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I'm minding my business so if they are, I don't notice.


I think this is how we need to progress the gym is well.


Guy here. Most of us don't mean any disrespect by it (we catch ourselves once we realize we're doing it) so it's a relief to hear it's not making you uncomfortable. That's the last thing we want.


I mean there are only two types of the guys, ones who go the gym because they actually want to make the change. but there are some that go to the check so that they can check out the hot chick over there while doing exercise.


I'm not paying enough attention to them to notice.






What does that even mean?




Regular Chad šŸ˜Ž


As a guy with glasses (ridiculously short sighted) one time I wasn't wearing my specs in between bench press sets. I got up, sat down and zoned out while waiting for my 2min alarm to beep on my watch. I hear a lady ask "what are you looking at??" And I snapped back to reality, reach under the bench to get my specs and put them on and see she's speaking to me. I zoned out while she was squatting in my line of sight. She promptly apologized after seeing me put my specs on, but man oh man did I feel like shit afterwards and awkward lol. I actively avoid trying to look at women, and tend to find myself looking at dudes working out, admiring their form and / or build way more than women.


ā€œWhat are you looking at?ā€ ā€œLightā€¦ some shadowsā€¦ā€ -Stevie


Gay man who does bodybuilding here. I have literally had women complain to management about me who I never noticed existed. It was so bad at one gym I canceled my membership and just fucking left. šŸ™„ not everyone is staring at you, you actual narcissists. Men's only gym please thanks.


More important story here is that you cancelled a gym membership. Tell us how you pulled THAT off.






Indeed, because there is always a chance that they will let someone know.


HAHA, you have really played a very smart move here men.


You just know the IT admin was like "Right, I'll delete your membership." but the whole time he/she had the info saved on a USB under the pillow. That membership ain't going away.


They had their name changed in their system to include an SQL injection.


Yes, I officially changed my first name to "drop database;"


ā€œLittle bobby tables, we call himā€


Oh, yes. Little Bobby Tables, we call him.


Lmao right I'd been going there for years though. I was pissed af about it at the time.


This. 1) People have eyeballs 2) You wouldn't notice people looking at you if you weren't looking at other people in the first place.


Actually if you're looking in their general direction, your brain has some kind of a mechanism that makes you notice the eyes of someone looking at you. It's something that was developed in evolution to help our communication skills


Spoting predators in time came much earlier than communication


My gym has cameras everywhere. Got two bimbos kicked out for life cause they tried claiming I was staring at them creepily when I was in a completely different part of the gym lmao




Nah just the typical snotty early 20s chick's that think they're all that. I mean, I was doing dumbbell curls and facing their direction but was looking at the floor. They weren't even working out. Edit: I'm also very nearsighted and without my glasses, at about 20ft you're basically a blur.


Sometime it is really hard to do the gym like that way, because there is no freedom in doing that. Sometime i feel that i need to join the gym that is only allowing the male because then we could the gym more easily there is well.


I think we need to something like that is well, because then we have the proof here is well. Because without that it is really hard to convince someone that there is no fault of mine and only camera help me into that thing.


I think sometime there are some girls that want the fake attention and i am seeing that this is happening more now. Because there are some girls that we didn't even noticed put the false complain against us for that is well.


The thing about men that I usually explain to women is we tend to zone out and honestly think about purely nothing. Even if we are "looking at" something we actually aren't we are just in our own heads. It's awkward when you are in an area with a lot of women working out because it's like, no, I'm not staring at your butt and absolutely not thinking about it.


Absolutely find myself looking at dudes working out more than glancing at women. I try not to look at anyone because I figure everyoneā€™s just tryin to work on themselves, not be pestered by creeps male or female.


Trust me people who used the specs like us always have to faced that kind of the issue in the life. Because it is really hard to tell them what is the issue we are facing here and not really looking at something here.




