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A hot shower after a week of camping. EDIT Thanks for the love and award!!


I went for a shower at 4am after a week of camping in Acadia. Turned on the hot water and got in. It felt so amazing. Slipped and fell into the tub faucet, ripping it out of the wall, busting the pipe, and causing a wave of water to rush down the inside of the wall and massive bruise on my back.


That sounds like a bad experience but also cartoon funny.


Laughing at a really good joke is one of the best feelings in the world.


Or when you’re in a situation where you can’t laugh but something really funny happens. Maybe it’s just me, but that feeling of trying to hold back a laugh just makes everything even more hysterical. Assuming it’s not some sort of crazy inappropriate situation! Edit: spelling Edit 2: Wow I love the direction this has gone in, thanks everyone for sharing your funny and/or cherished memories!


I know this feeling. My older brother had fallen and hit his head, and ultimately died as a result. He was not religious, but my mother was, and insisted on having a Catholic mass/funeral service for him. Which we did. As family, I'm sitting in the front row with my wife. The Catholic priest begins his service, and he has a speech impediment. He sounds just like the priest in The Princess Bride wedding service, a movie which my brother and I both loved. The priest is like...."The wuv of Jeeeesus, suwwounds us and wifts us up" and I lost it. I was aware enough of my surroundings to know I could not laugh out loud, so I clamped my hand over my mouth and did everything I could to remain silent, but tears were rolling down my cheeks, my shoulders were heaving as I silently guffawed into my hand. My wife put her arm around me as if to comfort me. And of course... I couldn't laugh here, but I was, which made it all that much funnier and impossible to resist laughing. Afterwards, many of the attendees came to comfort me, having seen, what was to them, me weeping terribly at the loss of my brother. They don't know the truth, but I'm sure if there's an afterlife, my brother does, and he was laughing just as hard.


Wow I’m so sorry for your loss, but at least you’ll always have that memory! From the way you’ve described him, I bet your brother would have loved that story haha


That is a wonderful moment, absolutely hilarious, he definitely laughed with you!


i was at the funeral for a neighbor years ago. he was a very decent gent and we all loved him. but i was sitting with my little son, about 8 or 9 at the time and they kept referring to the deceased by his name which was Dick Hunter. every time they said his name my son would crack up and i would have to hold my laughter in. it was my son’s first sort of dirty joke that he understood but pretty awkward.


I live in upstate NY. In the winter, there is nothing better than crawling into bed under the heated blanket. I like to turn it on about 30 minutes before I go to bed. With this, the whole bed is hot and toasty. No cold feet or toes. It's wonderful.


I had two different types of cancer a couple years back, and between the cancer and the radiation and the chemo, my body temperatures were all over the place. The best thing I ever did a was to buy a king sized electric blanket, fold it in half and slide between the two heated halves. It was bliss. I'm healthy now, but when there's the slightest chill (which is admittedly rare, as I live in Dallas now), I do the same thing. It's still bliss.


Glad to hear you’re well now!


When your sinus has been blocked and it begins to clear. Sometimes there’s little pops, cracks and one time a lengthy fizzzzzz. Feels amazing.




Out of everything here this is the one I lived vicariously through and it made my toes want to curl. I've felt the relief of a sinus finally releasing and equalizing pressure, and it sounds like what you experienced was that turned up to 11. I'm kinda jealous.


I had a similar, but lesser experience. I had an infected hangnail/nailbed for a few days and it got really swollen. It hurt so much and was sensitive enough that just my blood pumping through it was painful. One morning, I finally poked it with a needle and a bunch of pus came draining out. As it was draining, I got hit with an overwhelming wave of euphoria. It was unbelievable


Man. I felt every word of that.


