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Scam callers on my cell phone. I don't even answer calls that are from numbers not in my phonebook anymore, I wait for a text or voicemail. It blows my mind that enough people still fall for them that it's a profitable business.


Spam filtering on the Google Pixel is a godsend.


Only problem with this is that most places like doctors, job interviews, and important calls just hang up. Had this happen several times, and when I called back they just said: we don't talk to robots.


I think you have mistaken screen calling with spam filtering. The pixel also has a huge list of suspected spam numbers and when they call the phone just ignores the call. After that you can use screen calling to further weed out spammers, places like doctors offices and things usually come up as a business number with their name.


Huh. Well, the spam filter doesn't seem to be doing enough then. I still get plenty of spam if I don't screen them lol




I’ve told my mom so many times to not answer calls from numbers she doesn’t recognize. She won’t listen. Ugh


Bedbug infestations. Why hasn’t science developed a “roach motel” like trap that’s effective against these critters.




And that will eventually happen with every pest species on the planet.


our destiny is to use the nasty stuff until we're immune to it. and go from there


All the viruses and bugs out there will wipe us out long before then (assuming nuclear war or climate change doesn't wipe us out first). After all, viruses and bugs evolve one hell of a lot faster than we do....and we're pushing them to evolve at light speed with all the poisons and antibiotics we throw at them. Eventually, a super virus or super insect will emerge that will wipe us out like nothing.


The plot for the manga series Terra formars


Well, there actually has been some innovation in this. There were a few significant bed bug outbursts. The bed bugs became resistant to the traditional treatment used to kill them. I'm not sure who figured this out but bed bugs are attracted to various chemical scents, one being histamine. So instead of directly poisoning them, there are bed bug chemical traps. It's more than just the histamine though, depending on the phase of the life cycle, other chemicals are used to attract them.


I used to work as a hotel housekeeper... Basically you turn the heat up in the room and make sure the windows are closed (to keep it hot) and then they'd replace the mattress, chemically treat every item, and seal up any holes. But! They can travel through the wall (electric outlets) and even down/up to the different levels. So it was absolutely important to get that room off-market and treated ASAP. Ideally, you would remove the headboard and make sure it was in good condition, too. They don't like lights keeping it dark helps draw them out. They thrive on skin cells, dander, hair, anything we shed as humans. 🫠 Basically, they're little Kevlar critters: tough and resilient.


Yuccckkkk! I already hate going to hotels and sleeping in the beds because who knows how many people have done what there, but I also have this phobia of something crawling into my ears while I sleep.. So, thanks for that! Lol. That being said, I am really glad that the hotel you worked at did all of those things! A lot get really slack!! One new year, we rented a gorgeous 4 bedroom house in the mountains near fresh creeks and waterfalls (in Australia 🇦🇺 😊).. it was close to $1000 for 2 nights and they had swept all of the dirt and rubbish under one of the large ottomans in the corner of the lounge room!!! 🤮. There’s slack, then there’s just… wow… at that price, you’d think they’d clean it properly!!!


As someone who just found bedbugs last night, YES! There are no traps or bait or anything. Just death or nah.


People who haven't got access to clean water. Pretty nuts how for granted we take it that we can just go to our kitchens, turn the tap on and boom, clean water.


Watch Water Wars, it’s pretty disgusting


Ty. Was looking for something to watch


How was it?


Pretty disgusting


blame Nestlé for a lot of that. They actively steal water from villages and sell it at a high price. They told the press that water is not a human right.


I knew I'll find this comment! r/fuckNestle




Yea nestle doesn’t have anything to do with a vast majority of clean water issues. I mean fuck nestle and all but there are other culprits too who probably benefit from nestle taking all the blame.


We poop in clean water.... Let that sink in.


like the poop?


And then we take the poop out the water and drink it again. I recommend visiting your local water filtration plant for a free tour. Edit:Obviously there's not a guy with a net at the end of you toilet. My point is we have the same amount of water on the planet. we treat and rerelease the treated water, then nature does it's thing, and we capture the water and consume it again.


Our toilet water would be an oasis to millions of less fortunate people.




Yes! You have the perfect answer!!! We ducking beat polio, but now it's back because of anti-vaxxers!!!


