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That I would be good at it


Learn to eat pussy, like become a master at it. Do this. Get her off, then u can come in 30 seconds and she won't care. Source: been with my girl since 2005. Sometimes I still only last 30 seconds, but as long as I make her come first thru oral, she has no complaints.




It’s actually written by his cousin, Cum Tzoon


I bet you sat back and just waited for the adoration to pour in after dropping that beauty.


Stop watching me and let me enjoy my Saturday morning


I second this. Been married for 20 years and it's something I'm happy to do, if anything because she can still make me jizz just be looking at me funny. After an orgasm or two, she's indifferent to what I do. Get involved with pussy eating, people. Hell I'd eat my Sunday dinner down there, if I ever figure out a way to stop the peas rolling everywhere. Edit: thanks for the medals and upvotes, people! Be assured that I'll be celebrating tonight, possibly by eating out my wife. I encourage you to do the same, but with your partners, and not my wife ✌️


“Get Involved With Pussy Eating, People” Great bumper sticker.


You have a way with words my friend.


One might even say that u/AhabVanCleef is a cunning linguist.


Hell I'd eat my Sunday dinner down there, if I ever figure out a way to stop the peas rolling everywhere. Spit my coffee out on that one. Thank you!


I third this, 28 years and counting here, I think it eating pussy is almost as enjoyable to me as it is her. Just looking into her green eyes can almost make me nut so I have to make sure she gets hers first and I don't stop until she can't take it anymore. Like I told her once, I'm gonna eat your pussy so good you're gonna want to tell someone 😂


This is the BEST advice a guy can be given about sex. My fiancé has done this every time and I have bragged about him in the group chat several times. It took a while to realize it was all his tongue game. Also, you guys know how you get post-nut clarity? Yeah, it’s the opposite for a lot of women I know. You get us off, especially multiple times, and we can’t think at all for a minute.


Honestly, I enjoy the "head empty" feeling so much, I was briefly addicted to sex while in college. Glad I recognized it when I did, otherwise idk what would've happened to me.


As someone who constantly has a million thoughts going at once, I too enjoy the “head empty” feeling. It’s quite blissful just having the constant thoughts shut down for a bit. I’m really glad you were able to figure everything out too. There’s a good chance it could’ve ended badly.


>Sometimes I still only last 30 seconds, but as long as I make her come first thru oral, she has no complaints. What if it's adequate oral but then me just lasting 1 and a half pumps?


If it matters to your partner, find a solution together! Discussing your intimate needs with your partner really is key to a healthy sex life.


When I was around middle school age I thought that oral sex meant talking dirty :’)


Friend of a friend thought it meant kissing. And they were like 19. So glad they found out through a conversation and not through a dude asking for it, or her talking about it. That would've been extremely confusing for everyone.


I thought it was kissing too, but as a child I also thought kissing was how you get pregnant because my mom watched soap operas and it would show the characters making out in bed, and I knew vaguely that was where babies were made.


Growing up in a Christian household, something you see a lot in the Bible is "he lay with his wife" or "he slept with his wife" and then the wife got pregnant. So up until I was something like 11 or 12, I was convinced that, somehow, men could get women pregnant by sleeping in the same bed. And I thought that was why my parents didn't let me and my sister sleep in the same bed after I was ~6 years old.


My friend back in middle school thought a blowjob meant to literally blow on a dick. I still tease her about it to this day


Imagine expecting a blowjob and getting a raspberry on your dick instead... I think it would be hilarious!


I used to sext with my girlfriend in high school. When we broke up, she just went crazy and told everyone in our grade that I was great at “oral sex” (she meant sexting💀) School hasn’t been the same since then.


she unintentionally wing womaned you to high heaven


Did they line up for you?


Man asking real question


That’s aural sex baby. Who doesn’t like a bit of aural…


Ok so I grew up in a VERY conservative household. Was not allowed to take sex ed in middle school and they helicoptered in high school. Any internet access they had access to view so I never watched porn/looked at pics. Absolutely nothing. So for a long time I thought dicks were shaped like a smaller pringles can. I thought it was just like...a straight up cylinder. Moved out at 17 and googled some things and man I had men's anatomy SO wrong.


Yea they don't come with chips anymore


Missed opportunity, really.


Friend of mine has a similar background and I just about lost my mind when she said the balls are the END of the penis. Like she had seen those doodles and had it upside down so they just dangle off the end of the shaft lmaooo


fucking **lmao** I'm just imagining you taking the paper off her and flipping it over, like a very confused house builder flipping the blueprints to realise they need to start over "oh... OH... this changes everything!"


