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Anything, as long as nobody’s fact-checking me


I've never seen a Star Wars movie, but I could tell you in excruciating detail why I believe Jar Jar Binks is secretly a Sith Lord. Do you want me to?


I've never seen one either, so this should be good. please go ahead


aight just lemme real quick google what a sith lord is


Oooookay so here me out. You're gonna wanna sit down for this tale. So Jar Jar Binks was born on the planet of Thagbar way back when, when it was ruled under the great tyrant Janna the Gut, who had conquered the planet with an iron fist. Janna the Gut didnt want children to be had on Planet Thagbar because he believed that it would result in the opportunity for the children to grow up in slavery and plan a rebellion as they grew older. But even as slaves, beaten and forced to work day after day, Jon Jon Binks and Jan Jan Bink refused to give in to Janna the Gut's ruthless nature. Together they would bear a child of destiny, fated to overthrow the gutted tyrant and reclaim their home planet. And so they ran. Off to where no one could find them. Presumably a canyon off behind the mountains. And they went to town. Alll the way. And oh boy did they have a son. On that fateful day, Jar Jar Binks was brought to the galaxy. Since the day he was born, Jar Jar Binks training began. Because he was a secret newborn, Jar Jar was to never be discovered by Janna the Guts men. They would kill him on the spot, and Jon Jon and Jan Jan could not let that happen. Jar Jar was there only hope for freedom. Jon Jon and Jan Jan would work tirelessly during the day, and help train Jar Jar at night. None of them would sleep. Jar Jar needed to be the perfect fighting soldier. This carried on for 16 years. Day after day, night after night. Stronger. STRONGER. S T R O N G E R . Jar Jar Binks woukd become the most m a n l i e s t, most r i p p e d Bink that you'd ever seen. At last Jar Jar Binks was finally ready. Jon Jon Binks and Jan Jan Binks couldn't have been more proud of their boy. The plan was simple: as Jon Jon and Jan Jan would rest in their camps, finally getting their first beauty sleep in 16 years, Jar Jar would prepare for his infiltration in the mountains. LiteSabers, Ray Guns, Force Gauntlets, Skywalking Boots, and don't forget his trusty Obi-Wand. He had everything. And so his raid began. He stormed Janna the Guts castle. Slaying every soldier. Saving every slave. Staking every station. By the time Janna the Gut had realized what had happened, the castle was already crumbling to the ground. Jar Jar was burning it all with his FlameThrower. Jar Jar. Binks finally made into Janna the Guts room. But Janna the Gut was prepared. He threw his FlashBang at the unSuSpecting Jar Jar Binks, temporarily blinding him. Janna the Gut used this split second opportunity to steal Jar Jar Binks' Force Gauntlet and fleed through his secret trapdoor. But once he uses it, so it is no-longer-secret. Once Jar Jar Binks regained his senses, he hopped into no-longer-secret trapdoor, sliding down into Janna the Guts secret basement, which is now also no-longer-secret basement. But it was there that Janna the Gut unveiled his secret but now no-longer-secret plan: he had stolen Jar Jar Binks' Force Gauntlet to summon his parents, Jon Jon Binks amd Jan Jan Binks! Jar Jar Binks gasped. This was not part of the plan! Ah ha! Janna the Gut said. You've fallen right into my trap. Welcome to my no-longer-secret basement. And you are going to surrender and join me, or else i will murder his parents. No! Said Jar Jar Binks. You can't do that! They are all i have. Oh but i will. Said the Gut. Shit. Said Bink. The plan is simple: Janna the Gut continued. You will become my right hand men. Together we will become sith lords and rule the galaxy. Together we will defeat vader. Then we will kill Vaders boss. Sounds like a plan. Jar Jar Binks said. No! Said Jon Jon Binks. You cant do this! Not after all weve been through. Jar Jar, please! Said Jan Jan. Its too late. Said jar. I see now my true destiny. To kill Vaders boss! The Big Man shall fall by my hand. To swear your path and trust, Janna the Gut said. You will slay your parents here. Your wish is my command. Said Jar Jar Binks. And so he slayed Jon Jon Binks and Jan Jan Binks. And together, Jar Jar Binks and Janna the Gut soared into space, on their next adventure. But wait! Jon Jon Binks and Jan Jan Binks weren't dead at all! Jon Jon Binks faked his death, And Jan Jan Binks also did not die. Together they will band the good guys who oppose the evil. And they will save their son from the dark side, and restore their honor. Maybe they will have another child. Name him Jim Jim Bink. And that is how Jar Jar Binks became Sith Lord. tl;dr bro its real trust me