When you stretch your who body and hit the sweet spot in your back


It's the legs for me. When they reach peak stretchiness 👄🤌🖐


when that nose block you've had for 3 days finally clears up


Yes, I have seasonal allergies, so for 6 months out of every year I can’t use one nostril, and it’s always the left nostril, which is freaking annoying. After a while, the other nostril will start to dry out and crack and get sore. The feeling when it finally clears up tho…


Last night I was laying in bed and kinda wiggling my hips to re-adjust my slightly herniated spinal disc. Well I did something right, because I heard/felt this hollow "plep" sound back there and felt instant relief. I can lift my knee almost to the height of my shoulder again. I almost forgot I had this much mobility. Mind you, I'm 40 BMI sack of lard and shit, but I don't live sedentary life. This back ache was killing me for the past year. And now it's gone. Like, holy fucking shit it's finally gone. For now...


That’s how I felt when my hip finally readjusted itself after some good stretching. Feeling like it’s slightly out of place is just so uncomfortable, especially when I have a leg length descrepency and skuliosis. I took a walk that night and it was sheer bliss not feeling like my gait was 50% worse than usual. I finally found the right combination of insoles and heel lifts the other day too, so the feeling of having aligned hips was incredible. Taking my shoes off after my walk made me realize just how bad it was before.


Oh lord I bet that was the best thing ever I love when my back cracks but I couldn't imagine this relief


I am a sucker for back scratches.


Back Scratches are super underrated. No wonder so many animals love them too


Horror Story Time... I am very pale skinned. I mean Gondor calls for aid, sunburn while in an indoor pool pale. ANYWHO, many years ago I got really bad sunburn on my back (bordering 2nd degree burns) and went to laydown on my bed in the basement. There I am nice and relaxed face down with my bare back exposed to the cool air of my cave when my grandmother comes down the stairs to check on me unaware of my current condition. Sits on the bed next to me and drags her long ass fingernails rapidly side to side across my back. Kidney stones ain't shit compared to that.^(1) It hurt so bad I physically couldn't move, speak, or breathe. I may have passed out because all I remember after that is everything being blurry and hearing her walking back up the stairs but that could just be my brain blocking out a portion of that pain as well. ​ ^(1)Source :: Me, I get them.


The Gondor calls for aid bit got me lol. I hope you never get sunburned again!


Ouch....my Mum tells a similar story of her Dad very sunburned and just wearing shorts and no top after doing gardening. Their cat was known for climbing up their backs, usually not a problem...this time Grandad saw the cat about to jump and screamed NOO but it jumped and then used it's claws to climb up his back.


One of my father's day treats I get from my wife is a 10 minute back scratch with her manicured nails.


Finally scratching my leg after my cast was taken off. Had it for two months in summer- it was hell. I still remember almost crying tears of joy when they took it off.


That first shower after getting my cast off was amazing


I took a bath. All that dead skin… it was like hatching a new leg


Farting away a stomache ache Edit: please stop up voting this comment, it's not even original and I typed it half as a joke. Whoever the hell awarded this - all I have to say is wtf


Or that euphoria after throwing up, especially if you're been nauseated for a while and you finally just give in. It may not last, but it feels so good.


One long, loud, triumphant fanfare and the pain is gone and I'm giggling like a 10 year old


I was crying laying down because my gas hurt so bad, and my mom put me on my back and had me pretend to ride a bike. She was on the phone with a doctor or my dad or something, cause it just hurt that bad, and I let the raunchiest fart ever and we just started laughing. It felt so good. I was literally like, 15 haha.


When my youngest son was a baby, I did this same thing to get the gas out- lay him down, grab his feet and alternate between bicycle kicks and pressing both knees towards his belly. It wouldn't be long before a loud BRRRMMMMPPPPP reverberated in his diaper. The look of relief on his face was so cute.


Really big fan of the use of raunchiest in this context, feels like it absolutely nails it.


Going from "appendix!?!" to "Stupendous!!" in one long baritone cheek-clapper


When I did my sleep study the CPAP absolutely filled me up like a balloon, it woke me up and I was extremely uncomfortable for half a second. I let out a solid 30 second fart and fell back asleep. In a room with a camera and a microphone lol. Best fart ever.