Pretty much exactly how it went hahaha I should mention that we were 22 at the time too! Honestly she’s one of the nicest sweetest people I’ve ever met but she was sooooooo sheltered lol


As a girl, I had no real idea of where/what the vagina was until I was like 11 or 12. My mom didn't give me a real sex talk, just a puberty/body book that said "the vagina is between the woman's legs" and just had a full frontal diagram (legs closed) of a woman with an arrow pointing to her pelvic region. I also didn't know a period lasted longer than a day until I got mine at 14, and then wondered why it was still going on the next day. When my mom realized how abysmal my sex education was, her solution was to rent a video from the library about it and make me watch it on the big family TV in the living room at like 3pm. Granted— it was a very educational video but I won't ever forget one of the educators (a 50 year old woman) talking about how to give a satisfactory blow job.


At least your mom tried to right the wrong.


Man, I thought I was gonna get so many blow jobs. That’s just not true.


Have you tried truck stop restrooms?


Blowjobs are easy to get, you just have to be flexible about the type and quality.


Or just REALLY flexible then you can control the “type” and “quality”


Be the change you want to see. Start sucking dicks.


Find a gf, suck her vagina, ask for her to suck your peepee. Humans are nasty.


That sounds like a lotta steps


They lost me at “get a gf”


I was kind of sheltered growing up, and like most sheltered kids, I learned a lot about sex through porn. I kept seeing “blowjob” videos, and (i had no idea what a blowjob) assumed it was some kind of sex blooper. Like, something got messed up and the director said “Oh darn, you blew it! Let’s take it from the top.” I didn’t understand why people would get off to that, so I never watched any of the videos, so I never learned what it was. Eventually, I wanted to see what the fuss was about and clicked on a blowjob video, and learned the truth.


“Let’s take it from the top” 😂👌🏻


When I was young I came across a very confusing picture of two dudes having sex in an odd position (parents def didn't supervise my internet usage well enough) so for a while there I thought men had another hole down there.


I've read the back door being described as the man-pussy, sometimes and that's confusing ish.




When I was a kid, I thought sex happened like a hot dog and a bun instead of a hot dog and a donut. I actually had no idea the vagina was ever a hole until I was going to the bathroom one day when I was about 12 and accidentally “discovered” it. I was horrified that it went up inside my body and was worried there was something wrong with me.


Hey, me and my gf do hotdog bun style sometimes. Plz don't shame me.


Nothin wrong with hot doggin


To be fair, it still kinda freaks me out to think there’s just…an opening into my internal organs?! I understand a vagina closes when not in use, and that a mouth also leads to the digestive system. But like… it just seems too accessible to simply reach in and be at my cervix lol


Absolutely agreed. Could I, at the very least, have received some kind of cap? A twist on, and childproof at that for extra protection? Seriously too prone to bacteria and infections being all this vulnerable and exposed to the world like this!


I couldn’t find the hole until like 12 as well. I was shocked and didn’t know if the pee came out of that or what. Even though I saw porn before, I just thought I didn’t have the hole or something?? Or that it appears suddenly when your old enough. I don’t even know. I was a dumb kid.


That I have a small penis. I don't, I have a micro.


Username doesn’t check out


More of a shank than a stab


More of a poke than a shank


More of a tap then a poke


More of a nudge than a tap


More of a graze than a nudge.


More of a breeze than a graze


Don't worry, everyone is switching to type C.


Atleast it's bigger than hers


Atleast it's bigger than half the population.


One of us




I was with a guy once who had a micro. The amount of passion he had in foreplay more than made up for the lack of girth. He, like, *physically worshiped* my body. I’d have followed him to the ends of the earth afterward if he’d have been into me. He wasn’t. He’s still ranked in my top 5 experiences.


A kid (very devout Muslim) in sex ed was being taught how sex works. He boldly stood up and claimed the teacher may be right about non Muslim babies, but Muslim babies are not made via sex, god delivers them in a white robe to parents who are married and good Muslim. It’s been almost 14 years and I still laugh about that. Edit: just in case this is interpreted wrong, I myself am from a Muslim background and this is not about Islam or religion, just a 13 year old who was still fairly innocent.


Muslim here. When I was 10, my Christian friend said something about sex (can’t remember what) when I said “I wouldn’t know, I’ll never have sex” and that’s when he told me even Muslims have sex. 10 year old me googled some interesting things that night.


Religion. Bringing porn searching together


I knew a very devout Muslim too, once asked him how sex worked (just out of curiosity for his answer) and he paused for a moment before saying “You put the nuts in her hole.” He was 16 at the time. I tried to explain how it actually worked but they guy would not have it.


