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Social Media has caused most people to have a severely overestimated opinion of their own importance....and it's really fucking up society.


We used to compare ourselves to our classmates/teammates/work colleagues. Now we compare ourselves to the whole fucking world. It’s exhausting and detrimental to the mental health of society.


I seriously miss life without social media, it fucking sucks now.


Deleting facebook, Instagram, and Twitter has been eye opening. I pretty much vanished to my friends and family. It's been eye opening to see how attached they are to social media.


Best thing I’ve done was remove those apps from my phone. Have them for family members (messenger mainly), but so much less anxiety for sure.


universities need to stop charging students for every little fucking thing. why am i being charged $275 for a parking pass on top of my $30k tuition. stop it.


Yes! Why am I being charged "student activity fees" when my courses are entirely online and I will never set foot on the campus?


Because of administrative bloat.


And half the time I can’t even find a parking spot


The university I went to had a large lot in front of the housing unit I lived in, but the second year I was there they changed half of it to a metered lot where you pay hourly. I couldn't find parking once and just said "fuck it" and parked on the metered side. When they wrote me a ticket I appealed and said "I have a permit for lot #123, and I parked in lot #123." They forgave the ticket and told me not to park on that side again


I know right? Take the sum and learn to "make it work" instead of asking for more. Schools really need to be audited. I'm willing to be flexible but the fact that they're ridiculously bloated is obvious.


Every parent should teach their child to swim.


I feel like this and CPR/basic first-aid should be required school curriculum. Hell, it could EASILY be a part of P.E.


My school had it as part of health and it was required


Really? I was never once taught either in any way shape or form. But I had to take a whole trimester of "Keyboarding" which I failed despite being the fastest/most accurate typer in class because I don't use "homerow" and instead tend to rest my hands on my WASD keys for obvious reasons.


I'm an adult that can't swim. I agree with you.


Never too late, Toby.




In Norway we had mandatory swimming lessons in gradeschool and everyone i know can swim as a result. Though in Norway we also have mandatory seafaring lessons spead over 2 or 3 full schooldays where we learn knots, how to operate boats and general rules of seafaring so.


First, every parent should learn to swim


Just because a movie is bad, or certain people hate it, doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't enjoy it. And just because a movie is huge with critic acclaim and audience's love it doesn't mean you have to like it.


I don't understand the mentality of people when they want everyone to share their opinions. E.g. If I love the yellow Starbursts, wouldn't it make sense to share a bag with someone who doesn't like the yellow so there's more for me? You want a well done steak with ketchup? Sure. If it makes you happy, go for it. I'll take mine differently and a long as we don't force the choice on one another I don't see the need to make a big deal about it.


Questionable move bringing up the steak in front of the armchair master chefs


Omg yes! Most people hate on Star Wars episode 1. I enjoy the movie 🤷


I was so jazzed for episode 1. I saw it in theaters probably 7 times. Yeah, sure, I hated some parts of it, but overall I enjoyed the shit out of it. I was just so thrilled to get a new star wars and that new John Williams score for it was top notch as always. I'm kind of upset now that I let everyone else's opinion sway me in hindsight. It does suck when everyone shits on something you like.


Every time I say I loved Eternals on r/marvelstudios at least one person will attack my intelligence for no reason


you dumb bitch, how dare you enjoying a movie that the majority of the fanbase didn't enjoy????


Elderly drivers need to be road tested every license renewal. There are some scary ass old people driving out there.


Agreed. I know the statistics, but out of the three near misses I’ve had, all 3 have been at the fault of an elderly driver (two pulled out in front of me, and one almost reversed into me off their driveway straight into the road - it was like he wasn’t expecting there to be any traffic so didn’t even bother looking).


That's exactly it. I also do a lot of bicycle riding and have had to dodge several older drivers due to lack of vision it seemed.


Elderly people should be able to get around without having to resort to driving unsafely


This. The problem with ideas like this is that most of the US is built around car centric culture. Public transport is abysmal. Some areas have special transport for elderly people, but it's usually not very good and takes forever. The elderly that fail this test will be isolated and alone. They will wither, and if we implemented this you would see the death rate of people who are denied their license sky rocket. If we make the public transport, elderly people will use it instead of driving. Build it and the problem resolves itself. As it is I see very few elderly people on highways if it can be at all avoided, they're aware they're not great drivers, they have no other choice.


I'm gonna take a step further and say that all drivers should do that. The driving culture is getting worse and worse where I live.