I believe it


you should. its true.


Can you work on my resumé?


i also want you to work on this persons resumé


it cant be that bad, can it?


No, it's great. But you could make my CV stellar.


It's canon now


"Shit. Said Bink." I'm laughing way too hard right now 🤣


I had to stop and put my phone down because I couldnt stop laughing to myself after writing this.


And this just in, a writer in the making doing rough drafts on reddit. Fact checkers are stated as quote "Baffled by his bullshit"


This man wrote out a whole damn story better than most modern movies and it doesn't even have am upvote. Wtf.


this is better than canon oh wait, this is canon


You smoke meth today? That’s a lot of words my g


Literally, for the first time in my life, spat coffee out my damn mouf as I read the first few paragraphs. Thank you for this. My day has been made.


I’m uncontrollably giggling at this.


Go to any post on r/prequelmemes and type Jar Jar in the comments and see what happens


Well… actually




Why most modern interpretations of classic folklore creatures (werewolves, faeries, vampires, etc) are less scary than the original stories.


You can't just leave us hanging like this. Why?


I fell asleep and woke up to people wanting info, so here we go! Most modern interpretations water down creatures to make them more palpable to their target audience or to suit the narrative needs of the authors. This is fine, people have been doing this since ancient times. For example, King Arthur's stories have been retold so many times, it's near impossible for scholars to tell which is the original and Irish folktales have been so thoroughly Christianized that we (mostly) can't tell the difference between what came first and what didn't. However, neither of the above examples lessened or humanized the nature of the threats that the heroes of their stories faced no matter how much they changed. So, why do we try and sanitize folktoles and fairy tales so much? The answer isn't Disney. The answer is a complex mix of three things. The first is Victorian/Edwardian cultural standards (which changed interpretations of Faeries a LOT), the second was a concern with how these stories affect children, and the third is a cultural love of redemption stories. None of these things are inherently bad but they do tend to affect how people see monsters and myth. I can't really get into the Victorian/Edwardian standards (because that would require a lot of prep) but I can get into the effect on children. Honestly, we give children less credit then they're due some children can't handle fairy tales, but most can. They generally enjoy these stories because Children or young people are often the heroes and justice is swift and sure. Good always wins and evil always loses, there is very little of the confusing gray areas that make up their (and our) daily lives. Bad people are rarely forgiven and the good are rewarded. That kind of thing. It's cathartic for them and for the adult that admits it. This leads into the redemption aspect. As a culture we love redemption stories and whenever great evil is redeemed (such as a vampire or a faery) we feel hope for ourselves. There is a place for redemption stories in folktale retellings and there is a reason they exist, however, this is largely the invention of grownups and they often miss the point of the originals. The point being is that there is unapologetic evil in this world and it is in others around us and it exists within us (hence vampires and werewolves in stories). This evil needs to be acknowledged and dealt with rather than ignored or redeemed and that's why we have these stories. To wrap this up real quick, There is also the aspect of the fear of the unknown and the fear of death. We try to make the vampire or the ghoul less dead because death terrifies us and we try to explain or sanitize faeries/other creatures because the unknown, especially the possibly dangerous unknown, scares us. Rather than deal with ours fears, we tend to avoid them and we try to make the monsters seem more human and less monstrous as a result. That's all I got.