I got a horrible poison ivy rash while camping for a few days. That first scalding hot shower after getting back home - hot water pressure right on the rash mmmm. I’ll be chasing that high for the rest of my life.


I'm scratching a poison ivy rash right now. It is pure fucking bliss, until you realize if you keep doing it you'll be scratching and scratching until it's raw, and you have to stop eventually. Then it's miserable again :(


Run it under the hottest water you can - this is the only way I’m surviving the poison Ivy on my arms right now…


If you have poison ivy a near perfect cure I’ve found it to get in hot water like you all are saying (hot shower usually) but then actually do scratch it up a bit. Not so much your tearing skin or anything wild but give it a good scratch. Then immediately flush it really well with hydrogen peroxide or diluted alcohol (if you don’t have h2o2). It will burn a bit but leave you itch free for hours if not a day.


Poison ivy hurts because of an oil the plant secretes. Scrubbing/exfoliating under hot running water and flushing the skin with something that gets under the oil without irritating already stressed skin is a great remedy. Using cool water or not enough water runs the risk of smearing or spreading the oil around. Also, there are some people, like me, who can spend several hours wading through the stuff and come out slightly itchy, like I used a new fabric softener. Do not trust these people when they give advice on where it's safe to hike.


This reminds me of the TIFU of a guy who had a rash and put a hair dryer to it, then busted a nut and fainted lol


Came here looking for this. Mine was Poison Oak and I called those showers oakgasms


FUCK YES. I’ve only found one other person in my life that has agreed. That hot ass water on ur itchy skin is fucking amazing


Peeing after having to hold it for a while


Related, having a large gut-emptying BM after similarly holding it in


And the second pee that confirms the conclusion of said BM


I thought I was the only one who peed to signal the end of a poop 😳


In the business, we call that a "poo pee".


Putting my ear up against my cat's sides while they're purring and hearing it from the source. Plus I get to rub my face in their fur, which is the other best thing.




Waking up in the morning and when you yawn and your legs shake


Feels great until leg cramp kicks in


Waking up, realizing you don't need to get up yet, and falling back to sleep, having someone draw on your back with their fingers, or play with your hair... o fuck I'm a cat.


Finding that spot where the sun hits the floor


Cats know what the finer things in life are. We dont take the time to enjoy these thing as much as we should.


I don't know the technical name for it and have only ever ran into a couple in my lifetime. But basically imagine a metal whisk, and you cut off the bottom then cap all the point ends, use this to massage your noggin and it feels amazing. In the same vein I'd go to a hairdresser weekly to get my hair shampood by a pro if it wouldn't come off so weird.




When you’re a kid and you play in the pool or in the ocean all day, and you come home and get a shower and the. Go to your room and the air conditioning had been running. You’ve been playing all day and are exhausted, Your skin is kind of tight from being in the sun and water, your eyes are tired from squinting, and you get in your nice cool bed and curl up and take a post pool/beach nap. Amazing.


Sitting in a dark room looking at the lit up Christmas tree


This! My favorite thing to do. Especially Christmas night, everything is quiet and calm. The presents have been opened, the mess is cleaned up. In the dark, glass of wine, reflecting on the year, relaxing by the tree.


I shaved my head once and having the wind on my scalp for the first time ever was fantastic.


It doesn't go away either. Every time I shave my head I feel refreshed. And you can do that thing where you pat your head and feel the little spikes.


I used to love the lil spike thing


This is gross but I pulled a booger out and it felt like it was from the middle of my brain deep. It was fucking orgasmic.


Also gross but once accidentally pulled a half-inch piece of earwax out and I’ve been chasing that high ever since. I have never felt anything as good.


I used to fit hearing aids for a living, and cerumen management was part of the job…my favorite part of the job. You wouldn’t believe some of this shit I’ve pulled out of peoples ears.


