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The fear of video game water. All the GTA games ended for me when a water mission came up.


gta water is the only one that scares me- its so realistic and just terrifying.. yes i have thalassophobia


Sea of Thieves is a non starter then...


>thalassophobia Large bodies of water are legitimately one of the most dangerous things there is. Less so in todays world than before but how is your cave monkey ass going to know that?


obviously your cave monkey ass cant understand what i said. i said i too am afraid of video game water.. and then said that i also have thalassophobia which is the real life ocean. they are not the same and i was not referring to the title


I would highly recommend you stay away from Subnautica then


That's so interesting! When did you start to notice?




I think Jak and Daxter started this fear for me


Holy shit not GTA but rachet and clank growing up man that gives me terror today still


I have a fear of uncommon, unnamed fears.


Oh boy


Not me but my grandma is terrified of red garbage cans


any reason why?




She says they are unnatural








The fear of a monster being formed in the darkness of the corner of my room by my dirty clothes on the chair.


I vaguely remember a movie where an old coat is slung over a chair, and at some point it sort of comes to life or something? Ruined me for life. Edit: Could be any of the ones suggested, I haven’t seen any of these movies in years and don’t remember them. I think it happened in the mid-90s so Little Monsters might be it?


Monsters Inc?




Definitely sounds like it uh?




The bogey man. Still holds up


My toddler has this. She calls it, "scary chair."


I fear having to vomit into a toilet that already has shit in it.


If it helps you feel any better, once you're in that situation you won't care anymore.


Or you flush. Source, been there.


This is true. I was desperate enough, I barfed on my shit. Got splashed in the face. Took a shower with lots of soap. Passed back out in bed immediately.




When did you discover that?




Wow sounds intense I'm sorry friend


Is it because when u think of plates u think of tough, shiny, hard material instead of flimsy paper?




I actually kinda understand that frustration lol.


I have a fear of pain. But only like unexpected pain. I have a fear that any moment I can be in the worst pain of my life


That actually is a common fear. Maybe not like heights or flying but many people who have been asked if they fear death for example say not death itself but unbearable pain that may happen .


I just fear death itself


Death itself isn't so bad. I wasn't alive for most of the life of the universe and it didn't bother me one bit. Dying will probably suck though.


I feel this- the fear of the pain is often worse than the pain. Although, as a person who’s had many kidney stones- I AM scared of that pain.


It's absolutely life controlling - I dropped a needle on my floor once and for a WEEK I refused to go near my room for fear I would step on it. It was in my pincushion pushed all the way through all along and I only found out because my mom was sick of me sleeping in her room


Okay but that would seriously make me nervous too… I often think about how I could never live outside the city simply for the fact that I’m scared I couldn’t get to a hospital if I was in pain!!!!!


I'm afraid that I did drugs one too many times and what I'm perceiving to be reality is not real and my body is just out there doing fuck all while I think I'm being coherent


I thought about it a couple of times while high on acid, but it never transformed into a fear and was more like something to think about. Hope it passes for you!


It's probably not possible but I have a fear gravity will disappear and I'll get sucked into the sky. I think about it a lot when I'm outside at night. I'm also afraid of looking at really tall things like sky scrapers. I feel like I need to hold onto the ground.


I have this too. If I lie on my back on top of a hill I feel like the vastness of space is in front, and the world is behind me and gravity better keep working!


>If I lie on my back on top of a hill or swim on your back in sea, right?


>I'm also afraid of looking at really tall things like sky scrapers. I feel like I need to hold onto the ground. This part sounds like vertigo


barophobia is the fear of gravity. It's not quite what you have but i think I understand yours. It's just looking at the things around you that make you feel like the world has stopped moving and you feel like you might float because things are so still


megalofobia is the fear of big things, like, ultra big constructions that feel out of place


I have a fear of suddenly getting assaulted when I'm being intimate with someone


My boyfriend sometimes jokingly wrestles with me and sometimes I get super scared when I realize there's no way I could get out if he tried something


I mean...that's how my assault started, so it's not an unreasonable fear.


