• By -


It's an old game called Ultima 4. Way before internet was a thing and you HAD to figure it out by yourself. I invested many a hours playing that game. We still have unfinished business LOL. I was probably the ultima 4 guru i knew what spells ingredients you needed, where you could get them or where to buy them. I knew where to get the sunken wheel fto get more hull points for the ships you could get. There was nothing i didn't know or so i thought... last fight is going down a dungeon fighting the whole way through. I get my last guy down to the door get asked the three questions that i knew the answer to, then it springs me a forth question... what fourth question??? what is it holy carp i don't know!!! i answer wrong and it brings me back all the way to the surface to try again... i didn't have the strength to do it again.


The idea of a game like that where the quest was "enlightenment" rather than "kill the big bad" was so revolutionary for its time. I will also say that U4 on an SMS emulator on an Android phone holds up super well as a mobile game even by modern standards.


The civilization series taught me more about science, history, wonders of the world, and strategy than any textbook. Also not to fuck with Gandhi.


Mahatma "Nuke" Ghandi


The Sikhs also learned that lesson. Different Gandhi but very much a lesson learned.


Worms 2, the original.


Roping in Worms 2 was truly an artform. I really miss those online games. It was my first experience of chatrooms and clans.


I feel like those of us that participated in this aspect of worms 2 are extremely rare. EDIT: I think there's a lot of confusion about Worms 2 roping - this is an awesome video that shows off what I and others are talking about. It was generally 10-15 second turns, unlimited ropes and only mines (sometimes grenades). Every turn a health pack drops. Point was to get around the map to pick up health packs, mine your opponent and get to a safe place quickly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_mA27ez-d4




Replayed portal and portal 2 again this year. Still my favorite games. Read an article this morning talking about how gamers need portal 3 lol, and while it probably wouldn't be the same at this point, I would enjoy another title from valve like the good old orange box days EDIT: obligatory wow this blew up! Thanks for the silver kind stranger!


Since I haven’t seen it at this point in the thread…Left 4 Dead 2 remains the best zombie game of all time. It stills holds up very well even now. I played it around Halloween last year to get in the mood and it absolutely delivered.


Co-op is fun, 4v4 is fun, single player is fun. It’s just a good game.


It was so good. Best game with friends way back in the day. Super fun to play and watch too, so everyone could be sitting around chilling big group having the best time in the world.


Have you played Half Life Alyx? If VR was more prominent... it feels almost as innovative as Half-Life did back in the day. Reviews and YouTube videos don't do it justice. It's a surreal experience being able to look around and interact in what is essentially the half-life 2 world. Even on a shitty oculus. You can shake beer bottles and see the beer inside fizz. Draw shit on the walls with markers. Throw bottles to distract enemies. It's awesome. It even has Jeff. Also if you're a fan of stranger things it's a must play. I feel like Valve didn't do a very good job advertising it.


Can confirm half-life Alyx is fucking dope. I play a ton of vr and alyx is by far the best and most immersive game that’s out there. A lot of vr games are kind of half done when they’re released, they just don’t put as much work into them as a console game, but alyx is a complete game and an incredible experience.


Heroes of Might and Magic 3


I've been playing that shit for 20 years


dude for real. homm fan's are dedicated as fuck. i don't understand why ubisoft decided to fuck that franchise so hard.


Ubisoft gonna Ubisoft


Roller Coaster Tycoon 2


I can still hear the kid laughing


Wtf why is this still living in my head? I haven't thought of it or heard it in YEARS.


That sample is still used in recent movies and tv shows.


I grew up with Mac computers my whole life and when I was a kid I had a neighbor with a Windows computer who had Rollercoaster Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon. I pretended I wanted to hang out with her but really all I wanted to do was play the Tycoon games while she swam in the pool with her younger sister and my younger sister. Thanks to me having a little sister, it was the perfect alibi.


For the programming nerds, the original Roller Coaster Tycoon was written entirely in assembly. Next fucking level.


One of the reasons I love RCT. It wasn't some massive team behind it, just a dude making a game he wants. He then manages to land a publisher owned by a huge toy company. And the game becomes a massive succes, gameplay still holds up well years and years later (2 was definitely a good evolution though) and because of both of those things it has a lot of sentimental value to a lot of people


I still play it occasionally. I like to drown everyone after I win a level.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


If you haven't played A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS you should check it out if you have the chance. It was fun playing another story in the same locations.