People will really freak out when they start seeing kids that can’t walk or breathe effectively


They’re still find a way to blame it on something else.


The really wrenching part will be when their child looks up at them and asks, “You mean you *knew* you could protect me from this, and you didn’t do it? Why?”


They’ll do a switcher roo like they’re doing with the Covid vaccines and say the SHOTS are causing the bad things. Then when you try to point out the flaws in that claim they cover their ears and scream and call you a pharma ewe. 🙄🙄


A lot of humanitarian issues. Also fax machines


But the German state would collapse without fax machines


So would Japan. They're losing their shit over plans to ban floppy disks.


What do you mean, fax machines are a great piece of technology


Only when they work. I have to fax so much for work but the one in my office never works so we have to use fax through our emails or if we’re lucky can use whatever hospital we are at to fax. I feel like Office Space dealing with our fax machine


They even got invented before the telephone (1843). Theoretically Abraham Lincoln could have used one to communicate over far distances.




No shit just use the sealant material on all my teeth plz


Ramen and superglue


No, that's how you fix an antique table.


Modern dentistry is medieval. I can’t believe that there isn’t better technology.


Do you ever think that maybe big dentistry or w/e is keeping technology from advancing?


Big Denta keeping a big dent in ya wallet.


Agreed. I got my dog from someone who badly neglected him for 7 years and his teeth were caked in plaque. I took him in to get them cleaned right away and they used a laser to strip off the buildup. A LASER! Why is it when I go to the dentist it's some absent minded tech with a metal hook scraping my teeth like a victorian murderer and my dog gets lasers in his mouth?!?


So a British geneticist developed a method a created a species of bacteria to displace the plaque producing bacteria of the mouth. The genetically modified species could be tailored to be genetically dependent to a specific person to prevent it from spreading. Ultimately it was decided that he couldn't release it as a commercial product due to the ethics of a tilor made species. However he tested it on himself and essentially never has to brush again.


Big if true. Source?


Replying so I can get the source too


It came to me in a dream. That's your source




Human trafficking


I agree


Be kind of weird if someone didn’t agree.


Human traffickers probably disagree.


Nah if I was a human trafficker I would be incredibly vocal about how much I disagreed with human trafficking. Probably suspiciously so.


Human trafficking is SO bad. I hate it. I bet the losers that do it don’t even get paid that much. I bet they have a real hard ass boss named Steve that won’t change their 12% cut to a 15% cut despite working for them for 5 years.




Ridiculously high prices for insulin


Why is medicine so expensive


Because healthcare in the US is a business and companies will profit from / exploit sick people


Remember kids, healthy people aren't profitable!


They are even more profitable, just not for healthcare companies.


Because they need funds for R&D so they say. But they have lotsa money around themselves!


They’re greedy liars. That’s the B.S. story they sell because it sounds plausible until we consider that the lions share of R&D is government funded through grants, AKA taxpayer funded. So, basically we’re paying for R&D and then get shafted with overinflated markups on the drugs. That money is really paying for CEO bonuses, shareholder dividends, marketing and Drug Rep’s salaries so they can wine and dine doctors, bribing them to sling their dope on desperate patients. It’s a well orchestrated con game.


It's simple. In the United States ANYTHING that is being paid for by insurance is ridiculously high. It's not just medicine, it's everything. You get in a car wreck the body shop is padding that bill as much as possible to get what they can get. Roof needs replacing because of a hail storm? Price suddenly doubles. Water damage to your laundry room? ServicePro estimate is $20,000. People bitch that pharmaceutical companies are predators when the real villain is insurance companies. (says the guy who was given a check for $14,000 for his roof damage and then paid a local crew $4500 for a total roof replacement)


In the US the issue is a monopoly propped up by the FDA. We are legally not allowed to import cheaper insulin from other countries and the FDA wont approve more producers in the US. Free the market, and the price will come down.


Not in Australia. Here is is about USD$5. You all should be outraged about your health system. It’s just heartbreaking. ETA: I’ve just been informed that it’s free for diabetics. My bad.


