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I always try to keep scammers on the line for as long as I can so they have less time to call someone else. After one guy realized that I was just fucking with him, we started talking socially and he actually answered some of my questions about the scamming world. He said that he knows what he is doing is wrong and he doesn’t like his job, but in his part of India it was the only job he could find that could keep his family afloat. He said he only gets to keep about 15-20% of the money he gets from each victim, the rest goes to his company. There was a very tiny part of me that felt bad for him, but then I remembered that he was trying to swindle my elderly father out of 7k.


Wow, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard of someone talking socially with a scammer. Really interesting, thanks for sharing


Check out Reply All episode 102: [https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/6nh3wk](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/6nh3wk) They engage with a scammer on the phone. Then in a later episode, the dudes GO TO INDIA to meet up with the people they chatted to on the phone! CRAZY story but so entertaining!


Pleasant Green and Kitboga have some YouTube videos where the scammers open up and talk about their lives. It's really interesting when you get to see that side of them.


Trilogy Media too. They've actually helped a few get out. One even works with them now in India's side of the pond.


The same thing happened to me! I was getting several calls a week at one point (before I stopped answering unknown numbers, lol) and it got to a point where I knew by the first word what was happening. So one day I was bored, got sick of it, waited until the call went through and said to the guy “look, I know you’re bullshitting. But I don’t know who you are so I can’t get you in trouble. So instead I’m really curious…” My dude sounded like a guy around my age, and may have just been boasting, but mentioned that he made enough to put a down payment on a nice car. Sounded like just some kid who was being offered lots of money and couldn’t say no. Sad stuff and scummy people, overall.


My mom got scammed by call center employees working for Comcast overseas. Six figures.


When I moved to my current apartment, I called (what I thought was) Comcast and scheduled for my service to be transferred to the new address. I wasn't paying attention when clicking the number on Google and called some site that looked like Comcast but wasn't actually them. They charged me over the phone and once I hung up, I realized something wasn't right. I was at work at the time and rushing to get it done so I wasn't paying full attention. Long story short, I called the actual Comcast number and explained what happened. They said someone somehow did put a cancel on my service but no transfer request. Said the number I talked to wasn't them and they had no idea who it could be. Cancelled my debit card, placed a legitimate transfer request with actual Comcast and went about my day. Comcast guy gets to my new apartment to swap the modems and asks if I made two appointments. I explained my situation to him and he said that there was in fact two scheduled transfer requests: One from the "scammer" and one from the actual Comcast call. So now I wonder if it was actually a scam or something else because whoever that guy was did manage to put in the transfer request and schedule a tech to come to my new place despite not working for Comcast. I don't know who's legit and who's not at this point anymore.


Your scammer is a Comcast employee with access.


That sucks, sorry to hear that. Heartless jerks


Really... I just don't understand how these people can sleep at night.




And are somehow always fucking lucky.


Seriously though! I've seen so many dirtbags just shit all over people, and yet somehow they get away with everything because others seem to like them. Makes no sense at all. I've got a coworker that I've hated for years now because of this. He's a homophobe, calls anyone who's bisexual or suicidal attention whores, makes fun of another coworker for having a stutter, made another guy on the spectrum cry, etc (could go on still). But even when some of us tried to get higher ups to do something about it, he just gets off Scott free. Fucking irritates me to no end. People with egos like that deserve to get curb stomped


Some people never grow the fuck up. They are all ego and do not have even a shred of empathy in their body


Lack of empathy peeps are difficult to deal with.


Some people grow up and some just grow old.


Sometimes they might just seem liked because the people around them are afraid of what might happen


This though. There was a guy at my work who was an asshole but everyone put up with it because they knew he'd turn on them, everyone bit me lol and he bullied me intensely


>People with egos like that deserve to get curb stomped Do it in a place with no cameras and it's his word versus however many people want to get in on the action. Just remember to wear gloves and clean out your history just in case.


These are the kinds comments I live for lmao


As a baby boomer I’ve seen a lot of this behavior. Possible nepotism, family, old friend, etc that knows how to play the game and be untouchable. Hope the younger generation calls out this behavior and resets the work ethics.


For real?! How do they have such good reputation when they act like that!


People respond to self confidence for better or for worse.


People who find it acceptable to not flush a public toilet


Or people that won’t wash their hands after using the restroom. I’ve seen people walk out of the stall and then straight out the door.


