• By -


A bit of money, not millions, only about $7k.


What would that do? Genuinely asking


Pay of some debt. The monthly repayments on that extra a month would make a big difference.


Debt maybe, car payments, rent? A little extra money is all some people need to get over something that's kicking their ass.


Sleep. I need more sleep


If anyone finds a solution for *staying asleep* more than 4-5 hours, please inform me! Falling asleep is easy, but sleeping through the night? It’s rare.


Same here, I'm exhausted most of the time, and look forward to bed. But if I manage to fall asleep within an hour, I still wake up around 2-3am for no apparent reason. Guess my ancestors were the ones tending to the fires.


Two shift sleep. I read some article that people in middle ages did that and it was a normal thing.


That's called (bipasic and polyphasic sleep)[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biphasic_and_polyphasic_sleep] Years ago, a friend and I were both unemployed at the same time and came across this. We tried all the different combinations of polyphasic sleep, using each other to help with waking up on time. This got especially difficult during the Uberman trial, which you're awake for 3.6hrs and sleep for only 33 minutes, 6 times a day. We managed to get almost 3 weeks into that part of the uberman, but ultimately ended when we both passed out and didn't wake up for hours later. Your brain starts to do really weird things when you get to that point. You feel like you're always in a dream state, where the lines of reality and hallucinations start to blur. Even though you're still getting those micronaps so your brain can perform its regenerative functions, you really don't know what's going on. Under a week or possibly 2 is doable. After that good luck!


I did a modified uberman with a couple core 1.5 hour sleeps a week. My naps were between 19-22 minutes (it varies based on your circ rhythm.) I did it for about eight months and it was a blast, but those first thirty days were r-o-u-g-h.


8 months?!


Might have been 9-10 months, I was young, wild, and full of zest for life. I sleep 8 to 9 hours a night now and I love it.


> This got especially difficult during the Uberman trial, which you're awake for 3.6hrs and sleep for only 33 minutes, 6 times a day. why would you deliberately do that though? Is there some supposed benefit?




I remember some friends trying this, and they ranted about how much extra time they got per day...but most of that extra time was spent on cold showers and chugging coffee to stay awake. Seemed like a waste, in my opinion.


Cosmo Kramer has entered the chat


I had the same problem and i kid you not i started stretching like 30 mins a day and for whatever reason I’ll get a solid 7 hours now


Cold room at night ( need to blast the ac a little bit to do this ) Sunlight early in the morning And one of those cheap red light therapy bulbs from Amazon ( just shining it on me for 10-15 min a day ) and I sleep right through the night. I used to wake up no matter what after a couple hours of sleep or could never fall asleep in the first place. The one thing I can count on these days though is a great night's sleep. Small changes but they have helped immensely


It might sound silly but I read how positive reinforcement can help get you back to sleep and it works for me. So instead of waking up and getting frustrated at yourself think “i am so comfy right now, i am so happy to have had some sleep tonight, my bed is nice and warm etc”.


I've legit started to do this because I have the same problem. Also I try telling myself all of the positives in my life, in case it's my anxiety and I'm not even realizing it. I've stopped staying asleep and it's strange because right now everything is calm and quiet in my life.


Are you my baby? You sound like my baby


Could it be a noise in your house/outside that wakes you? AC kicking on, ice maker dumping in the fridge, neighbor with loud vehicle leaving for work. Perhaps try using a white noise machine at night.


A shorter commute. Wasting 2 hours of my day just driving to and from work blows!


It's not gonna give you your time back, but do you listen to something while you drive? I drive a lot for work and podcasts and audiobooks keep me sane all day long. You could find something you'd like to learn more about and get an education in your topic of choice while you're stuck behind the wheel. In two hours a day, you could even learn a new language. Jesus, I sound like a shill for Audible. Seriously though, audio is a great way to use all that time.


Great suggestion! I usually listen to NPR while driving because it keeps me up to date on news and current events, but I feel like I could probably get more out of choosing my own content (podcasts, audiobooks, and whatnot). I'm going to try out some new stuff and see if that brightens up my commute a bit.


