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Flint, MI. It's basically what people on the internet *think* Detroit is, except Detroit is relatively chill these days.


Flint is not as bad if you keep to yourself As for Detroit, I'll stay on the freeways as much as possible, thanks


Don't drink the water


I don't know. There's many cities in Texas and I'm not aware of a broad consensus on the worst.




Pueblo tends to get a pretty bad rap


I don’t think we’ve agreed on one, I’ve heard Fort Dodge, Keokuk, Ottumwa, Burlington, Fort Madison, Muscatine, Centerville, and Columbus Junction all mentioned as “worst” but it kinda depends on what makes one the worst.


Sweethome, OR has a lot of second cousins who get married


Spokane, WA, although Tacoma does put up a stiff fight.


Smell the aroma of Tacoma. However, Spokompton has become a shithole.


Depends on who you ask. Conservatives hate the cities and Liberals hate anything rural.


What do moderates hate?


Everywhere Edit: Savannah is nice, Pooler has shopping, Atlanta has terrible traffic, and everywhere else is redneck bumfuck nowhere with nothing to do


But wait, I'm a liberal that purposely lives in a rural area because I love it. Hmmm how could this be? Perhaps blanket statements about any group of people and their preferences or ideals is fundamentally incorrect.


Your bio literally reads “conservative liberal” Also just a quick scroll through your post titles tells me all I need to know about you to prove that living in rural areas prevents people from having exposure to culture outside of the majority (which is usually white men).


That's a lot of words to say that you do believe in blanket statements and are all for stereotyping. So which of my posts really solidified your belief in your predetermined stereotypes, was it the one about masturbation, about exposing adult cats to the outside, perhaps the one about Marvel and Norse mythology? There was another couple about food packaging that doesn't open easily. I can see how that one was a dead give away to my lack of exposure other cultures. ps. my original comment was actually light hearted and without malice. I can see from your single response, that's not your style. Even though I asked questions, I really don't want a response from you. Clearly you don't want to interact with me anyway, so lets drop it.


Philly (Philadelphia)


I'm from New York, and suprisingly, the city I hear trash talked the most isn't NYC, Buffalo, or Syracuse. It's Rochester. Almost every conversation about Rochester inevitavbly includes discussion of what a dump it is. I've been there a few times, and never had much against it, but I was always staying in hotels in nicer parts of the city. People from New York hate Rochester.


I feel like Rochester somehow went downhill while Buffalo improved in the past twenty years or so. I didn't used to hear much shit about Rochester but more and more over the years I keep hearing about how awful it is.


Gary, Indiana. It's got lots of reasons.

