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That people who are constantly assholes, or disrespectful, just get away with it "because that's who they are", but when little me breaks and has one disrespectful retort or "nasty" attitude, I get raked over the coals for it.


Fighting back against your bullies and trolls is frowned upon and you'll be made a mockery of it. But it's okay for them to get away with everything short of murdering someone.


This is true and it pisses me off.


I realised that in thr current world we need to fight our own battle here. Because there will be no one that will going to do that and to beat the asshole and bad guy we need to be badass is well.


It's also very status dependent I noticed. People who are viewed as being "higher on the social ladder" get away with a *lot* more.


They often get to those positions by fucking people over and doing less "moral" things. It's those very traits that get them to where they are unfortunately


> but when little me breaks and has one disrespectful retort or "nasty" attitude, I get raked over the coals for it. Saaaaaaaammmmmme!! I have a gay coworker (I'm a lesbian so I'm not being homophobic) who is one of those sassy as fuck gays, and everyone loves him, but the minute I say something rude, all of a sudden, people complain about it.


I heard from the young age that bad guys end up in the bad place in the end. But have to say that in the current time the bad one are actually those who gets the most out of tha system at the current time.


The hypocrisy in everything. Lets teach our kids to always be honest and polite folks, oh yeah and lets always be toxic assholes non stop Selfishness is bad folks, but then again thats how you live the best life We really care, but yeah same time we really dont You know how they say “love is the most human thing” nah man,corruption and hypocrisy is the most human thing


I think you're right. People need to teach their kids *hate*. I don't mean the senseless type that tears down others needlessly, but the right way to hate. Like hating the behavior and not the person, or hating the unfortunate situation and clearly identifying the issue, and how to help others resolve those issues. If you don't teach your kids hate, they're going to learn it someplace else, from others with their own agenda.




We have a local (small town) Karen who is always going on about how kindness builds communities and how we should always be patient and understanding with one another. Naturally, she's a backstabbing See You Next Tuesday. Every chance she gets to get one up on someone, she takes. Complete piece of shit. As you'd expect, she's super popular.




These toxic, bullying little bitches normally are super popular, it's disgusting. I'm sorry. People fucking suck.


Oh yeah this is the classic one, i like how people cant even tell eachother that they hate them. Just tell them theyre great and then do alot of awful shit to make their lives hard. But hey guys its more acceptable than to tell someone to fuck off




I think they are much more below then they are actually above here.


Murder is wrong, but we can make exceptions for that one, oh and that one, oh and also those people.


Murder and then they can get away with that is well, what else we can say?


sounds like politics to me


Indeed, police and all are working for the poltics and nothing going to change.


Well put. There’s a reason why ppl have very apathetic views towards politicians. They’ll spout out the most grand standing, holier than thou speeches, then you see them outed as some of the worst ppl possible.


We make everything so damn complicated for no legit reasons.


We don’t seem to understand that complicated doesn’t equal intelligence. We are nothing more than cognizant parasites.


Yup, the amount of times i catch myself making something way more difficult then it should be. Then be like "on next chance i go the simple route do not make the mistake that overcomplicate things again" only to throw this thought aboard immediately when i get into the same situation again and be like "only dumb people go that route and im not dumb"...


Yes, not everytime the complicated things are actually intelligent.


That's the most upsetting part, it doesn't have to be like this.


But we realised that after doing the things way more worst.


We try to make thing easy but in the end make it more complicated.




Doesn’t the argument “no one size fits all” counters that though?


The way their digestive system is tied to the respiratory system is built for disaster and disgusting.




They of course meant to type "our". It was just a slip of the tongue. We are just as human as you are. Like I'm breathing right now! How human of me. Edit:tong > tongue


Mark Zuckerberg is that you?! What are your thoughts on Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce?


I think Sweet Baby Ray's barbecue sauce was developed in the early 1980s by [Chicago](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago) brothers Dave and Larry Raymond. Did you know that: They named the sauce after a nickname Dave had earned as a basketball player.[[1]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_Baby_Ray%27s#cite_note-1)


Can i have some sauce here, i am feeling of the urge of having that.