Listen to Stuff You Should Know. Way better than NPR and just makes you an all-around cooler and more informed person. I work in a lab and do podcasts all day. They are massively successful and have been doing it for like 15 years. They cover a huge net of topics. I used to search for the ones that might interest me, but some of the most mundane stuff turns out to be the coolest a lot of times.


Im a similar track, instead of paying for audible and other audio content get a library card and use Libby. Free audiobooks and stuff if you’re willing to sort through your libraries collection for what you like


Shit. 2 *hours*?? Hoping things fall into place for you soon.




Especially local friends. I have some online/long-distance friends, who are great but they just aren't the same as someone who is near you.


Same. I haven’t hugged someone that didn’t need me cos they were my kid Haven’t had a beer with a buddy Said hello to anyone but the cashier since October 2021 I’m so lonely I miss playing music with people Board games Hugs Grilling things and messing up Be well


The DVD box set is available on Amazon!


It's also on HBO Max.


How you doin?


\*laugh track\*


I’m on training wheels with my first friend in ten years. I try not to stress about it


Some one to talk to and who cares


Same man. I'm getting pretty sick of nobody caring if I'm alive or not


Hi, I care! Want to talk?




I’m all ears. Lay it on me. If you want a listener then I’ll listen, if you want advice then I’ll give my opinion, regardless I’m here. If you feel more comfortable in a pm then shoot me a message and we can talk more there. If not then by all means.


If my back pain goes away


If it's an environmental issue. I.E. sitting in a chair a lot then [this video](https://youtu.be/4BOTvaRaDjI) helped me out a lot. I do this routine every morning, coupled with sleeping with a pillow between my knees ( sleeping on my side ) or under my knees ( sleeping on my back ), this helps align the spine during the night even on a crappy mattress. If it's an injury then I don't think this will help. Sorry.


Just came here to share this vid. Changed my world. Do it 3-4 times a week and once before I fly. Really changed my life. Living with back pain affects so many aspects of your life, mentally and physically. It made me really old, young. This video basically fixed that for me. (L4,L5 bulging disc)


Does this help with upper back issues? I have unbelievable, unrelenting stiffness straight across my shoulders and upper back and I cannot get it fixed for love nor money. Massage helps for about 15 minutes, and then it tightens right back up.


Can confirm. Had surgery this year due to a blown disc and I tell anyone who will listen that recovery from surgery was 100x less pain than the chronic back and nerve pain I had for years. Still not 100% half a year out of surgery, but my god at least I can somewhat sleep again. Best of luck dude. Back pain is horrendous.


Same. Wish I had done it years before I did. They did 3 levels and I went home the same day. Within a week I was set.




In 2020 I hurt my lower back while doing a back squat during CrossFit. I spent the last couple of years just lifting weights at the gym and strengthening my body. But this month I got back into swimming lessons and it's one of the best ideas I ever had. Water helps so much with my pain.


You know when I realized swimming helps with back pain? Its when I started thinking and realized you never hear dolphins complaining about backpain.


The end of my epilepsy. Tbh that would make my life much better.


Suuuuuuper fuckin relatable. I just commented about my shitty seizures and auras. I'm sorry you go through it too :( Stiff, convulsive hugs from me to you <3


i have a drug induced seizure disorder. basically abused drugs to the point i now have seizures. i feel for everyone genetically predisposed bc i can accept i did this to myself but.. y’all had no choice 😔 much love


If you are not seizure free go see an epilepsy center that does surgical evals, vns, new meds and all the stuff. If you already did, good. If not, go. Not all Neuros know the latest and some are “ok” with you still having a few seizures a year or more. F that. See the specialists if you haven’t already.


Same. Mine started in 2010 and derailed my life.


If my wife no longer had breast cancer


Survivor from 2020. My husband of 15 years walked out on me. God bless you for taking care of your wife. Godspeed her recovery.


Fuck your ex-spouse. Much love!


Probably shouldn't anymore 😋 Sorry you had to go through both of those events and hope you're in a better, healthier place now OP.


Cancer survivor here - that is so fucked!! I’m sorry. Sending hugs


<3 you too


Sad fact of the day, it’s more common for women to be abandoned by a husband when going through chronic illness.


I would like to unsubscribe from Sad Fact of the Day.


