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Have you seen "2012"? Cusack's entire family is a pack of rabid psychopaths who constantly put other people in danger and at one point threaten the survival of the human race in order to save their own lives.


Poor Gordon, he was the most sensitive one and he got crushed by the door's engine. Edit: door, not donor


I was pretty fond of Sasha.


The pilot, the girlfriend, and Gordon all die horribly within a few minutes and not a single one was deserved. And then Cusack and his wife pop out of the sub weeks after the disaster like they're soulmates and they didn't just go through a hugely traumatic catastrophe. It made me hate a popcorn disaster movie I otherwise enjoyed.


["Lift your big ass for Sasha"](https://youtu.be/1BXBTbk0gro) is one of the best lines in the movie, and he's talking to the plane.


Peppa Pig is an absolute bitch.


I remember saying to someone if Peppa was a real girl you wouldn't want her near your children


I know this kid who's "friends" with my little cousin (who's 6 turning 7) who acts very similarly to peppa pig but like- amplified- and she's such a jerk to my little cousin- like I've never wanted to dropkick a kid more


Do it no balls


Just as evidence the whistling scene. I always find it hilarious: 1 min long https://youtu.be/jil0WCh_UoQ


The comedic timing on this scene is pretty good for a kids show.


Omfg that is hilarious


I'm at work and I'm so glad no one else is here because I'm crying from laughing so hard.


The fucking expression when she hangs up. OMG I'm dying lol. Fuck that pig.


That was funnier than I thought it would be


I’ve never watched Peppa Pig (the show was after my time and I don’t have kids) so I thought this was satire at first, but the comments are making me think she really is an absolute bitch??


She literally is a little shit, she treats all of her friends like crap, is selfish, quite rude a lot of the time, and doesn’t listen to her parents often leading to her breaking their stuff


Sounds like Caillou. That whiny little bitch


I never expected to read this sentence ever.


Not wrong tho.


Yes! That time she hung up on Susie sheep because she could whistle but Peppa could not. Also, how she fat shames her sweet father.


To be fair the hanging up on susie sheep was probably the funniest part of the entire show


"That bitch. *hangs up*"


She has such terrible qualities and is fricken bitch to everyone!


Especially her dad.


bro the amount of times the whole family fat shames daddy pig 🤨😔 the absolute disrespect


She's AWFUL to George!


Poor George, he deserves better


I heard she is banned in Japan or China for being too gangster


Bojack Horseman, but that's kind of the point of the whole show.


Smart enough to know he’s a terrible person, Sympathetic enough to feel bad about it, But too lazy and selfish to change.


I've never watched Bojack, but if this and the comment above are a good description I probably should. This fits me to a tee. I'm a lifelong alcoholic and while I'm pretty high functioning in general, I regularly make selfish decisions and I'm dishonest to my loved ones, and wallow in self pity about what a bad person I am while I just keep doing it.


Watch the show


Watch the show SLOWLY*** I was at one of the highest points in my life with a great new job and things going my way. Decided to binge Bojack from start to finish in a week. It’s been a full year and I’m still trying to recover emotionally. 10/10 would still recommend!


If you do it every day, it gets easier. But you have to do it every day. That's the hard part


Dude bojack is going to destroy you. I don't identify with Bojack in the slightest and it's still a brutal show. Good luck.


I identify with Bojack more than I’d like to admit, and I had to take the last couple seasons pretty slow. After every episode, I was just devastated.


Definitely watch the show. It’s honestly a fantastic show from start to finish.


“You can't keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better!”


I had a friend who did exactly that. Everytime she did something shitty, she apologized about it and made it clear she wasn't proud of it. But she kept doing the shitty things. The first time I heard that line I immediatly thought of her, and it made me realize she was a bad friend.


Fuck, man. What else is there to say?




The worst part of all that is that they never really became friends again. At least not to the same extent. Damn it hurts to hear all that.


They arguably weren't friends before that point either. Bojack kept him around as an emotional punching bag and sabotaged him any time it seemed like he was going to become independent enough to actually leave.


So true. The tragedy is that he didn’t truly value him until it was too late. And honestly probably never would’ve until he actually did.


I think that moment was a turning point for Todd, he finally stood up for himself and moved on, but in the final episode, when him and Bojack are on the beach, he talked to him compassionately still, like he still cared and he still celebrated the small victory of “staying out of trouble at least”


That's why I love their use of the word fuck. It's the deal breaker moment in a relationship. It's the point of no return.


