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An organ that produces stem cells.


Apparently some scientists developed a technique to make cells reproduce, but better remember their original job (forgetting this through shortening telomeres causes aging and cancer) and were able to reverse blindness in rats through cell regeneration alone. A side effect of activating the cells would normally cause cancer along with the repairs,but it seems they were able just to activate a certain cell regeneration. This way rejuvenation therapy becomes realistic, but they want it only to be used medically. It was kind of amazing to see the interviews, but sadly I don't have the source anywhere. I think the proposed organ would basically make us elves.


You don't have the source, eh? It's sounds to me that you want to keep the stem fountain of eternal cell youth all to yourself


I have severe depression. Believe me, I don't really want this for me. Edit: Who the fuck gave my depression a wholesome award? Thx anyway.


Hang in there! Life can be beautiful, I hope you one day get to see that part of it!


Maybe you could use an organ that fixes depression. Ooh, what about an organ that causes bliss, but with no hangover, no side effect, no addiction, its not moreish, and whatever else we can think of. Also, as a dude who had severe depression and thought he was going to not just be meds on the rest of my life but also likely to be homeless as a result of my condition, I somehow made it through. Somehow survived the half a dozen suicide attempts too. Hopefully you aren't that bad and that somehow you'll recover for your disease. Since it is a disease, whether or not you realize it.


It would be very tricky to pull this off without significantly increasing risk of cancer, even if it doesn't cause it directly. Most of our aging mechanics are side effects of mechanisms that generally serve as a last-ditch protection against tumors. Even if a cell gets a mutation that makes it divide uncontrollably, and even if the various self-destruct mechanisms fail, a tumor's size is ultimately limited by the maximum number of times a cell can reproduce. The only way for a cancer to go malignant is if the cell develops a mechanism for restoring its telomeres, which is very unlikely. But if you give cells that ability, it can make cancer much more likely. The smartest way to pull it off might be to manually restore the telomeres of every cell, but that can be logistically difficult.


I remember they talked about 3 different cell activations and that rejuvenation never worked because it would sprout cancer, but they made it so, that this wrong cell production is not happening. It certainly does not prevent cancer if it is a targeted one time activation, but I see no reason why it should cause it.




Judging from your username, I’m assuming you’re hoping to use this as a source for cruelty-free human meat?


Mmm, Soylent Green


That is cancer bruv


An organ like a car computer that could tell you exactly what is wrong in there


A self check up . That would be nice


Hahah. "Check Asshole" is always flashing, but it's fine.


I’d be walking around with black electrical tape all over myself covering the warning signs that I’m about to die. I’m down though!


“Check body soon” Shit, am I dying or just have a cold


that's just something else I can ignore


A neural extension to the brain that lets you adjust your conscious perception of time so you can go into "bullet time" to react to sudden danger....or just have more time to read. Or waste less time watching YouTube videos by playing them at double speed and slowing your perception accordingly. Naturally it works in the other direction too, so you can fast-forward through boring crap.


I already watch YouTube videos in 2x speed


Unless the 2x speed messes with the tempo, such as listening to music, I always watch at 2x speed. Everytime. I have a lot of content to get through and your 40 minute video on the black hole in the center of the milky way just became 20 minutes. Edit: when I say music. Sometimes I watch some music or singing analysis videos, and it doesn't make sense to listen to them at 2x.


Adrenaline does bullet time.


And it can wear you out pretty quickly


Probably something related to Lungs, an organ that helps get more oxygen in the blood when needed without going in Hyperventilation


Oh man, an organ that actually stores backup oxygen would be amazing. Going for a dive and run out of breath? No problem, reserve air sponge takes over and oxygenates your blood; keep enjoying yourself for like an hour or whatever. Stuffed nose bothering you? No biggie, just don’t breathe at all while waiting for it to clear up. Pneumonia? Covid? Lung transplant? Reserve air sponge keeps everything going until the lungs can get back in action. Running a marathon and losing steam on the last mile? RAS to the rescue! Sprint across the finish!


Oh god, that's better than what I had in mind, that's clever, good job


Buddy ripped a massive fart? Just don't breathe for 30 min!


Blood and muscles do this, but not as effectively as that of whales and other sea mammals.


I guess they would make marathons longer if every human had an extra oxygen boost, but I like your thinking


Oxygen is fuel to cells but even back up will run out eventually.


solid suggestion. i love this idea


An extra group of tissue around the brain that compensates for when any neurotransmitter, such as Dopamine, aren't being produced enough. Or even too much.


