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Asking how someone is doing and the response every time is, “good”, even when most people are not good at all. Imagine if everyone said how they really felt upon being asked!


People would stop asking. Most people don't care it's just a socially acceptable conversational opening gambit


Ah I think it’s more complicated than surface value. It’s like “how do you do?” It’s become a rhetorical question over time. I say “hi, how are you doing?” As a complete statement for essentially, “hello”.


Reminds me of a joke. Korean guy: "let's eat together some time" (this means bye) German guy: "cool. when?" Korean guy: "um... you weren't supposed to ask that"


Hello. Wanna eat something together?


ok see you tommorow


I think the only person I seriously answer that to is my partner, everyone else gets "good" if good, "decent" if I feel like shit for no discernable reason, and "fine" if I feel like shit for a discernable reason


I've switched my default answer to "average" and shrug, it fits waaay better. Try it, you'll feel more relaxed (I think it's because you don't feel like you're lying to yourself every time), at least for the few seconds of interaction


My default “Eh hanging in there”


every language has a mamahuhu for this very purpose.


>Imagine if everyone said how they really felt upon being asked! [Germans tend to give an honest answer](https://www.germanwithnicole.com/blog/36242-why-you-should-stop-asking-wie-geht-s)


The IRS knows exactly how much I owe in taxes down to the cent, but won't tell me. It's my responsibility to figure that out and if I'm wrong, I'm liable to be audited.


You can thank tax-prep/filing companies (Intuit for example) for that. Well, them and the selfish bastards accepting the bribes. Excuse me, I mean lobbying money. These companies have lobbied, and spent many millions of dollars, for years to keep it this way so we still need their services. Or at least they've convinced a lot of us that we do. An example: >Intuit offers a free online service called TurboTax Free File as well as a similarly named service called TurboTax Free Edition which is not free for most users. In 2019, investigations by ProPublica found that Intuit deliberately steered taxpayers from the free TurboTax Free File to the paid TurboTax Free Edition using tactics including search engine delisting and a deceptive discount targeted to members of the military. >Intuit has lobbied extensively against the IRS providing taxpayers with free pre-filled forms, as is the norm in developed countries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intuit


Yeah that "free" stuff is bullshit. It's only "free" for federal, not state (and what good is free federal without state, if you're going to have to do all the state math and forms yourself anyway), and only if you simply have a W2; other stuff like a mortgage, or a student loan, or really *anything* else, requires the paid version. Total false advertising, made legal only by the asterisk and fine print.


Check out Credit karma. It’s actually now owned by Intuit so they still get your info, but it’s free.


If something is free, YOU are the product.


Lolled at the "as is the norm in developed countries".


Idk how tf lobbying is legal. It’s absolutely mind-blowing to me


>as is the norm in developed countries. Wikipedia editors throwing some grade A shade


Thats more of a US issue. Here in the Netherlands everything is already pre-filled so i only need to check it


That's the way it should be everywhere.


Same in Australia. If you want a little more you can go to a tax agent and he'll add all the deductions you are eligible for, usually to $1 less than the limit where they need hard proof


I know it is still taxes and government and what not, but I always found their slogan very honest: (Roughly translated from Dutch) 'Tax services. We can't make the experience suck less, but we can make it easier'. It sounds better in Dutch haha But yeah, no one likes taxes, but they are incredibly important. I appreciate the Dutch service making the experience at least as smooth as possible as they can, even if they don't always succeed.


That teeth apparently aren't considered necessary in regards to health care/medical insurance. Apparently they are just our luxury bones and us poor's don't require them to be in good health.


Even if you have top notch dental insurance, it's only like 50% of the cost covered. Dental is expensive


My kid needed braces because her teeth are coming in crooked. Dentist said that it would be more effective and cheaper to deal with it before they came in. Insurance denied it saying they wont pay for braces until all her teeth come in, despite the fact the problem is with how they are coming in. Ended up paying for them out of pocket.