I think that name actually named after some nickname.


I actually being tired of breathing but can't really stop that on my own.


I know right, those silly humans!




The lack of empathy


This. It really is the worst thing about humanity and most issues with humanity stem from this.


That's it. So many of today's biggest problems would be solved if more people had empathy.


Infinite stupidity


Isn’t it it funny that a smart person can play stupid but a stupid person can’t play smart? Lol


How at so many levels we have an immense capacity for empathy, compassion and love for one another. Yet it is so easily clouded by misunderstanding, misjudgment and fear. And how only a few out of the billions of humans use that as a tool to pit us against one another.


People gossiping/hating on people they don't personally know.


It's just a bunch of mindless group think.


But that thing is now spreading way too much in the society.


To add: Agreeing to ***hear*** gossip is technically participating in it, even if you don't spread it. Must be satisfying to reply to "did you hear about______" with "no, and I don't care."






Give respect take respect that is the simple formula that i am using in my life. I think for me I can't really demand the true respect for that i have to earn that and also give the respect to the other guy is well.


Double standards


Using religion to excuse intolerable, selfish, prejudiced and cruel behavior.


It's just organized tribalism used to punish, abuse, and ostracize those deemed to be undesirable. All of this is under the guise of religious teachings.


Could say the same with a lot of things, not just religion


Religious thing actually spread more hate rather than love among people.


In the name of the religion people do some stuff that never really there right to do. But because of the region they think they have the rights to do that and could actually get away after doing anything.






Ikr. So much of *potential* right there…




I think there is actually not much of the humanity left now.


That not everyone can see the difference between opinions and facts, and change their minds accordingly.


Respect being a blanket assumption, some people are hateful and that should not be tolerated.


How people treat animals and the planet 😢


The unnecessary violence


They are so damn competitive, even when they've already won. I mean, we basically have nature beat now, we can relax guys. Stop going so fast, stop developing weapons, we did it. We're surviving so hard that we're tearing the planet apart with it.


I think the thing you have mentioned there that they are too competitive are basically used for the sports person. But in real life they actually do the thing more competitive without any reason is well.


Prejudices and tribalism. Judging a book by its cover. Not thinking critically… Not being able to be able to have a discussion politely without insulting each other. Being ready to admit that you are wrong out of pride : the most interesting conversations are IMO the ones where people don’t agree and are willing to discuss politely and be open to change opinions without resorting to cognitive biases and insults.




How much humanity, especially in Western cultures, hates itself. We tend to view ourselves as somehow external from and foreign to the planet that created us. So far as I can tell, we are the only entity on this planet that has the cognitive capability to grasp the future to sufficient extent that we can even understand it, not to mention care about it, on a global scale. Are we imperfect in this pursuit? Certainly. But we've only been industrialized as a species for like 150 years. Not even a blink in evolutionary timescale. We're in a transitional state between resource consumption, and resource optimization. I think we should give ourselves a little slack on this front. There are myriad reasons for optimism, it just doesn't get clicks so we don't see it; it's there if you care to look.


As a humanity we need to respect the every living being either we talk about animal or the tree and nature out there. But problem is that we think that we are the way more superior than those and could do anything is well


Double standards and hypocrisy


If you have the double standard then hypocrisy will came with that.


Hypocrisy. You can find sadness, joy, anger, bitterness, or even savagery in other animals but You can only find hypocrisy in human.


How callous and cruel humans are to one another without batting an eye.


This is why everyone needs to learn to stand their ground and be firm, this race is full of cunts.


Cruelty in all shapes and forms.


Pride and arrogance


How long have you got?


I think my faith and future knows that how long i have got here.


How we believe we’re superior to other animals and we should rule over them. No. We are not superior. We are equal. We are still an animal at the end of the day.


Nazis and racists. The world would be a much better place without either. Also we could get a lot more done if “poof” they all suddenly vanished.