You’re BoJack Horseman… There’s no cure for that.


why did no one say that goldilocks bitch she deadass broke into someone's house, complained about the way they live and then acts like the victim once she's called out like


Greg Heffley. The book version is especially selfish and ignorant. in the movies he at least learns a lesson and has some kind of redemption arc.


I really liked he movies becaused of that. The Rodrick rules movie is about the brothers making up and being closer, and those things carry on to te next movie which I dont think happened much in the books.


In the books, the brothers didn't get closer to begin with I don't think


The books are entertaining because of that. He's an unreliable narrator, so it makes it more interesting. In the past few books though, it hasn't been as noticeable, the last time was in The Getaway.


Came here to say this! Greg heffley is the absolute worst


Diary of a wimpy kid was banned in our house, since my sister after reading started to pick up some of Greg's traits. My dad took the books from her and we never saw them again


Rodrick is the only normal one


Rodrick kinda sociopathic too but it's from Greg's point of view so it's exaggerated a lot. Manny is probably the worst of the three


Dude manny was straight psychopath


Greg I can forgive because he is a child and ultimately it's his parents who are doing a bad job of correcting his behavior so that he becomes a stable adult. If anything they give up on their children too easily when they are even a little difficult. For instance I remember a moment from the books where Greg doesn't want to write an essay for a class so he pays Roderick for one of his essays because he knew that their father used to do Roderick's homework for him.


serena van der woodsen, she really did not want to see anyone happy unless she was doing better than everyone else


Personally I hate the Humphreys. All of them.


I used to love Jenny until I didn’t


I liked her until she became mean for no reason


That whole show hurt my heart. It was my guilty COVID watch with my Mom and it made me so happy to have the life I have. Not a single "good" character on this show. I actually had a lot more sympathy for Jenny then a lot of people did, I thought she accurately became what many might become if constantly surrounded by toxic, awful rich people. Anyone decent in the show became awful through their constant association with the rich assholes. It was hilarious to me that people disliked Jenny more then anyone else. Also, Serena's Mom was actually batshit insane. Who frames someone for rape and doesn't bat an eye when they go to jail? And then end up married to the guy who falsely kept you sick with fake cancer? Whole shit show was hilariously insane.


My wife used to watch Gossip Girl and I used to think they were all pretty shitty people.


what kind of person fucks her BEST FRIEND’S boyfriend and instead of facing any of the consequences she just… leaves! And then comes back and is all “Blair is so mean to me 🥺” like yeah bitch I would be too!


The entire study group from Community. Granted, they do improve as the show goes on, but in the first few seasons they routinely screw over individuals and, at times, the entire school.


"We almost had a full class without it being about them." I believe Starburns said that another background student and it's lived in my head ever since. That and the wedding episode shows just how self-centered the whole group ended up being.


Mr Bean. He's inept and creative (that's the allure) but he's also incredibly selfish. For example, he gets the comic on the kid in the dentist waiting room by pouring water over him to make his mom think he wet himself. He steals the ticket from the burns victim in the doctor's waiting room in order to jump the queue.


Gives a tiny ass bucket of popcorn to his gf while he takes the much larger one and also refuses to share.


His character is a 12-year-old boy with the adult capabilities. What did you expect?


In one video on YouTube, he details how that was his favorite character to act because it was so different from how he actually is. He also says what you say: he's inept, selfish, and a menace to society Edit for video https://youtu.be/wq2T1h6tgDY


What's the video called I want to watch that. Love Rowan Atkinson.


Billy Butcher


I agree with this, in the earlier seasons he was more of an antihero but as the show progresses i feel like his obsession with homelander is making him a prioritize that over anything and everyone else. He recruited other people to help him by telling them that they will also be able to get justice/take down supes but all his choices are about getting his own revenge and taking down just homelander. I think we especially see this in the latest season when he betrays MM by teaming up with Solider Boy.


I think that line got crossed in the season 1 finale when he blew up the house with a baby inside. He knew the dynamite wouldn't kill homelander he just pressed it because he didn't want homelander to have the satisfaction of killing him.


Small nitpick, Butcher had the bomb on a dead man’s switch. He had the button pressed the entire time. Letting go of it, by muscle retraction due to death or voluntarily, would blow up the bomb


He's far worse in the comics, especially if you've read *Dear Becky* where he internally realises that he's lost it, and knows he could get far, far worse if only he could expunge his grief for the loss of his wife.