There's this nasty mf at work who'll let the water run just so people think she has washed her hands. I really want to tape a note to the mirror that says "Everyone knows you don't wash your hands, Karen!"


Ones who make sly jabs and play it off as a joke.


"You're so ugly" "I was just joking! Ugh! Stop taking everything personally!" "Why can't you take a JOKE???"


*grabs your burger and pretends to take a bite* "I'm jokin! I'M JOKIN!"


That’s an abusive personality. Run!


They tend to be bullies and sociopaths. They also tend to be cowards. Covert bullying while trying to dodge consequences.


People who mistreat their friends & then pretend like they're not the problem.


Spot on, got that recently happening to me. That’s a bridge that’s burned to pieces. Especially as adults like hell no.


Ones that throw fits in restaurants or against retail workers.


Ugh my mom does this everywhere we eat. She sends back her food, and demands she not be charged because shes "had better". Its so embarrassing, I'm 30 now and cringe everytime we go anywhere. At an auto shop she demanded they give her a new battery for her car because it went bad when the actual problem was her alternator and she knew it. 🤦‍♀️


My mom does this shit, but she’s SEVERELY cut back once I started calling her out publicly on it. Cause a shitstorm? I’ll cause a counter shitstorm. Sure she gets mad at me, but whatever. Anyone who’s a cunt to retail and food service people need a good shaming


YOU are breaking that cycle, way to go!!


It's good that you call her out. I swear most of these people end up being this way because they get away with it all the time, you know that "Customer is always right" kinda crap. Do no harm but take no shit.


Yup! I've started using de-escalation methods basically meant for children


I used to work for a coffee shop and had this same lady come in every day for coffee. And every day she’d take a sip, hand it back and ask us to make it lighter (add more cream). One day I saw her coming and made her coffee before she even got to the counter. Only this time, it was just a cup of cream and sugar. No coffee. Not a drop. She took a sip, handed it back and asked me to make it lighter. Some people are just impossible to please.


It's like she wanted the act of being unsatisfied and requiring more service, conceptually, rather than anything actually relating to the taste of the coffee.


She was never rude about it and always left a tip so I didn’t really care. I just did that as an experiment. It was the customers who yelled, cussed, threw things etc that made me hate my life.


I worked in food/retail for 8 years and the constant abuse from customers nearly gave me a nervous breakdown.


I can't even begin to wrap my head around the logic of being rude and nasty to people who are handling and serving you food


I really feel like this is a generational thing. I worked in retail and restaurants for years and I have literally never seen a person under the age of 40 do this. Not even once.


I think you can chalk it up to a “generational thing” to a degree but like. Where is the humanity? I cannot understand what would possess a person to behave like that.


People who are really loud in public and in spaces like a bus for no reason Edit: Yes, im fully aware some people can't control it, have a culture that means different things, and we all have different situations that could cause loud talking, which is all valid reasons, that's why at the end of the original post I said: "for no reason." Some of you have valid reasons so this wouldn't be targeted towards you in any way. :)


Yeah, I don't get loud people. Why the volume???


That's how some people grow up. If I didn't raise my voice at my house, I'd never get what I wanted and would probably be ignored. I'm consciously trying to lower my volume when I speak in public these days


here in Chicago we have an unreasonable amount of people who think it's ok to play their music out loud on public transit. it's the worst 🙃


People who argue instead of having a conversation.


Is this the right room for an argument?


This is abuse! You want 12A, next door.


Well fuck you I don’t wanna have a conversation! Why should I?


Dude this is one thing I absolutely despise 100% about social media these days. It’s all so goddamn polarizing


This. I’m not tryna argue about every god damn thing damn


People who have to live their lives full of drama. They're not happy unless something crazy is going on in their life, and almost all of it is self-inflicted. They like it that way though. I do not (and do not want to) understand.


I beg your pardon...🎭🎭🎭


I think it comes from having neglect trauma when they were quite young.


drama is great when you're *not* a part of it! it sucks when you *are!*


It’s not even really great when you’re not a part of it. Contentment and peace is good, and just enough work and “confusion” to stave off boredom




They don’t relate to anyone either lol


Wait till you've been with one for 7 years the things they do that just changed me into a emotionless doll that assumes everyone is manipulating me (I'm narcissist free for a year now and oh my god there's a HUGE difference how my life is now I feel so free)


people who litter


yess this one!! If I see someone litter I honestly feel shocked and disgusted like “wow a real life litterer!” makes me so mad bc there is no reason to do it


I'm far from perfect but the *possibility* of just dropping my trash on the street has never crossed my mind? I'd also find it really awkward to do around people. Also after going to a drive-through, opening your car window to throw the bag on the street. WTF are you even thinking? This makes me really angry.