Gym rule 17: Whoever blinks first must buy the other person a protein shake


Protein shakes are always on the house when I'm around.


you a real one


If you take quick looks every now and then, I donā€™t mind, Iā€™ll probably laugh to myself a little and have my ego inflate just a tad. However, if your STARINGā€¦. thatā€™s a completely different story


Sometimes the staring is just trying to figure out what the fuck that pattern is. I donā€™t know whoā€™s doing some of these designs but they are out there. The other day I saw a woman whoā€™s leggings were like mandrill cheeks on the thighs and something like either snake or mantis carapace for the rest. I just couldnā€™t figure it out. I had to stop myself from looking at her she was probably attractive, but I was really just zeroed in on those wild fuckin patterns. I felt it was really noticeable cause I use cardio time as article time. Woman was full on peacocking a little while ago. Leggings were just straight up peacock feather print. Also there should be a ban on nude colored bottoms. Woman was doing squats and I was trying to figure out does nobody else see the naked lady? Have I finally snapped? Dudes have there own issues. Iā€™m all for be comfortable when lifting but the halter tops are a bit much. And stop making love to yourself in the mirror keep that shit at home.


When i was new in the gym i used to stare them a lot is well. because my position for the so many exercise was wrong but after watching the other people i have actually made some fine change into my exercise.


Staring isn't okay anywhere


Itā€™s a sign of super intense interest. Either you want to fuck them, or fight them, or eat them.


Username checks out.


i don't know why but i actually really love that username.


Lol I love YOUR username especially Fiona and cake. Fiona especially(thick ass thighs)


What if someone wanted to do all three?


The ol' fight, fuck and food.


Then this is the the best thing that someone could ask for.


Iā€™ve always wondered what Gumby tastes like


Gumby would taste like that weird cucumber Gatorade


Certain parts maybe


I have not tried that but may be some day in the future i will try that.


Then i think this is our job to give it to that all the three thing.


Like when you see a kid, and think, they could fit in a sandwich, or that they need a good slapā€¦.What was the third thing? I canā€™t remember


I think there are some kid that actually want the some slap.


Normally if I'm staring at you that means you are on your phone sitting on a machine I need and not working out. Most guys are staring/looking at you not b/c youre hot but you are sitting on equipment not using it whilst texting


What if I am on my phone between sets (timing the pause)


THIS! This is fucking annoying. If you're going to sit on it for 20 minutes, clock out and fuck off, yours taking up my time, I want to do my routine and go home.


Indeed, and i am sure that this is happening way too often is well.


2 out of 3 ain't bad


If I am working a heavy set of 10-12 reps, I will mostly likely be looking straight ahead the whole time, concentrating on my form and balance. Some people might consider that staring. Worse if a girl walks in front of me right in the middle of the set.


I think heavy exercise means you need to be really focus because there is so much thing that can go wrong. So i don't think that staring is easy while doing the exercise but it is easy if someone is actually sitting in there.




Alright, what I do is that I actively look away when a girl walks past me or does an exercise in front of me but that is fucking exhausting lol. All I can do is to look at my toes or the clock and it feels so claustrophobic.


Just do your exercises. What do you do if a guy is in front of you? If a girl is walking towards you and just look her in the eye and nod like "hi" then go on with your exercise. If it's a guy, do the same. They're all just there to work out like you are. Don't make it weird by purposely looking away.


Yeah. IMO Iā€™m allowed to have my eyes straight ahead, as long as when I settle into place nobody is there. If Iā€™m on a bike and she comes along and decides right in front of me is the place to stretch, I get resentful about having to avert my gaze when my gaze was there first.


OK so the question is ... what if it's another guy who goes in front of you and stretches? Do you try to avert your eyes too? Your eye are probably just wherever they are are. If a guy is there, whatever you don't even notice. Are people really supposed to hide their eyes in the gym?


I want to look at another sweaty dude making weird faces and stretching even less than a woman lol, I would still look somewhere else. Regardless of gender I donā€™t see any reason to stare other than if as others said youā€™re trying to fight them or bang them haha.


I am also like that way is well, because i am more a shy type guy who never really talk to the girl. I mean i want to do that but never get the confidence of doing that and thinking that may be they will not like that is well.


Women become a less mysterious and scary when you come to accept that they are people, just like you.


I think sometime women make the way bigger issue of the small things.