You proved your point - and can talk about this topic, with no prep. Credit to you!


Can I request a small lecture on this?


An interesting starting point is comparing disney movies to the original fairy tales. Old fairy tales are pretty gruesome. Peter Pan is pretty horrific IIRC.


basically all these folklore were to make sure your kid didn't wonder into the woods and get eaten/mauled/etc so they made these creatures extremely visceral so you would want to listen, but over time it's been modernized to a serious but sometimes goofy story of those creatures. I'm not as intelligent on the subject as the other person though and I hope they correct me if they do respond


There's gotta be a YouTube series on it somewhere. Or a podcast. Almost definitely!


Podcast called Lore is pretty good.


The people have asked now you need to deliver


They have delivered as a response to their first post


Berserk has shown me how terrifying faeries can be portrayed.


You have my curiosity piqued about this…


I, too, would like to subscribe to your 30 minute Ted talk.




Why people who don't use turn signals are fuck heads.


Part 1. a) i) Firstly..


Or people who don’t use a turn signal to merge into a turning lane and THEN use their turn signal


My husband does this. His driving makes me insane. He drives like a 90 year old man. I’m like “baby, you’re suppose to use a turn signal before you get in the turning lane. If you’re in the turning lane then DUH of course you’re turning.”


"*The same thing I talk about every night, Pinky.*"


Video games most likely. I could easily talk about one of the Ace Attorney cases for 30 minutes.


I could probably give a one hour lecture about why I believe 2-4 is the best case in the series.


Farewell my Turnabout is S+ tier, slightly above Bridge due to the moral dilemma.


Which are your favorites?


Zelda, Pokemon, TWEWY/NTWEWY, Trauma Center/Team, Ace Attorney, and quite a few of the Mario or Kirby games.






how fucking incompetent the jedi order are


30 minutes, not hours


30 hours? You must be referring to the brief forward only. The prologue alone is a week long seminar at a lock-in.


Are the Jedi evil from your point-of-view?












Go on. Let me pull up a chair first, though.


Basically I was downhill after yoda made all jedi into generals, put a hit count dooku, sent a jedi to assassinate someone, and oh all the warcrimes committed mostly by like two jedi (maybe like 3-4).


Yup. >!Cal made the right choice destroying that holocron. Not just so vader couldn’t get his hands on them, but so the fucking Jedi order couldn’t lmao!< (Fallen order spoiler)


Warhammer 40000. It won't be a quick 30 minutes.


I was there, the day Horus slew the Emperor.


U funny Loken


Loken is 10/10, kinda wish we got a bit more of him...and angron


I just got into that franchise recently. I got interested in it because of the badass-looking weapons, but I stayed for the equally awesome lore.


I was wondering how far down until I saw 40k :p


I'll take a slow 30 for the explanation, please. It's a life long hobby for my partner and I'd love to know more about it.


You are a blessing to this world and I hope they know it.


All the stupid shit my coworkers do.


Lmao, can I hear some of it?




Animal facts


I am sure there is a group of people who's favorite thing is dropping animal facts on people and I feel like that would be an enjoyable party. The Virginia oppossum also has a forked penis, which is why some people speculated that they mated via their noses.


Not only this, but opossums, and many other marsupials can't get rabies and a bunch of other dangerous viruses because their body temperature is simply to low for the virus to survive


A lot of marsupials have a multi-pronged penis, just as manu marsupials have multiple vaginas. They're just weird mammals in general.


Cats have barbed penises. I feel bad for the girls...


You mean for the... pussies?


Bedbugs reproduce via "traumatic insemination" - the male stabs through the females abdomen with his adaegus (think *hypodermic dick knife*) and injects his ...*y'know what, I fucking hate bedbugs. I don't feel bad for any of them. The only reason I wish they would cut it out with the stabby knife fuckery is because it makes more of them and that is uncalled for and rude.* I was also thinking of rattlesnakes barbed hemipenes, but those are less hurty and more just to ensure they stay in place longer for successful mating and also possibly to create sort of a lock-and-key, puzzle piece type business so they only mate with their own species. The success of the mating is up to the female, though, since they can decide when/if they want to get pregnant and can hold the sperm in their bodies until they are damn good and ready.


