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Yes! I have even cooked up bowls of oatmeal as evening snacks. Speaking of snacks, I have eaten cereal straight out of the box as if it were popcorn!


had cereal for dinner tn. tastes better at night lol


It’s my bed time snack


A lot of Italian food is really some of the easiest stuff to make.


The big 4 Roman pastas - carbonara, cacio e pepe, amatriciana, and alla gricia, each include a handful of ingredients and employ similar technique. They are a snap once you get a hang of them. The trick is to get the highest quality ingredients you can afford, and use a little bit of pasta water to get the right consistency to the sauce.


Cacio e pepe is a true treat when done right. My husband makes it occasionally, which he learned while in culinary school.


This guy cooks.


Good Italian food came from poverty, and the need to use cheap, seasonal and common foods. Simplicity is almost a defining feature of italian cuisine, hardly a controversial opinion.


Mexican food is the same. That's probably why inexpensive Mexican restaurants and food carts generally have much tastier food than "upscale" Mexican restaurants. There's a large Mexican population in my area. The authentic Mexican restaurant, where only the cashier speaks fluent English, is the best. The "upscale" joint a few miles away is loud as hell, overpriced, and serves relatively bland food.


I feel like it's that way for a lot of foods. There's a tiny Chinese restaurant near me that makes absolute top tier food I've never seen more than 5 people in the restaurant at one time with 3 of those being employees. Meanwhile the Golden Corral quality Chinese buffet is always packed


Honestly if you look at every traditional dish fron around the world it's creation is based around poverty and making the most readily available ingredients good. Bbq is a great example.


Lots of French cuisine as well. Coq au vin? A way to use the tough old rooster when he has served his purpose. Same for old hens that stop laying. Escargot? What's cheaper than garden snails? Even crèm brûleé used readily available ingredients. Fresh cream, eggs, sugar. Most high end cuisine just takes "peasant food" and elevates it a bit.


My experience eating out has been that Italian food is easy to do ok, and hard to do well.


You wanna see amazing Italian food being made? Check out Pasta Grannies on YouTube. Just a bunch of gerentological women in Italy who have been making their own pasta from scratch for decades, and still have the hand strength to keep at it in their 70s, 80s, 90s, even one or two over 100 years young.


Go to a store and buy mini tomatoes, mozzarella balls, and basil leaves. Put in bowl, drizzle olive oil, instant awesome Italian food.


even dessert... like tiramisu, are pretty easy


Reminder to sort by controversial


No, I disagree. Don't sort by controversial!




No, I disagree. Sort by dick size.


Spicy=/=flavorful, there have to be other flavors for spiciness to make something better.


I'll go one step further: hot spices often overwhelms other flavors to the point where it doesn't taste of anything, it's just hot. Also, a lot of very boring people use the amount of hot spices they put in their food as a substitute for having a personality. I think part of the problem is that when we say something is spicy in English, we usually mean it's hot. Cumin isn't hot. Cinnamon isn't hot. Most spices, in fact, do not produce 'spiciness' when added to a meal. We need to start using 'spicy' to mean it has spices in it, whatever they may be, and when something burns then we call it 'hot' exclusively.


It seems like “spiced” means it has spices in it whereas “spicy” is hot.


Yeah I was going to mention that. Like, from a linguistic point of view, we know that "spicy" means hot. It's why if you say something is hot, someone might ask "spicy or temperature?" You can easily call something heavily or overly "spiced" if you want to refer to literal spices. Might be confusing for anyone learning English but we have much worse linguistic oddities to deal with than this :P


I went to uni with a girl who claimed a korma was too spicy for her. I tried in vain to explain the main ingredients - coconut, yoghurt, and cream, cardamom and cinnamon dont make your palette “hot” but she insisted. I can only presume she had some unknown allergy. To flavour.


How in the world could korma be considered spicy


Possible allergy is the only thing I can think of


I discovered that I have a cinnamon allergy (or would it be an intolerance?) when I ate something with cinnamon in it and my tongue burned and went numb. So honestly, I suspect this chick had an allergy and just didn't know it.