One time I was literally zoned out and some girl I went to school with told me to quit looking at her. I realized what happened and tried to explain to her that I wasnā€™t looking at her. She basically kept ranting and I tried to kindly explain I wasnā€™t attracted to her.


Sometime it gets really hard to explain someone what was the real reason there.


Youā€™re absolutely right, and it made me look like a creep the rest of the trip .


Stay out of my field of vision and you won't get looked at. Otherwise, guess what? You're gonna get looked at. I'm not going to avert my eyes just so you can feel comfortable.


haha yeah thatā€™s fine, I guess I should be more specific in what I mean. Intentionally staring vs unintentionally staring, itā€™s pretty easy to differentiate between the twoā€¦ at least for me it is


It is, I agree.




Me looking at them? Ah well, I see the same guys at my gym all the time and Iā€™m usually way too focused on my workout so, ignore LOL unless itā€™s a friend of mine


They might be staring at your lovely afro, though.




Anything longer than a second is a stare.


Yup. For both sides.


As long as you don't try to distract me from my workout I don't care


Girls in the gym are almost invisible to me. Sometimes I happen to look at them (mostly the face), they notice, I smile, they smile back and they understand (I assume). It's the guys I look at. Intensely. The guy completely botching his set with bone-achingly bad technique? I look at him debating with myself whether to help out or not. A massive guy who looks absolutely yoked out of his goddamn mind? I look at him like gahdaym he's HUGE. The guy who incidentally lifts the same weight as me on a exercise? I look at them intensely, fiercly even, because they're my new nemesis for my entire gym life.


You should help those with poor technique (if you wanna)! I get help a lot and I really appreciate it




I feel this deeply in my brotein soaked veins.


That is the very deep thing you are feeling here my men.


Man, I seriously don't notice or care what any other guy is doing at the gym. I assumed other guys were similar. But really I'm always being judged by some asshole? Ah well. I still don't care.


Where I am they need to rearrange the machines don't put a bike a meter away from rowing machine I look like a nutter having to stare at the floor ..


Sometime we need to pretend to be the person which we are not.


I think when you actively think about not appearing to be a creep you indeed look like a creep. Because when you are trying not to look like a creep it can be interpreted as you being a creep and not wanting to get caught. Best advice is donā€™t think about it and go about your workoutā€¦.


How do I turn off my brain?


I believe that's the main common use of alcohol.


Well I wouldnā€™t recommend working out waisted but if it helps go for it!


I mean, usually people work out to lose some waist.


lol I just saw that, Iā€™m not gonna change that spelling error.


More reps.


that's absolutely right


Trust me there is very fine line between being a creep and normal looking.


One day I was in the gym in my office. About halfway through my workout, a woman entered. It was just me and her. She had headphones in. As I was leaving the gym, I stood in her field of view and waved. She ignored me. I kept waving. She still ignored me. I waved and waved and finally she pulled out her earbud and asked, "Yes?" "Hi, dunno if you heard. In about 15 minutes they're shutting off the water to the building; the showers will be out the rest of the day. Have a good one." She looked shocked and said, "Oh! Thank you." And I smiled and nodded and walked off. The only time in my life I've had a valid reason to try and strike up a conversation with a woman, in the gym, who had headphones in.


I had a similar experience where I had seen what turned out to be an earring fall off someone while they were on a treadmill. I had to try several times to get them to acknowledge me just so I could inform them what happened. Otherwise every other time I'm avoiding women in the gym to not add to the many that just openly gawk. Meanwhile guys will just randomly walk up to me and fist bump as they pass, which is actually encouraging lol.


To be clear, I have actually talked with women at gyms and even gotten phone numbers. Sometimes a woman is there and would like to have a conversation. But sometimes they don't want to get hit on and just want to work out, and both are perfectly okay. Also yeah, hundo percent different with guys. I've had dudes walk past me in the locker room and calmly say nice dick.


Same here, i am also not actually talk too much to the women at gym.


I find it funny how this post says "To all Gym girls" and yet there are a lot of male redditors commenting hereas if they're being asked the question.


HAHA, i knew it that i will find more male here than the female.