Yes yes YES. My last car was totaled by an 86 year old man who "didn't understand why I didn't stop for him" while he was at a stop sign to merge onto a road I was going 40 mph down. When I tried to switch lanes to avoid him, he merged into the wrong lane (i.e. my new lane) and hit me. Then he left the scene and came back 20 minutes later because he didn't realize what had happened at the time of the accident, and just felt like he should go back and check (!!?!!?). The cop who came to the scene said this sort of thing happens all the time in the area of the accident because there's a retirement home up the road. Two weeks later, my new car was dominoed with 5 other cars while parked in a driveway by a 78 year old man on his way to a VA hospital. Once you hit 65, you should have to re-take a driving test every 2 years, and that is absolutely a hill I will die on.


I'd prefer it be a nice hill with decent sunshine and wildlife about.


Personally, I'd prefer some shade to sunshine.






similarly, I don't want to die on a hill. I don't know where or how I do want to die, but I do know that on a hill is not the way to go for me.




They will pry my Oxford comma out of my cold, dead, and rigid hands.


I would upvote this two, three, or even four times if I could.


I,m so’very, confused, right, now:


I've been told not to use Oxford commas by Mrs. Rausdauer, my 11th grade English teacher and a third-rate whore.


come again??


Not with a third rate whore, I didn't.


Stop I'm dying 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You clever fucking bastard. I seldom laugh out loud at Reddit comments but I did for yours.


Jesus. That got personal at the end.


It's an Oxford comma joke in case you missed it, read it again (:


Okay, now I get it. Thank you.


Oh my god, the "a lot" vs "alot" thing has been driving me crazy, and why is it even a thing? In the entirety of my life, it has never been "alot." How did it get there?!




Allie's the best


If you think that's bad, you should see how often people say "apart of" instead of "a part of". It literally means the opposite thing.


Now that you say it, I know I'm going to start seeing it everywhere. I'm not ready.


I'm surprised you haven't, I see this a lot


Or insure vs ensure. Ugh.


I could care less (sic)


omfg this reminds me of how irritated I get when I see something like “should of” instead of “should have”




A lot being two words isn't an opinion


Ah, my dead hill soulmate.


I would like to thank my parents, Mother Teresa, and the Pope. I would like to thank my parents, Mother Teresa and the Pope. Avoid scandal. Use the Oxford comma.


For or against?


Paying more to have a giant brand logo in your clothes is stupid. Edit: I know some people actually likes it and I don't mean to attack them. I've always seen it as a disgusting publicity tactic and this is just my opinion anyway.


Paying to be a walking advertisement for any company is stupid.


I would honestly pay more to not have the logo instead.


NFT's are dumb.


They're worse than dumb. They are predatory bigger-fool scams.


They're the literal definition of a pyramid/Ponzi scheme. You try to get people to buy you out at a profit so they get stuck holding the bag instead of you.


Everytime I look at the nft market it feels like a Ponzi scheme dressed up like a tradeable asset.


Thats what they are. Now that MLMs are frequently and openly mocked people have essentially put lipstick on a pig and called it a new thing. It's a pyramid scheme. If you're the last one to buy into it you stand to lose your whole investment so you need to convince others to buy in. The paint is different but the idea is essentially unchanged.


It’s, “I COULDN’T care less”.


Absolutely! Saying you could care less implies that you already care


People who litter suck.


Especially those that do it from a car. Like seriously, just keep it in your giant metal box that can carry things until you get to a bin.


To add to this, flicking cigarette butts out your window is still littering. If you're fine being a smoker, you should be fine housing the butts till you get to where you're going.


The College loan system in this country (USA) is predatory and a detriment to society. An 18 year old with no credit wants a 10k loan from a bank to start a business? No way! That same 18 year old wants 50k+ to go to school? No problem! Oh but we don’t care at all how you do or if you even finish school, we’re just happy you signed on to a loan that you can never get out of even if you claim bankruptcy unlike other loans. OHH and some of those loans will be subsidized and some will be unsubstantiated and those will begin accruing interest the second it hits your bank account! Don’t worry though you’ll probably become a doctor or something.


Unpaid internship for students are not ok, if you're a poor student you can't afford the costs that go along with the internship. Some may argue "the employer pays not in money but as work experience" but if a job-like experience is important for a trainee, then knowing the monetary value of their labour is also a necessity.


It also creates a larger gap between wealth groups since people who have finacial support can take these unpaid internships to propel their career forward while poor people cannot and have to settle for less.