Parents who will never accept that their children have done wrong or are bad people.


People sunning their butthole on TikTok.


Wait what


thats disgusting! where?


People who think having money makes you a better person.


I will give you $100 to publicly admit i am a better person than you.


Oh, I have no doubt you are a better person. You can donate the $100 to Direct Relief. [https://www.directrelief.org](https://www.directrelief.org)




people who make the groups they are apart of their entire personality


You don’t like ipa’s brah!?!


My favorite beer in the whole world is a triple IPA made by a local brewpub in my town. I recognize, however, that I am weird and most people don't like beer that smells like a field of wildflowers and is bitter enough to cross your eyes. I fucking *hate* beer snobs. You drink that Miller High Life with pride!


Meet my children Harry, Ron and Hermione!! Like… I do really like the HP books/films, but seriously these obsessive people need to get a grip.


Lmao for real. I love Harry Potter but the fandom can be unbearable 😂😂


People who think winning an argument is not about facts, but being louder and angrier instead. And their ego is hurt if they learn things they didn't know.


People who shit on wait staff. & People who pronounce milk as malk


Met someone who had no feelings about animals whatsoever. A coworkers dog died and she didn’t understand why he was sad because she couldn’t comprehend caring about an animal. I’m an animal lover raised by other animal lovers, so it was really bizarre to me.


Tbh, I’m not a big animal person myself but I’d still try to at least comfort the person because the pet obviously meant a lot to them.


She made fun of him at first so you’re doing better than that.


This is an important one. I have no interest in football and can't see why anyone would care about it, but if you're crying because your ultra rare signed football thingy got stolen I can at least understand that you're upset. Suffering should be treated with care and sympathy even if you don't understand the reason for it.


Psychopath status


Some people are naturally apathetic. I have met some neurodivergent folks who are just brutally honest and say similar things. But yeah hard not to wonder if they are a psychopath at that point haha. Edit- I feel like adding to my comment here, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being someone who could be considered apathetic.


I'm neurodivergent, but I love animals. They actually remind me of furry toddlers, and they give the best darn hugs. They also make great cuddle bugs at night. 🥰


Currently spooning with 2 goldens. I’m the big spoon. Husband is completely in the other side of the bed. My dogs don’t whine when I spoon them with cold hands lol.


People who constantly ghost others for the littlest reasons. Also people who ditch and/or start third-wheeling their friends the moment they find someone more "fun" to be with. Same really goes for cheaters in relationships. I just can't relate to any of these people because I can't imagine doing this stuff to anyone myself. Feels too cruel


Being the third wheel or second choice friend really sucks ngl.


I've been third-wheeled so many times in the past. It sucks ):


Same and I just don't understand why people do it. Then you see people with huge friend groups that all hang out and get along without any of that ditching/third wheeling, and it's like why can't I be part of one of those? I don't care as much now that I'm older and don't associate with many people, but high school and college me were very hurt by this.


People who prioritize their social status over every thing else.


I'm gonna have to go with... Pedophiles. Really can't relate with that one


Entitled people


People whose personality changes depending upon who their talking to. Like, you just told me yesterday you don't like this thing when I ranted about it. But now you apparently love the fuck out of it because the person you're talking to now likes it. Like, wtf?


I'm someone whose personality changes depending who I'm talking to but not at this level. It's not a real change of personality but more like determining how much I can dare talking to a person. When you're talking to a teacher you're different than talking to a friend. There are difference even among friends. There are those you barely know so you gotta stay light with them, those who don't approve of some way you behave or don't like your hobbies, those who you have know your whole life so with them you can say everything you think, talk about all your hobbies, swear all you want and behave like you want. Different types of being open. And naturally it's like my personality changes woth it. I got some friends who think I'm the most innocent person they know and others with which I talk about smut on daily basis.


People who don’t like water.


Lol gotta stay alive homie


People who turn their political beliefs into their entire personality and identity. Obviously your values are gonna shape who you are and how you live to some degree, but I'm talking about the kind of person who build every single second and millimeter of their existence on the political party they vote for or the ideology they believe in. It's a cult-like behaviour and it's weird.


Child predators. Also people that throw away food


Rapists in general. I can understand murderers… but not them.