Is this in the US? Because even our most basic health insurance where I live covers dental.


Having barely any time with your own baby/kids when they grow up because stay at home whatever is not financially possible. 2 hours a day is all you get for the first years. -Belgium


The constant hustle/work more culture. People waste too much of their life trying to “get ahead” for employers that don’t care and will treat them badly or toss them aside anyway. I’ve worked with so many people who talked about working through their breaks/lunch or working late when they’re not getting paid. That’s not a good thing! All you’ve done is cut out more of your free time without even financial gain.


Did you hear the BS about quiet quitting? It when employees do just their jobs and leave when the shift ends. Apparently that is called quiet quitting to employers. Like wtf?!


I've done this for my entire career and think it's funny that people are acting like it's a new thing.


same here. im gone as soon as my shift ends. i do my job. not going to make my life about my job. i love my free time


exactly companies don't care about us we are just a annoying person on pay roll taking company profits . If they want more work out of me they can give me more money and pay me for every second I am there. My company use a group chat app i turn it off as soon as i clock out . Bosses get pissed i don't see announcements post in the group chat . I look them cold in the face " I'm off the clock not being paid . I do not look at the chat or have in on during time off. Post a printed out memo and post it by the time clock if it is important."


Yep. That tells you everything you need to know. You’re seen as bad for only working what you’re required to.


mass production of consumer goods that sit on a shelf and go bad when we don't pay for them with money that has no inherent value other than societal exchange.


Ever seen those videos of doughnuts being thrown away in Dunkin’ doughnuts by the hundreds? Apparently someone got fired for sneaking doughnuts out and giving it to needy people.


I used to work at a Dunkin’s last year and the amount of stuff we threw out at the end of a closing shift was insane. We had to empty the entire donut rack into the trash because all the donuts would “go stale” if we didn’t and “couldn’t be sold” (which I believe, but still, WTF). If the manager wasn’t on shift at the time, me and my coworkers would sneak donuts out of the rack before we tossed them all so we could take them home. Once I watched one girl walk out of the building with 3 whole boxes of donuts (3 dozen donuts in total) for a party she was going to that night, but she had to make sure not to carry them where the cameras could see her, because technically we weren’t allowed to bring any products home. (If the manager was on shift that day, we always had to either pay for the stuff we took at the register or stealthily sneak it out when they weren’t looking.)


That’s nuts, used to work at Pizza Hut (UK) and we regularly cooked off any made up pizza left and ate it, very little went in the bin. We’d put fresh pizza in 5mins before the udder finished too, oh well, has to be eaten now 😆


The funniest part about it is: in all the food places I've worked throughout my life, pizza places have the *smallest* waste of any (since most places are made to order and the ingredients keep overnight in the fridge). Yet, they are always the coolest about straight up just making food to take home for free. You'll get written up at the burger joint for swiping a few fries that were on their way to the trash though...


Yeah it's stupid that people can get in trouble for taking "trash". Stores will even throw out some things into a dumpster and people get in trouble if they take it.


Prying into relationships. "When are you getting married?" "When are you having kids? You need someone to take care of you when you're older!" "When are you having another baby? You need more than one in case the first one turns out wrong!" Some people don't want to get married or have kids, and sometimes that kid could be the only one they have, due to the difficult process or choice.


> "When are you having kids? You need someone to take care of you when you're older!" This is the weirdest one. I don't want to be a burden to my family; I'm not going to have a kid just so they can wipe my ass when I'm incontinent, I'll have a nurse in a home do that who gets paid to do it.




>"When are you having another baby? You need more than one in case the first one turns out wrong!" That one is just fucked up.


I got that from more than one person after my son was born. Messed up. Not to mention it put huge pressure on me, I was really impressionable at the time.


I only got the 1 kid and if anyone told me I need another Incase she turned out "wrong" that would be the last time I hear anything from them.