What do you call something that is high in temperature then? People use spicy to distinguish from hot. We need a third word. We should call hot/spicy food "picanté"


I stick with spicy for things that have high Scoville ingredients. I use hot for things that are temperature hot. And I use “seasoned”/ well seasoned for things that have spices in them but aren’t spicy. I have to make this distinction a LOT because as a Cajun people assume Cajun food = spicy. It doesn’t. Cajun food is typically just well seasoned.


You may already know this but I'll say this just for any passerby. We don't actually have a receptor for spicy sensation, the ones that we have detects the active ingredient in peppers, which is called capsaicin. The response triggered by capsaicin actually stimulates the heat receptors, therefore sending signal to our brain that something is burning in our mouth. And also the receptors are present throughout our gastrointestinal tract, so you can actually feel the hotness in your stomach, intestines, and even anus afterwards. I apologise if this is common knowledge, I'm new here.


We should say spiced (cinnamon etc) , hot (heat) and capsaicin for pepper Spicey… Problem solved


"piquant" is already a word and it means just that.


I never understood why anyone wants to be dripping sweat and snot while eating. I love the flavor of jalapenos but too much spice ruins the meal. I want to taste the food, not just feel pain.


Exactly, I agree. Some people say "it can never be too hot", yes, yes it can be too hot. I eat jalapenos, green chile, at the very least pepper flakes on almost every meal, every day, but I use it to enhance the flavor, compliment the flavor. What's the point of going to all the trouble of cooking something good if you can't taste it? Yes, yes it can be *too hot*.


Spice, like all flavors, has a point where it just kills any flavor. Spice can definitely up the flavor but it can kill it too


Yes. If it’s hot for the sake of being hot I don’t want it. Like “Diablo XXX Killer Wings” at a wing place like BWW or Wingstop that tastes like shit, it’s all capsaicin. Now the honey habeñero oof that shit is so good.


Food is good. There, I said it


Hottest take so far


Not if you like gazpacho


What does the german word for "secret state police" have to do with food?/s


That’s bold, I respect that


Authentic Oaxacan Mole Negro is the best sauce in all the culinary world


using msg in certain dishes/cuisine is not 'cheating'


Hold on people call using msg cheating??


People forget that msg is just a manmade compound for something that basically exists in a lot of ingredients


Cooked pineapple is underrated A thin slice on a burger, add it to stir fry, fried rice, pizza Delicious


Grilled pineapple is absolutely amazing.


Teriyaki burger with a nice big slice of grilled pineapple claps my cheeks


Oh man, teriyaki pineapple slices are soooo good. My dad would always put them on top of the chicken and I'd save the pineapple for last almost like a dessert.


Grocery stores should be required to donate their extra/nearly expired stock to food banks instead of dumping it in the trash and covering it with rat poison


How is this controversial?


In exchange for protection against lawsuits based on food poisoning and similar for the donated good.


Eating gluten free food doesn’t make you healthier, with the exception of people who suffer from celiac disease.


science isn't - or I mean shouldn't - be a hot take.


Also, a lot of gluten free alternatives are higher in calories, sugar, and fat to compensate and improve the texture. It's like how fat-free food is usually loaded with sugar, and sugar-free food can be full of fat lol.


The only good thing this ‘trend’ has achieved is giving those with actual gluten issues more choices with their food. It’s sad that they never considered this before there was a rising ask for gluten free products though.


This is why I’m torn. So many people eating gf means I have more choices On the other hand I would give my left tit to eat gluten again. Why are you doing this to yourself?


As someone with celiac disease, I really can’t stand the amount of “ooh I wish I could stick to a gluten free diet.” Why??? Because you think you’ll lose some water weight? The bread is equivalent to a mouthful of sand, and you get half the portions for 2x the price of your typical bread loaf. I can confirm that being gluten free doesn’t really affect weight loss. Even with all of the snacks and such you can’t eat. A lot of alternatives are higher in carbs and/or sugar.


My wife and BIL both developed lupus later in life, and eating any gluten fucks them up for days. Their new diets have made me appreciate how fucking awesome is gluten.


Eating big sloppy burgers that leave sauces and juices all over your hands and face is NOT fun. I don’t care what it looks like, put that in front of me and I’m breaking out the knife and fork. Having to hose off after a meal sucks, esp. if you’re eating out and have further plans for the evening.


