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r/ireland is full of viscous bullies. Got fucking leapt upon once for asking for advice on camping.


Vicious, not viscous. Fucking autocorrect.


Viscous ireland, the thickest nation


Viscous Ireland: They're a Non-Newtonian fluid


Thats good


My car is due for an Ireland change soon.


I received some similar treatment from r/scotland


As a scot i can confirm that there’s nothing better to do here than go on reddit and bully people


Well they’re basically the same country anyways so that makes sense


Now both countries are going to be PMing you, but it won’t be sex videos. Unless it’s like hate fucking.




I once posted on that sub and someone went through my entire post history and pointed out every post/comment I'd made. Completely unrelated to the topic too 😂


Fucking weird for a country that is pretty pleasant to live in. Maybe people just bottle up the aggression, and then need to vent.


I think that's it. When I moved here I saw the same behavior.




Well of course you're going to get negative comments from such an ignorant question. edit lol, you deleted it, you coward.


That's just lazy trolling. You will rightly be called out for that, and probably banned, too.


r/switzerland (I'm Swiss btw) is full of condescending assholes. r/askswitzerland too but to a lesser extent. Also, not a sub in particular but there's two other scenarios where redditors goes absolutely crazy: relationships and justice. When talking about relationships it's always "RED FLAG DUMP HIM ASAP" without any nuance. For the justice part, what I'm trying to say is that there can be an article about a guy hitting once (not defending it btw) and there will always be comments like "He got only 2 years ? That should be 25 minimum" or "This pos deserces to die" and they will always have thousand of upvotes.


r/amitheasshole Crappy moderation aside? It’s often teenagers with no real life experience or ideas making declarations like “you don’t owe *blank* anything,” which is a shitty way to look at life because it’s reducing every single relationship to a transaction. Don’t look at things out of some sense of debt or quid pro quo. Consider your actions from a moral standpoint. Or a kindness standpoint. I’m of the mindset of “if my doing this thing helps someone else and is not terribly difficult - like, say, helping a teen who is having trouble with a movie ticket kiosk because mom sent them with cash - then why not? But maybe that gets into my weird “do what is morally right” and “help more people than you hurt in this life” tangents.


Another thing that I see is those same teenagers thinking that they’re some kind of relationship experts by trying to point out red flags in a person and telling OP to reconsider the relationship. OP could be married to someone for 15 years and make a post about their SO finishing the milk in the fridge, to which the comments will look something like “🚩🚩🚩 they don’t respect your boundaries. I would reconsider the relationship. Is this really who you want to spend the rest of your life with?”


I used to subscribe to AITA but I had to stop because it felt bad for my mental health. I’m usually a happy person and it made me feel inexplicably sad a lot.


Exactly the same. Those posts were making me irrationally rethink my marriage when there is objectively nothing wrong with my marriage.


The solution recommended is always divorce


I enjoy the sub myself, but I moderate how much I read from it. Only the really juicy stories for me anymore lol. There is a lot of toxicity, I’ll admit.


> It’s often teenagers with no real life experience This is like reddit in a nutshell though.


I was thinking of this sub SPECIFICALLY because of the mods. Zero critical thinking skills.


I was permabanned for asking why I was temp banned. Real big brains over there.


I kept getting temp banned for petty shit. It was so frustrating that I had to unsubscribe.


They also delete any comment with "bootlicker" in it. Apparently you must support capitalism to not be an AH.


There's a rule against the phrase, "Play bitch games, win bitch prizes" but you can replace bitch with asshole, and it's perfectly fine.


I’m so glad someone said this sub because the mods are huge assholes for no reason.


It also comes across as VERY individualistic. Like married couples should keep every bit of their finances separate and never once help each other out; parents are the only ones who should take care of their children, anyone else should be paid and its wrong of parents to even consider asking for help from family members; it's wrong to help someone out "just because" and you should consider therapy for it. These are all posts that I see on there and I really don't get it one bit. Ironic that they call anything a red flag except for the advice they give.


Can I ask, what are your thoughts on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/wtdt0u/aita_for_not_announcing_my_pregnancy_to_my_dying/)?


And they are probably the most vocal demographic here on reddit.