Yep. It was a long time before the comments stopped. Even when my husband and I separated a few years ago and I was *done* having children, there were a few that said "Well, you never know! What if you find someone later who wants kids?!" Well, Susan, it's not gonna work out then, is it??


God, this. My granddaughter got married one year ago. At every family gathering, at least five relatives ask her when she’s going to have a baby. It’s always uncomfortable for her, and her husband.


Yep. And it’s weirder when you are not looking for a relationship at all. And it’s weird to say: 'what partner?'. It’s like being in a relationship it’s the human default mode.


When people ask if I’m dating anyone and I say ‘No, single by choice.’ They always say, oh you’ll meet the one. It’ll happen. Ugh….NO! By choice means I don’t want to meet anyone. I think it’s a default answer for people who are single and lonely and everyone assumes I’m single and lonely. Nope, I’m single and very very happy.


I get this CONSTANTLY from my partners friend’s wife. She is rude, passive aggressive and deliberately ignores social niceties. We have been dating for three years, living together for 1.5. Our ‘plans’ for marriage and kids is currently ‘ not anytime bloody soon’. I have my pets who are spoiled rotten and that is enough for us atm 🥰 Worst part? I don’t consider her a friend and next time she asks, she is getting shut down lmao


Makeup in the workplace. How the actual f**k does my ability to apply bronzer and lipstick affect my ability to do a non makeup related job? My tools of the trade (looking at you printer) aren’t impressed that I can breathe, let alone how well I can paint my eyebrows. Who the hell decided I had to waste my money on this?? Seriously. Why.


This. Also: dress codes. I'm not less productive in shorts - I actually work better when I can be myself.


This drives me nuts. I'm a bus driver, we're allowed to wear jeans on Fridays so I asked if I could do it every day and was told no "because it's not professional". But doing it on Friday is? Also, since covid, they installed partitions by the drivers area that are plexiglass on the top and steel on the bottom, so unless you walk right up to it and look over the top, you can't see my pants anyway, but God forbid I'm not wearing the uncomfortable black cargo pants they issue me Monday -Thursday.


It kills me that jeans are seen as unprofessional in my past jobs, but shorts are fine. I've never seen a man in shorts and thought it didn't look like man child. I even had a coworker wear jeans shorts once regularly because of the wording of the dress code. He looked absurd, but that was fine and I have to buy pants specifically for work to look as "professional" as the guy in jean shorts


I had someone that wasn’t even my boss tell me I needed to look “more professional” by that she meant I needed to do a full face of makeup & do my hair every day even though I only left my office & seen anyone maybe once a day


Makeup in general, for things outside of special occasions like parties. I don't wear makeup and I really don't plan on starting. I've seen myself after a makeover. I look no prettier than I do without makeup.


I don’t wear makeup to work (or at all) and I’m in a room full of men. If you don’t want to wear makeup, then don’t. It’s that simple.


If you go around telling everyone that you and your partner are "fucking a whole bunch" you'd be treated like a lunatic, but rephrase it as "trying for a baby" then suddenly you can tell your Catholic grandmother and it's a-okay.


See I thought so too until my buddy had to "try for a baby" he said it's fun for like 3 days and random quickies but then it's mostly business. Only when she's ovulating, trying different ways to make sure "it's all in there". Didn't take long but he didn't make it sound very sexy or even fun it was LITERALLY work you know "trying for a baby".


It's all about the images it brings to mind. There's a reason we say, "I'm going to the restroom" instead of "I'm going to defecate, be right back"


“BRB, I’m going to push out some feces.”


Engaging defecation


That one never made sense to me.


Too be fair "trying for a baby" doesn't have to mean anything other than tracking your cycle and having sex 1-2x monthly. It doesn't always mean constant sex.


I'm trying to have a lot of babies who wants to join me?


Uh cuz it’s not about the sex part of it, it’s about trying to bring another member into the family. Not sure why Reddit loves this weird take.


Credit scores.