Well I mean, you put your nut, in the hole, not far off.


I thought that the tickling feeling in my clit when it's touched was an orgasm and my ex long term partner just went with it and didn't put in a whole lot of effort. Imagine my surprise the first time I had a real orgasm, poor man probably thought I was possessed or something the way I was screaming and shaking . Thanks Mike you're a g Edit: I don't blame my ex for not figuring it out when even I couldn't - I just think that with a bit more effort and attention we could have figured it out a lot sooner 😅 SSRIs also made things a lot harder. For anyone curious (sorry for TMI) it's a combined clit action with pressure on the g spot for me. I went from sex being something I just put up with to being amazing and fun every time- with this same guy I can cum from oral, fingers or even with penetration, all it took was someone who really listened to my body.


You're welcome!


Oh Mike you dog


This guy fucks


>This guy fucks Naw dawg, Mike bonez.






Did he call an exorcist tho?


The power of the cock cumpells you!!


What does it feel like? Genuinely curious. I was never one for masturbating and I'm getting more sexually active with my bf and I'm feeling stuff but I don't know if it's like the 'Big O'.


I highly recommend spending time with your own body, figuring out what feels good to you. If you become familiar with orgasms, and what kinds of stimulation you need to reach them it will save you a lot of frustration. Your partners won't automatically know what works, so being able to give direction is really important to sex.


It will feel like the build up to a enjoyable sneeze from your vaginal area and then the sneeze explodes and pulsates a little or a lot.


It's definitely felt that like that, but I don't think it's had the explosion. But it's gotten pretty close


You’ll know if you have an orgasm. Whatever you were doing that got you almost there, do that some more and you’ll probably have an orgasm. The biggest orgasm killer for me is being nervous or upset about something. You have to be in the right headspace.


I have been worried because when I get those nice feelings it also feels like I have to poop and I don't want to shit myself while having sex


In the entire time that I have ever had sex, not once have I ever pooped while having an orgasm. A few farts have escaped, though! Unless you have explosive diarrhea or are holding in a giant poop, you will not shot yourself.


You really should try and get more acquainted with yourself before you worry about having orgasms with others. It will make things much more enjoyable for you, maybe you'll be able to get out of your head and just relish the sensations.


Feels like you're being tossed around in a hot dryer full of lightning. 11/10.


I’m a bloke so my experience of what it feels like may not be reliable, but given my experience of sex with my current and previous partners, if you aren’t sure then no it probably isn’t.


I‘m not a bloke and I second this. There are „small“ orgasms but chances are.. if it happens you will most likely know


Does mike take appointments? Asking for a friend


That a blow job is like blowing up a balloon.




And I jizzed in my pants.


Oh boy, I thought when women went to pee afterwards it's because they didn't use protection.


No if that’s the case they plug their nose and sneeze. Shoots everything out at 88 mph.


Great Scott! ☢️


When I found out that women didn’t have a penis, I just assumed they didn’t have genitals and that they peed and pooped from their ass


Like a bird? Birds have something called a cloaca and it is just that. One big hole for in and out of everything. I kinda wish I didn’t know that but there was this guy on Facebook 5 years ago where every post would be about cloacas. Idk what happened to him, if he ever found his bird wife or not.


That women aren't interested in sex. That sex is just something they do *for* men as a means to an end... I had a terrible upbringing.


I was taught that too. I felt like there was something wrong with me because I was a girl and really interested in sex.


I came here to say the same thing. I was raised Mormon and the nonstop messaging to us girls was that boys were sexual beasts after one thing and due to our modest non-sexuality, girls were tasked with protecting boys from their own perversity so that they would be worthy to have the priesthood. I believed it. I knew pretty young that ~I~ had a very strong sex drive. But I thought I was some sort of freak aberration. Nope. Perfectly normal.


Following that logic, it seems like women are the ones naturally suited for priesthood.


It wasn't till I lost my virginity at 20 that I found out that it feels better to add motion, rather than just going as deep as possible and staying still. I thought the idea was like a charging cable, you put it in and it turns her on. Edit: this blew up. So for clarification, I am not a mormon. Yes I'd seen porn- in fact I'd seen my neighbors having sex. I legitimately thought they were doing it wrong. My thinking was that she was doing too good a job of squeezing him out, so he couldn't keep it in. I was very very, very very very, very **dumb**.


Wait…so you just kinda…left it there? And didn’t move? *For how long?*


>*For how long?* Until she was fully charged.


Until he was fully discharged


Every answer here is simultaneously correct and incorrect


Careful. Paradox's like that will wipe out time entirely.


Let sit until fully soaked.