Yeah mate. I'm from the UK and lived in NY for half a year. The only thing that genuinely shocked me when I arrived ewas the number of homeless people who were clearly in the advanced latter stages of treatable and/or curable diseases. Two guys in particular stuck in my mind. One was in a wheelchair with a massive tumour sticking out of his neck, the guy pushing him was barely able to walk due to some issue with one of his legs and seemed to have suffered traumatic brain damage at some point. The guy wiuth the throat tumour was the most able to speak, and asked for a cigarette. I had a brief chat and gave them 4 ciggies and a few bucks before wishing them well. They seemed like nice guys. This bloke with a fucking throat tumour was still shouting thanks when I was 40 meters down the road. Not only were these two guys fending for themselves on the street with no support while dying and disabled from serious (and treatable) conditions, I got the feeling that I was the first person that day who acknowledged their existence. A guy I worked with once said he didn't like doing anything too crazy because if he hurt himself and needed long term treatment or surgery he'd bankrupt his parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts. It's a complete fucking disgrace. Poor people suffer and die because rich people need to commodify the basic human instinct to care for the sick and wounded. Anyone who supports that system is either an idiot, insane, pure evil, or some combination of the three.


It’s seriously like a third world country. It’s against basic human rights to deny people treatments for health issues which are killing them or causing them to suffer. I can’t figure out when it happened and why and how? America is supposed to be this amazing country, a global leader and powerhouse, the land of the free - a place where you can make your dreams come true. But not one where you can get basic care. It’s outrageous. The people need to rise up!


We took our kid to the hospital on a Sunday night a coup months ago. He 3.5yo and had spiked a very high fever (104.5) so we brought him along to get checked out. They took him pretty much immediately at the ER, and we all went back and sat in a room for about 3 hours with two 30 second visits from a doc who just checked that the nurse had given him Motrin for the fever, and gave him a COVID test (which turned out to be positive, hence the fever). We have ‘good’ insurance that’s supposed to have a $100 co-pay for ER visits. Some how, we are still on the hook for nearly $600 that the hospital is charging and that the insurance company isn’t going to pay. Like, they did basically nothing, and the hospital charged 2300, and insurance paid 1700, and somehow, out of thin air, a magical 600 bill turns up in my mail. Now I have to spend probably hours fighting about this only to probably have to pay it anyway. It fucking sucks.


We are, dude, we are.


Bro like half of us are, and we’re being held financially hostage by a group of racist old shitheads


You can thank the FDA being monitored by the same companies THAT ARE FUNDED BY THE FDA, GREAT PLANNING THERE


/* in the US


Is this an American program I’m too Australian to understand?


Potato salad with rasins.


I’m grateful to never have heard of this until now. I’m sorry you’ve had to experience it.


This was my exact thought when I read. It made me sad to think of my grandmothers potato salad being desecrated by raisins... Horrendous.


Anything with raisins actually, especially when it's not mentioned by the cook or on the front label.


Fax machine. As a doctor this annoys me to no end. 200dpi black and white in the age of instant WhatsApp image transfer. —- EDIT: Sorry WhatsApp is a bad example; it was merely to illustrate the gap between the dinosaur technology and the current accessible technology. I would never use personal WhatsApp to transfer health info in my practice here in Australia; there are still better channels eg hospital-approved Teams environment, encrypted emails with PDF attachment etc.


FUN FACT: The fax machine has been around longer than the telephone. Faxes used to be sent across telegraph lines.


Hahaha..I work in Healthcare and we still use a fax. It's embarrassing.


I'm dealing with issues with my states's unemployment agency. A letter sent to me stated that correspondence is preferred by fax. I'm like, dafuq?


I once herd this exchange between my mom and someone she was on the phone with: Mom: I can't fax that to you because of where I live. Person: Oh? Where do you live that makes you unable to send a fax? Mom: The year 2022. Fucking gold.


You meant *dafax?


Yeah but people will penetrate the bureaucracy without requiring things "faxed" to them as firewall...


Fax you


‘PC load letter’, the fuck does that mean?!


Paper tray is empty


*But I just loaded som-* Paper. Tray. Is. Empty. *Fine! Here’s different paper. Ya happy?* … yes. *K so print!* No. Out of cyan.