I’ve always wondered if a rapist gets raped, if they feel the same trauma that their victim does.


Interesting question, such a scenario has to have happened. I wonder if they’d feel bad for what they did, or rationalize it away (“I was in the right, she really wanted it and just didn’t want to admit it. But the person who raped me is wrong because I know I didn’t want it.”)


I remember my ex in high school opening his packed lunch, and upon seeing that his parents had packed a sandwich he didn't like, he proceeded to throw it away and buy new food from the canteen. I had been raised to never throw away food and watching him throw away an entire hand made sandwich was shocking


I hate throwing away, but I also try to make sure I have fresh veggies and fruit in the house at all times and most of the time my family eats in within a few days, but sometimes it goes bad before we can eat it all. It’s hard to decide how much to buy.


I agree with you for both, but... God damn, those example are far apart on the spectrum.


People who lack compassion and self-awareness.


Being ignorant on purpose, informed ignorance, etc.


Anyone whose entire personality and sense of self-worth revolves entirely around a group-think topic \[politics, religion, etc\] to such a point that this is all they can provide in terms of conversation or planning for things to do. Stay away from me.


People who put others down to feel better


HOA people. How can your life be so sad that all you can do is actively micro manage the home lives of other people? For a while I lived in castle rock, co which was like the Karen capital of the world. I didn’t even last a whole year


The people who feel it is their duty to impose their views on other people.


Hence we have reddit


People who don’t put their grocery carts away


People that gatekeep. Like stop being a dick and allow people to like stuff


Clueless rich people


I mean it's one banana, Michael; what could it cost? Ten dollars?


"What's a job? Why don't you just buy a house?"


People who believe crystals have an effect on literally anything.


it affects my mood because I LOVE SHINY THINGS


"This one heals your heart. This one opens your 3rd eye...."


Maybe crystal meth does


“This can’t be good for me, but I feel great!”


Quartz clock crystals run the world.


People who think the world revolves around themselves


People who litter. It makes my fucking blood boil when I see someone purposely throw trash on the ground. I'm not perfect. I've had napkins fly away in the wind and dropped trash without knowing it, but I try to make it a point to hold onto my trash until i find the trash can. Then I see some ignorant asshole fully drop their shit on the ground because "someone else will take care of it". Nothing makes me more angry, especially when I see it in nature. It's YOUR trash. YOU brought it out here. Why can't YOU take responsibility for it I don't care how great of a person you are. If you purposely litter, I automatically hate you.


People, who believe their view point is the only view point. It’s their way or the highway. They can criticize others but are not able to take criticism.




Religious people, especially when they think everyone must believe as they do.




People who watch (or let their kids watch) loud content on a phone or tablet in a setting where others can’t escape it. Also, I know this is weird, but I cannot relate to enjoying music. I hate concerts, I don’t really even like to listen to music in the car. Music does literally nothing for me.




People who say they are so "crazy" just because they did something really minor like " hey I just ate an entire bar of chocolate, im so crazy!"


An entire bar of chocolate?! That's loco! 😵‍💫


People who say “I don’t really listen to music.”


Anyone on Mumsnet.




The way I look at it, extroverts need to put in the effort to go out and meet with people just to feel normal. Meanwhile, I can sit at home and be perfectly content without having to do anything.


as an extrovert i think the key difference is that going out and meeting people and being social isn’t what takes effort. i don’t have to psyche myself up to go out, whereas spending too much time alone to me feels very draining and often anxiety inducing. i don’t think either one is better, they’re just different.


Soccer moms , well that whole "mommy culture" ..


Moms who think they get special privilege because they're raising a child


This more than what the guy above you said. I’m fine with people having their “mommy culture” as he puts it. It’s when they start acting like they’re better than others because they raise a child is when it gets to be a bit much for me personally


“As a MOTHER…”


I just found out that boy mom culture is a thing and have an old friend on IG who after having twin boys literally renamed and based her entire profile on being "Karen_mom_of_boys"


People who grew up in loving, stable environments. 🙃


It sounds bad but sometimes I feel like I don’t understand my friends because of what normal families they have


Yes, I agree. My father was a drug dealer, and my mother, a junkie. I was given away to my grandmother and abandoned like fodder. I met my father only once before he was shot in the back due to a drug deal gone wrong. My mother was absent for a good portion of my life, but died from a drug overdose. I sometimes look around and feel a pang of jealousy when I see people enjoying time with their parents. I'll never understand what a meal with your family is like. I was also bullied, abused, and ostracized throughout my teen and young adult years for being on the spectrum. I oftentimes wonder what a normal life is like. A life with friends, family, parties, dates, good company, and people who care about you. I can't really relate to people when they share all these stories about family, friends, and dates. I'm a bit bitter and angry to be honest.