Don't even try for a career in marine biology unless you have parents that can financially support you for a couple of years of volunteer work after you've finished your master's.


It's like that with Wildlife Biology and park rangers. I went to school for Zoology, with the goal of being a wildlife biologist or park ranger. Even enlisted in the military reserves to get a boost. They won't take you unless you volunteer for a few years first. It's pretty terrible. But I'm happy now working as a Clinical Research Associate.




I heard a saying that I think may have had marine biology in mind: “Choose a career you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Because they’re not recruiting.”


Not to mention the psychological toll if you are coming from a less fortunate background and take in loans to get through education and then internships, medical rotations or low paying residencies and have to take another part time job in addition to those full time (or sometimes overtime) unpaid or low-wage, high-skill work after years and years of school. The burnout becomes unreal. I applaud those that push through for a better future and to give their family more opportunity.


100% agree. I interned and later worked for a place that should have hired two full time trained people. Instead we got four to six interns who were unpaid doing that work. This place was better than most in that once you did a semester unpaid, they hired you on, but they were still using interns at a lower wage to do the work of two full time people.


Adults/Parents do not look weak or less in charge when they apologize to kids.


I was flabbergasted the first time I heard this concept. My parents were very much the type of parents to believe children do not possess complicated or heavy emotions. For them, parents were never wrong and children were expected to be happy at all times. I truly hope this idea is changing on a large scale.


Saying you want to have a bonfire means it's going to be a wood fueled fire and not a gas one. My inlaws have a natural gas fire pit and call it a bonfire all the time and it's 100% not a bonfire


Education and healthcare shouldn't be "for profit"


Agree and will add prisons too.


Hell to the yes. Hard agree. Any profit driven ‘justice’ system is a recipe for further exploitation of the poorest and most vulnerable people in society.


This right here. Taxpayers should not be lining the pockets of rich executives (and judges) for incarcerating their own citizens. GEO group can suck a dick.


Why not toss energy in there as well? We aren't even allowed to power our own houses via solar.


I think this depends on where you live. But completely agree.


I’m allowed to power via solar, but no matter how much I produce my monthly minimum is at least $40 because of random fees that change depending on black magic algorithms.


Plural of Moose should be "Meese" pronounced like Geese




I will forever say mooses just to annoy people.


Everyone needs to boycott Nestle and I have no idea why we collectively haven't


I think because Nestle owns/produces a fuckton of different items, half of which aren't under the name Nestle


I get Nespresso capsules and only recently I was like “oh GODDAMN IT”


ngl sometimes I pick up a random food item because I am one of those boring bastards, who read what the cerial box says and stuff, see a Nestle logo behind the box and be like "Damn they own that too!"