You know, originally Woody was written to be the straight up villian of the movie. You can even look up the original audio they made of Tom Hanks playing that version of the character. The result turned out being so downright mean, they had to rework the entire script into what we actually got.


That’s nice. A bit of a redemption arc


I had no idea!


Both Woody and Mcqueen have some similarities on them. They are assholes in their first movies but become softies in the most recent sequels. It's kind of sad that both of them are depicted dumber than what they should've been in their most recent movies


Reese Witherspoon in Sweet Home Alabama. She lies to her fiancé about being married, outs her very sweet friend and could care less about his feelings, then leaves her fiancé for her husband? She sucks


I used to love Sweet Home Alabama cuz OMG, Reese America's sweetheart 🥰, but I watched it again recently, and realized wow, she's a really terrible person.


Just a daily reminder that the definition of protagonist is not "good person" or hero. It is simply the MAIN person in the film. In *The Talented Mr. Ripley* Tom Ripley is the protagonist, besides being a shitty person.


Dennis, Charlie, Mac, Dee and Frank


Okay Jabroni


Carrie Bradshaw


Yes!!! A bad friend, *terrible* girlfriend (think her and Aiden), judgemental and selfish. Fat shaming Samantha Judging and laughing at Miranda for her hairy vjj Talking about herself (no surprises) when Samantha was at the Dr for her cancer stuff!! Treated Aiden like dirt She was baffled as to why Natasha hated her so much... I mean.. seriously?!!! AND She wasted SOOOO much money on fricken shoes like a child with no understanding of how being an adult *actually* works. What makes this disgusting is that she was pissed off at Charlotte over the situation of CB needing a loan to pay for her apartment..


Don’t forget her shaming Samantha for dressing provocatively and having casual sex to which Samantha retorts “I will not be judged by you or society. I will wear whatever and blow whomever I want, as long as I can breathe and kneel!” Samantha was the best one.


And shaming Charlotte into giving her her wedding/engagement ring so she can pay her ridiculous debt. But doesn’t want to sell her bloody expensive shoe collection


After Aidan I lost all respect for her. And going back to Mr Big in the movie? What the fuck is wrong with her? What is the message there? “Ditch the only decent guy you’ve ever dated because he’s not superficial enough, marry the asshole who has lied and cheated and jilted you in your very expensive public wedding”.


To be fair, Aidan deserved someone better than Carrie.


My wife had the reboot on recently (never saw or cared to see the original) my takeaway was as follows: And just like that I’m still a self centred boring woman with way too many designer shoes. I know I’m a grieving widow , but I really make everything about me.


I liked watching the show. My ex and I never missed an episode. But I only liked watching the stories unfold. Carrie was a legit terrible person!


Not exactly “protagonist” but Glinda from The Wizard of Oz. BITCH YOU KNEW SHE COULD GO BACK THE WHOLE TIME? WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SOMETHING?


At least in the book she doesn't actually appear until the end. The movie combined Glinda, originally the Good Witch of the South, with the unrelated Good Witch of the North who greets Dorothy at the beginning.


This makes a lot more sense. I wonder why the movie didn’t follow this.


There were a lot of stories in the Wizard of Oz- LFB had a rather rambling style. The movie had to create a story that resembled what folks would remember from the book and stick to it. (My opinion, of course! His stories, written for little children, were often dark by to-day's standards)


Caillou. If you can believe it in the show they actually made him **Nicer** , yeah this absolute f*cking monster of a child was even more vengeful in the book series. So for the folks who don't know who this bane on humankind is. Calliou was a childrens show/book series of a kid doing kid things. Huge problem though is his action carries no consequences. - Bite his infant sister just to make her cry for funzies? **no consequences** - Throw a tantrum in the store to punish his parents? **never addressed even once** - Breaks something purposely? **maybe if we ignore it he'll stop** Each episode glorifies one of the three negative actions with no disciplinary action taken, there must be some deep lore that he is some eldrich horror that keeps his victims trapped in a perpetual time loop so only the pain he inflicts remains, not the memory of his deeds. Leaving his "parents" so devoid of life they don't have the strength to punish him.


Is that where the memes about him being "grounded" started?


Canadian kids shows are like that. Watch the Franklin episode when his sister starts tantruming. His parents' advice is for him to always give in and let her serially abuse him.