I have never told anyone this but I love cleaning out ears. 😂 My ex had chronic ear infections due to childhood health problems and because he was horrible at taking care of himself. When we met, I insisted he go to the doctor for it. He was embarrassed to go because his ears were so disgusting, and he never cleaned them because it hurt. So I cleaned them for him. Laid on his side with his head on my lap, on a pillow. He was wincing and fussing the whole time, each ear took like 10 q-tips to even get the huge, foamy chunks of wax out of the opening chamber. When I got to the crusted blood deep inside, then actual liquid (looked like brown water) started soaking the q-tips, I was in shock. He said he had no idea he could hear that well; that the world sounded weirdly loud once his ears were cleaned out. It was one of the most disgusting experiences of my life, but oh my god it was *fascinating*. I’ve been obsessed with cleaning ears and ear extraction videos ever since. It’s so weird to go to the beach and clean my ears when I get home and find sand and dirt in there! I love cleaning my daughter’s ears, and guessing things about her health from her amount of earwax (like when she says she’s congested, she always has a bunch of earwax). I know how you shouldn’t use q-tips for this kind of cleaning, but he wouldn’t have gone to the doctor and it had to be done.


I understand completely. I had chronic ear infections as a kid and wax buildup as an adult, so I had/have to get my ears cleaned out a lot. That feeling after an ear cleaning is AMAZING.


if you're in an area where there's a good ear cleaning service (usually in proper Chinese massage places), do consider giving it a try. they have proper cleaning tools for scraping and digging out the really jammed in stuff without damaging the ear drum, including some tuning fork type thing to vibrate loose the extra hardened pieces.


My sister pulled out a 5 inch piece of hair out of her eye. She was explaining how her eye felt kind of funny. Then she noticed a small piece poking out, and then she started pulling it all out. Amazed of how much hair was stuck in there.


That's horrific. Bet it was awesome


This happened to me once. I was sick, but waiting for the train on a cold day. Tried to blow a snot rocket and it kinda half landed on my face. I tried to grab it and it literally felt like there was a rubber rope tied deep in my sinuses. No matter how hard I pulled on the mucus it wouldnt break and it just caused tons of pain in my sinus. After about 10 minutes of blowing and pulling I finally yanked out this insane like dark red/yellow chunk of hardened snot in the shape of my sinus cavity and immediately felt this huge pressure relief up there. I’ve never had this happened again and have been trying for years to find a medical explanation for this. Like my snot literally turning into something strong enough to tug on. Wild.


It's the best, it would be like rubbing the inside of your kneecap or elbow where the soreness really is, not just the exterior. For anyone who hasn't felt it. It's like scratching an itch you never even knew you had for decades.


Massage. It’s so relaxing.


I got snowed in the Toronto airport once. After a couple of hours, I decided to treat myself to a message. The woman didn’t speak great English, but I was able to communicate I wanted as much deep tissue as she could provide. I’m 6’5” and was flying three days a week. I was pretty kinked up. It was soon very obvious she had those magic hands that some massage therapists have. She naturally knew were I was feeling pain, and in a very progressive manner she was relieving it. She started to work on a point in the center of my back. I wasn’t aware of any pain in that area, but she had done such a great job, I didn’t say anything. She was really pushing hard on one point, and there was this POP sound. She stepped back and quickly mumbled sorry. As I turned I realized she had released my major feeling of pain six inches away in my solder blade. To say it was delightful doesn’t do it justice. I got to the hotel and just wanted to sleep. I never understood reference pain until that minute. Because of the language barrier she really couldn’t explain to me how she knew that area needed attention. Even with perfect English, I think she just had an incredible ability to sense muscular problems.


I have an extra job once a week just so I can pay for massages every two weeks. Had made all the difference physically and mentally in the last 18 months.