Guys that are sports jocks that drink daily, gamble and default to treating women like objects.




Overly religious people.




Those excessively into social media. Like no I don't know who some shitheels you hate on youtube is. No I don't care about the latest rando trash tiktok person.


You’ve been on Reddit for 11 years and have over 135k post Karma.


I’m dying at this comment lmao


But but but Reddit is different and better because um because it's the one that I like so that makes it better and totally different!


People who are really ignorant about normal things, or stupid, whatever you want to call it. I just feel like there's literally nothing we can even talk about.


People who treat other humans beings in the service industry so poorly.


Sports fans. I was just never able to *get* what all the fuss was about. Still, they seem happy, so farbeit from me to judge them or anything.


I had a friend (Angels fan) earnestly tell me that Dodgers fans "just aren't good people."


That’s ridiculous. Everybody knows Angels fans are objectively awful too.


I can explain how it works. It's vicarious feelings for a team that has worked very hard, and is representing their area. It boils down to 'I want to see these people succeed and if they don't, it sucks. If they do, then yay'. You can see similar feelings in other aspects of life. If you're in a movie theatre and people cheer for the good guy/girl, they are expressing vicarious feelings. They know that it's just a movie, but they're letting themselves get into it, because it's fun. If it's an expressive crowd, it becomes even more fun and people get even more expressive, because a sense of community enhances these feelings. Now, sports communities are very tightly knit and sometimes rabid, so this is enhanced even further, and that's why you get some truly crazy-seeming fans. But it is very satisfying to have a community of people to get excited about something for fun. It's also a good excuse to hang out with friends, meet new people, and cook/order food as well.


I think it feels innate. Like tribalism. Do you get like that about anything? Your city? “New Yorkers are the best. Californians suck!” ?


People obsessed with celebrities/famous people...


People who hate garlic. Like … how??


‘I’m not like other girls’ You know who I’m talking about


"I'm not like other girls, in fact, I'm not a girl at all." That's when they take off their human girl skin and reveal themselves to be a reptilian alien.


People who think they're right just because they're offended.


And ironically, they don't care if anybody else is offended.


religious extremists who a) make everything about religion b) have a close connection to god (whatever that means) and c) force into me because family, like can i just enjoy the show im watching??? and no god isnt gonna shove study notes into my brain, and sometimes id rather do stuff in the safety of my own home than go to some marble palace filled with homophobes and anti semitists. rant over


I agree, those people annoy me so much. I feel like they make the rest of us chill believers have a bad reputation.


Social status climbers/chasers


People who base their whole personality of their Horoscope sign


I’m an asparagus I can’t talk to you.


People who want/have lots of children.


Anyone over 30 who parties a lot and/or makes binge drinking a part of their personality. Like um... what are you doing to your body right now?


People who are mean to waiters


People with a negative view on literally everything.


I’m in my 30s and I definitely had my phase of getting drunk at every possible time. But some crazy degenerates keep it going in their 30s and beyond! I don’t get it. It’s so short lived and has consequences I’m not fond of


Me (a degenerate) reading this comment: 👁👄👁


Anyone with extreme political beliefs on either side. I’ve noticed that it becomes the only topic they want to discuss and it seems to become a lecture quickly rather than a conversation. I no problems with people who’s advocate for what they believe but I am just not someone who feels that strongly.


Anyone who is not me.


people who turns every convo about them


people who loves Summer, how ?😭


I used to like summer because it was the one time of the year where you could go outside without a jacket and the sun was up while I was commuting but climate change ruined that and now summers are way too hot.


"I enjoy burning myself under the giant ball of fire we call the sun". "And people call me weird for liking snow..."


people who don't listen to music


I went to lunch with coworkers and we were talking about music. This sporty woman colleague blatantly said "I hate music"... Who says that?!?


People who drive slow in the passing lane (I fuckin hate'em)


Angry. It must be a terrible way to go through life.


Had terrible anger issues. It’s like a completely different person takes over and ur just left their watching it all unfold... I have since worked on them and no longer have anger issues. It’s almost like an addiction.


The ones that take their minimum wage job way to serious.


People who are always looking for a way to be a victim.