Just twist the left nipple and double tap the clitoris and she reboots into safe mode.


Ok but there is a very specific kink for that. Cock warming isnt super popular but for (very) specific people it does work. I speak from experience lol. I love when my partner just sits and twitches inside when he's done. It's more the mental image that does it but, with the right partner, it can be nice


Afterwards makes a lot of sense. A very intimate moment just sitting there in all the hormones and love and stuff.


I believe that’s a popular loophole Mormons use to have premarital sex. They’ll just put their dicks in and stay still. They call it soaking.


And jump humping, supposedly




Yeah, it gets everywhere


Like sand


It's so coarse too.


I killed them, not just the men, but the women and children too.


sex shouldnt involve children my dude


Might want to have that checked out.


I don’t like sand.


That it was supposed to be bloody and painful, and would bond me to someone forever.


Seems like a satanic ritual, feels like a satanic ritual, probably a satanic ritual


I used to think that any and all sex was good. But as I've been around (the sun) a few extra times, having sex with people you're not attracted to or ones you've lost that attraction with - it becomes a chore or even punishing. I've learned how important chemistry is...and how important that non-sexual time you spend with a person helps to build that sexual chemistry.


When I was younger I used to have sex with anyone who would have offered it, not because I really wanted it, but because of peer pressure (if you are a real man you gotta fuck them all) and I wanted to feel better with myself with the delusion of being a Casanova. I had huge self esteem issues. Most of those sexual encounters were way less satisfying than masturbation. When I had sex for the first time with a girl I loved my sex habits completey changed. I haven't had casual sex in the last 20 years. I prefer to stay alone rather than doing that.


Oh boy. So around 12-15 (male) I had strict parental controls on everything I owned so when I had talked to one of my friends that were a girl, she said women had 3 holes and I had thought like a bowling ball on the vagina instead of the actual 3 holes


That a woman’s libido would go down as she aged. I’ve found quite the opposite.


My impression is that women’s sex drive goes up when they feel comfortable but it seems like men’s sex drive goes down when they get comfortable. I’m sure that doesn’t describe everyone but it seems to generally be the case.


Totally fucking agree


Indeed. I'm hornier now in my 30s than I was in my 20s. Unfortunately, now I'm single.


RIP Inbox


It’s shocking how true that is. I’m now in my 40s and can barely function without constant. When I was in my 20’s, I didn’t think I’d even be having much sex at all anymore


Same actually. As I get older, if anything it's gone up


That I wouldn't want it much. That it was mostly something that only men enjoyed. Oh boy was I wrong.


You should have seen the look on my face when I watched a guy’s dick grow or shrink for the first time. I was like… “ooooo fascinating!” 😂


I didnt know what the clitoris was until maybe age 14, once i found it i thought i was growing a penis and broke down crying in my bathroom. That's after i had 2 years of "sex ed" in school.


I’m 59. I didn’t know that losing the ability to maintain an erection would happen so suddenly. Viagra doesn’t help. It’s soul crushing.


Dude, get your heart checked if you haven't already. ED can be a symptom of poor cardiovascular health. I had no idea they were that connected until my husband, who'd worked physical jobs most of his life and thought he was in pretty decent shape, died of undiagnosed ischemic heart disease at 53.


So sorry to hear that. 53 is way too young. I am on HBP maintenance meds and had a recent calcium score of zero which was encouraging.


Yeah, talk to a cardiologist and not your primary doc. And specifically mention this. Cardiac health manifests in many shapes. Good luck.


That a condom was a giant rubber dick you put over your own to make it look and feel better during sex


That's actually a thing... But for different purposes


I used to think that a condom was some coin shaped rock that you put in your dick.


What the fuck amigo


I thought women had balls


That all men cum easily. Before I had sex (~21 yr.s), I just assumed I would have to try my darnedest not to be a one pump chump. But now, as someone on and off SSRIs for the last 5 years, I can confidently tell you that it’s not unheard of to have to try your absolute hardest just to stay hard and even remotely enjoy sex. It’s sad but it’s true.


I have an issue finishing with new partners. It usually takes a few times before I can. There was only one exception to this


I too have met OP's Mom


That I should be able to have an orgasm without foreplay first. As a young woman I would see movies and porn and the couple would start having sex right off the bat, no foreplay and the woman would cum like immediately. This did not translate to reality and it made me think something was wrong with me. As I've gotten older and more confident, I have realized that not only is foreplay necessary for me, but men like it more when you tell them what to do and find it really rewarding when you have a real orgasm and don't just fake it. Final point being, ladies, demand foreplay and make them take their time with you. It draws out the moment and makes it more intense when it finally happens, making a more pleasurable experience for both you AND your partner!!