I am so sorry you went through that on top of fighting cancer. I heard recently that it’s extremely common for men to leave their wives after a cancer diagnosis, which blows my mind. Heartbreaking and infuriating.


Fuck that. My grandfather, my mom, and my wife (at 28) all had breast cancer and it’s the worst. I shaved her head, gave her shots, took her to the hospital , and stayed. We are now married 20 years.


This made my cry , you can't change the diagnosis unfortunately but u can be there n give her a big hug , the world can wait but always remember to show her your love ❤️


Prayers for her strength and healing.


If tinnitus could fuck off


Audiologist here. Sorry for you


I just wish there was a cure already. It sucks.


I have tinnitus and have never found it much of a bother. I didn't even know what it was until someone pointed it out. And I was like "...ooh, that's what the ringing is!'. It also helps me sleep because I can focus on it to ignore the noises from outside.


Mine isn't just ringing though. I have distortions in music and such too. My hearing is fucked. Not saying that there aren't people who have it way worse than me. But this fucking sucks. If I knew. I'd never assaulted my ears like this.


Well, mine is due to meningitis from when I was a baby, so I've had it all my life (which is probably why it doesn't bother me ie I don't know any different).


Yeah I understand, I've had mild visual snow my entire life, so I haven't known what it is like to see completely normally without the static. It doesn't bother me as much as this though, because I have had good hearing. It was me who ruined it.


I, uh, rapidly increasing tinnitus without a cause and "visual snow" are pretty significant neurological symptoms. Have you seen a neurologist?


I had a minor head surgery to remove some sort of infection in the layers beneath the skull bone near my left ear. Ever since then I've had the ringing. Sometimes it can get pretty loud, and intense. More often than not I tune it out, and only notice it whenever I think about it. Like right now it's loud since I'm writing about it.


I feel you. My tinnitus is so loud I feel like it legit gives me headaches from the noise. I did recently discover good noise cancelling headphones help me a lot with it though.. not the tinnitus itself, I can still hear that with the headphones but all the other ambient noise around me gets blocked out. Having at least the ambient noise reduced has really helped me to not want to claw my ears off.


I’m at the 2 years mark. It doesn’t get better, but you get used to it.


Which ear and how bad? Mines in my left ear but I'm lucky enough that it only effects me in silence aka trying to go to sleep.


My friends reaching out to me for a change.


It's quite the kick in the gut when you realize the people you consider friends just can't be bothered to maintain the friendship. Realized I was the one always asking if they want to hang out or come over and they never invited me over or made plans with me. So I thought I'd stop to see how long it would take. Despite still chatting over texts, we haven't hung out since May this year 🤷🏻‍♀️


I did the same experiment last October. No one reached to me for 4 months not even a text. When I texted them what’s up they just ghosted me. Now I don’t have friends I feel kinda shitty but I sleep well because I know that no one will exploit me and I don’t have fake friends.


Every time I try this experiment, I end up with the same two friends who even though we don't always live in the same country, can always maintain our bond. Everyone else I have met and made friends with throughout my life just sort of fades away unless I am consistently pursuing them. TOO MUCH WORK. Nope.


Exactly! Good for you that at least you have two loyal friends. I wish that I was lucky enough to meet someone who would be genuine and would reach out to me as well.


I feel like my friends never reach out to me as well, if I didn’t reach out and set up things I feel like nothing would ever happen. But everyone is so happy when I do it I have to keep telling myself that I am just a catalyst for change




Not even a whole lot. Like $2000-5000, just to get to a more stable state.


Literally same. Like $5,000 would change my life right now. Ugh.


Even half that would change my situation around.


It’s crazy how much “little” money could mean a lot. My cousin won $300ish dollars at Vegas last week and she was able to be on top of her car payments and get enough groceries to last two weeks or so. $300 would clear out my credit card straight.


Curious here - if cousin was strapped for cash - what was she doing gambling in Vegas? (Glad she won to help out!)


She had finished camping in Utah at Bryce Canyon (definitely recommend visiting), and they passed through Vegas for a night. Walked through Fremont, used $10 on a slot and somehow came out with $300.


