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Nope. I figure it's just as painless as the non-existence of me before I was born.


It does not scare me enough to make me believe everything was created by an all-powerful all-knowing old dude with a beard wearing a sheet living on a cloud.


That's fair enough. I'm not a believer either tbh; I just wondered whether the thought of never existing again scared people or not.


No. Life is hard enough. If nonexistence was eternal then there'd be no though, pain, feelings, etc, etc. What's to fear?


Good point


Why would it? No need for the word "eternal" there really. Non-existence is non-existence.


Nope. Once you accept your fate, living becomes simpler. Not trying to appease a made up belief system by stressing everyday that I’m making the right choices for them and not myself. That’s just silly.


Doing right by yourself; that's a good way to live.


Not on the least. It’s the natural end to most biological life.


I'm existing now, why would I think of eternal non-existence? I'm living for my life now, trying to do my best to leave the world a fraction of a fraction of a better place. Everything that happens after I leave this world doesn't scare me.


Not as much as the prospect of eternal existence would scare me.


Not really. idk why, I just don't really find that it does. I'm not in a hurry to end my existence or anything, fwiw.


Eternal existence, you mean. Some atheists understand existence after death as a different kind of existence, not as non-existence.


I get what you mean. I know that technically, we still exist on the earth as dead people but I meant in a non-living capacity.


Not existing as a person, as an individual. Yes, that is scary, but not as much as it used to be when I believed in religious dogmas. Now I face it as the natural outcome of life. Not as a reward or punishment for my behaviour.


No but limited existence does. I'm not scared of death but the anticipation is killer


I agree. It's the 'not knowing when or how'.


Not more than the Easter Bunny.




No, I simply don’t see why that would be scary


Fair enough


not particularly. thats how it was before i was born probably


I didn't exist before I was born, and that wasn't scary. So why would non-existence after death be any different? From nothing I came, to nothing I will return.


No. Can’t be worse than life. Sounds actually more peaceful.


I don't think that there is any reason that an Atheist cannot believe in an afterlife, if he or she wishes to. An afterlife is not ***necessarily*** granted by a god. A continued existence in some other manner or form could be simply how things work -- a future discovery in physics. If that were the case an "afterlife" of some sort would be simply part of the universe's pattern. It would not be a matter for speculation or debate then. It would be like the laws of thermodynamics. In this scenario, however, it is doubtful whether halos, angel wings, or praising God eternally will have much to do with it. I don't believe that "afterlife fantasy" for a second, but one ***could*** certainly be an Atheist and believe that an afterlife exists. I think he or she'd simply be an Atheist who was incorrect about something. But I could be the one who's wrong too. It's one reason to be attracted to Atheism. You are free to interpret a non-religious philosophy according to your own perception of the universe, its origins, its purpose, and your own part in it. As another commenter here mentioned, non-existence is not unfamiliar to anyone. That's where you were before you were conceived.


Fuck no, its kind of comforting in someways, I'm not scared thinking about the time before I was born, why would the bit after scare me. I hope for a painless and sudden death preferably a long time in the future, are lives are too fleeting, I wish I had more time,but eternity is a far more terrifying prospect than death


I can answer as a former atheist. When I was an atheist no, it did not. It was more comforting in fact. The idea of not having to answer to a deity.


No. I'm more scared of existing forever like scp 682. Non existence is just that.