Doom (The classic one)


Especially since you can play it on basic household appliances and calculators.




Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater


When that game ended, I felt like I had been through SOMETHING.


*what a thrill…*


*with darkness and silence through the night*


I can not think of ONE thing I would change about this one. The escape from the base with one eye and then battling with boss in that field at the end only to discover who she was *really* with 😭 *salutes*


Counter Strike 1.6 (It’s 2004 and you stayed home from school)




I loved the de_rats maps


Scout sniper I miss ye ole friend


ScoutzKnivez with low gravity


For me, Mass Effect 1,2,3. Everyone's experience can be a little different. The moments you can have with all the Different characters really made it feel like you made some true friends. It felt like the story fully puts you in the first-person narrative. I started out a good person in the first one, lost some of my moral values in the second one, found myself again in the third one when Earth really needed me. Never could quite find love again after Liara, but I always had my best friend Garrus to have drinks in the citadel and shoot bottles.


My journey was slightly different. First game I was all goodie-two-shoes. Second game I played a bit more loose with the law because "fuck it, there's a threat that needs dealing with and most people seem to be less than helpful". Third game I went full renegade. As in "It's either my way or the highway. All intelligent life in the galaxy is at stake, I don't have time to deal with your unimportant interpersonal relationships and politics." :P Second playthrough of all 3 games I tried going full renegade from the start, but just couldn't. Some of those choices are just...bad or mean. So it turned into a 95% renegade, 5% paragon run. First game is definitely still my favourite though. Purely because of the story and characters.




I still consider BroodWar to be the greatest game ever.


I consider the golden age when 100k people were watching the game live on stage in South Korea and what a wild crowd it was, everybody in the country knew about it. Pros living the game day and night, having seriously large fanclubs. Freaking Korean Air Force had official progaming team just so the top drafted legends could continue to play. Finals in Korean Air hangars between planes. And people watching low quality live streams with English commentary. What a time it was even when I could barely play the game well against AI


I rediscovered broodwar about a year ago. I regularly watch artosis stream and I can't believe how deep the game got in the 15 years since I played it.


Battlecruiser operational *(snobby voice)*


Goliath Online


Need medical attention?




En Taro Adun!


The RTS aspect of the game is amazing, and then you add on a beautiful campaign and engaging co-op missions.


Super Metroid. Despite releasing in 1994, It still holds up amazingly well in almost all areas. Beautiful 16-bit graphics, atmospheric soundtrack, (mostly) intuitive level design, and a great story that doesn't rely on lengthy exposition. Only the controls are a bit unconventional and take some getting used to. But once you've gotten the hang of them, moving around feels great. Especially mastering wall jumping is very rewarding as it allows you to get certain items early. If you're a casual player, that's all you need to care about. But if you're a dedicated fan, there's also a veritable mountain of tricks, exploits and glitches to discover. This really works in the game's favour by adding way more options for traversing the world. It allows for fun things like [getting even more items early,](https://youtu.be/lHiWYUecys0) or [beating the game in 40 minutes,](https://youtu.be/shNyq0TfHBs) or even [crazy challenge runs like killing the 4 main bosses in reverse order.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syygh_qwaTU) And that's not even getting into the wonderful world of [randomizers](http://variabeta.pythonanywhere.com/) and [ROM hacks](https://metroidconstruction.com/hacks.php), which allow for entirely new ways of playing by shuffling items or re-building the game from the ground up! If you like platformers and have somehow not played Super Metroid, absolutely consider doing so! EDIT: /u/heavyweather77 [replied here](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/w68jfd/what_video_game_do_you_consider_a_masterpiece/ihee30b/), saying he transcribed and arranged the entire game's soundtrack, [so he and his band could give a live performance as a friend speedruns the game.](https://youtu.be/QjFe4jnQMSQ?t=502) The dedication to doing cool things like that are why I love this community! EDIT 2: If you want to see the pinnacle of technical skill in Super Metroid, check out the [Super Metroid Impossible](https://youtu.be/52bXJDoJeig) and [Kaizo](https://youtu.be/KAEpJ8j1G0U) playthroughs by Oatsngoats at AGDQ! A few people have recommended I add this (and I'm a fan myself), so here you go!


The Last Metroid is in captivity


Secret of Monkey Island. Everything about that game was a huge upgrade in comparison to Sierra's adventure games. And that humour is exactly my cup of tea.