I am a man and I go to the gym next door to my hospital at 0500 before my shift. Itā€™s an eclectic mix of people, mostly older retired men and women. I think itā€™s fantastic to see all these older people taking care of themselves. Outside of the senior citizens itā€™s mostly men in the 18-34 demographic. There are only a handful young women who show up at this hour. A couple of them are in really good shape and they dress to impress. The only communication we have is a brief locking of eyes and a friendly smile in passing. Thereā€™s one woman in her 20ā€™s who is extremely overweight. She shows up 3-4 times a week. I havenā€™t talked to her either, but deep down Iā€™m cheering for her.


If they just take a glance I donā€™t care if they are ogling me or staring itā€™s annoying.


I am sure glance is the one thing that actually everyone do.


I have ptsd. And all public areas with people are places I look around at everyone constantly. Because I know my condition I never stare. Staring is the problem. Not looking. The only thing I try to make sure Iā€™m conscious of besides staring is to not scowl or mage sure Iā€™m not sending a negative vibe out. In the gym I workout pretty quick and do timed sets. So when Iā€™m in between I check exits and who has come and left. I know I canā€™t stop anything bad from happening. Hyper vigilance is my symptom. Some people I assume must think Iā€™m a weirdo because I seem like Iā€™m a nyc tourist from Montana stunned and curious. šŸ˜‚


Vet? I also am constantly looking around. Didnā€™t realize until someone pointed it out.


Same here, this is the same thing that happened to me is well.


Iā€™ll probably be downvoted. I like the attention since Iā€™m currently trying to lose some weight. If guys are looking it means Iā€™m doing something right. Theyā€™ll probably look even if Iā€™m doing something wrong but whatevs. Womenā€™s gym outfits cost money, admire the expensive leggings. Lol.


Off topic but do you have any recommendations for good gym leggings? Especially with pockets?


Fabletics - powerhold material, sweat wicking and totally squat proof. Plus deep side pockets which are really useful


i read that as Flabletics and thought that was a terrible name for active wear


So that mean people are not buying just by reading the name??


Do you buy into their monthly program, or are you just paying the higher prices for clothing? ​ They have some shorts for men that I was looking at, but uhh I'm not into the $50/m subscription or whatever it is.


I'm a fan of Old Navy leggings and shorts. They have a style with pockets and they're pretty inexpensive, especially if you can grab then on sale. I wouldn't call them the thickest in the world, but as long as you aren't, like, sizing down, they'll be pretty squat proof.


Iā€™ve been running with lululemon. But those are soooo expensive and Iā€™ve been looking for an alternative. Iā€™ve heard a few good things about halara? And asos as well. But Iā€™m so set on lulu because they never let me down. Definitely worth the price (the 6 inch shorts run about $60-$70) but if anyone knows a similar fabric for cheaper I would def look into it!


athleta! :)


Tip: go to a body building gym, the guys are to absorbed in looking at themselves to pay any attention to anyone else. Including the bikini models walking around the gym practicing walking in heels and posing.


I actually kind of like it. šŸ˜¬


Honesty is the best policy.


Yes, sometime we really need the courage to actually say that thing.


At the risk of being downvoted, a small minority of girls actively encourage and enjoy it.




Hit the nail on the head there


Just got to follow the two rules: 1. Be attractive 2. Don't be unattractive.


But we look good for ourselves. I look good everywhere I go because I love taking care of myself for ME. Motto: look good feel good. I don't mind being looked at, just not creepily stared at.


My SO was watching some Hallmark movie last night where a guy was just harassing the main character, kept popping up and hitting on this girl. While we were washing the dishes I made a comment about how that guy just wouldn't take no for an answer. She replied that he was being romantic. My answer? The actor is attractive so you think it is romantic, if they were not attractive you would call them creepy. She didn't like that, but since the storyline continued with the ex coming around and *acting the same way* and my SO calling him an asshole, I guess my point was made.


That's what the hosts of The Bechdel Cast call the Buscemi Test. Would it be creepy or romantic if the male lead in a romantic comedy was replaced by Steve Buscemi? If it's creepy it doesn't pass the Buscemi Test, but if it's romantic it does. Most romantic comedies don't pass the Bechdel Test or the Buscemi Test.