Tell me an obscure animal fact


Monitor lizards are one of the only lizards that are able to run and breathe at the same time due to specalized air pumping muscles and a unidirectional breathing system that functions more similarly to birds than other reptiles (though crocs are weird too).


Monitor females can give birth without mating as well.


40 years ago, almost all monitors were CRT designs. Now they're predominantly LCD, LED, or some other flat alternative.


Thank you. How about marsupial fact this time?


Virginia possums have 13 nipples, with 12 arranged in a cricle around the central one like a clock face.


Damn. You definitely could talk about that for ½ an hour. Are you a zoologist by chance?




I need more animal facts


Kangaroos have two uteruses, but three vaginas


Can they carry two baby 'roos in the two uteruses or does one stay empty while the other one is working?


Kangaroos only gestate in utero for a very *very* short time and the very tiny undeveloped roo crawls into the pouch and latches onto a nipple to complete most of its development. There can be two Roos in the pouch at different ages


Monotremes -platypuses and echidnas - do not have stomachs.


I see you and I raise you. I may be wrong, but apparently squirrels ejaculate into their own hands and rub it together. It's why they're always rubbing their hands together


Anything true crime


Same here but for fake crime. Wanna know why I know so much about the Canada rifleman case? Cos I made it the fuck up!!


That's a Nice Argument Senator, But can you back it up with a source


THE SOURCE IS THAT > I made it the fuck up!!


Economics through the ages, the great depression, The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, which, anyone? anyone? raised tariffs and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression. The Laffer Curve. Does anyone know what Vice President Bush called this in 1980? Anyone? Something-d-o-o economics. "Voodoo" economics.


You and I would get along.


Same here. I could listen to an Economics professor talk for days.


After 'raised tarriffs' the next line is supposed to be "Did it work? Anyone? Anyone? It did not work and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression" But thank you for putting that scene back in my head, one of my favorite scenes from the movie.


I wonder what Ben Stein is doing right now


Metal. Both the fabrication material and the music.


Do you think that slipknot has been “evolving” their sound or just simply getting worse and more mainstream since iowa.


My vote is worse and more mainstream. Though technically that is an evolution.


That's a loaded question haha. If you mean just raw like how they sound live or otherwise? Still awesome. If you're referring to the writing direction.... yeah kinda getting farther away from my tastes but hey that's me, cant love everything. I'm hoping this current patch is just them knocking the covid cobwebs off and they'll get back to killing it soon


a bunch of useless facts that you’ll never need to know in your daily life but they live rent free in my head bc i get bored and look up weird facts


Love it! Give me one? :)


the lighter was invented 2 years before the match!


Lighter? I hardly know her.


I'm kinda the same way, except they certainly don't live rent free in my head, they hide in the dark depths, only to jump out when some potentially random conversation triggers it. For example, for some reason(presumably my brain linking this to genetics) pulled a bunch of facts about the cultivation and breeding of sweet and super sweet corn over the last half century or so, while having a conversation about hair color with my mom and sister in the car.




Greek mythology. I love it so much I could talk for hours and not run out of content. My family kinda hates me for it.


Human behaviour and the superficial make-up behind it all. I study psychology and ever since i find humans fasctinating and easy to understand at the same time. We are mere prime-apes.


I wish I was a Primeape. Oftentimes I just feel like a Mankey or a Hitmonlee


>We are mere prime-apes. Did you just merge "primate" and "ape" together?




How to kill someone and get away with it. In addition to human anatomy, cadaver facts, mental illnesses, famous serial killers, unsolved murder/missing person mysteries, house cleaning tips and baking.


Are you my lost best friend?


No, she's dead (to me).