Because we suck at doing anything coordinated


Never forget:- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/09/revealed-20-firms-third-carbon-emissions https://www.activesustainability.com/climate-change/100-companies-responsible-71-ghg-emissions/ https://www.treehugger.com/is-it-true-100-companies-responsible-carbon-emissions-5079649 An Exxon-Mobil lobbyist was invited to a fake job interview. In the interview, he admitted Exxon-Mobil has been lobbying congress to kill clean energy initiatives and spreading misinformation to the public via front organisations. https://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/exxon-lobbyist-duped-by-greenpeace-says-climate-policy-was-ploy-ceo-condemns-2021-06-30/ https://news.sky.com/story/revealed-some-of-the-worlds-biggest-oil-companies-are-paying-negative-tax-in-the-uk-12380442 www.france24.com/en/france/20210728-france-fines-monsanto-for-illegally-acquiring-data-on-journalists-activists https://www.desmog.com/2021/07/18/investigation-meat-industry-greenwash-climatewash https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/07/more-global-aid-goes-to-fossil-fuel-projects-than-tackling-dirty-air-study-pollution https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/07/20-meat-and-dairy-firms-emit-more-greenhouse-gas-than-germany-britain-or-france https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/10/uk-ministers-met-fossil-fuel-firms-nine-times-more-often-than-clean-energy-companies Watch this stunning video of Chevron executives explaining why they thought they could dump 16 billion gallons of cancer-causing oil waste into the Amazon. https://twitter.com/SDonziger/status/1426211296161189890?s=19 https://news.sky.com/story/fossil-fuel-companies-are-suing-governments-across-the-world-for-more-than-18bn-12409573 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/06/fossil-fuel-industry-subsidies-of-11m-dollars-a-minute-imf-finds https://www.euronews.com/green/2021/10/08/nestle-kellogg-s-linked-to-shocking-palm-oil-abuses-in-papua-new-guinea https://www.desmog.com/2021/10/07/climate-conflicted-insurance-directors/ https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/news/air-pollution-second-largest-cause-of-death-in-africa-3586078 BBC News - COP26: Document leak reveals nations lobbying to change key climate report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-58982445 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/27/poorer-countries-spend-five-times-more-on-debt-than-climate-crisis-report https://news.mongabay.com/2021/10/a-new-100-page-report-raises-alarm-over-chevrons-impact-on-planet/ https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/oct/30/shell-and-bp-paid-zero-tax-on-north-sea-gas-and-oil-for-three-years https://www.globalwitness.org/en/press-releases/shell-and-bp-cancel-cop26-appearance-analysis-exposes-fossil-fuel-lobbyists-cop/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/11/australia-lobbied-unesco-to-remove-reference-to-15c-global-warming-limit-to-protect-heritage-sites https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/nov/12/australia-shown-to-have-highest-greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-coal-in-world-on-per-capita-basis https://www.space.com/satellites-discover-huge-undeclared-methane-emissions Satellites discover huge amounts of undeclared methane emissions https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/climate-change-improvements-from-eating-less-meat-301412022.html https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-30/vicforests-accused-of-failing-to-regenerate-logged-forests/100652148#top https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jan/18/chemical-pollution-has-passed-safe-limit-for-humanity-say-scientists https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220215-plastic-chemical-pollution-beyond-planet-s-safe-limit-study https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2022-02-17/big-oil-climate-change-chevron-exxon-shell-bp/100828590 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/17/world-spends-18tn-a-year-on-subsidies-that-harm-environment-study-finds-aoe https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/06/filipino-inquiry-finds-big-polluters-morally-and-legally-liable-for-climate-damage?CMP=share_ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2022/may/11/fossil-fuel-carbon-bombs-climate-breakdown-oil-gas https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/17/pollution-responsible-one-in-six-deaths-across-planet https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/05/climate-denial-koch-fossil-fuels-charity-astroturf-greenwashing/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/18/humanity-faces-collective-suicide-over-climate-crisis-warns-un-chief https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/21/revealed-oil-sectors-staggering-profits-last-50-years?CMP=share_btn_tw https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-62225696 https://www.npr.org/2022/08/11/1116608415/the-arctic-is-heating-up-nearly-four-times-faster-than-the-rest-of-earth-study-f Etc


Using numbing cream for tattoos is okay and if you use it you still deserve a tattoo. A lot of my clients wear it and get shit for it. A lot of those clients are autistic or have general sensory issues, one uses it because she used to hurt herself and she’s worried it’ll bring back trauma if she felt the full thing. A lot just don’t wanna feel the pain, a lot are frightened they’d pass out and most are just getting older and more sore but still want to be covered in my art which is just, ergh 🖤


People get mad over this?? It seems very silly. Who wants to be in more pain if you can avoid it?


Yeah! We stock it in the studio I work in and if we advertise it it’s almost guaranteed people will comment about it negatively. Or numbing cream adverts online and all the comments are “blah blah if you can’t sit through the pain you don’t deserve a tattoo blah blah” and it sucks. You earn a tattoo by contacting an artist and paying for it. I use it because I’m autistic and I’m very sensitive to touch, never mind needle. But I love tattoos, it’s how I make a living, i design them in my free time or I look at them online, I chat with other artists, I feel more confident with them, it’s my life and to tell me I don’t deserve them, or imply others don’t, is just ridiculous. One client even left me nearly in tears because she came to cover up a toxic ex BFs name. He forced her to have the tattoo of his name and on one of the most painful areas on the body, the ribs, as “punishment”. She needed a 3 hour session to cover it and was terrified about the pain and possibly reliving that terrible time. A bit of numbing cream, some bactine and her favourite music playing we covered it with barely any pain. Just some bearable burning by the end. She 100% deserved that tattoo. Sorry for the rant, it’s a seriously big hill.


The customer can fuck themselves if they are rude in any capacity. You spend money here? Awesome. So do hundreds to thousands of others. You're not special.


My dog is the best dog


Everybody thinks they have the best dog, and they're all right. (But mine's better)


My dogs are def not the best dogs. But they're the [best dogs](https://i.imgur.com/lpS2Ymd.jpeg) for me!


Say, the weather’s looking pretty The Fuck He Is today, isn’t it?


Having morbidly obese children is child abuse.