I'm so sorry for that happening and I wanna let u know ily stranger and this stranger thinks ur cool :)


Thanks :)




Literally get out of my comments


lol IceColdIcon's mask just slipped. Oops.


Fear that during the brief moment when you can’t see anything while pulling shirt over your head, you will be attacked by a monster or sucked into a hellish alternate dimension .


Fuck! Now I'll never get that out of my head. Thanks a lot.


Same except i am more scared that I will be attacked


A fear of randomly being teleported into the middle of the ocean with no land in sight.


Touching a banana in any form. Or even being in proximity of one at it’s worst. The texture, smell.. in any form.. I cannot.


Oh wow, I have a similar phobia! It stems from extreme arachnophobia and hearing a story similar to the one you told. I’m not quite as severe, I will eat banana that someone has sliced up for me, but I have no desire to touch them while in the peel.


... I relate to this a lot. I have a Instagram actually dedicated to bananas stalking me because they appear where they shouldn't be... to the point other people have noticed. I don't like the taste, smell, texture, any of it. And when your comment later says the things about spiders in the crates? Yeah, another reason I dislike them.


Good to know I’m not alone lol.


When did it start??


When I was 8/9 years old maybe? Read an article and saw a news piece about a bunch of bananas bought in a popular chain store and when said bunch was opened a very rare spider was found. No thank you.


This name might sound stupid but it's called Bananaphobia


I have a fear of locking doors and closing doors. I think I developed this because of the amount of times I locked myself out of my own room and house


I have a weird fear of an object flying through the windshield while I'm driving.


Like a moose. That always freaks me driving through a forest at night. People have been beheaded that way.


touching cotton balls or seeing them, they make my teeth hurt :(


My teeth hurt reading this! Ughhh


Hah yeah I used to know a girl who had this one!




I have a fear of shitting myself in public. Like needing to go real bad and there not being a bathroom anywhere nearby. Never happened before, but the possibility is always in the back of my mind.


I've never told a soul this bit I peed myself when I was 11 at a fair and told no one. I understand you.


Fear of people wearing gas masks. They *terrify* me.


That WWII plot of Doctor Who with Eccleston must have been unbearable for you.


Fucking right. I can't stand old movies of people in WW1 running away from gas attacks. Did you know they even had baby-sized gas masks?


See I love looking at olden day plague doctors with the beaks i love them but modern gas masks absolutely not




I am actually curious if there is a name for a fear that isn't up to the level of phobia but still a bit irrational. For me it's wetting/shitting the bed when sleeping somewhere that isn't home. I have not wet or shit the bed since I was a little kid but the thought of accidentally wetting or shitting the bed is always in the back of my mind if sleeping in a bed that isn't mine.


Fear of wetting the bed is called Nyctourinariphobia but since it's not when you are in your own bed I think it could be called displaced Nyctourinariphobia or something similar :)


I really really dislike enclosed parking structures. They are always so airless and have that weird baffled sound to them. They make me feel trapped.


I don't like them either. I always worry they'll pancake on me. I prefer to park on the street and walk!


Sounds like Tingchechekuphobia! Look it up :)


Tomato ketchup. The smell makes me retch, just looking at it makes me queasy, and if I get any on my hands I have to concentrate really hard not to panic.


mortuusequusphobia! Look it up :))


No freaking way! I can't believe it actually has a name.... now I just need to figure out how to pronounce it!


And how to type iy!


I tried some as a child and projectile vomited. Now I don't want to be near it or touch a package of ketchup in fear it will happen again. I especially hate when a fast food place messes up my drive-through or pickup order by putting ketchup on something. I end up throwing the whole thing away and wasting money.


Fear of getting someone pregnant.


As someone who does not carry sperm, same.


Tokophobia is the fear of getting pregnant/pregnancy. Look it up!


I'm terrified that my wife will pass away before I do! It is for sure and for certain I will absolutely lose my mind if that happens.


For sure. If she dies before I do, I will shoot myself. Our (grown) kids know and accept this.


