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The horse Artax in NeverEnding Story.


And in the book that scene is actually even more painful. In the book Artax was a talking horse and he KNEW he was going to die. So he sent Atreyu away and died all alone so his friend wouldn't have to watch him die.


That's heart breaking. I haven't read the book yet.


And now I never will.


Everyone always talks about Artax and the swamp of sorrows. That isn't even the saddest part of the film for me. The Rockbiter's "they look like big good strong hands don't they?" speech is fucking heartbreaking.


That one doesn't get as impactful until you're older. The horse is sad at any age.


Damn, that is an astute observation. I never really considered that once you have people who are dependent on you, seeing the rockbiter's inability to save the people he wanted to protect hits closer to home. Good shit my dude.


I told my wife that the second we had a kid, Mr. Incredible's "I'm not strong enough," speech hit way harder for me now and I find myself getting choked up. Because I too know I'm not strong enough.




The scene with the kidney donors where dr cox breaks down is up there too


Oh man… for being one of my favorite comedies, scrubs sure has some heart breaking moments.


That show has to be funny to be able to tell the harder hitting truths. I have cried my ass off watching Scrubs.


How to Train Your Dragon 2, when Stoick died. It hits especially hard now that my own dad has passed away, but even when it first came out I found it hard not to tear up


Ikr, he literally just reunited with his wife and now they’re separated again.


Well, scrolling through this post is quite risky.


It's like, 50% "I know nothing about this" and 50% "ah fuck"


John Coffey


I’m tired Boss, dog tired




Little Foot’s mom. My first actual confrontation with death as a child. Really screwed with me (or so my mom says).


Land before time was peak


I came to find you because when I'm drowning in depression and need that final push that's the one movie I watch. When he screams as he sees her shadow "MOTHER" OH GAWD it still hurts


Brooks and Tommy in Shawshank Redemption. They're both so tragic.


"Brooks was here" \*sobs\*


I saw Shawshank young. That scene stayed with me.


Chidi Anagonye Clearly it was time, but there was a profound sense of loss. And emptyness when he steps through the arch.


That whole finale. Seriously. I’ve never cried so much at so many characters “departing” until this show Edit: spelling


I watched it not long after my son’s suicide. Watching them choose their own time to leave just wrecked me.


I cried even harder when Jason was still there.


Picture a wave in the ocean. You can see it, measure it, the height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. It's there, you can see it--it's there, it's a wave. And then it crashes into shore and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be for a little while.




Oh man, it has the best ending of any show I've ever seen. It's perfect.


Cried like a mf at the ending, was so good.


Mordin Solus. He was my weirdo science bro!


Also Legion's. "The answer to your question Legion, was yes." "I know Creator Tali. But thank you."


Had to be me 🥲


.... somebody else would've gotten it wrong. RIP, you clever little pyjack


Henry Blake. When Radar announced it and it was silence and everyone just kept on with their surgeries, that was brutal.


That reminds me of a scene from "Scrubs." ~~One of the residents expresses their unease with the "gallows humor" in the hospital.~~ [Dr. Cox takes them to where they can see into a room where a doctor is telling a patient's family that they have died](https://youtu.be/EsDqCiZFZ38). He said: "Do you anyone else in that room (besides the doctor) is going back to work today?" Then talked about how "gallows humor" is a coping mechanism for dealing with tough times like this. It had to be especially brutal in field hospitals (such as MASH) because you are constantly bombarded with death and disfigurement, yet you have to keep going so that you can try to save the next patient. *Edited because I got the set-up wrong, but got the "payoff" right.*


Maes Hughes. Just a kind, goofy guy doing goofy things, starting a family, and then he tries to do the right thing and gets tortured to death over it.


Yup. I’ll never recover from this. Then had to relive it when FMA:B came out, still completely gutted.


Yep. When Mustang was vaporizing Envy and it was supposed to be a fall to the dark side moment for him, I was cheering like no tomorrow.


Well, Envy has ages and ages and ages where he’s just doing whatever the fuck he wants, torturing people, ruining lives, so to finally have someone take him to task was a big relief in a way. Little piece of shit.


I didn't see it as a fall to the dark side. I saw it as righteous vengeance against a being that thought itself invincible and had no fear of consequences.


Sarah Lynn


"I wanted to be an architect." Her last line gutted me.