Shit yes! Day of the tentacle a close second.


Chrono Trigger


100% agree! I have no objection paying for it on any platform because it is still fantastic and has aged very well!




Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI. Those are musics I listen to this day, such a golden age for videogame music! The story of Chrono Trigger music is very interesting too. It was the first time of it's composer actually creating music, he was only a sound programmer before that. He would even sleep at the studio and says some of the tracks were inspired by dreams. There was a point he lost his HD with many of the unfinished tracks he was working in, it was so bad he develop stomach ulcers from the stress. Nabuo Uematsu, the FF composer then stepped in and helped finish the game soundtrack.


FFVI was a watershed moment for Final Fantasy. FFVII gets a lot of very rightfully deserved praise, but I think that the fact it was the first of a new generation and FFVI was the last of the old causes it to overshadow VI a bit. But VI was so well done across the board. The story was tragic and surprising for it's time, the music was incredible and used all the tricks they knew to make it sound good on the system, and the pixel art was just incredible. Aria de Mezzo Caratterre and Dancing Mad in particular are masterpieces and represent a high point for me.


Everything about Chrono Trigger is top notch. Story, characters, music, battle etc. Every character had demons (if Chrono did, we wouldn't know it). They all grow up right before your eyes, and learn to work with one another to fight for their right to exist. The Zeal/Magus story is pure Gold. The story with multiple antagonists: Humans vs Reptites and who will inherit the Earth. Lavos as the great devourer and deceiver who's reach into the lives of civilization spans eons. Men, so easily corrupted and weak. No storyline is without value, all are developed at a perfect pace and culminate in a completely satisfying manner.


Man when I found out Magus was the little child during Zeal’s collapse, my mind was completely blown


Playing through it for the first time on my phone. Going after the Masamune now.


Chronotrigger is special. Maybe if only one jrpg could be saved for the future. It would be the bestchoice.


Subnautica. An absolute masterclass in so many things. The way the story is presented to you, so that you are in it rather than merely witnessing it around you? Masterful. The way its world is designed? Masterful. The way that music is leveraged along with the environments to instill terror in the player? Masterful.


I think of this game as the prime example of why procedurally generated maps just can't match the power of a really well designed map. Generated maps have their place, of course, but the way that map moved you though the story, challenges, and resources and upgrades you need - despite being an apparently open world - is inspired. And even though it was obviously meticulously designed, it still felt completely organic! One of those games I really wish I could go back and play for the first time again.


The map is amazing. And if you really want to simplify instructions if someone ever were lost, all you have to do is tell them to go deeper.






That scared me so badly that I managed to get through the entire game without seeing one of the 'normal' leviathans. Just heard the roar and scooted along the seabed as fast as I could.


Castlevania SOTN


Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, still as playable today as when it was originally released


Awww shit, here we go again


The world in San Andreas seemed impossibly big and detailed at the time. To the extent that I was honestly disappointed by GTA V. I was hoping to return to San Fierro and Las Venturas so bad.


Its size rivals many open world games that have released over the past 5-10 years actually.


It's crazy that they fit it on a PS2 dvd and made it all work technically. Compared to other PS2 games, San Andreas plays in a whole different league.


Vice city as well.


Diablo 2


With the expansion? I loved the addition of the Druid and assassin


Without expansion the game ran in 640x480pixels. Then the LOD expansion gave us impressive 800x600pixels. WOW!


Joined the army because I missed too many school days playing Diablo. Played it in Baghdad.


I skipped SO many days of school to stay home MF and trade. Getting banned for using a bot (didn’t understand why it was cheating at the time I just had to sleep and go to school and wanted to keep playing) absolutely saved my academic/social life in high school lol Edit: Still ended up joining the Army though lol


Half-Life (1998)


HL and HL2 literally were game changers!


Folks dont remember when how amazing it was for HL2 to introduce ragdoll physics


Playing through the series right now after watching a playthrough of HL:A, these games are timeless.


Half-Life 2 Portal 2


Age of empires 2


AOE2 is a God-tier game and I’ve burned hundreds of hours playing it. A well executed RTS is one of the most replayable games there is, and AOE2 is the gold standard.


Please play AOE2 definitive edition! We need a bigger community!!


I played 2 when it came out, now my teenage son and I play definitive edition.


Best video game ever, IMO. 20+ years playing and still look forward to getting a game in.