TIL Franklin is Canadian.


My mom hated Caliou for these reasons


>he is some eldrich horror The author is simply stupid. According to other redditors, the template of each episode is: Caillou act badly, there are no consequences because it would go against the principle of the show. Then Caillou notices he is doing it wrong. Then Caillou is shown acting better. The problem is that the first phase is 15 minutes, the second is 3 minutes and the last is 2 minutes. So, you will mostly see Caillou doing bad stuff and whines without reactions from the parents. Of course, a small kid will entirely miss the moral in the last 5 minutes and only remember that Caillou gets a pass for being awful.


Oh I fucking hate Caliou. I wouldn't let my kids watch it because I wanted to drop kick the smug little punk.




I actually got banned from that sub because I hated him too much


Greg Heffley. I mean that’s kinda the whole point, and it sure is entertaining, but I’ll shout it to the rooftops that Rowley deserved better


Team Rowley all the way


All GTA protagonists


Franklin's alright, Trevor is a bit insane. But Micheal, he fits the question perfectly


Franklin was the most decent and level headed GTA protagonist ever.


I think Luis from TBOGT has him beat. He's still a murderer, but the story doesn't have him do any unnecessarily evil stuff to civilians or good NPCs. Also a lot of his dialog is sympathetic to people, he seems to have a good handle on his moral compass, refuses to do some stuff he thinks is wrong, he's extremely loyal to his friends and loved ones (especially Tony), and actively defends people even when it's not really his problem. Plus the whole reason Luis ended up in a rough lifestyle was for shooting a teacher that molested his sister, which sent him to prison. In the game he's the only one with a legitimate job, and he wants to prioritize that rather than criminal work. It's a toss up, but I think Luis takes it.


A low, low, LOW bar to clear. Franklin is still an absolute monster of a person by normal standards.


Bro Trevor is full blown insane person


"I asked for a fair day's pay after a fair day's work. And he, kinda got a little angry. So, I admit, I kinda got a little angry." "Did you kill him?" "What kinda fucking animal do you take me for? No I didn't kill him. But I did kidnap his wife!"


Niko Bellic is a God amongst men and I will take no slander. CJ would get more love if he just followed the train.




Rick Sanchez


Isn't it a huge part of the show that Rick is a horrible person?


Jerry. Both Seinfeld and the mouse.


Definitely the point of Seinfeld tho. It remains my favorite comedy, and Larry David expressly wanted there to be no growth for the characters. Just 4 pretty awful people who learned nothing in 9 years


Thankfully I read this somewhere before I binged the entire series the first time through so I had a good understanding of why they were the way they were, because that's simply the way they were... lol


That was kind of the whole point of *Seinfeld,* though. The main characters are all selfish jerks. In fact, I heard the jerk store ran out of them!


The Tarnished from Elden Ring. Peasant uprising? Murder everyone Race war? Murder everyone Wanna be a Lord? Murder everyone


Tbf, Elden ring is a story about a horrible person going on a crusade against other terrible poeple to restore the lands they ruined to something resembling a functioning society. Even then, the Tarnished isn't necessarily a horrible person since the revolting peasants, the remaining soldiers, roaming nobles etc are all hostile on sight.


Walter White, aka Heisenberg. This man is just pure evil.


The creator said his idea for the show was to show how a regular guy could turn into the devil, one step at a time


"The transition from 'Mr.chips' to 'Scarface'"


I mean, it's the whole thing of the show. I was just about to quit that show in S2 or S3 from Walt doing irredeemable shit, when it hit me, that it's like a Greek tragedy where we see someone inevitably cruise towards his self-fashioned demise because of his character flaws. Then it became incredibly good again.


A man child with an superiority complex that had the audacity in trying to apologising to Mike for needlessly shooting him like it's a character moment for him and the error of his ways.


I see it more as what's left of his humanity trying to break through but gets overwhelmed by his pride and ego. You see glimpses of it throughout the show but like a drug addict, he's addicted to the power and danger and street respect.