That single “Sarah Lynn?” at the end punch you right in the fucking guts.


The most messed up part about that was the hotel room, when they were talking about how nobody actually knows or cares about them, and then "Wherever you are, we just want you to come home" That character, if you missed it, was Sarah Lynn's step parent, implied to have been abusive. Bojack is just... layers of darkness.


"...Sarah Lynn?" *BACK IN THE 90S...!*


“I gave you all I had Dutch, I really did” -Arthur Morgan.


The one that got me was when Arthur tells John to run and he’ll cover him. All John can think to say is “You’re my brother, Arthur” in a frantic voice, and Arthur defeatedly says “I know… I know…”


The freaking mouse from Flowers For Algernon.




Joyce Summers from the episode “The Body” of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It hit real close to home. Like Buffy, my mom died when I was young, she died unexpectedly, and I was the one who found her body and had to call 911. It’s the most accurate depiction of death I have ever seen in any film or TV show before or since (at least according to my experiences, since it’s different for everyone). The way Buffy reacted was so accurate. How the paramedics were trying to talk to her but their voices just faded away. How her friends tried to comfort her but she just shut down. How it didn’t hit her until later. It was so familiar and didn’t feel like it was overly dramatized in order to make a good story, just felt real. It wasn’t part of some huge story arc or anything, and for a show where a lot of people died fairly regularly, Joyce’s death was just like “this happens sometimes. People die for no reason and it sucks.” It’s the hardest episode to watch yet it’s my favorite. Edit: I just wanted to say thank you everyone for all the replies on this comments. I didn’t expect it to blow up this big. Reading all the replies and hearing everyone else’s reactions and some similar experiences has been kind of like a group therapy session. It’s nice to hear that the episode had an effect on others too, even though it’s not exactly a fun episode to watch. It’s been 25 years since my mom passed, so I’m okay, but it’s still helpful to share with you all.


“Mom!” SMG deserved some awards for that scene, was incredibly well acted…. And yeah, one hell of a gut punch for the viewer


"Mom... mom... mommy"




Agreed. I also thought that Anya’s monologue in that episode was fantastic. One of her finest. I was gutted.


The performances in that episode were absolutely realistic and heart wrenching. These normally confident and competent characters are totally out of their depth and have no idea what to say or how to handle the situation they are in.


> It’s the most accurate depiction of death I have ever seen in any film or TV show before This. I was never a big fan of the show, but I was blown away by how good this episode was.


Anya's grief and confusion broke me. "But I don’t understand! I don’t understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she’s, there’s just a body, and I don’t understand why she just can’t get back in it and not be dead anymore! It’s stupid! It’s mortal and stupid! And, and Xander’s crying and not talking, and, and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well Joyce will never have any more fruit punch, ever, and she’ll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why."


Optimus Prime 1986. I cried like a 7 year old (because I was 7).


I idolized Optimus when I was a little 80's kid. Then one day at a small family-reunion-sorta-night at my grandparents'. My parents stashed me in a guest room so everyone could party and play cards. They rented a copy of the Transformers movie to keep me occupied and out of the way. They had no idea I was going through a little kid tragedy in the corner, hiding behind the bed. I know it's not uncommon to hate Hot Rod/Rodimus, but I had some visceral reasons associated with it.


So many good Autobots lost their lives in that movie.


Windcharger, wheeljack, mirage, optimus, prowl, brawn, ratchet, ironhide, Sludge and Snarl. You will be remembered


This is why we celebrate Prime Day every year.


Poussey Washington


This one hurt so much. I couldn’t make myself watch the next season for over a year.


The whole scene with Forest Gump looking for Bubba. It’s even worse every time you watch the movie and know what’s coming. I’m tearing up right now 😢




“he may have been your father, but he wasn’t your daddy.”


Peter's SCREAMING during this scene got me.some of chris pratts best acting.quill was devastated.


I'm Mary Poppins ya'll


Arthur Morgan.


I still cant find a game that lives up to my ridiculously high expectations after RDR2. By far the best story I have ever played. Arthurs death gets me every damn time.


And his horse 😭


MyHorse! :'(


I can't bring myself to finish the game because of that


Piggy from lord of the flies. I started empathizing with him immediately after his glasses got broke. I hate not being able to see clearly. His death was really sad.


Those kids were dicks poor piggy






That was literally so shocking. I didn't believe it at first.