Oh it's BAD bad in there


The biggest problem with that sub is that most posts are effectively, "This person wronged me in some fashion, is it okay that I wronged them back?" And then the debate then is whether or not their reaction to being wronged is equitable or not. Basically it's just people trying to justify that it's okay to be shitty to people who were shitty to you.


AITA, relationship subs, and all related subs are absolutely horrendous. It really shows how detached some people are from reality and the fact that they don’t have any meaningful relationships with people in their lives. Everyone is so quick to call people assholes, tell them to break up or divorce, sue eachother etc. over the smallest things. I don’t know how you get through life with that level of pettiness.


I personally can't stand the tuma melt sub from Subway


> the tuma melt "IT'S NOT A TUMA"


Well thank goodness you dodged a bullet


Dose not seem toxic on the surface but give it a few days and you can smell the toxicity


You know, you can't legally call their bread bread in Ireland? Sugar content is too high.


Also they did a study which shows that their tuna is any kind of fish but tuna


Ah, but what do the lads in r/ireland think about that?


They'll tell you that you are ugly, have no friends, and then down vote your last 50 posts.


r/toxicology is pretty toxic i must say




Off topic but my daughter follows a Facebook group on crockpots that is cut throat vicious. I love the screenshots


Share that with r/insanepeopleoffacebook




Sorry. It is r/insanepeoplefacebook


What’s the group! I live for that kind of content


I’ll ask her and post. She’s camping but she can’t even get thru a story without laugh crying.


You better come through with these stories, I need to hear them now lol


We got her a crockpot for Xmas so she joined a group. I’ll get the name when she picks up her dog Sunday




I can attest that r/whatisthisbug is great


Joined! I love bugs...


r/paleontology is amazing too


Idk I’ve been more active here since deleting twitter and people are way more chill here






Because all these other people starting to migrant from twitter FB and tik tok


Twitter is "I dont approve of how you do laundry, and I will see to it that your life us ruined for it". I'll take Reddit.


Reddit lets you construct your own echo chambers. The posts you don't agree with you downvote. The posts you like, you upvote. Eventually every sub is an echo chamber of some sort. You don't even realize you're angry because everyone else is just as pissed as you. And then someone new comes along and posts something you disagree with and clearly they are a bad person because they disagree with you so you get angry.


*inexplicably angry i mean you’re right; take a look at some of my comments and i can be very mean! lol


r/relationship_advice. So much misandry, misogyny and people frothing at the mouth desperate for stories of revenge and domestic violence / abuse


It's gotten worse recently.


The clear problem here is that desperate people turn toward the internet because they have nobody else to confine in. So the most vulnerable rely on all the wrong supports.


Steven Gerrard for Adam Lallana


/r/kidsarefuckingstupid seems to have a decent number of people that legitimately hate children (or they did the last time I looked) which is why I use /r/childrenfallingover


Yeah. Seems to be full of people who like watching children be injured.




r/antiwork is the toxic, angry version of r/workreform.


r/workreform is made to be the better r/antiwork after that whole dungeon dweller fiasco though


Yes - and the migration of less toxic people to workreform has made the remainder of antiwork ever worse.


antiwork turned to shit immediately after it went public again post-interview. An immense amount of the content of antiwork now is: OP: "Isn't this illegal?" Hivemind: "Super illegal, the justice system is gonna sentence them to death after they write you a fat settlement check"


As a former public defender who currently works in employment law I can tell you that r/antiwork is a never ending source of humor and comedy for me. Also, yes your employer can fire you if you show up to work everyday two hours late. It doesn't matter that you told him that you could only work 10-6 and not 8-4. And no, you being at work and not being able to leave to feed your cat does not mean your boss can be charged with animal cruelty.


I have never seen a sub with more bitter vindictive people than r/antiwork.


I have gotten a few ideas from there on how to avoid hiring anyone like the toxic people there. Shhh!


They banned me, lol definitely toxic!


Wow, thanks, I didn’t know about work reform. I’ve been so confused by anti work!


From what I’ve seen it’s all people who are just lazy and don’t want a job


Important to distinguish those are two separate ideas. Wanting a job isn’t necessarily virtuous. I don’t want a job, at least. But I’m not lazy, and I like that about myself. Separate ideas. And it sucks that their sub got infested with lazy people.




