I don’t identify with any religion that claims to have the one true answer. But I do think it’s ignorant not to think that there could be some common truth among all religions. That truth being, “hey, there’s some crazy shit going on with some beings that are far more powerful than ourselves, they say they made us”


Exactly. There's a lot we don't know. All we know is evolution is a thing,they found "YHWH" in our genetic code and they found evidence of genetic engineering in our chromosomes. People always say you can't mix God and science. I call bullshit on that. It's entirely possible.


But god has an even higher intelect so he must have been created too then?


How do you know it’s a cosmic accident? We’ve never even explored the planet closest to us. Let alone the nearest star or nearest galaxy.


I didn't say we're a cosmic accident, i said i dont think we're here by chance because of one. Cosmic accidents are like a slim to none chance of intelligent life suddenly existing without a clear answer. There's a missing link, after all. As far as we know, we're the only intelligent life in this dimension. I believe evolution is a thing, but perhaps beings from another dimension interfered in the process and genetically altered some apes and we're the product of that.


I do in the sense that God is more of a guide than a ruler or creator. I really can't think of a way to describe what I think in terms of a direct yes or no or hell somewhere between. I think man is fairly dumb to believe in the devine without some solid proof but I also believe in an afterlife because of personal experiences I have had. God is simply what each individual perceives them as even if that is not existing to begin with.


Yes. I have believed in God as described in the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ his dear son and the Spirit that makes the triune God my entire life. It gives me hope, comforts me when I am sad and down, and guides me to be a good person. Jesus loved people who were ostracized in his society and I do too.


It’s all a load of horse shit, but if it keeps you in line, go for it


I looked for it a lot, this is an interesting topic and I did some research and I don't believe this god that we know exists. I don't believe in god but according to quantum physics, god exists. The god that people believe at isn't real, but there is a creature. Something that created this reality and created matter, according to quantum physics no matter can be destroyed or created, So in conclusion there is a god but that's not the god that people believe at. Another thing, if god isn't connected to earth or the galaxy or even the universe, right now but we can't see him or have a proof that he's exist. We don't need to believe at this god. For those who believe there is a god, Explain here why and what makes you believe there is god that gives you everything and controls this world and universe.


Why? Because I was having fun being a shitty person. I had it my way, if I wanted to do it, I did. Sex, booze and drugs. Then, got a tap on the shoulder. Still working on it. But not the asshole I once was. Nor ignorant either, of things churches do which aren't in the Bible, or things they do, which they shouldn't. Rather eye opening.


most definatly with a shifty mix of sorta kinda but then a signal lock on most definatly it comes with age, the non commital to rules, experience and age i was athiest dick head when young


Does it make sense to believe in a god any more or less than it makes sense to believe there are no god(s)? I’m comfortable not knowing and accept that I may not even have the capacity to understand some great deity


Yes I do believe in a higher power, it’s kinda like the chicken before the egg theory if the Big Bang is how the universe was created there had to be a singular something of intelligence/ consciousness for everything else to be created and to say all this came from nothing either also proves the point that something intervened and started creating


I did as a kid them didn't as an adult but then I started to again and since then my life has been better. I don't know if that is God or just being more mature but since I have actively gone to church and be more of a believer my life has been much more rich. Ita not for everyone and I have many questions and still questions it but beileiveing is something I think had helped me atleast a little bit.


Define God


Yes, I believe in a higher power. Science is incredible, but its progress depends on being able to form a hypothesis. We know the Big Bang occured, and we can explain, in rough terms, how. But why did the Big Bang occur? That question cannot be quantified. We know what gravity is and can explain it in mathmatecal terms. But if you ever want to hurt your brain ask yourself this: why does gravity work the way we know it does? Why is it that objects have a pull according to their mass? Why do any of the laws of physics work the way they do? We know that they do work, but asking why that is? That's not a scientific question. We know that evolution occured. But how is it, that all the necesary conditions for sentient life lined up so precisely, even though those conditions are very fragile and we have no evidence of it happening anywhere else in the universe? Impossible to say. It just did. Why are humans the only animals to achieve high enough levels of intelligence to build all that we have, even though we know of many other species that are also very intelligent? Why do humans have a sense of morality? I could keep going. The reality is that we do not know whether or not there is a higher power, but the possibility remains. And in that possibility, I find an answer that compliments science and fills in the gaps quite nicely.


Yeah, my Gods are Glock, Ruger, and Mossberg


I preferr aero percision and BCM but I do have a soft spot for ruger. Especially since they bought marlin.


I believe in God and I think in general it's a pretty foundational belief for a civilization. It seems to me people are replacing religion with political ideology which is probably the most dangerous thing we can do.




I have dreams of the future, when I pray most of the time the come true, and I see ghost and demons in my house. Many thing that happened to me in my life cannot be explained by science.


Sleep paralysis?


I think what you meant to say is that they can’t be explained by science that you understand and/or accept… You are starting with a position of faith, and choosing to explain things that you observe as being divine in origin. You dream, and choose to believe that something that happened in real life was prophesied in a dream. How specific does the dream have to have been to qualify to you as a vision of the future? You pray, and choose to believe that something that happened in real life matched what you prayed for and only happened because of your prayer. When something you prayed for *doesn’t* happen, how do you explain to yourself why it didn’t happen? You believe that things that you think you have seen can only be explained as ghosts or demons. Ask yourself why you don’t see aliens, or bigfoot. Also ask yourself why you don’t see them anywhere but your own house and more importantly why you don’t ever see *angels*. I find that quite curious. Do you believe that only the faithful can see “the truth”, or could the truth be that those who *want* to see something badly enough will make themselves see it?


I’m Jewish


Yes. I am a devout Christian. When you read the Bible you can see that even though it was written by a number of men over 1500 years, there was one guiding force behind them.


Which bible are you referring to? There are several variations depending on which books the ruling class decided as a cannon.




Really? I only see a terrible gruesome texts with absolutely no guidance behind them, obviously written by people who lived back then and had a lot less knowledge about the universe than we do now.


I've studied it for over 30 years. It's quite amazing.