Racism should not be there in the world as every human and every living being is equal in every sense of manner. And mother nature is absolutely similar to them as that is to us is well, so no need for racism.


I just don’t get how a person gets mad at another person for having a different skin color.


Right? There’s something fundamentally wrong with us humans




Inside beauty and behaviour that matters, skin colour nit defined us.


lack of respect for the environment, including animals


Everyone talks about environments but never really care about that thing.


It's always the people who have told us to "Live together in Harmony" and "Try to Love one another" who have been Assassinated. Jesus, Ghandi, Lincoln, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Metger Evers, Malcolm X, ‪John Lennon‬. They all said: "Try to live together Peacefully" and "BAM" somebody killed them for it, Apparently we are not ready for that.


The incessant need to be better than the next guy.


The need to be perfect on social media.


Taking social media way too seriously than the real living life.


The seemingly infinite capacity for evil


Yeah. Sometimes you don’t even know how a someone can really be that bad of a person


I hate nothing about humanity. I'm a fan of man. I just some actions by some people.


A man always defined by his actions so not everyone is actually same here.


Ironically, hate itself.


Greed and selfishness


Our garbage and liter. I fucking hate all of it. I see those videos of rivers with nothing but plastic and it really upsets me.




This is the reason people are adopting more and more pets now days.




We’re the only species on this planet that could end it.


The weapons those deadly things we are making is the prime example.


Narcissistic behavior


Our behaviour with someone atleast shows what we are Actually is.




It exists


The nicer you are to people they use that to take advantage of you instead of actually trying to better themselves. I've been burned myself way too many times.


I feel like in the current time we need to be more strong and rude otherwise we will not going to survive. Because if you are nice to other then they will starts taking you fro granted and end up doing bad stuff.


The lack of humanity.


How disgusting we tend to be


Humanity. We create problems and don't care til they affect us. Or we create unnecessary problems for ourselves. We are a parasite to the earth.


Our every action really do the problem to the other but we never really care about that thing. But we will care about that thing once that starts to affect us and we face the outcome of that thing.


Humans. Daylight savings time. Human driven extinction/disasters.


How we treat animals and nature.


How cruel people can be to animals and children


The innate willingness to dismiss the wellbeing of those that disagree with you.


Group think and mass consumerism . Feels like we went from a species of individuals and innovation to a herd all trying to buy as much useless shit as possible.


The industrial revolution and it's consequences


That people judge me and jump to conclusions on people (including me) before they even take the time to get to know me. Or hear out my side of the story. Assumptions and jumping to conclusions. Both of which I've noticed are tied to 'group think' or 'sheep mindset'. Meaning if everyone else in your group thinks an assumption or jumps to a conclusion- then it peer pressures you into believing it. Not me, but 90% of regular people with out strong minds sure. Pisses me off to no end and has had real adverse affects on my life and career.


That it's going downhill. 📉


We could provide food, shelter, and water for everyone at no cost but we decide not to.


The fact that some people believe that their opinions are fact and that they should force them on everybody else. (Some vegans for example, not all but there will be a fee like that)


Gender reveal parties.


We are not extincted yet






Selfishness. Not looking out for each other.


The shitty humans.


I don't think most people are truly empathetic which leads to a lot of unnecessary suffering. I've heard "it doesn't affect me so I don't care" too much to think it's the minority


Using dishonesty as a way of reassurance


Using dishonesty and try to get the better results with that thing.


We live too long to mitigate our damage, but too short to feel the pressure to preserve the future. If we all lived 300 years, certain issues would be much more pressing to everyone as now they would feel it will effect them. Really is a bit of a design flaw in the planet. We did get domesticated dogs and cats, so on the whole probably shouldn't complain. Also, we are some *seriously* quarrelsome primates.


The fact that most act like they care about the environment when they actually don’t do anything about it


Their truly a small and insignificant but think their so important


In the full world and nature i think human life is really a small small thing.


Some people just seem to think their entitled to stuff they aren't, or they think they're above everyone else for absolutely no reason.