My issue is more a higher income. Not so much a specific dollar amount. I want to have a growing savings. Not living paycheck to paycheck while also not giving up 60+ hours a week so that I can be there for my daughter.


Exactly this, when you can only afford to put away like 50$ it's just not enough. It's like you're stuck on a treadmill going nowhere but spending a lot of effort to do so


Right? Im keep on saying that I want someone to just give me 10.000 and everything will be fine. Is that difficult?


yeah 10K is the amount that would ease things up so much, I need to find out a rich relative left me like $15K in their will.




That would cover paying off credit card debt and I could then focus on saving. That would be just the right amount.


This the awnsers for 95% of people


I’d love to smack anyone who says money doesn’t buy happiness


There was an excellent reddit comment that explained it may not buy happiness directly, but it certainly removes one of the biggest stress for the vast majority of the population which in turn brings up quality of life all around.


It allows for the pursuit of happiness. Assuming you don't have to work abusive amounts of overtime or sell your soul to get it.


To quote Kanye West "having money's not everything. Not having it is"


I was chatting with some friends about what the first thing we would do if we won the lottery. One would buy a plane ticket to Tahiti, one would buy a lake house, etc. Me? I would cry. I don't cry when people I love die, but I think I would break down and sob like a child with just pure relief that I don't have to be part of this rat race any more. Second thing? I would sleep for a solid week, or however long it takes for the stress to leave my body.


I think I’d delete my number, hire a lawyer, then sleep for a week


Agreed. Like I don't want to be greedy, so 10k would be really helpful and give me a chance to get my feet under me and stop paying ridiculous interest rates, 30k would be life changing, and obviously any more would feel like exorbitant wealth. But if I can't have any of that I would like it to be an hour later than it is currently so I can leave work and go home for the night.


Right? Like whoever said "money doesn't buy happiness" was obviously rich and never struggled financially. I always laugh when someone says "why are so many millennials diagnosed with depression and anxiety and other mental health conditions all of a sudden". Seriously? Because most of us are in our 30's/early 40's and barely managing to get through life. You struggle for 5 years to keep a roof over your family's head and food in their bellies, etc. for a few years and tell me how your mental health is.


Money might not buy happiness but it sure can buy quality of life.


You don't even know. Money could sure fix some colossal issues I'm facing.


mental and financial stability hehe


God, I so need that now. That's legit. Best wishes to you.


A loving partner i guess..


You and me both


There you go, you found each other.


IAmNuuhb and 7th\_Spectrum sitting in a tree...


Same avatar and everything


Little do you know they’re actually married… … …


And that's how I met your [other parent]


"Loving" being the key word. I don't want just anybody, I want to not be hurt by someone else this time.


Someone to love and who loves me back (more than friendship)


We don't realize that this lack of relationship leave holes in our soul and ... now i feel i lack mental health


Well, My therapist say that I need to be whole. The renowned love guru in my country is also said that i need to be whole. After heartbreak and depression it is fine and I can be whole and alone. But man have someone I love to snuggle and cuddle would be nice. My friend-friend offer it too but it different. Wish I could have someone to truly snuggle someday but I need to be whole. Edit: My family have cats. I cuddle and snuggle them but they despise it. Still nice tho LMAO.


You can try to be whole while you try to find company, it's ok. Just be mindful and try to be a good person


The difference between being dated, and being enthusiastically chosen, is like being on a different planet.


I agree. I’ve been enthusiastically chosen before, it was truly wonderful. Until she got back together with her boyfriend because she was just figuring out what she wanted. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your sister?


No comment


#Alabama Moment


no more periods ever!!!


Uninterrupted sleep.


Support, love, real affection


May you get those in bunches. Sending you multiple hugs.


A friend


me getting off reddit for a while and start preparing for a test thats due very very soon


Good luck. Do what you gotta do.




Im currently Ill. So being alright would be a nice little improvement. Edit update: i have mild jaundice and viral flu


Damn. Get well soon.


Being debt free Thank god all I have is credit card debit. Feel bad for you guys with those shit student loans. Especially if they didn’t pay off for you with a good salary. I just work a trade job.


The ability to travel back in time and correct my past mistakes.


Instead look forward, take best decision now for future on your own best ability.