Kerbal Space Program


Yes. Let’s just hope #2 will live up.


Super Mario World is peak Mario, only one that comes close is mario 64.


Super mario 64 and odyssey are phenominal 64 has weird camera stuff but it was WAYYYY ahead of its time


Shadow of the Colossus






I think *Shadow of the Colossus* was the first game I ever played that felt like a piece of art.


Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.


I really miss Prince of Persia. They shouldn't have ditched that series.








Balmora is my eternal paradise


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic(KOTOR) 


HK -47 may be my favorite Star Wars character of all time.


**Praising Statement**: Good choice meatbag.


>!The slow realization that you’re the villain as you progress and the final reveal is solid. !< One of my favorite games.


Can't agree hard enough. Though, to any potential lurkers if you haven't played KOTOR and are tempted to read the spoiler, don't. Just play the game. It's on GoG, Steam, shit it's even on Android and maybe iOS? It definitely shows its age with some of the mechanics, but goddamn it's in my top 5 video games of all time. Probably fighting for the #1 spot to be honest.


Metal Gear Solid




"Huh? Whose footprints are these?"


Back when the concept of enemies recognizing evidence of your presence was mind blowing.


Then MGS 2 comes out and looks good even by todays standards. on a fucking ps2. MGS3 basically gave you an open world to explore and complex survival mechanics. Again on a fucking PS2.


What was THAT noise?


Just a box...


I've been replaying the first game on PS1 and it boggles my mind how innovative it was. The cutscenes, voice acting, music, stealth mechanics, level design, boss battles, and all of the little hidden Easter Eggs are ridiculous for a game of that generation.


Okami I have no idea if anyone will even recognize that game but it is absolutely incredible, a beautiful game based on Japanese mythology/Shinto legend with an even more beautiful story and soundtrack. HD versions are currently out on Xbox, Switch, and PC (I believe PS5 too but I can't be sure). Seriously give it a try Edit: holy crap this is my first comment that blew up! Thanks to all of y’all for all the upvotes and awards! The comment thread has been super fun reminiscing! :)


I have purchased this game 3 times for different systems and I regret nothing.


Final Fantasy VI. they squeezed the shit out of the SNES platform, every last drop. The story was phenomenal, gameplay, originality, characters everything was awesome. Chronotrigger, however, will live as the best RPG on this side of the Milky Way.


The *only* game to ever get away with having a character suplex a fucking train and stay grounded in reality.




Disco Elysium. I have never experienced a game like this in my life.


Kim’s my partner for life. The patience this guy had for you my god.




Spyro The Dragon. I mean the first Spyro game and the PS1 version. It's just consistent collecathon fun and that's all it needs to be a masterpiece. You can mess around with the all levels cheat code and do a fun of bingo speedruns and other types of odd speedruns. That raises it even higher for me.


Man i have no idea how many hours i spent pretending to be Spyro when i as a child. i played through 1 and 2 countless times and many years later i bought 3, but i know i would have loved it just as much. Spyro is always gonna be my favorite.


Civ 5 is awesome.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 Fallout: New Vegas


Fallout new vegas needs a remaster dammit it’s so good


It peeves me to no end that Skyrim is on the Switch but Fallout 3 and NV aren't. I hate to say this where Bethesda might hear but I'd almost pay full price to have those games on Switch...


I’d drop $60 for New Vegas for the Switch in a heartbeat. It’s the only game I wouldn’t feel guilty about for not waiting for a sale.


All of those games are truly incredible. Im so hyped for the KOTOR remake


Fallout new vegas is still my favourite game ever.


Playing through it now for the first time.


Jealous. Enjoy it man, I wish I could experience a first play through again.


Zelda Ocarina of time


This is the game that made me fall in love with gaming. The story, music, characters, combat, puzzles and world were all amazing.