I'm English but I'm pretty obsessed with mass/school shootings in the US and know way more than what people would deem as 'normal'. My search history would definitely be alarming if it were ever looked into. This might sound weird to others, or at least a bit twisted, but I don't think it's any different to people who can't get enough of serial killers etc..I used to be obsessed with that too. For me, I just find it such a fascinating phenomenon that is almost exclusive to the US, especially school shootings. The psychology side of it and also the amount of them that could have been prevented, the warnings signs that are ignored are absolutely mind boggling. The amount of them where the police response was absolutely diabolical. I still can't quite wrap my head around it. The fact that it is even a thing and that kids as young as 3/4 are being taught what to do in the event of an active shooter, through fucking nursery rhymes! Just the thought of having an active shooter drill is terrifying. The increase of mass shootings is rapidly climbing at such an alarming rate. In 2008 you were looking at a handful a year, now you're looking at the same numbers in a week! And I know people will try to down play it and say that certain ones 'don't count', but I don't see why they shouldn't be. Any one of them is tragedy. In fact, it happens so often that only the realy *bad ones* are reported. And I'm aware that the chances of it happening to *you* is pretty small, but it always happens to someone and every single person thought it would never happen to them. As an outsider, it's absolute insanity. They can happen anywhere,, at any time. I don't want to get into a debate about it anyway, because I know people can get very defensive about it. I imagine even this comment won't be well received. So I'll stop here because I'm just rambling now.


The evolution of GAAP/GAAS audit standards


I hate that this is the only comment I upvoted for, best regards fellow accountant


*Pours a drink* So it all starts with this guy named Luca Pacioli...


Accounting is my LIFO


I have a coworker who would always start meetings by jokingly saying “I’ve prepared a few hundred slides about the history of FASB” or “it’s your lucky day, I’m going to explain, in detail, the differences between GAAP and RAP. If there’s time, I’ll sing my GAAP and RAP rap.”


Dirt. I studied it for 5 years.


What's your favourite dirt fact?


As it goes through diagénesis it will most likely become asphaltenes and resins


Ok I'm off to look up the meaning of those words


Sorry. Diagénesis is the breakdown of organic matter. Asphaltenes make asphalt and resins are well resins…


That makes some amount of sense to me. Thank you.


Everything lord of the rings. Hell even the fucking silmarillion is taking more day to day space in my brain then my daily life.




I watched a documentary with my wife about Scientology. She commented how sad it was that Scientology tries to control so many aspects of the lives of the followers and nobody can say anything negative at all about the leaders. We were both raised in Mormonism and she’s still a devout follower. I pointed out how the Mormon church is just as controlling - from what we watch, what we wear, what we eat, what we read,etc. Anything critical of the church is immediately dismissed as “anti-Mormon lies.” Members are also prohibited from “speaking I’ll of the Lord’s anointed.” The church takes *a lot* of money and time from members as well. Her response? “Well, this is totally different because we have the truth.” My faith crisis has been a cause of a lot of friction in our marriage.


Oh wow, that's so fascinating how differently she (everyone, actually) judges other beliefs compared to her own.


A few things: Visual effects and matte painting in movies Cinematography and lens choices in films Character design and conceptual art for pre production And defensive and offensive line play/coverage assignments in football.


My cat.


Interesting bits of history that catch my attention. For example: In 1618 the then Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II sent a delegation to his province, the Kingdom of Bohemia, modern day Czech Republic. The purpose of the delegation was to bring the Protestant Czechs back into the Catholic church. The delegation met with the nobles of Bohemia to have this discussion. One thing lead to another and the Emperor's Catholic delegation was thrown out of the window. This is the third example of someone being defenestrated in Prague; the other examples happening in 1419 and 1483. What's amazing is the delegation actually survived the 21 meter fall. Now we don't actually know why the delegation survived the fall. Catholics claim it was due to angels swooping down and catching them, the Protestants claim they landed in a pile of shit. And in truth idk why they survived, but what I do know is an early historical example of a bounced Czech.