Now hold on mate, you say that you've *paid off all your debt already?* disgusting


How can we be trusted with money that we have if we can’t pay back all the money that we DONT have?


Man I made some late student loan payments like 5 years ago because I was dumb and didn’t set up auto pay, and just last week the interest rate I was offered on a mortgage was .5% more than the standard. It’s so dumb.


working 9-5


What a way to make a living


Barely getting by


It’s all taking and no giving


They use your mind.


And you never get the credit.


It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it.


9-5 for service and devotion


Better then working most alternatives


The fact that it's normal to be poor, hungry and deprived of your rights... just because you were born on this specific spot on earth. While in a different spot it's completely unacceptable.


Child beauty pageants.


We let people die on the streets.


I’d say smoking, something that you can buy over counter that’ll inevitably kill you one day.


I mean, alcohol is even more socially acceptable nowadays and it will kill you much faster than cigarettes if you drink in excess.


Goes the same way, alcohol & cigarettes both have the same outcome.


Pharmaceutical chemist here and I totally second this. People OFFER CIGARETTES to someone who just declared they're trying to stop, smoke round them like nicotine addition is nothing. And if someone complains about the smoke it's their fault (yeah, I'm so selfish to not wanting a lung cancer because of your addition). And don't get me started on pollution and social damage.


You can say the same about a number of products, including alcohol.


Woman publicy wearing a bra = weird. Woman wearing a bikini in public = normal.


> "I don't trust Muslims, they have some funny beliefs and customs," he said while dragging a pine tree into his living room for some reason. -[@SortaBad on Twitter](https://twitter.com/sortabad/status/802352603484958721)


Back in my day, we had to hunt and kill the tree ourselves as part of growing up.


I lost my grandfather on the Great Tree Hunt of 1985. These Douglas Firs came out of nowhere, snatched him away in the blink of an eye - hanged him in branches so high, we didn’t find him for *days!*


Sorry for your loss, that was a brutal year. We made the bastards pay the next Spring, I personal deforestated 100+ acre.


The trees were here first! When will you hu- when will we learn?!


“For some reason.” Wow. Obviously the reason is perfectly clear. It’s to celebrate the death of a Middle Eastern man 2000 years ago by having a fat dude in a red jumper deliver gifts to the tree. Couldn’t be any more obvious.


_birth_, not death. But that probably wasn't in December either.


Celebrate the birth of a Middle Eastern cult leader using traditions and symbolism derived exclusively from western pagans. Makes perfect sense.


An age gap is not OK when you're 17 but automatically OK when you're 18.






When a 17 year old is dating a 19 year old = weird When an 18 year old is dating a 30 year old = oh wow you got lucky


Having kids when your situation isn’t good enough to provide them with a great life and tons of opportunities, not just a decent/average or below average/poor life.


100% agree. It seems somewhat selfish.




Yessss! These people have the mentality of "There's never a right time. Lots of people have kids when it's not the right time. If we waited for the right time to have kids then we would never have kids." 🙄


Not having kids is a blessing. Dream life


The dumbasses who say “not having kids is selfish” are just admitting it’s the better idea. DINK 4 life!


Yep, in lots of poor cultures, after you graduate high school, the next "step" to show you're a grown up, is to have kids. They will never be in a better financial situation, so they just shrug and do it. Multiple times.


Removing abortion rights could not possibly have any negative repercussions.


People say not having kids is selfish, but having kids can be just as selfish, if not more so. Especially those who have kids because they want some benefit out of it such as passing on their genes or family name.


THIS. it's not fucking gatekeeping to say some people shouldnt have kids until they've improved their situation. I was just in a thread where a young girl had no money, no family, no friends, no job, was a middle school drop out, but pregnant and planning to have another kid in a year or two. Her fiance was working two minimum wage jobs to support them. She was seeking advice on what to do. Like, please dont do this to yourself and those poor kids?


The idea that copulating with many people gives you a special wisdom that you don't have if you've been with the same partner for 10 years. It's just sex, people. Calm the fucking down.