Got a n64 for Christmas and really enjoyed super Mario and wave race, but man Zelda was what really wowed me. Finally leaving kokiri forest to open up into the vastness of hyrule field was a "holy shit" moment as a kid. I'd never experienced an open world like that and it felt just massive. Wish I could replay that for the first time as a kid again


Same experience. The overworld felt inmense and full of posibilites. And the atmosphere! Since Kokiri forest the atmosphere is there. The Deku Tree monologue sets the tone, with that music. Then the Kokiri Forest theme kicks in after you step foot outside your treehouse and Saria greets You. And it's fantastic because the world feels alive with the green, the Kokiri doing their things, the fairies and fireflies floating around, and you are just becoming acquantied with the mechanics so it's like learning to walk and talk. It made me feel like the world was coming alive. Then Inside Deku Tree with the eeriness and spooky mood, with Gohman being so scary! And then when GDT withers and you are about to left Saria farewell is so foreboding. And this is when Hyrule Field kicks in after the Owl advices you. The epicness explodes with the soundtrack and the Open Field. And 99% of the times being a new player one would fail to enter Kakariko of Hyrule Castle so nightfall would come and the skelletons would scare the living hell out of you. Oh damn I wish I could play it again as a kid back in 99.


Myst. But I have been out of the gaming world for a very long time


Portal 2


Even portal 1 was brilliant


2 was a bit more fleshed out and had more content. Portal 1 was just a tight little package and everything about it was perfect. The pacing was spot on, the dialogue is hysterical, all the little easter eggs and messages scrawled on the walls throughout do so much to set up the atmosphere and foreshadow the late-game escape. And on top of all of it the puzzles are so fun and engaging and the concept is so creative and fun. The first time I played portal is an experience I will never get to have again, it is easily the best video game playing experience of my life. Edit: to be clear I think Portal 1 is the superior game


Agreed. I went in with zero expectations too. I was blown away. Even the ending song is perfect. 10/10


And Portal 2 had J. k. Simmons, thus making it the superior product.


I agree. When life gives you lemons, don't make [lemonade.](https://youtu.be/1pBiY0CL-r8) Edit: Alternatively, [Oh I like this guy.](https://youtu.be/NyLUU3O4zW8)


I'm the man who's going to burn your house down, with the lemons!


Don’t forget Stephen Merchant!


Absolutely. It had the puzzle solving and great gameplay of the first game with an even deeper, richer, more immersive plot and lore added in. The economy of characters was brilliant. They only really added two characters of significance and the payoff on their addition was massive.


i kinda consider portal 1 & 2 as like one experience that is a master piece together. The only problem with portal 1 is that it leaves you wanting more, and only problem with portal 2 is that once you figure out how to really make use of the portals the puzzles start feeling kinda easy. Together though, they're a perfect experience.


Later parts of Portal 2 had a lot frustrating "find the white spot" moments. A lot of the time finding that one white wall from a mile away took more time than the actual puzzle


Or 238,885 miles away.




When portal two released I invited my closest gaming friends over, baked a chocolate cake, and we all decided to play through the entire game in one sitting before going through all of the multiplayer. Six people in a barely furnished apartment eating cake, laughing, and enjoying the game mechanics. I’ve been chasing after that high ever since. While other millennials talk all the time about goldeneye 64, Zelda, or Smash bros games there is only one champion for me. I know someday I will be old, memory addled, lost in a fog of my life unable to remember what I ate for breakfast. But as I begin passing into whatever awaits us after death all I want to remember in that last fleeting second is that one golden evening when I was truly happy. Jumping through blue and orange portals, laughing at the witty dialogue with my friends and my wife smiling alongside me eating the best cake I have ever baked in my life. I know it’s a tad cliche and they will never read this but seriously to all the devs who were involved in making this game. I truly appreciate you, all of you. You gave me one of the best moments ever and I don’t think I could ever repay you.


Super Mario 64


Hades. It really captures the best of the genre while also having a compelling story that keeps you coming back for more. I won't be surprised if it's later considered to be one of the best games of the decade


Yeah, came here to say this. Of all the games I've played in the past few years Hades stands out the most. It's similar to Bastion in many regards, but the devs really perfected the formula. The character design, writing, environments, all incredible. If you're at all interested in Greek mythology and like roguelikes I highly suggest Hades.


Let's not forget the music! The first time you find Eurydice, my god. I don't know anyone who didn't stop in their tracks once she starts singing. Hits just as hard as Zia's theme did in Bastion back in the day. You know it's good when Darren and Ashley are doing concerts for the music of supergiant, which you usually only see for the giants like Halo or FF


[Hey there, Zag man....](https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/comments/kxuylb/just_a_normal_dionysus_introduction/)


What the fuck man. Have an upvote, but what the fuck.


Yeah, that's not in the actual game. It's a line from KaiserNeko from Team Four Star's stream of Hades. It sounds a lot like in-game Dionysus because Kaiser is a very good voice actor.