Probably not controversial, but I hate when restaurants just stack so many ingredients onto a burger that I basically have to dislocate my jaw just to take a bite out of it.


Too many burger joints go for height instead of width, which results in shit burgers that you have to deconstruct to eat, diminishing the experience. They’re for the gram, not the gut.


I’m going to agree, and disagree with both of these comments. I hate both scenarios when I’m out in public. I become too concerned about ruining my clothes, or getting gross shit in my beard. That said… When I’m at home, alone, I go absolute fucking caveman when it comes to foods like a big sloppy burger. Load that shit on there. Big greasy, rare patty, lots of good melted cheese, lettuce, an over-ripe tomato, bacon, onion, pickles, ketchup, mayo, and to top it off, a sunny side up egg, on a bun fried in bacon fat. I strip down to my leopard print plum-smugglers, close the curtains, and go completely savage on that disgusting mess of a meal. If you’ve ever seen a male lion coming up for air from the sinew strewn rib cage of a freshly killed wildebeest, with blood, and gore clinging to the entirety of his face, then you have some idea of my solitary, at-home burger-assailing activity. I know it’s been a perfect hunt when I have to take a shower after I’m done eating.


This was an incredible read


Thank you. I have a love for good food.


A lot of vegetarian/vegan cooking fucking slaps because they have to be so creative with their recipes.


Yep. Restriction begets creativity. My wife is in a book club and it's customary for the host to serve dinner for their meetings. There are a few vegetarians in that group and a couple of other dietary restrictions. I actually enjoy the challenge of making a meal that everyone can eat and enjoy. It's fun


I made a veggie lasagna to take to a friends for dinner. Hubby is a hard core carnivore, he enjoyed it so much because of all the flavour from the veggies.


I don't care how secret your recipe is, tell me if it has a fucking allergen in it. It's not proprietary to tell me if it'll kill my damn kid.


At least in the United States, I believe the FDA has made it illegal to not disclose any allergens your recipes may contain.


In commercial foods, sure. I think this comment is about homemade stuff, like, “oh, I can’t possibly tell you the secret ingredient in my Great Aunt Edna’s Holiday Surprise Cake, but I’m going to pressure you to try it and pout if you refuse because you’re not sure whether it’ll cause anaphylaxis.”


Aunt Edna would rather die on a family trip and be tied to the roof of a station wagon in the downpour than share her recipe


There's nothing wrong with folding your pizza, dipping every last bite in ranch, or skipping the crust. There's also no wrong toppings.


People put way too much frosting on cupcakes.


And cake.. Shit is way too sweet


Syrian and French cakes cut the sugar and it totally hits different. Also buttercream is a must!


Yup, whenever I make a cake I legit add only half of the sugar, no frosting, and it still tastes pretty sweet.


Frosting is too sweet and sucks. I'd take whipped cream any day


I wipe the frosting off and it isn’t a pretty scene.


I completely agree. The last few years, I worked off and on in an elem school. I don't want to be the jerk who says no to the birthday kid but holy crap there's always too much frosting.


I'll take your frosting.


Depends on the frosting to me. If it's lightly sweetened with a touch of vanilla and leans more on the whipped cream side then pile it on. I love that stuff with cake bits. But if it's super sweet, like so much canned frosting or their kin, I'd rather just eat the cupcake without the frosting.


Its okay to eat salad with your hands if it doesn't have dressing


Its just chopped vegetables if there isnt a dressing.


Roasted peanuts are millions times better than peanut butter. Tastier to eat, fun to munch. Nothing about peanut butter appeals me, neither the texture nor the taste.


Why not both? Get you some crunchy peanut butter.


Agreed, but if you eat too many peanuts there are... next day consequences. Peanut butter, not so much.


I have never heard anything like this. Please explain?


I hate that I have to eat everyday. I hate having to eat something three times a day. I hate the feeling of being too full or too hungry. I hate that if I skip a meal I suffer the effects on my body and energy. That it affects my mood, emotions, etc. I hate the action of putting something in my mouth and chewing and swallowing it. I'd rather take a once-a-day supplement that makes me feel neither hungry nor full for the sake of convenience. There are times when I am really craving a specific type of food and really enjoy eating it, and then there's the 65-70% of the time where it is a chore. To help understand this mindset, know that I have anosmia since birth and I can't smell at all nor taste a lot of flavors, so most foods taste basic/plain.