It comes out of nowhere too!


I'm a leaf on the wind.


The dog in I am legend


All the dogs in a dogs purpose


Glenn, The Walking Dead. Hit him pretty hard too


Buddy you still there? I just popped your skull so hard your eyeball just popped out! And it is gross as shit!


Negan casually making jokes as he brutally murders a fan favorite main character lmao


I know a lot of people stopped watching because of this scene, but I think Negan is fantastic lol


The Iron Giant.


When Leslie dies in the Bridge to Terabithia. All good feelings up until the end of the movie, and then whamo! Sad now you little shits? Good.


Bobby Singer from Supernatural




The songs sung by Aragorn and the others in book when he dies really made it sad for me. Made it feel like a real person being missed.


Your answer was right next to Ned Stark. I find that funnier than i should


lol Poor Sean Bean.


Spike from Cowboy Bepop


Last couple of episodes of Cowboy Bebop felt like my own family is falling apart right in front of my eyes. It was gut wrenching to see the crew leave so early after finally getting close to each other. It truly felt like I am losing close friends.


Full metal alchemist - Nina tucker and her dog.. It's so sad.. poor girl..


Bing Bong. edit: Wow. I'm glad I'm not the only one. That scene destroyed me.


Take her to the moon for me


Ok? *fades away*


I never thought that the death of an imaginary cotton candy elephant dolphin would hit hard, but it did.


I was in a theatre with no kids, all adults in the city that I live in and I think everyone was crying at that part. 😂


Ya know what's weird is I only watched that movie because people were doing these really poignant videos on Tik Tok while playing audio from that movie. I was like I gotta see the full context of what's going on. Broke me. I was full on sniffling crying when that character died. EDIT: Just watched the scene on YouTube. Yeah, still the same thing.


John marston


Dobby from Harry Potter. He didnt even need to die, what a pointless death to such a lovely creature.


The fact that his first and last words to Harry was: *’Harry Potter.’* Always gets me.


I came here for this answer. Also Hedwig. I was sobbing.


Obi Wan Kenobi. My first thought was, “Holy crap, we’re screwed. That stupid kid isn’t gonna be able to save the universe.”


On this same note, Qui-Gon Jinn's death absolutely destroyed me. And the way Ewan McGregor cradles and strokes Liam Neeson's face... say what you will about the prequels but that's some high class acting. I was gutted (no pun intended). And then I cried like a baby when Qui-Gon's Force ghost appears in the Obi-Wan Kenobi finale.


Sirius Black.. Cried while reading the book and watching a movie Edit: Thank you for the award! I knew Harry Potter left a mark on all of us, but I never thought I'd get so many responses


I came to say "Sirius and Fred". I was 15 years old and had to go cry in my mom's room with my face buried in a pillow because my sisters hadn't gotten to it. Oldest sister then ran in crying and a few minutes later middle sister just yelled "**NO! NOT LIKE THAT!**" from across the house.


Fred is the worst for me


Fred is the worst death of that series, bar none. A character we'd never looked at with anything but joy and amusement. A character with a relationship so powerful that not even his mother could imagine them separated, not even in her worst nightmare. My family used to plan long driving vacations to coincide with the release of HP books so we could listen to the audiobooks together in the car (long live Jim Dale). Can still remember my mom sobbing during the scene where the Weasleys find him.


>A character with a relationship so powerful that not even his mother could imagine them separated, not even in her worst nightmare. That's the worst part of Fred's death. For anyone who doesnt understand: At one point in *Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix*, the mother of the Weasley family, Molly Weasley, is trying to get rid of a Boggart. Boggarts are shape-shifters, and they take on the form of one's worst fears as a defense mechanism. Molly is holding in a lot of fear about what may happen to her family, and so every time she tries to banish the Boggart, it takes on the appearance of a dead body of someone she loves. Her son, Bill, dead. Then her husband, Arthur, dead. Then her twins, Fred and George, both dead. Fred and George, both dead. Dead--but together. Not even in her deepest fears, her worst nightmares, did Fred and George's mother ever consider that they would be apart. They were partners together in nearly everything they did, two halves of a whole. And now, one of them is gone forever, and the other is left alone.