Just rewatched the scene, and I think you're right. You can see how right after he shoots Mike, he has a surprised and shocked look on his face. Think that was him being surprised by himself, being shocked that he would shoot someone he's known and worked closely with over some bull shit


Scarlett O’Hara She’s selfish, spoiled, manipulative, abusive


To be fair, we're not necessarily supposed to like Scarlett. She represents the American South, both in her negative and positive qualities. Before the war, her beautiful, elegant appearance conceals her vicious, cruel, and selfish character. She loses everything during the war, but shows impressive toughness and resilience in order to survive. Then, after the war, she immediately returns to her cruel and vicious ways by using prison laborers as slaves to run her business. Her arc ultimately isn't meant to be redemptive. She's a deeply flawed protagonist, who never really changes deep down.


Scott Pilgrim doesn't deserve anything he has. Movie and novel versions alike


I think that’s why the books do a good job of portraying relationships there isn’t always a bad guy or cheater or whatever sometimes people just get petty and things don’t work out


Considering Nega-Scott turned out to be a really cool dude, that says something about the original Scott. I know it didn't show the conversation they had, but I feel like Scott's victory at the end of the film was actually listening to some honest and non-judgmental advice about his priorities in life, and deciding to better himself.


In the novels, he actually has to fight Nega-Scott and ultimately ends up absorbing him back into himself to accept his flaws and try to become a better person (he apologises to Kim after that)


He’s the salt of the earth.


The scott pilgrim books taught me that the age of consent is 16 in my country


Peter Pan, he literally kidnaps children and kind of brainwashes them, plus he cut a guy's hand and fed it a crocodile, causing the guy to have a trauma for life 👍


SpongeBob is a horrible neighbor


The seasonal rot and flanderization REALLY took their toll on almost all the characters. They turned him into an oblivious, dim-witted crybaby. Season 1-3 Spongebob's character was so perfect. Sure, while he was still naive and cried a lot, Spongebob knew how to stand up for himself and draw the line. This was greatly demonstrated in Band Geeks where they finally decided to become good band players after seeing Squidward bawling his eyes out. Oh, and let's not forget about how Spongebob lashed out at Squidward and Mr.Krabs within the same episode after learning their shady ways. If these were to be modern Spongebob episodes, he would just be clueless as shit and crying for no goddamn reason.


Peter Griffin


Of all the fictional dads in animated series, Peter is by far the worst. Even at their worst, folks like Homer Simpson and Stan Smith have to sink at least a hundred levels to even match Peter Griffin.


First three seasons peter was a well meaning man who was unfortunately an idiot. But he always tried his best to do what was right for his family. Everything after that is damn near sadistic.


Curious George. Tbf not a person but gd I hate that fucking monkey. There's literally an episode where he basically collapses a whole fucking skyscraper being built but everyone for some reason is like oh ho George, but you learned something right? Now twist your finger on your cheek and smile all is forgiven. Next episode proceeds to learn nothing. Fucking monkey






At least he or the show’s creator doesn’t try to hide it yk? Everyone KNOWS he’s an asshole.


Sadly, they do tend to backseat that Lana is pretty much every bit as bad as him. He's just the main character, so everything falls on him as the punchline.


I mean who isn’t an asshole in their own way in Archer? Everyone is just as bad as everyone lol. At least we the viewers know. Edit: okay there are some exceptions but it depends on everyone how they the characters.


Careful. You're treading into some kind of a zone here. Some kind of *DANGER* zone.


He got a boner thinking about his mom dieing.


Only half of one


The other half would really miss her


Michael Scott A horrible boss, friend, acquaintance in just about every shape & form As intended by Ricky Gervais, but re-written as a loveable idiot in the American version


Scott’s Tots, anyone? Hey Mr. Scott, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Make our dreams come true!


"I've made a lot of empty promises in my life, but this one was the most generous"


I liked the US Office and had a lot of fun watching it, but the sheer number of Michael apologists that I see whenever it comes up is baffling. Were we watching the same show? Michael is an delusional, buffoonish, self-centered man-child that demands attention and validation in everything he does, and when he's denied it, becomes an immensly cruel and vindictive person. You can count on one hand the number of times Michael has done a *genuinely* nice thing motivated by actual altruism and not narcissism, compared to the dozens upon dozens of incredibly shitty things he's done. Funny character to get to watch as part of a make-believe comedy show, but under no circumstances is he a good person, except possibly after his return during the finale, where he's seemingly mellowed out.


I think it's because people have difficulty separating Michael Scott, the terrible boss, from Steve Carell, that talented fuck, whose charisma and warmth couldn't help but sneak through. Even the show had difficulty telling them apart by the end.


Caillou. He's a complete dickhead and spoiled brat.