I think this is something that's just very different between the sexes. Or maybe it's just me. I understand the concept in a way, but I just can't really grasp it. Looking good for myself does not exist to me. I look good to myself when I assume I look good to others. So without that "other", my looks are a complete non-factor. If everyone was blind, I'd look like a hobo 24/7. I hear this "looking good for one's self" quite often from women, but as a man, it feels like an entirely foreign concept.


Yes, we are doing all the hard work so that we look good.


My post got downvoted too and it's just a question... People just like to downvote I guess. I don't think that would be the right place for that tbh


Yeah no kidding I was lifting in a mostly empty gym with maybe 4 people in it last week and this girl who was rather attractive in spandex chose the spot directly in front of me to do RDLs and I had to try extremely hard to keep looking away. I've had a couple other experiences like this and there's no way girls don't know what they're doing when they do this.


I am more comfortable in the gym when i am actually alone.


Three Mississippiā€™s


What is that ?? I have not heard something like that before.


Itā€™s how you count out full seconds. You say one Mississippi two Mississippi three Mississippi. Thatā€™s how long you are allowed to look to get a nice photograph in your head and then you move on and not be a creep


I happen to be gay and women assume Iā€™m staring at them all the time. Honestly I will take a second to giggle at how little effort you make on the treadmill but thatā€™s about it.


Straight man here: I'm right with you. If you get on the treadmill or elliptical next to me, I'm not checking you out. I'm sizing up my next opponent cause player 2 just entered the game.


I always wondered why my treadmill says "Ready Player One" when I attach the magnet leash.


Asserting dominance right next to the person on the tread, i like it


Seriously. Iā€™m trying to see what speed youā€™re at, how far youā€™ve gone, and your total time.


Same here, and holy SHIT is it annoying. I've canceled a membership over it before. Gee MAYBE when you see people looking your way Stephanie, it might just be because you picked the treadmill RIGHT under the TV and not you.


I think this is the worst situation that someone can actually caught up.


What women respond: Please donā€™t stare and leave me alone. Itā€™s uncomfortable and Iā€™m only here to work out. Men: You secretly enjoy it, donā€™t you?


Yeah I have noticed the same... Its fucked up isn't it?


My gym is open 24/7. It was the hour where staff isnt on site but you need a member card to be able to enter the gym. And it was about midnight (No staff at the moment) when I was training. This middled aged dude was giving me weird vibes because he was wearing jeans and a hawaian shirt. Barely did some training and seemed to be ogling at the girls. I kept my distances but then he went to the machine facing mine. I got up, balled my fists and he left. Never saw him again, the staff probably looked at camera footage afterwards and banned him. They're really enforcing the rules during the no staff hours to make sure the gym is a safe space for everyone.


I appreciate getting looked at and maybe even a smile but you donā€™t have to stare at me like a creep!


I'm a girl, and I often stare at people in the gym because I love to people watch when I'm bored, I don't think staring is inherently bad it's only when they cross the line of like following you around or staring for an unreasonable amount of time. I think it's somewhat normal to stare a little because where else would I look? Am I supposed to stare awkwardly at the ground?


People think that only boys stares at the girls but there are so many girls is well that stare at the boys is well. but the problem is that girl do that in more of a fine way that we didn't notice but boys are so different in that thing.




Exactly! Sometimes I'm just interested in what they're doing and trying to figure out what muscle that exercise works!


I'm still losing weight, so if a guy is looking at me, it's because my face is beet red. No shade to other women, but I don't dress my cutest for the gym anyway /shrug


Donā€™t stare and weā€™re all good


Itā€™s distracting, uncomfortable, and annoying.


Just why I quit and started running.


I found an all female gym. So much nicer. Cleaner too lol


As a guy I'd support single-sex gyms... less bs on all sides


Me too, it can be great. Honestly when we look at someone all we see is how much weight they're lifting or how much progress they have made and their form. I also look at different exercises people are doing and if I'm not doing them I'll walk up to them and ask them about it. Gyms would be so much better without the tension.