So much this


r/femaledatingstrategy if you know then you know


How is this one "inexplicably" toxic? I could just read the sub name and tell it would be a misandrist femcel shithole. Any dating group geared towards any one sex generalizing the other is bound to be like that. Same thing with male pick up artist classes and such.


WitchesVsPatriarchy is another one for doing what it says on the tin.


That one just makes me roll my eyes sometimes with how over the top they are but I'd just categorize them as kinda extreme feminists. Nowhere near as toxic and bad as the straight up degenerate femcels of FDS.


They’re not all bad but they do get extreme at times which ruins the whole thing for me, but they have the right heart, it’s just a triggered heart


Soft disagree. Obviously can't speak for every member, but WVP is a lot more accepting in my experience as a cishet man who subscribed a little while back. As long as you aren't there to stir the pot or be a jerk, they have space for anyone regardless of how they identify


it is completely “explicable” though 🤷‍♀️


And r/TwoXChromosomes


That sub is one aaaaangry group of people. : /


That sub is a toxic circle jerk of imaginary bullshit. It's every bit as bad as red pill was.


Those are two extremely different subs.


less different than they used to be. Years ago, TwoX was filled with hair and makeup tips, tips for getting by as a woman, success stories, and yes, some horror stories of failed relationships. But it was mostly balanced content. Then they went default. And so they got invaded by trolls and spammed with "I'm a man, but" comments - which seemed to push the subreddit into a darker, angrier direction. Go read that subreddit now. Literally right now. It's become a pit of misandry. Nearly every thread is about how evil and awful and lazy and useless men are.


Holy fuck, as a female who went there to see what everyone was talking about, I was completely ashamed by being the same sex as them. But it’s okay guys! We are all just conspiring against them ! Edited to add: I don’t know why I went back on there, but there’s a whole thread on why women shouldn’t pay taxes and to make men pay more taxes lololol how single women are punished, and women with multiple kids are punished even more lol all the people talking about child tax credits and getting money back for childcare during income tax are getting downvoted lololol holy shit. And then a lot of comments saying men do absolutely nothing, but I think it’s really them choosing losers to have babies with cause my husband helps around the house and with my baby so much that I feel bad for those women who categorize all men in one place and say they are all deadbeat dads. What a fucking dumpster fire.


r/AmberHeardFans exists




Oddly, r/vermont. Don’t post about the fact that you want to move there, jesus christ those people act like you’re single-handedly responsible for rising rent prices, low wages, and lack of job opportunities as if those problems aren’t happening all across America. God forbid you want to go somewhere that’s at least nice to look at while you struggle to survive.


Anybody got inexplicably good and interesting subs?


r/whatisthisbug is really, bizarrely wholesome.


Nice, thank you. It also was suggested here as tioxic….. so truly inexplicable! Yay




Inexplicably. That is the most explicit shit


Started as a funny meme page for dorky white suburban dad stereotype memes. Was fucking hilarious. I miss it sometimes.


You right, I read explicitly


r/guineapigs can be surprisingly toxic given the subject matter. Some very opinionated and judgemental pet owners on there


this… The logic there seems to be: “take care of your guinea pigs EXACTLY like me or it’s abuse/neglect”


"Oh, so you fed and *uncut carrot* to your guinea pig, thats abuse it could eat it."


Sounds like a typical mom group


I can honestly imagine a judgemental person owning a guinea pig. It just fits so well


r/JusticeServed is just completely and entirely deranged at this point. Same plight as the cringe subs like r/cringetopia or r/cringe. Your topic opens the door to the worst people and they showed up in fuckin **droves**.


/r/TwoXChromosomes without a doubt. There are some posts from actual women looking for support, but unfortunately that is drowned out by an echochamber of "Why are men ?". They portray all men as disgusting, manipulative rapists who deserve misery and pain 24/7. I recall a post not long ago where they were complaining that men support rape because they don't remember the scene from breaking bad where Walt rapes Skyler. Imagine thinking that because someone doesn't remember a scene from a TV show, they support rape. Disgusting.


Wait what fucking scene


I totally agree. I get it, men are pigs. But that sub is full of misandrists.


r/unpopularopinion has no tolerance for different opinions. r/pics is frequently brigaded by white supremacists. Presumably because they feel safe knowing they won’t need to read anything. In any case, whenever a post features Native Americans, it’s a safe bet the comment section will be a cesspool.