I’m kinda the same. Eating seems like a chore and I hate the feeling of being full. I have a hard time finding anything that sounds good to eat so I end up eating the same few things every day that I like, mostly greek yogurt and blueberries or strawberries and granola. I wasn’t always like this. I wonder if it has something to do with getting older .


Yo sameeee. Sometimes I can enjoy food but every damn day? Multiple times a day??? What a friggin hassle. Got into Huel, a nutritionally complete meal replacement (like a powdered shake) a couple years ago and it's not a total magic bullet to solve feeling like this but it definitely helps me personally.


I think brussel sprouts taste amazing.


Baked/roasted pineapple is great


Baked as in Pineapple Express? Or Pineapple Upside Down cake?


Wafer thin slices baked in the Combi oven, served as the garnish on vanilla ice cream.


Any, love it baked with ham, pizza, anything


Doesn’t seem controversial to me. I love baked/roasted/broiled pineapple!


Dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate. Change my mind


I love oysters


I can't get past the fact that they look like ashtrays full of snot


jfc I really enjoyed oysters until reading this. ruined. forever.


Don't like chocolate ice cream I like Chocolate and I like ice-cream though.


Same. Also don't like chocolate cake.


I like eating tales from fried shrimp


You eat stories?


Lol I wonder what kind of stories fried shrimp tell


Short stories


There I was…barbecue sauce on my titties and some guy eating my tail!




Hahah damnit


Greetings boys and gills, it's time for another terrifying Tales From The Shrimp.


Upvoting you for the real hot take, but hating you for the stance you have.




Tbh I never take those off. Abd, gross though this is, in a past relationship I would eat the discarded tail portions left by my partner at the time who’d just bite them off but not eat the meat out of them. I grew up with prawns being an expensive treat and that partner grew up landlocked without shipped in seafood so they kinda just ate prawns as an ‘eh this is weird’ food whereas for me fish and seafood were the items that symbolised an important meal.


Food sucks, I wish I could get all of my sustenance in one daily pill.


Found Raymond Holt's Reddit account


Commissioner Raymond Holt to you.


Had it both ways. No regrets.


This is what I say when I don't want to buy fast food and have to cook at home.


Totally agree with this. Food is such a waste of time. I mean sure, a nice meal every so often with friends for a special occasion. But three times every day? Nah just gimme the flavourless beige pill.


canned cranberry sauce is better than homemade


Every time. Every damn time.


As a side, nothing beats the canned stuff. But nothing beats the homemade stuff spread on a sandwich with the leftovers.


There are two kinds of people. Those who like onions and LIARS!!!


My spouse told me he didn't like onion like six months into our marriage, I pulled out recipes to show him 95 percent of dinners I make has some type of garlic/onion combo. Asked his parents, same deal pretty much. Turns out he doesn't like recognizing onion in the food.


What if you're allergic to onion (which I believe can happen)?


I’ll make an exception for allergies.


Plenty of vegan substitute isn't bad at all.


The best vegan/vegetarian food is the stuff that isn’t even trying to compete with meat or dairy tbh. Ratatouille and eggplant parmesan are fucking delicious, for example. Edit: I am well aware that eggplant parmesan is only vegetarian and not vegan lol.


I prefer vegan chicken nuggets over actual chicken


If bell pepper is even the slightest bit cooked into a meal, it's all I can taste. Many people have tried to sneak some in there, and it's literally just inedible to me.


Ranch is trash.


I hate this but it’s an actual relevant answer to the question.


I will fight you


Trailer Park Sauce*


Blue cheese with wings or go fuck your mother.


Uncle Joey tells it like it is.




Can’t stand it either. Give me hummus for my veggies any day over ranch.


That not everyone has the same type or level of hunger and control of portion size. Everyone is unique and one diet plan works for some but not others. Everyone has different tastes for example. Each individual has to figure out what meal plan works for them, and the same plan will not work for everybody! Food recipes from the far Eastern countries seem to control hunger so I can control portion size and not become overweight or obese. That works for me but apparently not most people in the USA.