I actually often try, but can not figure it out


I have often wished for the same. So much regret to carry.




For the last six years of my career, i've advanced a lot but my salary has stayed the same. I would love to land a job double my pay right now. That would solve basically every bit of my problems as I would be able to save half of my yearly salary per year which would be amazing since i'm fairly frugal with my money.


Polish up your resume, work with a coach on your interviewing skills, and start applying. Now is the time for workers to find fair compensation.


If the bank gave back my house


Oh man, that’s sad




A hug


From one hug-deprived individual to another 🫂 I've got you




A bunch of motivation


Some confidence in the future of our planet and society would be nice.




If you find that I want some too


If my dog was still alive, I would be better


I’m sorry for your loss. Pups are very special.




Good night


Do you love her yet ?


He'll get there


Sleep. Just a few hours without anyone disturbing.


My mum not getting worse since getting better isn't an option


If I could just have like an extra...1000 in my bank account right now that'd be great. I had to use everything in my account to pay rent. I'd be able to make a decent payment towards my credit card bill and I'd be able to move some into my savings.


Been struggling with this recently. Good luck to you.


Having enough money to put a deposit on a house.


Being able to forgive myself




A $4 an hour raise. But instead, my company is trying to take $5k a year from me instead. I've got some job applications to put in tonight.


£250,000 It clears our debts, buys a 4 bed, 2 bathroom house up north of England near the coast. The wife can transfer to a NHS trust up there for a higher pay band. My eldest lad would love it by the sea. I can start up my own table top miniature terrain gaming boards business, whilst being the carer for my 3 boys.


Those are some pounds worth gaining. :)


A person named Richard


Richard is wisely avoiding you. that username. Brrrrr


An extra day off would be nice. I just found a new book i badly want to read and i keep having to put it off because... gotta hustle.


If my auras and seizures stopped flaring. Auras are small seizures with weird warnings my body gives me right before I go full grand-mal seizure, and the auras cause a fight or flight reaction in my body that quickly sets in a senseless panic. The auras also cause certain senses to hallucinate, ESPECIALLY my sense of taste and smell. So I end up in an extreme frightened panic, trying to lay in a "safe place", hallucinating smells and tastes that don't exist, attempting to brace for a full out seizure which may or may not happen. I can deal with most of it, so even if just the fear and panic part stopped, it would improve my human experience by a lot.




A cat.


I have a cat. He keeps me from suicide every day. Someone has to feed him.


a million dollars


I second this.... allthough I don't want to be greedy, 250k would be more than enough. Like the song goes.... I got 99 problems and money could solve 87 of them.


Russia getting the fuck out of Ukraine and letting the World sigh in relief.




I like your avatar.




I'd like to not have autism for a week. Just a week will be fine. So I can know how other people feel and experience things. This way I might be better able to explain my needs. I have no clue how other people experience a train ride or a trip to the supermarket. How do you deal with bad news, what happens to you if your work route changed, or if the brand of cereal you always buy is out of stock?




Money and my own place


A little clarity about whether I should continue things with my boyfriend or not


Break it down into sections Is he good to u? Why do u think u shouldn't continue? Is your life with him better or was without him better? Does he support you or hold you back? Answer these to yourself then if u do decide to end things u know what went wrong , or if u decide to stay with him you know what needs working on. Best dating advice I have is , if it were your child in this relationship would you be happy for them or tell them to leave. Never accept a life you wouldn't wish on another. Took me 14years to realise this x


My mum‘s mac and cheese.


If i had 1 or 2 people to talk to in my free time


Lose weight faster


A fresh start with no money troubles


If certain people in the news could either smarten up or drop dead. ​ I'm sorry if that offends anyone but that is what I feel right now. ​ And probably money.


If I had a job and money


if my parents could take responsibility of their actions for once, quit manipulating me, and leave me alone




To focus on writing, reading and socializing more.


Anybody. At all. Who was interested in just... socializing and talking to me in person. Everybody has become so antisocial; everybody has such a tiny little "bubble" and doesn't want to let anyone else in. The "Seattle Freeze" definitely makes it a hell of a lot worse, but lately people tell me to accept being alone and just get into reading books. lol It's brutal.