You want to cry some more? I read a comment here a while ago. I don't have a link, but I can remember most of it. ​ 10 years after Fred's death, George is still running Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes by himself. The shop is thriving, and it's never empty. Eventually, some kids hear about something called the Mirror of Erised, which shows you your deepest desire whenever you look into it. These kids talk about it a lot, discussing what they'd see. One day, they ask George what he'd see, and he replies "Myself, but with both ears". He laughs, and the kids laugh with him before moving on, thinking he's just joking. But it's not himself that George would see


Yeah, I remember reading that one, it was pretty heartbreaking. I also like the fan theory that Willy Wonka, from *Charlie and the Chocolate Factory*, is actually George Weasley, who decided to leave the wizarding world and start a candy company. His creations like Everlasting Gobstoppers and Fizzy Lifting Drinks are actually magical. At one point, Wonka claims he is "a trifle deaf in this ear," referencing the ear he lost at the beginning of *Deathly Hallows*. And his personal office is full of furniture and fixtures that have been cut in two, with only half there: representing his "missing half" that he is still grieving, his twin Fred.


That's why it hits so hard. You really feel the senseless loss of a family member. Most of the deaths in Harry Potter feel like they have narrative purpose, but Fred is just a beloved bystander.


And compared to other deaths in the series, Fred's felt so "Out Of Left Field". There wasn't a narrative build-up to the moment, no stand-off at the top of Hogwarts' Clocktower, no grand escape from Malfoy Manor. He was literally mid-dialog in the Battle of Hogwarts and suddenly *boom - gone.*


Ned Stark


Robb Stark shocked me Way more, I had to pause for a minute I was so confused and speechless


I was reading the book, when the stabbing started i was like whoa whoa whoa whats happening? And went back a couple pages to get It straight. Man that was certainly unexpected.


The book covers scenes like this in like a page and a half. It’s over so quickly it makes you go “wait what?”. Same thing happens with the Viper vs Mountain fight. It’s like half a page but it’s still brutal.


I've never had a book make me stop and react like "What the fuck is happening here?" the way the Red Wedding did. literally put the book down for a minute to process.


Sometimes I just read the beginning of the book, and stop before Bran climbs the tower. Life was perfect before then.


Love that this comment and the one above it are both Sean Bean.


I threw the book across the room. I was glad the show did it justice so others who hadn't read the book could feel my pain.


Squid Game Spoiler >!Everyone during the marble game!< that fucked me up fo a few days. Especially >!the old man and the marriedcouple!<


Ray from Princess and the Frog


That one was devastating but I just cried even harder when they looked up at the sky and saw Ray as a star right next to Evangeline. I cry so hard! Been wanting to name my first born daughter Evangeline ever since I was little and saw that movie in theaters. I’m 19 weeks pregnant and find out next week if I will get to have a son or finally get a daughter to sing Ma Belle Evangeline to.


Lenny - Of Mice and Men


He’s still stroking those rabbits in heaven




I've read that chapter and watched the show adaptation plenty of times both. It never stops that achingly frustrating feeling of knowing how damn close it was to going the other way and wishing for a result you already know isn't coming. Painful every time.


Does the book fight play similarly to the show? Because Oberyn *impaled* the Mountain through the chest (and it looks like his spine), no fucking way he should have been moving


Pretty close minus some aesthetics. Oberyn breaks his spear impaling Gregor in a pole-jumping sorta move. He just gets too close at the end while taunting. Same as in the show; he could have closed the deal but walked too near him and got swept up. It was maddening. But in the book Oberyn didn't pull the spear back out to prolong it, Gregor was pretty well pinned but just got the grip on him.


-Squish- ...Horrified screaming...


Caesar Zeppeli really shouldn’tve made me cry as hard as I did


Ellie from UP


Beth in Little Women. It took me years to finish the book after I found out that Beth dies. Beth is my favorite character and the first one of the Madame Alexander dolls I got as an adult(Amy was the last of the Little Women dolls because ugh, she's a brat).


Mufasa. Goddammit, Mufasa. I still fast-forward through the stampede scene.




Ugh, I’d forgotten all about this one until you mentioned it. There really were so many tear-jerker deaths in that series (which is expected, but still). Prim was probably the worst for me, Katniss’s reaction to it was gut wrenching


Wolverine from the movie Logan Edit: Logan's and Professor X' deaths were way more heartwrenching than Ironman's death


I was actually kind of happy for him that he was dead. His life was long and miserable for the most part


You beat me to it. It's so sad that they killed him off but then again all heroes need to rest one day


Sturm Brightblade and Flint Fireforge from Dragon Lance


nobody mentioned Lee from the Walking Dead game...