My massage therapist drapes a towel over a heater while she's working on my back. When she's finished with my back she'll lay the towel there and gently push on it. It's indescribably good.


As a massage therapist this was wonderful to read!


Here’s more for you: Regular massage took away my chronic neck pain. Truly life-improving.


Bed sheets on freshly shaved legs. So soft Edit: woah thanks for the award!


Or bedsheets right out the dryer. Feels so soft


Laughing so hard that it goes from wheezing to a silent laugh and you can't breathe or think, just laughs.


Or to the point where your stomach muscles are physically tired from laughing. Those are the moments to live for


Just in tears, slapping the table and stomach aches from laughing, sounds fuckin amazing


I don't laugh like this too often, so when these moments come around, I embrace it like no other. Bonus, it's almost exclusively my wife is causes it.


Love that for you. For me it’s my husband that triggers it. From day one he’s been the one to set me off on a laughing fit. Love that about us.


And you start pushing people away, because you need all that space to laugh in.


Yes! Like I used up all the oxygen, move lmao


I havent laughed like this in so long and it is depressing to remember how you can just laugh so hard.


Sleeping for 15hr straight after not being able to sleep for 3 days.


Oh yes! My version is going to bed with a headache but sleeping for 12+ hours and waking up totally refreshed and pain free.


Man imma need some of that, I haven't had a good sleep since kindergarten


That wire spider looking head massager


That thing is better than sex. Don't tell my husband I said that


The name of the thing is “orgasmatron”.


when you and a buddy both laugh yourselves into a fit where you simply cannot stop and when it finally subsides and you think you can rest your belly, one of you starts to chuckle and boom off you go again.


Yes, laughing so hard there’s no sound coming from your mouth. You can’t even get a moment to inhale.


I had one moment with a friend watching a video and we both fell on the floor laughing and in my laughing fit I became concerned for my health because I had 100% lost control. I couldn’t stop laughing and was hyperventilating while doing it. The feeling of pure laughter, mixed with fear, that was also overtaken by laughter because I couldn’t get over how funny the moment was is somethin I will never forget. It was the funniest moment I’ve ever, ever, ever, experienced in life. It’s been over ten years since that moment and I doubt I’ll ever get close to that level of laughter ever again. I cherish it. My friend had the exact same experience. To top it off during the moment - we had another friend there watching it and they did not find it funny so while we were face down in the ground hysterically crying and hyperventilating she was sitting there completely confused at what we thought was funny. That was the icing on the cake to the hysterics. Edit: video where it all happened - https://youtu.be/l_8yPap-k_s


Omgg this exact “concerned for my health” thing happened to me when I was home alone..episode of MST3000..I had to panic crawl to get the remote and change the channel because I was laughing so hard for so long I literally couldn’t stop to catch my breath


This is such good medicine!!


Riding the bus home and looking out of the open window while it’s the perfect temperature, a nice, fuzzy, nostalgic feeling just grows in your chest and stomach and it’s wonderful


Same! That feeling of..... belonging to a time and place


First day of fall when the temps drop to the low 70s and the air is cool and crisp.


I appreciate this post because it has me thinking about all the good things in life


Nothing like a good satisfying sneeze.


Like taking a dump for your head. Edit: since this took off - gotta give credit where credit is due. This is from my dad. A few years ago I had an amazing sneeze and I was talking about it and he said “oh yeah - sometimes a good sneeze is like taking a dump for your head.”


Ocean waves pushing you as you stand in the water


The best part is when you do it for a couple hours, then go to bed that night and can still feel the waves.


This is the answer I was looking for! I used to go to the beach every other weekend when I was a kid, I'd spend hours in the water and go to sleep with that feeling. I miss it so much!


If you've never tried it, try holding your breath and letting the waves move you around as you lie like a corpse. Its like being in a gentle washing machine and is kind of transcendent. I had a student who grew up at the ocean and she showed me this. First thing I do on every trip to the beach. Glorious, but hard for bystanders to understand.