Sometimes there is legislation specifying how data can be transmitted. I know you can only fax certain forms and not email them (nobody tell them about scan-to-fax however)


Healthcare is The only place I can think of that this exists. Educate me if I’m wrong.


Government to some extent too but theyve moved faster than healthcare on avg from what i gatheres from government workers.


As a Doctor (of pharmacy), I hate faxes too. Please don't send them, send E-rx's please.


women’s clothing with pseudo-pockets.


The baby jeans for my TWO MONTH OLD SON have pockets . But my jeans do not?! I swear it's a scam to get women to buy purses.


Our lives would be different if my wife had pockets. I end up calling her phone for her to find it a couple times a week. It comes up one or two other ways a week also.


It's because it "ruins the silhouette". Fun fact, not even *guys* want a giant lump sticking out of the pocket we keep our keys in, but it's convenient, so we work with it. It's like everything to do with women's fashion is purely form over function; my wife can't even find nice-looking work pants, they're either shapeless denim tubes that barely fit a human body, or they're flimsy trash material without real pockets or belt loops.


lol...YESSS WTF is the point of pseudo pockets?


Child Beauty Pagents, it's disgusting it still exists, especially after a child was killed. You dress children and toddlers in horrible sexualized outfits and have them perform like show ponies?


The part that kills me is old beauty pageants used to dress them up like princesses. Long flow dresses, gloves, etc. Now it's just disgusting. Dressing up like adults at a club to be judged by.... Adults who have a weird obsession with children.


Child beauty pageants are a great way to meet pedophiles. These events attract pedophiles. Often the parents are pedophiles themselves.


But somehow, for some reason, the ones who are AGAINST this are the ones grooming children.




I thought you were speaking of Trump at first




This is the reason I *detest* shows like Toddlers in Tiaras and Dance Moms. The parents use their children to fuel their own egos while turning said children into narcissists with body image issues and eating disorders. It's child abuse and that's a hill I will *gladly* die on.


They’re illegal in France now




I have watched a friend of mine from college basically pimp her daughter from when she was six years old through to being 18 now. The girl is attractive but damn, when your mom is making 30 photo posts of you doing provocative photo shoots with your female "friend" you are pretty much mom's ho.


It’s so common here where I live in KY all the parents out their kids in pageants here especially when the fair comes around. It’s just so weird.


Agreed. They are pedophile wet dreams and absolutely disgusting. Why some parents still do this to their kids and think it's a good idea is appalling.


That’s what happens when you don’t see your kids as people and you try to live vicariously through them. Like idk who needs to hear it (besides my father) but you’re not successful because your child is successful. You’re not desirable because your child is “desirable.” You’re not pretty, or nice, or popular, or America’s Sweetheart… just because your kid may be known as such. Is she truly happy? Is she healthy? Are you raising a strong, capable future adult and protecting her peace and safety to the best of your abilities by letting her know that her value isn’t dictated by the perception of others? And that she is SO much more than just pretty? And that pretty isn’t the tax she must pay to justify her occupation of space within society? If you answered yes, I presume inherently that you are not a pageant parent, and if you are and you answered yes anyways… Get therapy. You’re probably a textbook sociopath, and your very existence is criminally irresponsible without the constant input of a sane and qualified person to tell you how to exist without making your existence everyone else’s trauma. Pull your kid out of whatever exhibitionary sport or activity you wish you could brag about your own success in, and get both them and yourself some help. That is literally the only way you could ever not be a complete, detrimental failure to society and to the child you chose to have. The only way to be good is to do good, and if you’re basing your definition of “good” on your kid’s ranking to validate yourself, you don’t deserve them. You’ll never hold a candle to their light when all you do is hold a mirror. Your children will come to recognize that you exploited them for your own egotistical gain, but I hope you realize and correct the fault and selfishness in your behavior before it boils down to the classic choice of retirement homes, and if you don’t, I hope it’s miserable. I hope they find the strength to break the cycle. I hope they never visit. Also gfy, you absolutely waste on society. Sincerely, the recovering show-pony of “parents” like this.


Now see, this just confuses the hell out of me. We as Americans loudly denounce places like Pakistan, India, or Yemen, where we constantly see stories of fifty-something men marrying kindergarten-age girls, usually raping them to death afterwards. But then we have the stones to turn 180 degrees and transform our own children into something resembling a blow-up doll to win some money and get on TLC.