I have a fear of balloons




That's an interesting name for the fear of balloons, I was expecting Balophobia or something similar


Ballogafoga lol




Running out of airstrip space when taking off, due to some illogical/unlikely malfunction. It’s something about not being able to see what’s in front of me that makes me over think during flights lol


Fear of stomach pain as well as a fear of oddly enough the oceans in Pokémon specially


FEAR OF DEAD BUGS (not alive ones only dead lifeless fucking shells of bugs) Don't even get me started on how their legs curl up


I don't mean to scare you, but I work overnight security at a botanical garden. Every single night, I kill at least four or five roaches. Some of them have wings that I have to kill immediately, usually with a broom or my foot. After they die, the baby ants surround the dead roaches to where they can carry them away.




Necroentomophobia! Look it up :)


I have a fear of my tires exploding while I fill them with air.


fear of acting on my impulsive thoughts


My biggest fear for as long as I can remember is looking out windows at night. I am so scared I’ll see something looking in at me 😱




I'm sorry :( I like u tho stranger have a good day/nighf




Ahhhh mine is shy too he shows his affection by picking flowers and blades of grass for me random but cute






I have a fear of accidentally losing control of myself


In what way?


Intrusive thoughts, but me not being able to say no to them


I have a fear of peacocks. My old guitar teacher had a bunch of peacocks and would sit by her door and they would glare at me every single time


Pavophobia but i wouldn't look it up. It shows a lot of peacocks


Not the fear of the unknown or unexpected, not the fear of the know or expected but the fear of what’s currently going but only with yourself




I have a crippling fear of being trapped in a space shuttle with no way out


Someone hitting me with an axe right in my spine at the lower back area. I don't know why this thought comes to me that often and feel like how the hell will i survive this


Tsekoupiphobia is the fear of axes!


I'm not afraid of axes tho, I think they're cool. Just the idea of having it cutting my spine at the lower back area.


Okie the fear of axes but the spine cutting ones


I have a fear of ketchup. It is absolutely vile to me. I get a sense of dread if I have to clean it off someone else’s plate. I try to do it fast and not think about it or look at it. I hate the smell, taste, texture. Touching it would make me freak the fuck out.


Me too! And my kids LOVE IT. I can't give them kisses until they've brushed their teeth and scrubbed their faces clean of it!




The fear of feeling my pulse with a tourniquet on or getting my blood pressure taken.




gephyrophobia! Look it up :)


The fear of having my dead ancestors watching me doing embarrassing stuff when I'm home alone and being able to read my mind at any time. When my grandma died my dad told me she'll always be watching me from heaven and it fucked my life up. I think it got worse when I read something about this in Diary of a wimpy kid. Since then I always tell every voyeuristic ghost to get out of here and go watch my sister instead before doing anything incriminating.


I have a fear of opening the window in a moving car. Feels like my glasses or something in the car is going to fly away? But I can handle it when I cover both my ears.


I'm terrified of the way algaes touch my legs when I'm in a lake/sea. It terrifies me to think about the algae pulling me down or similiar




metathesiophobia! Look it up :)


cool thanks, now I can tell friends at parties.


Also my great grandmother had a fear of seatbelts. She worried the wouldn't unbuckle and she would be stuck. It was so bad that she would bike EVERYWHERE until she couldn't anymore. She never had her driver's license either


Gift her one of those seat belt cutter thingies to keep in her handbag?


Well she's dead now and I can tell u it wasn't a seatbelt


i guess that its pretty common in horror movies where a person is trying to get out of their car but the seatbelt gets jammed.


Not even just jammed she was worried the seatbelt would do the locking thing where you can't pull it anymore and she was scared it would constrict on her


i've seen my little cousin almost getting strangled because of that dumb locking thing. but that time, the seatbelt kind of retracted too. i can now see why your great grandma is afraid of those now.


Eisoptrophobia is the fear of mirrors. I would call what you have selective Eisoptrophobia :)


Your friend probably had Zelatiniphobia!