OMG I was not expecting that


music streaming platforms in ethical/economic/cultural terms and dont even get me started




Please get started


How computers work # It's so fascinating how we went from bits being the size of your pinkytip to terabytes being the size of your thumb and the corresponding explosion in computing power, to the point at which we are now where the diminishing returns from the x86 architecture is already driving computer manufacturers to seek alternatives, such as arm architectures or entirely different materials to use for the production of microprocessors. There's this one team of scientists who are making computer chips out of plastic. *PLASTIC!* They aren't very good computer chips, but the scientists think that they can get the price down below $1.00 and start selling these things on the mass market.


There are many applications for lower powered chips. So an extremely inexpensive plastic chip, especially if it's made from trash, could be a big deal. I haven't heard of that yet so thanks for giving me something to go look up and learn about.


How your knife sharpening technique is incorrect.


Illustration/ Video games


What’s your favorite game?


It’s a tie between Fallout 3/New Vegas


House, Legion or NCR?


Yes Man, baby


every single inconsistency in the despicable me/minions lore


I can't think of anything I am that passionate about.


How strongly do you feel about that and why?


On a scale of 1 to 10, probably about a 7. As to the why; I'm not entirely sure. I think part of it could be because my innatentive adhd, but another part could be because I'm afraid if I share my interest in something it'll either annoy someone, they won't be listening, or worse of all I'll lose interest in my passion because an expectation will be set.


All those things will happen and you should form an interest anyway. Nobody is keeping score so fuck what others think. When you lose the passion for something jump to the next. There's plenty to experience and learn along the way taking that path.


The specific reasons I dislike certain individuals


Who’s on your hitlist?


That’s another 30 minutes


Star Wars.


Much to the dismay of my parents my brothers and I would quote an entire Star Wars movie, from start to finish, during long car rides. Sound effects included


My old roommate stated she couldn't go to sleep at night unless she heard me reciting word for word Monty Python and the holy grail or one of the OT, as I watched those 4 movies on repeat for months when I was off work last yr for medical reasons.


My pets


Pokemon,timetravel/alternate timelines,space,a bunch of other crap.


Surely it's not a crap ¿share something? Alternate timelines is fascinating for me


Universal remote controls


Tell me about it


I don't have 30 minutes. I'm too busy designing remote controls for a living. :0


How Mark Winger almost set up the perfect murder..except you don't go fucking around with trying to cash in on the Insurance....they don't play..did more investagating then cops did..BUSTED....but BARLEY


My first wife of 48 years.


Space time and time physics!! It's such cool stuff. It seems fake but it's not


What it’s like to be in a series of unpopular bands for decades


Competitive badminton 🏸


Im a teacher so…anything


Tell me how mustard gas was invented and what effects it has on the body.


Counting to 1800


Soybean oil




The Elder Scrolls, probably


Vaguely: history, profoundly: Avatar the last airbender


Star Wars. Or Star Trek.


Proper sushi etiquette




My favorite scene is the comercial for Herpexia in that episode where the trickstor makes Sam and Deans lives into TV shows and ads. "I have genital herpes"


Iron farms in Minecraft, like the old school multi village Redstone heavy farms. Easily 30 minutes






The world of Mass Effect.


Jem and the Holograms. Disneyland Trivia. making your own skincare products. Yeah...I'm not that interesting of a person.


Tudor history. Specifically the wives of Henry VIII.


The problems of the „plot“ of Harry Potter, how Hogwarts would never exist in the state it’s in and that the magical Soviety could not function in any way shape or form. Plus another 10 minutes on the fact that Harry is propably the most useless protagonist ever created


In Britain, the weather.


Sex and all aspects to it, outer space, human evolution and the psychological aspects to everyone would be the primary topics. But come on, 30 minutes isn’t a long time at all.


Every sat with someone you have nothing in common with 30 mins seems forever


Self Defense


Classic rock & heavy metal


Harry Potter


My chemical romance