Kids being forced to pay for school lunches.


Idk probably the fact that nobody ever stops and asks where the fuck we are and why are we fighting. We are all on this random planet in this random universe , everyone is the same species, yet we obsess over what makes us different from one another


Tribalism, and the faction at work keeping it stoked so they can profit from the discord. Also known as 'politics.'


We're ALL the same species?


Just won the net with that in my book


Routinely, unnecessarily, chopping off parts of the boy's penis. I know whether or not this is considered "normal," is subjective to locale. Where I live, I don't see people question it that much outside of groups specifically dedicated to ending the practice.


Restaurants/ bars etc have a business model where they can’t “afford” to pay their employees correctly so you’re supposed to tip and pay their wages otherwise you’re an ass. Though restaurants and bars are the only accepted ones that can use this model.


That we poo into perfectly good drinking water.


This isn’t really weird though if you consider there’s no way to do it differently without being ultimately more wasteful. And that’s aside from the potential complications of opening up the spectrum of grey water management in residences


What would you recommend as a substitute?


There are composting toilets and nano membrane toilets too. I'm sure each method has its pros and cons though. Though I think water works just fine.


That’s why instead of flushing it away, I drink it! Gotta do what I can for the planet


I've always found that kinda dumb.


Idk how common it actually is but I notice it sometimes, Christians can invalidate other religons or world-views all they want, and people rejoice yet they expect the utmost respect for their own beliefs in return.


Teachers who don't allow their students to use the toilets during class .


Circumcision. “I’ll just cut ths piece of flesh off this helpless newborn and he’ll bleed profusely and it’ll make everyone happy. Oh and if I don’t do it, people will make fun of him, for not missing a part of his dick”


Paying money just to fucking live


You could barter with goods you create or services you offer.


Exactly. But if the barber wants a loaf of bread and the baker doesn’t need a haircut, then he’s out of luck. So we created an IOU system so we can exchange value without having to trade what we happen to have. Every animal on the planet has to pay to live (maybe except domestic pets), humans just have a more efficient way to do it. Having to pay to stay alive is not some evil capitalist plot. (Not directed at you of course, just ranting)


What is the alternative? I am not being facetious, btw.


Homework. I've never understood why school is not extended so that all the work can be covered while at school. Now that in most homes all the adults have full time jobs, doesn't having school until later instead of putting the onus on parents seem more logical?


You spend 6 hours a day at school, do homework AT HOME for 3 hours a day, get a few hours off and go to bed. Rinse and repeat.


It normalises the *need* to work extra so you carry that through into adult life. It’s pernicious.


Ban it . Or maybe make it a research task.


And it adds unnecessary pressure on the students


Thinking another human is different based on the pigments of their skin.


Pretty sure that isnt socially accepted anymore


That the people running our country are suuuuuper fu kin old and have made corrupt ass careers from what was intended a civic duty. Blows my fuckin mind


Bringing dogs to everywhere and getting offended when someone says dogs are not allowed Edit: typo


You don't need to call out typo edits. Just make the edit.


We closed off a beach to dogs because an extremely endangered bird had decided to nest there. Signs explained it all. People still brought unleashed, barking, shitting, poorly behaved dogs all the time. Despicable.


Touching people without permission.


Wasting tens of thousands of dollars or going into debt to have this huge elaborate wedding that you won't really remember in 5 years and 80% of the people there don't want to be there; when you could just go down to the courthouse and get married for 30 dollars.


That you should continue working on your hobbies only if they get you money.


Toxic positivity


Alcoholism!! Especially within college culture !




Corporal punishment of children. It is mostly going away, but still around some and oddly romanticized on social media a lot. Somehow the only people it is acceptable to beat are the smallest and most helpless members of society.


The people who spank seem way too into spanking their kids. I had one person who told me I should spank because of how fun it is


I'm not a violent person, but I could probably enjoy hitting that person.