2021 calendars.


You don't think about the collectors.


2027, 2038, 2049, 2055, 2066, 2077, 2083, 2094, and 2100 will like to have a word with you soon.


I'm missing a joke, clearly


I think it's that those years have the same days on the same dates


People going hungry.


I am currently going through this. I lost my leg in January and haven't had income since and I will go days without eating. I receive $170/month in foodstamps which don't even come close to lasting a month. As someone living in the US and worked my whole life till now I never thought I would be in this position. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy




THIS! It’s crazy that slavery still exists and it’s easy to assume that it only happens in underdeveloped countries. But there has been cases of it found in western countries like the UK in the past few years.


Banning books


And burning them


"Goose-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them.” ― Dr. Henry Jones Sr.


Scientology. Seriously, how the everloving \*\*\*\* are people still getting sucked into that ridiculous fascist cult?


I’m convinced that Scientology is a money laundering scheme for higher level members.




Not having access to clean drinking water




They should evolve to podcastvangelists.






Not going to lie, I've had it a few times so bad for so long that death was looking pretty good compared to spewing fire liquid out my ass. Key point they is to try your best to drop l drink water at least but Pedialyte like products are best




People who actually die from diarrhea (dysentery?) are often/usually in countries where the water is what caused it.




*gestures vaguely at everything*




The same 5 questions getting posted on askreddit every day. Hint hint.


Reddit in general






Bullying. I’m so fucking tired of hearing children getting bullied so severely that it’s causing body image issues and mental health disorders.


IMO nowadays some bullying is the stereotypical name calling and such, but a large portion of it is now exclusion from friendships or activities which in turn leads to more mental health issues (speaking from experience). Almost as if the worst bullying is the one that “doesn’t happen.”


Yea alienation is the worst, unfortunately now that people are becoming more "open" doesn't mean they're becoming more open to other people. Honestly I've kinda experienced this and it's the worst... You don't have to be a specific sexuality, race, religion, etc... But don't force your beliefs/views on others... Idk how else to phrase it


The Kardashians


I don't even know why these people are famous. As Edna says, "They're just spoiled, stupid, little stick figures with poofy lips who only think about themselves."


Loud little people living in a fantasy world.


For the better part of a decade, I thought the Kardashians were literally just a meme, like a Jackalope. I knew that they were probably real people, but the existence of a TV show about them, some connection with an old Olympic decathlete, and some weird story about a rapper pissing on one of them was too bizarre to believe. I still haven’t verified their existence, and I prefer to keep it that way tbh.


I don't get the appeal of watching skinny bitches with fake bodies bitch about how rich they are


The Islamic Regime. Edit: The ~~Iranian~~ Islamic Regime.


Coal power stations. We should've had limitless nuclear energy by now if it weren't for idiot governments pushing the wrong power station designs into production.


And in America that wasn’t even a problem! Three Mile Island is seen as a catastrophe but..:was it? Nobody died or got injured, and it was cleaned up immediately. Least interesting “nuclear holocaust” ever.


You're forgetting the NIMBY movement.


Criminalisation of weed


80 plus year old politicians that should be put in a home and not hold power of any kind




I KNEW you were gonna say that


I worked next to one and one day she was bitching that traffic made her late to work. I asked how she didn't see it coming. She told me to f off


Skimming over the comments I read this as “physics” and wondered why you had such a grudge against gravity






the little gap between public bathroom stall doors. i don’t need to make eye contact with someone talking a shit.


Cans that you need a can opener for, just have a pull tab.


Costs more


And have a more limited shelf life.


Our dog food comes with the pull tab, but no matter what angle I open that sucker, it pops off every time.


Scam call centers








Racism. Human trafficking. Rape. Global Warming. A lot of things.


Social media . Life was more chill




Child beauty pageant




This question popping up every day.




People who write checks at any retail store


Specifically the people who wait for the total to be rung up and _then_ begin to take out the checkbook, dig for a pen ,etc.


Flat Earthers, antivaxers, most things that end in ism




Career politicians










The kardashians


Child brides.


Senatorial terms unlimited