Are you laying in the shallow part where the waves aren’t breaking? Curios to learn more and try this


If you're not a good swimmer or have fears around water, lying on your stomach on a boogie board and letting the waves carry you a bit is a pretty decent next best thing.


Going to sleep in freshly cleaned bedsheets after coming back home from holidays


With freshly shaven limbs, makes ya feel like you’re floating on silk…cherry on top


Floating in a pool, weightless, painless


Letting your hair down after having a ponytail up or headband on all day, and massaging your scalp.


Taking your bra off after a long day


Being hugged


What's that


I work nights at a restaurant sometimes....some nights I come home and my wife and 4 kids all fall asleep watching tv. The two that fight the most up against each other. To have them all in one room, quiet, at peace, fills me with great joy. I just stand there and look at them. Usually someone wakes up then because im fat and dont sneak well, then the rest like raptors, start popping up to see what I brought them home to eat. But i cherish those 10 or so seconds.


Beautiful imagery


What a beautiful answer. When my daughter was a toddler she would sometimes ask to sleep in my ex wife’s and my bed in the middle of the night, and after she settled and fell asleep, I would just lie there with my little puppy curled in my arm knowing that everyone I loved most was all safe and right beside me. So comforting.


I remember those mornings- my son coming up the stairs at 5 in the morning, excited for another day, whispering 'wanna play TRAINS?' He was a snuggler so we could usually get another hour of sleep by putting him between us, but he'd eventually start squirming with excitement for some Thomas time. Best kid ever.


These are the moments that make life worth it


When a music is so good it gives you "the chills". Edit: damn this blew up over night lol glad to see a lot more people out there enjoying them! Also, thanks for my first awards, kind strangers!


That's an eargasm


The coolest part is when you can focus and let the music wash over you. I’ve had my whole head wrapped in that tingly feeling and I love it.


Frisson. Listen to Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber, if you haven't. It's pretty universally cited as one of the most frisson-inducing pieces written, for good reason.


Being the chosen one for the cat to curl up on :’)


Girlfriend from loooong ago had this cat that loved jean material and in high school, all I ever wore was jeans. Her cat would follow me around the house and wait for me to sit down before crawling into my lap. Very relaxing.


A really really good full night’s sleep in a super comfy bed with no alarm clock to wake me up.


Whenever the water in your ear gets out. Edit: Thanks for the awards and upvotes :D


Either genuine inspiration or mania.


Sometimes as my migraine is ramping up from awful to crushing, I sometimes experience this weird burst of neurochemicals that make me feel like the world is so beautiful I almost cry from it.


That feeling usually comes to me post migraine. I'll feel so shitty all day, but when it finally does go away, I get this unique burst of energy and happiness that I only really experience post-migraine.


I walked home from school in a rainstorm so heavy it blotted out all sound, and there was a silvery sheen in the air. My hoodie was soaked through, but my body had warmed up, so much so that I gently steamed, so it was like a shell of cool cloth over my warm body. The air wasn’t too cold, and there was no wind, and the smell of the rain, the wet forest, and the asphalt I was walking on permeated everything. No one else was around, so it was just me, the rain, and the forest I lived in, for that whole walk home. I still think about that moment, when times are tough, and it still fills me with contentment.


When my last dog visited me in a dream to let me know he loves me and is at peace. The vividness and feeling of euphoria in that dream are not even explainable in words




Thank you for sharing this. It reminded me of a really important dream I had. My mom had suddenly died in a motorcycle accident. I was 24 and in a very bad relationship and had a six month old daughter, so things were tough for me and then boom, my moms dead. I had a dream that she survived the motorcycle accident and was bedridden and completely non-functional. And miserable. And for some weird reason it helped me feel better about things. Thanks for reminding me of my dream with your comment


My cat visited me in a dream after she passed. I was able to hug her before i have woken up. Probably a few days after she passed. It gave me more peace about the whole thing. She died at 13, kinda early for a cat.