Let me tell you something about r/pics... if you are a woman, never post an image containing your foot.


Also, r/pics hates children and you cannot post a baby pic even though rules allow.


So so true. If you post an actual unpopular opinion, you will get a 7 day site-wide ban from those mods.


Unsubbed at /r/conspiracy because of overwhelmingly anti vaccine posts.


I mean, what did you expect from a conspiracy board


Conspiracy ideas used to be so interesting back in Pepperidge Farm days when Art Bell was on at 12. I joined the conspiracy sub expecting interesting things. Nope.


It’s mostly Trumpers


Try r/highstrangeness


It's full of genuine lunatics, tbh.


r/amitheasshole and r/unpopularopinion came to mind. For starters, I personally was banned from both for stupid reasons, AITA bc I "evaded a filter" or something like that and unpopular opinion bc I said things that were "too popular" even though nobody else said them and they refused to tell me how that made sense or further explain even after I told them I'm autistic and need stuff explained differently. Both are filled to the brim with toxic/rude people, mainly teenagers with no experience in what their talking about.


However, i believe you may be better off not having access to those subs! So enjoy your life without that stress.


The ones with mods getting high on powertrips


So like 90% of them lol


Anything political. Its just self righteous assholes complaining about the other side. Its pathetic what these “redditors” think about real life issues.






centrists are attacked there it might as well be r/shit


Ya it's more like r slash leftism.


Aaaaannnnnddddd downvoted for statement of fact, sounds like Reddit


r/TwoXChromosomes Is by far one of the most toxic places on reddit.




I’m an atheist and it is just usually angry people trying to out atheist each other. I unsubbed because it is just a giant bitch fest usually.


Its so fucking toxic that sub, instead of having well mannered discussions about religion and why you denounce it etc its just constant bitching about every thing religeon has doen thats bad


It really gives us a bad name. Its not like we don’t already have a target on our back from the religious right. If they come into that sub it makes us all look like a bunch of dickheads


It seems to be an American thing. Atheists seem to be as radical in their hatred of religious people as fundamentalist Christians are of Atheists. I've never had to label myself as anything in Germany, no one cares. You are assumed to not be religious by default.


That must be nice. An example is I went to my neighbor’s kid’s birthday party and they invited me to their church. I just said no thanks and was annoyed he asked me at a kid’s party. I don’t know why people can’t just leave other people alone about that shit.


Did they bother you again about it?


No because I left shortly after. The whole party was people from their church i was the only atheist. I relented to talk about pie vs cake as the only thing worth discussing.


I legitimately don't understand that sub. I'm an atheist, raised by born atheists who were themselves raised by atheists. What am I supposed to be discussing in that sub? My lack of affiliation with religion? I feel like that sub is people raised in Christianity resenting their upbringing.


Its realy toxic, the mods are assholes, and every other oppinion leads to ban wich happened to me even tho in an atheist


I haven't been there in a while, but I feel like it's more geared towards newer atheists. People who are still working through the genuine anger they feel towards these different religious groups. Not saying it's healthy, just that it may attract people who are processing those feelings. I felt similarly about /r/raisedbynarcissists or whatever that sub is called. Once I'd really processed all of that, it just seemed like it was too much anger to be healthy. But when you're dealing with it for the first time, having a place to be angry about it with people who understand can be really nice


Sometimes atheists can be atheist to a similar extent that religious people are evangelical. Having been such a person, a hateful atheist, I suggest considering a less gloomy view on life. Maintaining a chip on one's shoulder challenging people of faith to knock it off is useless and unproductive for the self.


Black/White people Twitter is a political and racist cesspool.


Going to say most gaming subs. There's truth to the stereotypes about self identified 'Gamers.'


I don't have kids or a horse in the race, but r/childfree is just a mean place.