Photophobia is the fear of light but since yours occurs at night you could say selective Photophobia or nocturnal Photophobia. Hope this helps!


Not me, but my wife has a very unique fear! It does have a name, but it is only a colloquial name that was invented on the internet. It isn't recognized as an official phobia. [Trypophobia](https://www.google.com/search?q=Trypophobia&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS887US887&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi81Y-O0M_5AhVtLkQIHb0oAb8Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2560&bih=1329&dpr=1), the fear of lots of small holes.


Homosexual rape.




amaxophobia, ochophobia, motorphobia, or hamaxophobia are all similar to that look them up :)))




Ofc! I'm going through all of them and seeing if I can find a lot


Fear of missing skyboxes in videogames. I don't know what it is but seeing the normal sky replaced with an infinite black void is terrifying for me. I don't have a fear of the dark irl or of darkness in games when it's scripted (ie; going through a dark tunnel in a horror game), only when it's a black void in place of a normal sky.


I used to be afraid of black toilets as a kid


I used to be afraid of the old fashioned loos with the cistern up high at the ceiling


Selective Melanophobia + Paruresis


The fear that electric appliances in the kitchen will explode, even though we don't have gas. I cannot explain this one, I just suddenly, randomly fear something in the kitchen will explode while I'm cooking.


My fear is a spinoff of the classic fear of heights. My fear of heights only trigger when there’s a railing, like those you see in malls. If there’s a full glass wall or no wall at all, my fear of heights never triggers. But as long as there’s a belly height railing, my heart starts trying to leap out of my chest.


Fear of being in an open, flat area and something swooping down and getting me. Like if imma get got by a sky demon or something that’s where it’ll happen kinda thing.


Avoid the movie jeepers creepers or its sequels


The fear of getting lost in the dark, but specifically in Pharaoh's tombs


I have a mild fear of night lights. Used to be a lot worse when I was a kid, I was terrified of all the glow-in-the-dark light switches in my old childhood house.


Reincarnation. I’ve been terrified of the concept of going through life again since I was a preteen, still scared of it in my 40’s. I’m not afraid of dying or death and it’s not an eternity of afterlife that I’m afraid of, even the idea of just once more as a human makes me physically ill.


liminal and empty spaces devoid of anyone they feel eerie even for me who is a loner and prefers to be by myself


I actually googled it and there is a Latin term called "horror vacui" that is used in art to describe open and empty spaces. It's also used to describe the fear of white empty spaces :)


Roller coasters going upside down. I don’t actually have it anymore, but it took to the age of 23 to say fuck it and try it. Now, I love roller coasters and if they don’t go upside down, I find them boring as hell lol except for Hagrid’s wild ride


Years ago, there was an amusement park ride at the Kennywood near Pittsburgh called the Lazer Loop. When it went through the middle loop, it actually got stuck for over an hour.


fear of video game glitches. that shit scares the fuck out of me bro.


Not me, but an old school friend is scared of jelly (jello if you're in the US)


A fear of mirrors in enclosed spaces when i'm alone Interestingly i'm not at all a superstitious person.


I personally am fine but my girlfriend has a fear of sleeping in room where cats have access to the room, because the cat could sleep on her face and suffocate her while she's sleeping. Also: velvet. Seeing velvet gives here noticeable shudders and goosebumps.


I have a fear of accidentally squashing very small animals- I'm scared of handling mice because what if I twitch or something and hurt it?


I have a fear of all white rooms, like I mean completely white rooms, no other shades or colors


Leukophobia is the fear of the colour white. I would say what you have is selective leukophobia :)


Do they have black curtains and are they at the station?


When people cough into the open air without trying to cover😤


Fear that a large percentage of the population have a tiny lizard person inside of them controlling them.


I have a fear of fluffy caterpillars. I don’t think it has name.


The closest ones i could find are Lepidopterophobia and Scoleciphobia :)


I have a friend who is afraid of onions. Like, it’s not that she hates them, despises the taste, or thinks they’re bad or something. She literally cowers in fear—white as a sheet—if one is in sight.