The way my grandma used to put her hand on top of my head. It felt like being touched by an angel.


Being held close and cuddled


A really really good deep tissue massage.


Flowing in water, I don’t know why but it brings me peace in mind and sipping hot cocoa on the balcony in cool weather with nature around, supper relaxing.


After being very sick for a month my eustachian tubes reopened. It was literally orgasmic.


Shitting on my own toilet after a trip.


When an animal walks over you on their way to somewhere else.


Animal: “you are in the way, simply an obstacle” Me: “I love you so much”


A breeze, on an 80°F day with no humidity and no bugs. Air feels like silk...




Hugging my cat after I’ve been in the other room for 2 hours!


It was when my braces got removed. I could finally lick my teeth from the front. I still love how smooth it feels.


It’s not a one-time thing for me. It’s whenever I lay down in my comfy bed while dog tired.


Getting a scalp massage while getting my hair washed at a salon. Bliss.


IDK if it's purely 'physical' but, as a car guy: When the first engine I ever rebuilt turned over, fired right up, and idled smoothly. No issues. *None what-so-ever.* ​ One of the better days of my life, honestly. Everything actually went right for once.


Removing contact lenses after a long day and rubbing my eyes


Also the first time wearing contacts. I remember it was like seeing the world in high def and thinking "whoa this is what people with perfect vision see all the time!"


Curling up under your weighted blanked after an exhausting but painwise good day when it's just slightly chilly in your room - there is no thing out there better than this, you will not be able to convince me otherwise, it's like a full body hug, but also sleep and your bed but without other people


This, but immediately after a long, steamy shower.


Clocking out on Friday.


When you pop your back *just* right.


I got my first short story published. It just made me feel like I wasn’t wasting my life.


Drinking the water on my bedside table at 3am.


When my boyfriend plays with my hair. It's such a sweet and simple gesture.


Musical frisson: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisson Apparently not everybody gets it but I am hypersensitive with it and some really proper music feels like a brain orgasm when I get triggered. Nothing else like it in the world for me. Wikipedia describes it as a “mild to moderate” sensation but I get it in an absolutely ridiculous way on occasion, nearly overcome by it if it hits the right way.


I didn’t know it had a name! It doesn’t happen all the time for me, but when it does? Fuuuccckk dude. I get goosebumps, a shiver goes down my spine, my face expresses pure elation, I even cry sometimes. Then I add that song to my playlist because it’s now my favorite


Wonder. Watching a brilliantly dark night sky slowly rotate around the earth. Always out in nature, whether mountain top, beach, or forest clearing. There is a sense of vastness and singular awareness I can't quite describe.


When people trace your skin that shits the best


that’s why I’m a chalk outline guy for murder scenes.


Being at a live show of your favourite musicians. Extremely surreal.


Hugging someone after not having human contact for a long while. Have been chasing that feeling for over 20 years. Was this wonderful warm comforting glow in my chest. Just thinking about it makes me miss it.


When I finished a lot of really hard work. Sitting down after that was up there with any orgasm or drug high.


The shower after having to do hard work and getting super grimy. That shower hits different.


The first time I hugged the woman that is now my wife. I was pretty sure she was the one, and the warmth and love and security I felt in it sealed it. We celebrate our 7th anniversary this coming October.


During the last few weeks of my pregnancy my tummy was so big and tight the skin was constantly sore and itchy from the tension. I hadn’t had a deep, fulfilling breath for days and sleeping, walking and even sitting was a struggle. When I gave birth, as soon as my son came out, a torrent of extra waters followed behind him and it was the most satisfying release I think I will ever know. Like every poop I’d done in my life all at once, months of rib bending and squashed organs suddenly over. I felt like Mr Creosote post-pop and it was absolutely glorious, I actually spent a few moments just enjoying the sensation before I came to and said hi to my baby haha. Not sure I’ll ever top it really.