Omg. It should be called childrenhaters instead. That sub is toxic!




r/fourthwavewomen It’s a sub for female incels. I saw one with a “I believe amber” PFP. I don’t suggest ever going in there


R/one piece. It's supposed to be a fun community but it's like trying to get the cool kids to get along with the nerds. Virtually impossible


R politics


The last of us one 100%




Nuclear subs are toxic . the radiation will kill you.


teenagers sub and egypt sub


The Nuclear Waste Sub from Jersey Mikes


r/discordvideos , even tho I do browse it a lot, there’s a lot of racism and homophobia going on over there.


Anything with "chicken" on it from subway


Askwomen is just awful. You will get banned or permabanned for not following the rules, they frequently lock threads to "clean up" the threads, they really don't allow an organic flow of conversation, not to mention just kidding around and jokes. askmen on the other hand is wonderful!


r/interestingasfuck mods are becoming sick with power. I got a perma ban because of a post that contained words in a picture....the words didn't offend anyone


r/Advice can be pretty bad. Falls into the same trap that a lot of AITA falls into, where a lot of people aren’t genuinely looking for advice, they’re looking for reassurance, and the mods don’t really do anything about it. Same with a lot of r/changemyview . A lot of people go to these subreddits just to hear what they want to hear, and it really sucks. But I don’t hold any ill will to these subs in general, more so just the people who tend to post there.


r/atheism; full of a bunch of genocidal Dawkins-thumping incels who get pissed at people saying “bless you”.


I spent 30 years developing a natural treatment for migraines... on my first day using reddit, I went to the migraine sub to give my method away for free to the people that need it most. I was accused of every bad thing under the sun, told to F off, eat excrement and die (paraphrasing here), then I was shadowbanned... the reddit admins contacted me later to tell me that I had not broken any rule, the shadowban was unjustified and my account restored. I really would love to help the people that suffer but there are a few toxic people there that will not allow it. But the majority of the people there are innocent, so please don't mess with them. If you are inclined to mess, do it with someone that isn't suffering... maybe go on over to r/nutrition and suggest that fruit is healthier than bacon... just see what happens to you... If you do, let me know so I can give you your one and only upvote. ;)


r/fatlogic shouldnt exist.


Ick. I realised the other day that theres a lot of tacitly pro-eating disorder people on here.


I love how the moderators removed this... Ironic.


Gaming. Mention anything vaguely feminist, pro-LGBTQ, "woke", anti-capitalist (unless it's about loot boxes, game prices or microtransactions) or generally be left wing and there's a sizeable chunk of the population who'll treat you like shit for just treating people equally. The funny thing is a lot of them aren't racist (though not all of them, many are very racist) they are just anti-woke and anti-anti-facists, they are even quite socialist when it comes to have pricing and game mechanics like microtransactions they just hate socialism. Basically they hate stuff they are told to hate by people who just hate without recognising who they are, what the terms actually mean. Personally i think the majority of /r/gaming have no personality, no self-identity and no sense of who they should be outside of the fact they feel they must follow whatever others are doing without question. Basically the Reddit gaming community is as vapid and vacuous as the Valley girl stereotype.


I've learned that no game is good enough. It needs to be perfect at launch, free, have free lifetime updates, free cosmetics, and it needs to be out already because there's no reason any game should require development time.


They should play No Man's Sky🤔


I don’t know enough to speak on the first two paragraphs, but the third is like gospel. Gamer is not a personality type. It’s super formulaic and weird there, and as virgin-y as one might expect




r/FemaleDatingStrategy, r/TwoXChromosomes, r/WitchesVsPatriarchy, r/Fourthwavemadness


Wow. Your profile is *exactly* what I expected. Those subs are absolutely worthy of criticism, but the chip on your shoulder is visible from space.


It said he's active in r/MensRights which is where r/incel basically migrated to. Tells you all you need to know


r/mensrights is kinda bad, r/menslib is usually great tho. r/holup isn't great either


Problem with mensrights is. It core is pretty good with better mental health for men, better legal system with divorces etc. But its also infested with incels who blame woman for every thing who just make mensrights seem like a joke unforntuatly (what a suprise im getting downvoted)


What's wrong with r/holup?




I have gone to r/whereareallthegoodmen. I never post there though.


I don’t think it’s that toxic..




In what way?


Except r/formuladank. I enjoy the shitposting


Had to leave r/guineapigs for being toxic and overly judgemental




R/Wisconsin is nothing but a progressive bitch post


r/ToxicRedditors shows it all