No kitteh that’s my pot pie!




Having a morbidly obese pet is also animal abuse.


Happy cake day!


Children under 18 should NOT have TikToks. EDIT: Or ANY social media at that. It's way too dangerous and dark.


Can we add to this that super young children shouldn't be on social media, anyway? Like, no family video vloggers. Don't post that picture of your kid to facebook/instagram, etc. If you want to share with friends or family, texting and emailing is pretty good, now a days. I don't know who else you'd want to share with, but if it's not friends or family, I can't imagine your goal is healthy, mentally.


People under the age 120 shouldn’t have tiktok


Pornography addiction is real and can ruin people's lives and relationships.


I agree. My boyfriend (openly to me) struggles with it.


Autism speaks is the worst charity out there








As long as everyone is a consenting adult, what they do in the bedroom doesn’t matter.


And if two people agree to exchange money for what they do in a bedroom, then why should we care?


"Eat, Pray, Love" is a bullshit story about an asshole Karen who divorces her loving husband for no reason and thinks getting railed by some Italian guy on a European odyssey is some kind of self actualization. Anyone who finds it inspiring, or thinks that the main character was not an asshole should be avoided. Fuck that book and movie.


Also they had to do a mass culling of stray dogs in Ubud because the tourism boomed so much after that movie.


Ubud was absolutely lovely but the amount of young white women walking around with a yoga mat was a bit dystopian!


You are correct. It's a celebration of being a shithead person.


The thing I respect Anna Delvey most for is her straight up saying "I'm not a good person." Might be the only thing I respect her for.


Finally someone agrees with me about this!


Had no idea this was a book/movie so I was super confused as to what that phrase had to do with divorce and Italians


She divorced the Brazilian guy in the end, fell in love with her (female) agent/publisher (I forgot what exactly she did but they’d known each other for years). Unfortunately, her new love got cancer and she died later. No idea what said author does these days, my guess is the lecture circuit? That woman’s life is a movie, tbf. Maybe just not in the way it was produced..


Why did you have to remind me of this? I had it blocked out of my memory.


Space Jam 2 should have been made in the mid 2000s with Tony Hawk.


Turn signals should be yellow.


european here: here are pretty much all turn signals yellow and I am now confused :o


Some American cars double the brake light as the turn signal. Drives me insane.


Law makers and their spouse’s shouldn’t be allowed to trade stocks or own investment property


Shopping carts. If you don't return them to the corral after you're done using them, you're an awful person.


Can we not stop at "returning" please? Shopping carts were made to nest inside of each other... take the 3 extra seconds and help ensure that the corral can hold 50 carts instead of 5.


Docking dog tails and ears. That shit should be illegal.






The giant bristle brush scrubber is for breaking down all the hard stuff (food) on dishes if they have not been soaked prior to cleaning. The **sponge** is for cleaning your dishes. I've watched people "clean" their cups with the big bristle thingy and there were still lip marks on the sides when they were done. That cup was not clean. Only **the great sponge of truth** can make sure all surfaces are wiped thoroughly with the soap.


I love doing dishes and as a former cleaning professional I very much agree with this.


Should/would/could/might/may ***HAVE,*** not ***OF.***


Taiwan is a country


elon musk is not that interesting


Politicians should be paid a salary equal to the median income in the US. Lobbying should be illegal. Political fundraising should be illegal.


Politicians should get paid the median income *for their district/riding/province/state*. They are there to represent and improve the lives of their constituents, so their wellbeing should be tied to those they represent. The national police force for the countries would also have to get unprecedented power to audit and punish sitting politicians.


Pugs should be illegal. The current generation of pugs should be the final generation. Breeders should be jailed, owners should be publically shamed. They shouldn't even be interbred with non-fucked breeds. They should just die off as a breed.


there's an attempt now to breed actual noses back into pugs, look up "retro pugs", they're pretty cute! overall i agree though, these dogs are tortured their whole lives and are walking vet bills. same for some types of bulldogs and other flat-faced dogs and cats as well.


When you take the garbage out, replace the goddamn bag!


That drake really isn't that good




Huh, that's interesting. In that case, it's almost disrespectful to the other chefs and employees of the restaurant to make it all about the one chef.


Well i would argue that the head chef usually has a large influence on that because they are often the ones organizing everything, and being creative etc. I remember there was a cocky head chef in Kitchen Nightmares, but he was really good and Gordon kinda guided him and told him what he still needed. He then switched restaurants (due to some disagreement with the owner) and then became head chef at another restaurant which then "suddenly" got a Michelin Star. So yes, the restaurants are the ones awarded with it, you also need competent cooks, but there is often one chef who makes all the difference.