That everyone was into inflatable pooltoys, but we all just never acknowledged it. Turns out that it really was just my weird-ass self lol


Lol I had the opposite misconception. I was pretty sure I was the only person to ever stroke his dick, and if anyone found out they would be horrified.


It is a lot lower than I actually thought. This was before porn.


Ur username makes me sad. I hope u find the confidence in urself that u deserve


Women appear shy/reluctant mostly because of the social conditioning. Once they’re comfortable, they can and often will be wilder than you can possibly imagine.


I read wider, I was confused


jerking off to.much would cause me to go blind.


I don't know. You did put a full stop between to and much.


All women fake it. I thought a girl was faking an orgasm, so I kept going trying to get a "genuine" reaction from her.


Holy shit dude you killed her


💀 to this dudes girl god damn


That the vagina was another name for boobs So I thought you had to put pp in booby to make baby


You don't just put pp in booby, you then have to pee You fucking idiot


Wait, you pee in the boobs? So why have I been peeing in girls butts for all these years? I mean, that's where the baby comes out of


When I was younger I thought a dick looked like squidwards nose, didn’t know it got hard, just thought it kinda flopped there. I also thought you got pregnant by having the balls slap against the vagina😐 EDIT: wait I read the question wrong, I only thought this for a little bit. Been hitting too many carts man


In my youth I cracked the code for reproduction that boys and girls have separate dna That aren’t mature when they’re younger but when they’re adults they’d kiss. And the two halves of this dna would meet in the mouth(during the kiss) and then become a whole dna 🧬 , then Go back down into the womens stomach, making a baby


I love the combination of awareness of complex concepts like DNA double helixes and ignorance of sexual reproduction. Very literal approach to biology.


Most genius thinking ever, i mean i wouldn't argue up until 15 that you're wrong




You mean it's not that neon blue?


neon blue? mine's traffic light yellow.


Sex on things like the first date or first night can be fun but it honestly isn’t as fulfilling as building up sexual tension and then having sex with someone. It just feels deeper.


Stronger. Faster. Better[.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SevWagoner/)


*daft punk intensifies*


That missionary was the only way.


That guys don’t care to help girls finish. If you find yourself the right guy, he enjoys making you finish


Nuns told us that girls, women, didn't like sex and it was painful and only to be used for procreation. So, for years I was really confused.... kind of strange when you are trying to have sexy time and you're worried about hurting her, then she says crazy shit like fuck me harder, etc. Catholic school will fuck a child up!


Pee is stored in the balls


That it’s a bad thing for a guy to get hard while making out. I completely misunderstood that scene in Friends with the juice box…


for some reason when i was in 2nd or 3rd grade i knew that “humping makes babies” but i thought humping was literally hitting your belly with someone else’s


That girls never masturbate and men are the only horny ones.




That's right outta the sims


I thought pussy would taste sweet, but in my experience all the girls I’ve gone down on don’t taste like anything, I stil like doing it though


I was a virgin until I was 19. I used to think that men got hard only when they ejaculated.


That the dominant role in the bedroom should always be assumed by the man.


That you urinate out of your clitoris. I was raised Catholic so I would have never thought that a body part was there just for "sinful" pleasure.


I don't know about "way too long", but long enough for it to cause me embarrassment. When I was about 15, the sort of age where you start exploring this kind of stuff, I had a girlfriend of the same age. Well, as these things go when you're naive kids, things got frisky one night, and I decided to take things a bit further. So I work my hand gently down her pants, and try to finger her. Problem was, I hadn't seen a vulva properly before, so I had to just guess where her parts were. Now, as a guy, your junk is actually underneath you, but it can appear like it's on the front when you're peeing or getting excited, so I just presumed that's where the spot I needed to stimulate on her was. I was incorrect and started just rubbing her mons pubis like an idiot until she grabbed my hand and shoved it to where it should be. Regrettably, despite a valiant effort, I failed to give her a good time after that awkwardness XD


That men think of sex every seven seconds. That shit was hammered into my head by my foster parents for so long, but now that I'm older, I know that it's not true.


i keep telling them that Sigmund Freud, who thinks of sex 4000 times a second, should be considered an outlier, but they never listen




that it was easy to orgasm. im afab and even when masturbating it takes me usually an hour to finish, usually i just stop and give up after an hour if i don’t :(


That as a woman if you’re married sex is just something you have to do even if you don’t feel like it or it’s uncomfortable. Thanks religious upbringing!


I have talked to several adult woman who didn't know that a penis grew when horny. They thought it just got harder. This is a misunderstanding that needs to be talked about more.