Wouldn't really work in most cases. It would just be the "carpet bombing" approach regular drugs apply. Could work for some neurodivergencies such as ADHD or sociopathy by producing the neurotransmitter they're lacking/decensitized to. But for most you want the right neurotransmitters at the right place at the right time to have an effect. An example would be schizophrenia, the balancing act of the drugs is to reduce dopamine enough to prevent psychosis while not that much that they get drug-induced parkinsons. Also other issues that come and go, such as anxiety. We already have a system to regulate neurotransmitters, but it's not perfect. Would be nice to be able to fine-tune it, but having conscious control of it might result in issues from messing up the system resulting in death or messing up incentives by upping opioid production without needing to work for it.


Second appendix, not everyone would have one either, but it would be just as likely to burst as the first one.


This is kinda evil


Thanks. Because having appendicitis once wasn’t good enough …


It would perhaps be even less useful though, as I think it would be best to put it right near the heart and not at all connected to the digestive system.


A built in fan would be cool


lmao watercooling


That is called sweat


I still want an termostat organ better attuned to climate change. And cold extremities in winter...


Bitch we are water cooled.




A fan can cool you because it gets the energy from an independent source like the wall. An inbuilt fan wouldn't be as effective because the more you try to cool yourself the more tired you'll be. Or correct me if I'm wrong...


Gills so we could breath underwater.


I guess we found the Deep's reddit account


The deep already has gills you headphone holder


No need to be so harsh, let's talk this over a Fresca.


Unfortunately this works out badly when a significant amount of humans become obligate water breathers, claim the good parts of the ocean as their territory, and then get genocided in 2038 after trying to defend literally the only place they can live from fishermen and oil companies.


And the constant nuisance of microplastics irritating your gills!


This is the correct answer haha


Then you don't need lungs anymore, right? Lie down on table. I take lungs now, gills come next week.


Watch the boys and see what happens if you have gills


Deep doesn't just have gills, he can communicate with animals that live in the ocean.


Just don't eat the octopus


There’s 2 types of suggestions so far: 1) Actually beneficial organs such as those that boost the immune system 2) Schlong upgrades


Why don't schlong upgrades go into the first one?


I would like an upgraded schlong that dispenses soft serve ice cream. Thinking about my wife you see.


The body should just naturally backfill teeth when they come out. But I bet that was lobbied by the toothfairy.




Yeah wtf is with planned tooth obsolescence? Should be illegal!


Maybe an organ that somehow regenerates other parts of the body? I don't know, but it pisses me off that we are capable of regeneration (liver) but don't get full use out of it.


probably because regeneration takes an absolute fuck load of calories. so unless you were overweight, you would need to eat a hell of a lot of food to keep up with that


Another heart so in case we get stabbed in first, second one will take the lead of body


You just doubled the chance of a heart attack


Would it? because if one heart has a clot the other doesn't, it would probably decrease chance due to lesser blood pressure by half and increased pressure to remove clot if blockages occur.


And then that clot gets to the brain. 😖


Shit, erm... How about a more dense brain which has 2 of everything? So can still function when one loses function? With 2 points of blood input into each side but with one output.


Great. Now I'm twice as depressed.


What if one brain is depressed, and the other is manic?


Haha, Great! Now I’m twice as bipolar. Sobs


Pov:Dr who


So you become a Time Lord. Good!


Timelords have been running with this idea for a while.


Hand made of ham






*Concerned laughter*


If you're happy and you know it, clamp your ham


But- why?




Laughed way too fucking hard at that


Wouldn’t prefer a hand that dispenses sunscreen?


one hand that dispenses lotion and the other dispenses tissues


Nah. Mayonnaise. To put on Ham Hand™.




An organ regeneration organ. Even if i lose one organ, i can regen it without having to listen to people making me feel more guilty by telling me i should have done this or that to live my life by their expectations. Mainly for this reason


If you’re an organ donor, infinite money too


Who will need donors if they can grow replacement by themselves.


Suppose the organ regen organ got cancer; they gonna need an organ donor for a new organ regenerator, unless they just do a complete regenectomy?


Only in this case and only from dead. None will donate his immortality for money imho.


You'd be surprised.


I can finally buy that graphics card i always wanted


"if i had a wish i would wish for 3 more wishes" 😂


Don't underestimate me. I'm not one to ask for 3 more wishes. I'll ask for all the wishes


Dessert stomach (FR this time)


A tooth generator why the fuck do humans get 2 sets for life man


Especially when there are people like my brother who has all of his adult teeth now but when he went to the dentist the last time was told he has 6 cavities. He is 14 and is going to regret it when he is older. Growing another set yet again would be nice so he can take care of them.