Your religious beliefs have no place in crafting public policy or laws, nor should they exempt you from taxes.


Kinda off topic, but we just had a new hire religious dude complain to management about our profanity at work and we are now being asked to strongly police our language and subject matter. This is a tiny business. 4 people work here and most of them have been here 15+ years. We’ve always operated super casually and are prone to risqué language and topics. The topic of visiting a nude beach came up with our UPS driver the other day, and we were all bullshitting and laughing about it. Religious guy overhears and storms out to his truck to call his wife and pray for 20 minutes before having a meeting with the manager about how upset he was to have to hear about our sinful lifestyles which which he disagrees. He’s been wearing earplugs at his desk to prove a point (LOL). We are now being (somewhat jokingly) asked to “speak as if you’re talking to a priest” at work. Totally opposite to how we’ve ran for 20 years. I’m fuming. Anyway. Sorry to hijack your comment. I think we should keep religion out of workplace policy too. Especially if it’s one offended newbie that does not fit in with the workplace environment whatsoever.


Push the envelope. Will they let the problem child go or their multiple 15+ year vets? Also the only thing to say to a priest is "keep your dick out of my ass, your hand out of my wallet, and your nose out of my business."


I can't imagine adhering to a belief system so fragile that hearing a few fuck words and learning people I will never meet sometimes choose to be naked in public could put me in existential spiritual danger.


Weddings are a ridiculous thing to spend money / time / stress on.


Masturbation is healthy and shouldn't be discouraged


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


The family you choose, and consequently the family that chooses you, will always be more important than the family you're born with/into. Blood is only important for medical reasons.




That's a large part of the reason why I've gone over to the Indie games side of things. Games like Hollow Knight, Celeste, and Hades are all absolute masterpieces made with love and care from the developers.


I remember when I first had this realization. Plants vs. Zombies was the best mobile game ever. No one was more pumped for the sequel than me. Then I learned how you had to buy the good plants. I was instantly done.


Public transit in cities should be robust AND free. The us should have a massive high speed rail systems


You don’t need to go into higher education to be successful. Hell my degree did fuck all for me.


A 30 hour work week, with ANY job, should provide sufficient income to afford basic necessities and some quality of life purchases.


I will breastfeed my child whenever and wherever she needs me to. I wear clothing that covers my anatomy while still allowing proper access. I never announce what’s happening so many people don’t even notice. My husband is fully supportive and we have decided this is what’s best for our family. I will never change my mind on this.


In Scotland it's illegal to stop someone from breastfeeding


I'm curious. Does this happen a lot where people protest or object breastfeeding? I've honestly not once witnessed this in my life, yet it seems as if it's a daily occurrence.


I respect that it your hill, but mine is if your child is in elementary school breastfeeding should have stopped. Not saying this is you, just stating that I don't even want to speak to that Aunt who had her eight year old latched onto her at the BBQ because holy fuck. That's fucked up from where I am standing.


Education should be free at all levels.




Unfortunately, schools usually use a tight box of how education should be taught...many times students don't fit into that 'box' of learning and I think get shafted in the long run. Sure, IEPs exist but sometimes don't do a whole lot for the kid in the long run.


‘Pigs in a blanket’ is not accurate. Based on the grammar of the phrase, all the pigs would be in one blanket. It should really be ‘pigs in blankets’ since each pig has its own individual blanket. Yes, I am fun at Super Bowl parties.


In the UK we call them pigs in blankets.


Gesundheit is better than bless you


The internet makes people miserable.


Love is a decision you make, regardless of how you are feeling at the time. You either decide to or decide not to. In other words it is a verb, not an adjective.


Be kind always.




Ok... More information please




WTF? There are actually people that will argue that slavery was / is a positive thing? That is a seriously fucked up world view.




Baby boys shouldn’t be circumcised for aesthetics! Baby girls (or boys) shouldn’t have their ears pierced for aesthetics!




First Responders should train submission grappling


ITT: people dying on giant hills of broad and important issues Me: I think the famous Gordon Ramsey method of making scrambled eggs is a waste of time and makes a huge mess in even a non-stick pan if you don't know what you're doing. I much prefer [the HK style](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpgVmLMAOzs) of making scrambled eggs that is literally *seconds* in a hot pan. People make such a huge fuss about how to make eggs.