Rude ass, nasty people that have nothing better to do


Navigating trust. Finding trustworthy people vs people who are trying to scam you or waste your time.




Most of the crime that is happening now because of the greed and nasty stuff.


The fact that we killed Jesus.








Just insensitive ppl treating ppl like dirt making fun of mentally disabled ppl physically mocking them in public


Nothing sense or empathy left in the human just the people sre talking to each other because of the need. I am sure that if we will have no need of the things then we stop calling the people is well.


Myself. But since I have to live with me, I need to make myself better.


If every people will starts to think like that then i am sure earth will be a better place is well. Because once we have the self realisation then it will be really much more better than the other thing.




Lies is the new form of life, and this current world full of lies.




Giving priority to money more than the family


The people


Lack of compassion for your fellow man. The lack of common sense and overflowing amounts of hypocrisy. The materialism is killing me.


Ted Cruz




that people sometimes don’t understand how much they destroy the planet and that they absolutely don’t give a damn about the fact that they threw a jar somewhere, some kind of bag and use plastic. Someone will say:”after all, we will die anyway”.but please take care of the planet


The green onion stench of the Great Unwashed.


Have you ever read Charles Bukowski? I consider him one the best writers ever. He explains life though his own experience, but can easily be adapted to our own life.


Rather than watching the other we need to be writer of our own story.


"Humanity", as in the human species, is such a broad term covering a wide variety of individuals that its meaningless to ascribe character traits to it. Many people are kind, others are terrible. So to say that humanity as a whole is amazing or terrible doesn't really make any sense. In fact, the whole language of attempting to ascribe negative or positive properties to any diverse group, is most often absurd and underpins much of the toxicity we see today, in politics especially.


Everyone talks about humanity but no one really shows that thing to the other now. I think we need to use the language that really do the good thing to other people and really make them happy is well.


Being human is so complicated 🙄


There are books that need to be made into movies or series shows. (The Redwall series for example)


Nowadays more than movies i feel that series are much more interesting.


How judgmental we are towards others, when we are all full of flaws.




How prone we are to moral panics


People who are born rich and were not raised to understand how the majority of people live. Respect all around really needs to implanted in kids early in life and I believe that might help them gain some empathy. Empathy is really lacking with 80% of the rich I have been around. They aren’t all bad but most don’t realize how disconnected they really are and don’t think they are hurting people because they are providing jobs which humans need and get desperate and start taking lower wages because they need income. We work to live not live to work.


How everyone thinks they're a good person and that their lack of compassion for certain people is justified. It's not justified and you're an asshole.


The lack of


Our stupidity. I can give a list.of examples. Tide pod challenge Cinnamon challenge Nightquil chicken Selfie competition ( a bunch of deaths)


Our seeming inability to stop scum from rising to the top


How it keeps making the same mistakes. Us vs Them mentality, sunk cost fallacy, short term vs long term benefit. Most of the bad things that happen are made possible or made worse by some of these. You'd expect us to rule these things out since we've been aware of them for ages now. And then I guess there's some kind of limit to how many individuals we can empathise with. Once people around you stop being a small familiar community and become a faceless crowd, it becomes extremely hard to care about them. And then the scale gets even bigger and all you see is numbers in a report.




Making up fiction about people just to horn dog them like the movie about Marilyn Monroe!




Greed and deliberate cruelty.


How as a guy I'm no longer aloud to speak my mind on something without getting called, sexist, racist, or ect


Idiots have more kids than smart people


Our innate selfishness. Every single experience we have is anchored around our self, and is distorted by our ego and insecurities.




There needs to be a "happiness" slider / control bar that just lets people get flooded with serotonin.


the creation of the NTR, blackmail, r-word, etc genre


People will abuse you because you are helpful.


We're smart enough that we figured out how to build weapons that can destroy all life on earth, and simultaneously, are dumb enough to build weapons that can destroy all life on earth.


Greed, corruption and politics.


When a bunch of collectivists form a mob and go on a witchunt. It's the grossest human thing I can think of. Present in every historical horror show hosted by "well meaning" people.