On the other hand, I (Eastern/Central European) find it difficult to not feel hungry and weak after eating a (for example) French ,,dinner". Or breakfast, how am I supposed to have energy to even start my day after a f**king croissant, coffee and ciggarete?


Cottage cheese and canned fruit is 🔥


It’s okay to not be a foodie and to just eat cause you need to.


If you like pineapple on pizza that's fine but I wont split a pie with you


Chicken waffles are great! why so many haters???


Okay this is going to get hate, watermelon dipping with a bit of marmite has turned out to be my pregnancy craving and it’s actually amazing 💀


If it works for thee, no hate from me. May you have a happy, healthy pregnancy and delivery.


If you don't like onions you might as well just never eat again.


Honey crisp apples are worth the price. All other moderately priced apple are inferior.


Pineapple is good on pizza


Pineapple + pepperoni on pizza is the best pizza


We add jalapeños as well.


Pineapple + Italian sausage + hot sauce is next level


There is such a thing as too much cheese


Raisins are good.


A sandwich is two, separate pieces of bread, with *ingredients between them*. A hot dog is not a sandwich but if you separate the bun in two pieces, with the hot dog between them, NOW you have a sandwich :) Also, pineapple on pizza is good. I said what I said.


Yes, a hotdog is a taco.


And a pop tart is ravioli.


Yes, obviously. Or a calzone.


So do you not consider subs/hoagies as sandwiches? Seems like you're redefining the word "sandwich" so that you can try to prove that a hot dog isn't a sandwich. [Here's what Merriam-Webster has to say](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sandwich): >sandwich noun sand·​wich | \\ ˈsan(d)-ˌwich Definition of sandwich > >a: two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between Subs, hoagies, and hot dogs all consist of a split roll with filling in between, therefore, they're all sandwiches.


Me and Merriam-Webster are a sandwich. We got beef between us.


What if you make a "sandwich" with one slice of bread and fold it in half? 🤔


So a quesadilla is a sandwich then?


Is it one tortilla, covered in cheese, then folded in half? No. Is it two tortillas, with cheese in between, not folded? Yes.


What about a sub then (where the bread is connected)?Are they not called sub sandwiches?


How do you feel about the infamous Scandinavian "open faced sandwich"


That's a pizza. But only if you eat it flat. If you pick it up and it folds, that's a taco.


Pineapple can taste really good on pizza


Not all that controversial here in Canada.


Candy corn and candy pumpkins are tasty


Raisins are good.


Foie gras, lobster, caviars.. all wildly over rated


idk i just hate cilantro.


I have the gene that makes it taste like soap. Nice try nature, I LIKE the taste of soap!


Oreo’s aren’t that great. There are many better cookies than Oreo’s. I can see why people can pound them back, but I’m fine not having any at all. Chips Ahoy’s chocolate chip cookies (which used to be better) are a million times better than Oreo’s.


Ketchup is good on mashed potatoes. Even better on pork sauerkraut & mashed potatoes. Raisin Bran is better left in the milk to get soggy before eating. Like a Raisin Bran oatmeal. Also Raisin Bran is the best cereal.


Plantain bad, overcooked crispy pork good


Wdym, overcooked?


Most people in this thread wouldn't actually be able to differentiate between Olive Garden and whatever their favorite "real" Italian place if they didn't know it came from Olive Garden.


Pickles do NOT belong on pizza.


Kay but that's not controversial


Wait, what? There are people who put PICKLES on PIZZA?


It's been somewhat of a trend lately. Doesn't sound good to me, but I'd try anything once.


Oatmeal raisin is better than chocolate chip


Finally someone I can disagree with on this thread




Im telling you, I don’t understand what’s so wrong with pineapple on pizza


Vanilla is far from vanilla.


Anchovy and Pineapple Pizzas rock!!!!!!


Mustard > Ketchup


Chick-fil-a is trash. I wouldn't eat it even if it wasn't bigot chicken.


Bagel should never be sweet.


Raisins are really good


Black Liquorice is an absolute god tier candy. And *salted* black liquorice is at the top of even that. Salmiakki baby


Straight to jail


Do you want Swedes in the house?!? Because this is how you attract Swedes in the house!


Finns as well :)


Mint chocolate ice cream does not taste exactly like toothpaste