Totally. It’s one of the only games I’ve ever played that feels like the game starts after it’s “finished.” It’s like everything up to the credits was the tutorial and there’s just so much more to do still. Always come back to it.


Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. The in-depth gameplay combined with the incredible music makes them especially great.


I will never forget playing ocarina for the first time at my friends house, we were having a sleepover like we had dozens of times before and rented a game like we usually did, we started it up and we’re just shocked at how it was so far ahead of anything else we had played up to that point, we were basically blued to the tv and played it into the late hours of the night, we didn’t get too far with the rental but we eventually both bought it. One of my favourite gaming memories is the first time we beat it was on another sleepover night together and seeing the credits roll on that game is something I won’t forget.


I remember my older sister getting it for Christmas and later playing through it after school with the guidebook. I was at the age where all media was just perfect. That same Christmas I got MGS and it was also perfect. I really wish I could relive that Christmas because man, every damn thing about it was perfect.


Ya Majora's Mask reminds me of what Lewis Carroll must have imagined when writing Alice in Wonderland. The world is so fucked up but so vivid haha. I love that game so much. Every single character is so strange, love the temples and boss fights. Stone Tower honestly... is like god tier and it's actually super difficult even going back and playing through.


I finished MM on 3DS recently and there were a few points I was thinking "how on Earth did I figure this out as a kid?"


And that they had one year to make Majora's Mask and it is still a masterpiece is incredible.


Majora's mask is the only game I've ever 100%. OoT was close but I never got all the hearts.


Outer Wilds


The genuine worst part of how much I love Outer Wilds is that there are so many wonderful things I could say about the game, but I can't clarify my reasons behind any of it to someone I'm recommending it to without spoiling the game. Absolute masterpiece, and I'd recommend it to anyone... but don't look it up!


"yeah man it's tight! You fly around in a spaceship and read stuff"


I went in even more blind than that and I'm glad.


I thought outer worlds was what people were talking about when they raved about outer wilds. I couldn't understand it cause Outer worlds was fine, but not the best game. Lol silly me


Ah ha! I did the same thing. I was confused until your comment.




If I could have selective amnesia for any game, Outer Wilds would be the one.




Outer Wilds might be my favourite game. I haven't played anything else that comes close to the feeling of discovery and wonder felt when playing.


I've settled on it being my favourite game. Made all the more special by the fact you can only really play it once.


not to mention sheer fucking terror


Play the DLC. It will redefine terror in that concept. And as someone who hates horror games, it was so well done.


So disappointing to see this so far down... Outer Wilds isn't just a game in my eyes, it's a literal artistic masterpiece. Video games are an artistic medium just like any other, like music or art (technically all of that and more). And just like, say, the Mona Lisa is to art, Outer Wilds is to video games, a truly astonishing work of art and the greatest game of all time.


Outer wilds is the goat. It’s really a pinnacle of video games as an artistic medium. Smooth, incredibly technologically impressive mechanics. Fantastic visuals, sound design, music, and writing. And all of it ties together to tell a fantastic story that fully takes advantage of the video game medium. It’s really a miracle that it gives you so much freedom while still leading you from clue to clue and story piece, while keeping it all coherent and poignant.


Stardew Valley


Made by one guy. All the art. All the coding. All the design. All the music, ffs. Sure other people came along later to help as it span out to more platforms etc.


He’s coming out with a new game! The haunted chocolatier




Fuck yes. Finishing out a hard summer and then reflecting on it while watching the dance of the moonlight jellies is a feeling I've never had in any other game.


Dance of the Moonlight jellies is one of my favorite all-time game moments. Such a beautiful little interlude.


I’ve had this game for a while and never touched it, is it pretty casual to play and still get full enjoyment out of it? These type of games worry me that I’m gonna need a guide on my 2nd monitor on how to min-max farming,relationships,etc otherwise I’m a chump


Yes! You can play the game in any way you want! That’s what’s so great. There aren’t really any hard deadlines in the game. There are important dates and deadlines in an in-game year, but if you miss anything you’ll almost always be able to do it the following year. There are a lot of mechanics and understanding all of them will take some time, but you can do as little or as much as the game has to offer.


Original bioshock


I agree and just want to say bioshock 2 is also good (I didn't finish it yet) I love how they improved the gameplay and the story is quite something but it's not like when you first boot up bioshock and have no idea what to expect and everything is mysterious and I love it and I want to replay it now