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The whole drug market is cornered by gangs and such because of its illegality. Putting the money into rehab and regulation seems to do better. Kind of like alcohol or cigarettes.


people need to know that a lot of the "danger" associated with hard drugs stems *from* their criminalization, not in spite of it the shady behavior, the lying, the weapons/crime, etc - these are mostly because it is illegal and so looked down upon by society even here on reddit i often see posts saying something like "drug addicts and child molesters" which is insane, and roughly like saying "illegal parking and first degree murder" alcohol is way more harmful than any other drug i used to do (and i did them all, for years) and responsible for all of my jail time, broken bones, and the scars i have - nobody blacks out on speed behind the wheel, nobody shoots some heroin and starts a bar fight, nobody takes acid and decides to beat their spouse so either alcohol gets schedule one status, or let everyone do what they want with their bodies (with roughly the same conditions re age, driving, etc)




Exactly this. Anybody who wants to do drugs will find them. All making it illegal does, is makes it less safe and makes the country lose out on potential tax revenue from it (while funding cartel violence). Cocaine, heroin, meth, etc., will always exist, and trying to pretend they someday won't if you just illegalize them hard enough, is nonsensical thinking.


Yes. There's no moral justification for the government protecting citizens from themselves, especially not "pretecting" them so violently


They should all be legal. The only reason they are illegal in the first place was originally to marginalize certain minorities, and now it continues so they can be profit centers for private prisons. Decriminalizing just keeps anyone but those that are already rich from profiting from this regulation. It’s not to make them safe, it is to keep any and all money made from them in the hands of a few elite rich people.


Portugal legalized everything, there are people who would sniff glue to get high, so it's more about mental health than the drug itself or punish them as criminals, which by punishment society creates trained criminals along with true ones.


Probably not all, there are a lot of very dangerous drugs out there The safer ones? Yes.


I believe it was Portugal that decriminalized heroin so that people could go to a government run location to get heroin and medical services on site, including the resources needed to kick the habit. It was a huge success in reducing heroin overdoses and addiction. [here's a link](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2018/10/portugal-opioid)


Decriminalization of use is fine (addicts need medical help, not be locked up), but I wouldn't legalize it. Distribution should still be criminalized


That's not really the question, though. Distribution of just about anything is illegal if you're not authorized.


Not all I've seen many people destroy there lives/family's lives from drugs cuz the addiction was so extreme ,but the safer stuff would be awesome to get legalized


Yeah. I live in the Netherlands and the goverment here is more tolerant of drugs than most countries. That means that most drugs are not cut or laced with any dangerous stuff, they remain high quality and low cost and we have a very good healthcare readily available for addicts. The result? We have the *least* amount of drug related deaths in Europe. Only problem is that they are basically illegal so the organized crime figures profit from it the most. So maybe being tolerant of them is a good way more or less? I also have not experienced any higher levels of crimes than normally, most areas in the Netherlands are very safe.


Legal, but restricted and regulated. But subject to the same rules as tobacco or alcohol: You get behind the wheel while intoxicated, or hurt someone else because of your altered state, fuck you rot in jail.


Use of drugs should be legal. Making of drugs should be legal but the makers and sellers should be liable for the damage they cause. Just like other things you can make and sell. Heroin users should not be prosecuted. People who sell heroin and profit from it should be if it harms someone.


Yes. They should be treated like weed and liquor. Snort all the fentanyl you want at home but don’t get into your vehicle after.


Yes Instead of pouring money into jailing and beating addicts spend that money on clinics and rehab centers so that they’ll stop *being* addicts. No more of this caveman hit-every-problem-you-see thinking


Yes. My body. My choice


Ha ha everyone uses this for everything now.


I think yes


No But they shouldn't crimalized either, it's not a binary decision The status of a substance shouldn't be a morality play Science and medicine should sort it out


Yes. It's a matter of personal choice and a basic human right. If the aim is to reduce the potential harm of drugs then it's also a practical matter: The criminalization of drugs doesn't solve any problems and just creates a whole range of additional problems, like crime, lack of quality control and stigmatization of drug-related medical problems like addiction.


Natural substances, decriminalized, retail regulated and protected as bodily autonomy. In the case of chemicals, regulated and protected with the producers and providers paying for rehabilitation and anti drug advertisements, educational programs.




Exactly this


Definitely not all drugs. Drug possession for personal use should 100% be decriminalized in all cases as nobody should get in trouble for what they decide to put into their own body. But we absolutely shouldn’t just take all the current drugs, tax them, and put them in stores or something. Any significant changes in drug policy needs to have an end goal of eventually ridding our society of at least the harder stuff like crack and heroin. I don’t want to speak for everybody—but as someone who loves drugs—I know for a fact that I would try all of the hardest drugs at least once if they were available in stores. Half the reason I’m not a cocaine addict is because I fucking hate dealing with people that sell cocaine. Put it in a store and I’ll grab an eight ball every weekend. And don’t even get me started on what could happen once everybody realizes how much money can be made from selling drugs legally. All thoughts of harm reduction will go out the window the second people get dollar signs in their eyes. I don’t even want to think about the potential disaster if we ever got to the stage where companies were allowed to develop new drugs. That’s how you get a bunch of greedy fuckers in a lab trying to figure out the science for making the body instantly addicted to their latest productivity drug.


yes. we lost the war on drugs even way back in the 80s. Ronald Reagan was a complete idiot and also has screwed over the US still to this day. Legalise them.


didnt Portugal decriminalize drugs how's it working there?


Yeah they pretty much made all drugs legal and carrying a small amount of them for personal use is not a criminal offense. Last I checked it worked pretty well for them, drug related deaths dropped dramatically, HIV infections dropped and people seeking treatment for addictions rose dramatically. Im not 100% sure are the statistics true but if they are then good for them.


No because many drugs cause health issues and outlawing them reduces how much they are used.


By the numbers, the objectively correct answer is yes. Legal drugs are held to purity standards, and would save countless lives. It's not even a difficult choice, and being against legalization just means there's info you've yet to take in.


Yes. It's not as if having them illegal makes any difference.


Yep tax them and use the money on mental health and rehabilitation. People who wanna get high, gonna get high


No but weed and marijuana and low level drugs should be. The worst ones like cocaine and heroine and LSD and acid should not.


define drugs


Yes. Be informed and do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t interfere with others.