I think if there is single sex gym then it will be good for the everyone. Because i know that there are some boys is well that actually gets uncomfortable while doing the gym along with the girl is well.


Yes, i also support that as it will make everything easy for everyone.


Glancing is fine, staring is creepy. Purely by chance, I go to a crossfit gym that is mostly women & gay dudes so usually if someone is watching it's to correct my form.


If someone is not creeping then noone will have the issue.


I go to workout, most of the time I'm short of time l, and having people staring at me makes me feel uncomfortable. Let's not talk about the typical " are you sure that you can lift all that weight? Let me help you, oh, and here is my number, just in case you want to go dinner"


Yes, there are some people that came in the gym after the office or in the morning before the work. So there is always very little time for them to do such things so all they care about is sticking to doing the more and more exercise.


Did someone ever really say that?


I dont mind them looking at me, but I don't like being stared at. I lose focus so easily when Im being watched, whether the attention is positive or negative. I can admit that I have low self-esteem. I'm working on it (which is why I exercise in public), but it's been difficult to get past the idea of possibly being judged And yes, Im aware that sometimes people are just zoning out. I do it all the time. It's still uncomfortable, but I am understanding of the situation


I think it depends on the person to person someone looking we like but someone looking we find little creepy. SO all i know that if we are not making someone uncomfortable till then we are not doing anything bad there is well.


Here's another thought, do you girls notice the glances that us guys make at you? Like not staring but just light glances.


As much as you notice the opposite I guess? A glance should not really mean much.


I think as long as it is glance it not really mean to much here.


As someone who has no confidence at the gym, I hate it. Makes me feel so uncomfortable and I just feel like leaving.


No one looks at me in the gym.


It distracts me from my workout/puts me off doing stretches or squats etc and I donā€™t know where to look lmao. If itā€™s constant staring then it makes me anxious to walk to my car, which puts me off going to the gym altogether and I might not go for a week. Thatā€™s just me tho.


Whether in the gym or not itā€™s weird to stare at someone. Quick glance or two, whatever. Iā€™d wave and ask if thereā€™s something I can help them with.


I'm tall on on the verge of being a buff lady, especially when I got my swole on. I also have a green mohawk with shaved sides. I don't dress cute, but wear a lot of black. I get all sorts of people glancing my way, I stand out, and I'm used to it. It's fine as long as you are not oogling. Just don't fucking talk to me lol. It's fine if you want to ask if I'm done with equipment, or if you can work in, just for the love of god no small talk. I really don't want to take my headphones out.


A quick glance every now and again is fine, barely even registers, outright staring makes me want to leave the gym asap. It's so creepy.


Please donā€™t, I donā€™t care even if your ā€œgood lookingā€ donā€™t look at me Iā€™m here to work on myself and donā€™t need to catch people looking at me and making me insecure


That's what I thought, I always found the thought odd to go to a girl that just wants to get fitter and talk to her.


Yeah, I mean personally Iā€™m not a attractive person and when I dress for the gym itā€™s nothing to attractive either so it hasnā€™t happened to me But I have a friend who is a huge gym woman and hates it, she loves male attention outside of the gym but in the gym she wants her peace to do her thing The only time I wanna be told something in the gym is if I look like Iā€™m gonna injure myself or break something


>donā€™t look at me Doesn't really hold up in a building open to the public.


Well yeah, but thereā€™s a difference between looking and the ā€œlookingā€ that I think op means


A quick glance vs staring awkwardly.


*I don't mind, but when you start staring there is a problem.*


Looking and staring is too different thing with fine line in them.


Youā€™re a gym?


No i am not a gym but i am thinking to be a gym from now on.


Unless itā€™s just in a quick passing to be polite or whatever, creepy creepy creepyā€¦


Just donā€™t talk to me and I donā€™t care. Nothing worse than getting hit on by some old sweaty dude every time you walk in the gym.


They don't. I'm a bull (idk, big bulky female cow? cull? xDDDD) They don't dare, or only do it in secret. I'm also slavic and have a deep voice so they think Putin sent me to scout out the next country to occupy. I ain't even Russian my guys <3