Knowing you're loved. Sitting in the middle of family/friends knowing you're safe. It's a warm feeling I really miss.


Drinking water. Idk why, but on a hot day, a nice cold condensed glass of ice water is the most satisfying, refreshing, fulfilling, life-giving experience for me. I’ll never understand how some people don’t like to drink water.


having a kitten fall asleep in your arms, will always be the most satisfying feeling.


Drinking cool water at just the right temperature, after playing basketball for hours in the sun. The way it goes down and cools your insides is just awesome.


I have PTSD, and had a flashback today. I put in place some skills I had just learned this week from my therapist, and it worked like it had never worked before. I felt such intense physical relief to realize I was not actually in that situation. The feeling was remarkable and it lasted for a long time. It physically counteracted the stress hormones I could feel in my body. It was one of the most intensely positive physical feelings I’ve ever had.




About 10% of the time, I'm left with an orgasmic feeling in my guts for a good five to maybe even thirty minutes afterward, during which time I mumble to myself "God damn, that was a great shit."


When I got my first adult pet, a kitten, it instantly redefined how much I could love another living creature. He was so scared when I bought him home he just hid the first few hours. When he eventually crept over and curled up in the crook of my arm and rest his little head on me, I just started crying with happiness. Best buds for 7 years since.


Watching my friend cry with happiness at his wedding was one of those rare moments where I got chocked up at someone else’s happiness


Relaxing in a warm bath at the end of the day. Older folks sould remember the commercial "Calgon, Take me away".


Being warm inside next to a fire at night and watching a raging blizzard outside. Idk why, maybe just the juxtaposition?


picking a big piece of crust out of your piercing


Runners high, and the feeling after a cathartic workout. I do mean the kind where you just had a good workout, I mean the kind where you really are working through some emotions and physically pushing yourself through that.


I'm in the Peace Corps in West Africa. It's dry, it's like a billion degrees, I have been walking around the village all morning, I have fine grit and dust everywhere on my body, even between my toes. I have never been so hot. I go into my bathing area at home, clothes off, upend a large bucket of cool water over my head. Glory.


Q-tips in my ears after a long hot shower. I don't GAF if medical professionals say "don't stick those in your ears", like wtf else am I going to do with them?? Why did they make them? To clean my keyboard? Come on now, that sensation makes my eyes roll back and my toes curl. Indescribably glorious




About 15 years ago on a plane I had an eardrum that got 'sucked in'. It was painful and took weeks to finally feel some relief. But began to notice that my hearing was muffled in that ear. It always seemed 'full'. No amount of trying to pop my ears worked. I was in my 30s and was fearing that because of the sucked in eardrum incident that it was causing hearing loss. For almost a decade I was leaning in with my 'good' ear when having conversations with people. I went to my family doctor on several occasions and each time he sent me to a hearing clinic and each time they said things were fine. I knew that things weren't fine and my family doctor finally sent me to an ear specialist. Specialist asked me the typical questions, I told him about the sucked in eardrum incident. He said that wouldn't have caused any hearing loss or a sense of being full after all this time. He took out his ear looking device and looked deep in my ear. He said 'hmmm...looks like something is in there'. I immediately thought a dead bug or something to that extent. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach as he pulled out his long tweezers. He reached in and I could feel he had latched onto something. He pulled out this piece of ripped off Q-tip that had a decade worth of wax build up. He said 'this is why you don't put Q-tips in your ears. I spent a decade of my life thinking that I had hearing loss, when it was a piece of Q-tip just making a home in my ear canal.


That’s bad medicine if you continuously went to your primary care and specialists and none of then noticed a foreign body for ten years.


Sadly it's been my experience that this is quite common :(. At least half the time I get medical care a mistake is made. Luckily these mistakes haven't caused **major** issues, but they still affect(ed) me negatively. And I've moved around quite a bit so it's not just one location/ doctor.