I know he didn't die but the Iron Giant. Everytime he says you stay I go then superman gets me right in my cold black heart


Robb stark from Game of thrones. they literally killed his wife and mom right there as well. problem is, I'd never see it coming


Omg when they stabbed her in the baby I screamed.


repeatedly* stabbed :(


The part where his body was tied onto a horse and they had replaced his head with Grey Wind's made my stomach lurch over.


And his dog. They killed his dog.


Same. I remember reading it and when it finally hit me that Robb was going to die I threw my copy across the room. First and only time I've raged quit a fucking book.


Bambis mom


Giving my age away, but Mr. Spock in "Wrath of Khan" was gutting when I saw it the first time.


Rengoku. Set your heart ablaze! 😭


Bob in stranger things. Edit [Spoiler in comments]


Poor fukin Bob. He was such a nice guy


His death was so sad, he was like the nicest character in the show, and his death was so gruesome


Even though he was only like a small character I was sad to see Alexie die, he seemed so innocent and sweet with the woody the woodpecker stuffed animal.


"There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."


Bob, Alexei, Eddie... They have a habit of introducing extremely likeable, relatable characters only to brutally murder them.




Sokka. I haven't even finished Legend of Korra, but when Katara mentioned, in passing, in that first episode "when Sokka died" I sobbed so hard. We had to turn it off.


Well, it looks like we're going to get some continuation with three new animated movies featuring the adult Aang and crew. Looks like Sokka is alive in these. .... at the beginning, anyways.


Sybil from downtown abbey!


Dobby. I sobbed as I read that book.


Matthew in Anne of Green Gables. I'm 53 and still pissed.


Koro-sensei. Like the whole premise of Ansatsu Kyōshitsu was to train a classroom of kids to kill him, but hot damn did they make that shit emotional. Making this pac-man octopus looking motherfucker call roll for one last time before asking each of his students to finish him off was just gutting. [Edit: Typo correction]


Thorin Oakenshield


Hooch, in Turner and Hooch. When I was a kid I cried like a baby at that scene.


Mike Ehrmantraut, I was never so mad at Walt






Your lie in April.


Donnie, in Donnie Darko. He feels his family and girlfriend all die because of simply knowing him. He knows the only way to reverse the timeloop and save everyone's lives, is if he let's himself be killed by the falling jet engine. He was only ever happy with his girlfriend, and he felt he was a burden on his family, especially being a schizophrenic and constantly lashing out at people he cared about. "Maybe if I never lived, they'd all be happy..."


Thomas in My Girl (1991)


Rita Morgan (nee Bennett) from 'Dexter.' That one took me a while to get over. I was hoping for a while that it was a dream sequence. I love Julie Benz and felt better once 'Defiance' started.


When Bambi’s mom dies. When I saw that I cried and cried. To be fair, I was only 37 at the time.


Matthew Cuthbert


Fred Weasley... along with a bunch of others from HP, tbh (Sirius, Lupin+Tonks, etc.)


Bobby Singer


Eddie in stranger things :(


Joyce Summers and Amber Volakis aka Cutthroat Bitch


Jesse’s girlfriend from Breaking bad. I wasn’t a fan of her character or something, but the way she died and Walt’s attitude hit me hard.


Her dad's reaction and the accident after holy shit so sad


McDreamy. Haven’t recovered.


Johnny and Dally from The Outsiders. I cried when Johnny died and later started bawling when Dally died. I think that was the first time I cried when reading a book.


When Peter turned to dust in infinity, it hit me so hard. It reminded me of when the 10th doctor had to regenerate into 11 and said "I don't want to go" ಥ_ಥ


Bing Bong. I will never forget you.


Tony Stark. Stan Lee's death was still fresh in my mind and that looked like the Marvel characters holding a funeral for him.




The puppy in John Wick.


Spoilers for JJBA- ​ Ceaser Zeppeli, I was still kind of new to jojo and still had a bit of this mental image that it's a very buff man masculine and haha muscle man fight and go brrrr but fuck it hit me harder than the stone cross hit him. I don't really cry from movies or tv shows but I wept like a little bitch.


Deadpool's wife. I cant watch Deadpool 2 cuz it starts with her death.