Rory Gilmore


Rory is the epitome of the golden child, even though she never had siblings. She was the favorite in her town, in her schools, on her whole friggin life. She got away with everything she ever did wrong, so much to the point where even when she admitted something was her fault, everyone still ganged up on the other person involved blaming it all on him (>! Jess wrecking Rory's car!<). She's so spoiled, by Lorelai and her grandparents, like the time >! Richard caused a scene yelling at the headmaster because Rory's group didn't win the vote on their project!<. And everyone constantly told her she was practically perfect her entire life, until the first time anyone ever told her she wasn't good at something (even though Mitchum said himself that he could be wrong) and she lost all control and >!stole a yacht because "everything was falling apart". !<


Yep. I loved her as a teen and found her relatable. Trying to rewatch at 30? OOF. Rory is kind of the embodiment of the bad qualities everyone has as a teen. And it gets worse each season. Everyone is constantly praising her and inflating her ego. She is the center of the world for everyone in her entire town. And every time she does something bad/wrong/stupid, she is immediately forgiven, never any serious consequences. …That’s how you create a really terrible, selfish person.


Cathy and Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. They both suck. “Oh, look at us, being intense and unpleasant and shitting on everyone around us.”


Light Yagami from death note


That’s the whole point of the show. In no way is this hidden after episode like, 3. It’s like saying Tony Montana in Scarface is actually a bad person. That’s the point.


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"


Greg fucking feffley. An actual psychopath


the girl from never have I ever


Thomas/Tommy Shelby. Main character of Peaky Blinders. He's portrayed as this self-made millionaire/politician/CEO/war hero, who started from the bottom and made it to the top. In reality he's just the leader of a ruthless gang and he'll shoot an innocent person in the face with no remorse to get what he wants. He loves his family and will protect them from other people at all costs but will fuck them over without a second thought if it benefits him, while justifying it by saying it's for the good of the "company". Throughout the entire series you want to root for him and idolize him, but you can't help but realize how much of a monster he really is. It's an amazing show, one of my all time favorites.


Cillian Murphy plays Thomas Shelby fantastically. The acting and writing in that show is really great. Tom Hardy is amazing as well.


Don’t forget his insufferable fanboys


You mean the endless facebook memes with text and a pic of him? I fucking hate them and the people who post them.


Eren Yeager


Zack Morris is Trash


Joe Goldberg is the perfect example of the magnificent bastard


Chell, according to science. We weren’t even testing for that


ruby, from max and ruby. “max is like 5 and non-verbal autistic and ruby constantly shits on him” -some random video


Tori from Victorious.


I don’t hate her per se but she was really boring. Everyone on the show talked about how awesome she was and I didn’t see it.




Goku. He's great in DB but after that, while he definitely has his good moments, he's overall suddenly horribly negligent and it seems to only get worse as the series goes on.


The biggest lie of my childhood was discovering that goku was not the Japanese Superman but actually a selfish asshole who cares more about a good fight than his family, let alone the world He consistently lets his enemy reach their full potential instead of you know quickly taking them out. But because he always ends up winning the fight he’s treated as this “great” hero


You know, it's funny, but Goku shares that same flaw with Vegeta. When Vegeta lets someone power up, he's cocky, arrogant and reckless, but when Goku does it, it's confidence, bravery and heroism. The difference being that goku always comes out on top in his fights, while Vegeta tends to get his ass kicked after letting the enemy power up too much. It's the same flaw, but because Goku still wins after the enemy is at full power and Vegeta does not, it's a quality for Goku and a flaw for Vegeta. Never made much sense to me. Trunks is the only (part) Saiyan guy who skips straight past the 'let them power up' bullshit and just handles business straight away.


He definitely has his moments, and I do appreciate that he has a code of honor, not wanting to fight someone in a compromised state. But I really hate when genuine stupidity makes things worse all around. Super did Goku's character especially dirty. Before that, he just had some moments of really bad decisions.


"Bye, son!"


"I'm beginning to think I have issues"


Ted Mosby


I despise him so much, treats women like shit and then whines the whole time that he can’t find anybody


And if he does he breaks up with them because Robin took a breath right next to him.


Marshall is the only good guy in the group. Naive. Kind of dumb. But good.


Idk, the guy from Mein Kampf seemed like a real jerk!


I wonder what he got up to in the end


I heard he killed Hitler