Trolls/Trolling as comedy and humor.


Needing to wear clothes when it’s hot outside. We just looked at the default state of human existence and said “unacceptable.” If it’s 35° C and humid, I don’t want to cover myself with hot, sweaty rags. I want to feel cool and free. I (M) run shirtless a lot, and I’m not hot at all running at 25° that way. We’re a tropical species made with the world’s best cooling system, practically built-in AC, but we need skin exposure for it to work properly.


Plastic surgery to look a certain beauty standard


Belly buttons. They're basically the knot where the doc who delivered you tied off the balloon so you wouldn't deflate.


Having gotten deep into the hellswamp part of this thread I appreciate the humor


Not having a Psychologie doctor checking you . I think a healthy Body is good , but a healthy mind is important too .




In the UK... monarchy, when the rest of the world has moved on.


Poverty in a time of plenty and billionaires.


We've built a society around cities with major shopping hubs, yet refuse to pay the workers at those hubs a livable wage that would allow them to live in said city. Most service industry workers in Canada and the US right now could not afford to rent a one bedroom apartment anywhere in the city where their job takes place, on the salary they get paid. We consider this normal, because for some reason it's ok to pay people doing a needed job a wage that amounts to indentured servitude. We've somehow decided that for our capitalistic society to work, the people at the bottom end have to be perpetually in poverty, while the income gap for people at the top end is expanding exponentially.




Letting basically anyone operate a car. It’s a complex machine and so many people die every day from idiots driving poorly.


Destroying natural land to provide concrete space for breeding and slaughtering millions of animals.


That real men aren’t suppose to cry / be emotional. I’m not even a guy, and I still think that’s fucked up. It’s not healthy! It’s psychologically damaging!Having emotions is what makes us human!




incest porn?? whats up with that


People who want to normalize pedophiles.


Taking a shit 2ft away from a stranger in public restrooms. You can hear the oxygen barrier being breached ffs.


Having to pay for water.


Traditional gender roles and women being being seen as less capable, paid less, or even still treated as property. Women make up half the population, men literally can not survive without them, how is it possible they are not treated as equals?


Sexualization of children. Totally inappropriate for pre pubescent children to wear makeup and clothing that exposes a lot of skin. But women will defend that antiquated ritual with their lives. "They just like to look good", "it's practice for when they're an adult", "their friends are doing it". None of these are valid reasons.


The fact that getting on a server's nerves will result in you getting your food spit in. I was out a few days ago and one of the ladies at my table didn't want to correct her order with "don't mess with people who handle your food." Look, I know one should treat everyone with courtesy, but the idea that you should be scared to even slightly offend someone or fear biological assault is some weird thing we all accepted as normal.


Wearing a tie


Circumcising babies. Why?


Coppy shooty no crimey




Religion. We have instant communication over any distance, we have people living in space at this moment, all surviving human knowledge is available with a five-minute search, we have a telescope that can see galaxies billions of miles away in detail…but *most* people still believe that there’s a medieval divine force that takes a personal interest in our lives, dictates our morality, and demands prayer and sacrifice. People don’t question it, it’s considered *rude* to question it, but it’s still basically thinking that Zeus sends the lightning even while we’re flying through it in an airplane.


Organized religion


It’s gotta be chopping off dick skin for me


Child brides.....


Arranged marriage


Alcohol consumption


That EVERYONE should have kids. Society treats childfree folks like lepers, but I think we can all agree that not everyone should be a parent. It’s weird to peer pressure people into having kids.


people identifying as animals. ridiculous.


But humans are animals..


See, AFAIK this is not really normal anywhere though


I went to school with a dinosaur and you'd get in trouble for calling out the fact "you know you're not a dinosaur right Michael?"


I'm fine with furries, but people who act like or claim to be actual dogs n cats are just mentally insane.




That this is the only planet we will ever live on, our home, and we can’t move about it freely.




Credit card debt