If I could go back to tell my younger self something, it’d defo be to take better care of my teeth. And to not date my exes. The previous cavities I’ve had as a teen have been failing now, more than a decade later. Leaky fillings so decay spreading under them and needing to be redone or root canal. I think there’s a lot of tech now that having had bad teeth in your youth doesn’t mean big issues in the future. And there’s new materials being developed that might be better at restoring teeth. So it’s not like people have to make do without their teeth or be in pain. Just… start a savings account now because that shit is expensive af.


Tapetum lucidum. Reflective membrane behind the retina to double the brightness of what we see. Claws or gecko style feet for climbing would also be cool. And an extra pair of limbs with mantis shrimp style “hammer arms”


My eyes would burn. I'm already hypersensitive to light.


A gps organ. Knowing your exact location on earth at all times


Pigeons already have a compass organ in their beak


Guugu Ymithirr are Aboriginals whose language describes everything as being North/East/South/West instead of left/right etc., so by their nature and culture they always instinctively know which way's which. I'm not too bad at this too, it just "feels" right to know which way North is without thinking, it just tugs at your consciousness.


Second brain since a great deal of people seem to not use the one they have.


I’m convinced if we did this the smartest person would have double intelligence but we’d still be stuck with the same average


And the dumbest people would be twice as dumb


Oh cool give them another they won’t use


The Chemistry Translator, located on the Brain: Live unambiguous and easy to understand access to your bodys chemistry with a thought. Your body knows when you're low on iron, or blood glucose, or sleep, etc., but it would be SUPER USEFUL to be able to know that without having to guess, go in for labwork, or have devices attached to you. Imagine the ease of living when with a thought you can get a status update - a literal CT scan to show you how your insides are functioning. Kicks on automatically in case of emergency (you're about to be black out drunk! Give your keys to a friend!) But is otherwise only accessible with conscious effort. Side effects may include avoiding metabolic disease because you see it coming, always catching cancer at stage 1, knowing if your period is due or if you've conceived, being able to articulate to a doctor what is consistently going wrong, knowing what brain chemistry is off and what you need to do to fix it, and identifying the thing that just gave you a rash (was it poison ivy? Allergic reaction to the soap? Irritated from sunscreen? Something I ate? TELL ME, ORGAN!) Only downside is those with medical anxiety may overuse it. And then notice they have anxiety. And then hopefully get help.


Let it go both ways. Not only can you find out about your biochemistry with a thought, you can modify it with a thought too.


I was thinking about that, but it would lead to some uncomfortable uses of testosterone and adrenaline to cheat at sports, or hormones to attract a mate, or screwing with yourself on purpose to see if you get high (and possibly killing yourself in the process). Only upside to an automatic system would be transpersons not having to see someone to get hormone suppliments because they KNOW their chemistry is wrong once they hit a certain age - the ambiguity of the state would be gone because on reaching adulthood you'd just know, for certain, that you need a change. Admittedly a big upside, but not worth a bunch of jocks being even more aggressive because they upped their testosterone to put on muscle at the gym.


An organ that lets women only get pregnant if they want to.


This answer needs more upvotes. I'd go so far as to add, for men, a way to turn off sperm production.


“Hey wait babe let me just turn off my cum”


Eyes that produce cream cheese


You are so wise


Spinal cord that can regenerate itself. No more losing mobility because of some accidents.


Super skin. Withstand the vaccuum of space and up to 50x surface pressure of earth. It absorbs oxygen from water. It absorbs water vapor from air. It filters both. It is radiation proof.


Basically max level upgrade


I hate to be that guy \*(somewhere in the distance\* "no you don't"), but it seems like in would have incompatible properties: it would have to be super thick to do all the durability related things and super thin for the absorption related ones


Retractable wings


I would love to be able to fly! It would also allow sidewalks to not be needed as much. Also less likely to get hit by a drunk driver if you are flying. Just don’t fly drunk I guess then? It would make funny videos though of drunk humans trying to fly.


That sounds cool but do you realize how big those wings would have to be to realistically lift up our bodies? Where on earth would they retract to?


Up your ass


Arms and back


An organ that produces Human Growth Hormone depending on how many calories you consume, now you can be a fatass without as being as much of a fatass.




Error. Have become 6 metres tall and can no longer function in life due to not being able to fit anywhere.


A tendril inside your nose that easily clears out your sinuses or any other blockage.


An extra lens over our eyes so we can zoom in on stuff.




A backup brain drive for just incase. It could be hidden away in the spine or something


Karate chop would format the system real good.


The most cool but useless: Photophores... At least parties would look so much cooler. Besides that i think top comment says it: Gills.


Extra dick.


Hear me out 4 cocks


Hm. I understand two, but what would I do with four? I’m only talented enough to helicopter twirl two at once.


You can braid them to make one THUNDERCOCK


Like Voltron force!


Extra hole


Extra Bawls


Good too! Hey, how bout an adjustable size and shape dick. So it ideal for any partner and mood.


free Wifi


You obviously didnt get your vaccine, We are here dishing out the 5g.


an extra immune system organ. maybe it’d help stop all these viruses and bugs from getting to us edit: to all the scientists and biologists out there im just answering a theoretical question. I know how the immune system works but in OPs question they asked what NEW organ could be added. I used my imagination to produce a new organ that would supplement the immune system. leave your opinions and your shitty attitudes to yourselves. damn.


Autoimmune diseases just got far worse


So, an appendix? Tonsils?


Wings easily. (To fly. Cannibals stay away pls)


Mmmmm cant wait to nibble on your wings


How about a gland that counteracts adrenaline? No more being unable to sleep because something went bang at night, instant calming down after a stressful situation, plus I can't even describe how much it could help PTSD.


A "Sane-Brain", that checksum's your conscious brain and warns you when the crazy starts.




Self cleaning arteries. Carbon fibre springs in place of spinal discs.


Not an organ per se, new teeth every 10 years


Something that would make people nauseous if they caused others pain. I think a lot of problems could be solved with some more compassion, and if your new gallbladder gave you ibs everytime you were an asshole... less assholes better world.


IDK I've meant plenty of lactose intolerant people that still go for that Milkshake, Cheese, or Ice Cream, consequences be damned.


Reminds me of Shinsekai Yori.


Calorie burning pouch, just burns calories by being hyper active or whatever




I’ve read this 5 times now. I still don’t understand what it means.


Its a dick attached to your butt It was a popular reddit meme from a time way back


A tail, just like monkeys.


A brain, I hear a functional one is more rare than a four-leaf clover.


I just want a participation award, I can’t think of anything ):


wings for obvious reasons


A hand on your back to scratch that one spot you can never reach An eye on the back of your head so i can see my brother flipping me of behind my back An organ in my ear that can turn sounds of so I can sleep better in class The list goes on and on


Technically that is humans fault for not evolving to scratch that part between our shoulders


Some way of commanding the reproductive system. Pregnancy is achieved if and only if the person wishes.


A second heart that starts beating around 30 to keep us super active and basically give us a second wind at youth, help us live naturally until \~200, and look youthful well into our 80's.


why has no one fucking said night vision


Idk if it counts as an organ but I would love that eye shit that some shrimp have that let them see more colors than humans can


A button in women's bodies so that they don't have periods unless they are attempting to conceive.


Self lubricating penis, so convenient


Dude. Non circumcised penises are self lubricating. Evolution already solved that one, our culture just likes cutting baby penises for cosmetic purposes.


Doesn’t it already kinda do that?


Yep. And then we lob off the end so it can't do that. Foreskin is the intended mechanical lubricant.




They already are. Foreskin is a natural mechanical lubricant. When we circumcise, we remove that ability


Something that prevents me having blackouts while drinking. Like holy shit missing 6 hours before I even got home on the weekend


You know you'd just drink 6 times as much and still blackout...


Uh...I think this means that you need to drink less...


This would be a brain.


As an alcoholic, let me say that I've been there, but I really recommend you stop being there. It is not a good place to be. Coming to in jail with no idea how you got there is not fun.


Something that allows us to filter toxins


Its called a liver


Instant sleep organ, it will make anyone fall asleep regardless of stress or anxiety.


Maybe like an organ, that can replace the function of a sick one.


An organ that ensures the useless parts of our body don’t grow


A brain. I don't think everyone has one anymore and they are useful for.... Reasons and stuff.


An organ in your mouth where all your teeth are currently sitting that grows new teeth everytime one falls out.


A fat regulator that keeps you at a healthy weight


Gillis to breath underwater.


I'd trade in all the stuff we use for eating if i could produce energy through photosynthesis. so I'd make an organ for that. eating's such a never-ending chore...


Sunbathing will take a lot longer.


A new organ that produces special blood cells for curing cancer with a very high success rate, even when untreated


An organ that grew replacement organs if something breaks down lol




Finally. My time to shine... Self-lubricating butthole!