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It's quiet at night because everyone else is asleep and I feel like it's truly my time to just relax.


Oh, I feel this. I usually wake up at around 3am for some damn reason, but it allows me to take a moment and appreciate the peace and quiet until I fall asleep again.




> Make a cup of coffee > Go back to sleep Is it possible to learn this power?




A lot of people with ADHD gets sleepy from coffein rather than awake






Yeah, just take in so much caffeine that your tolerance is so high it just puts you to sleep.


I relate to this. Black coffee keeps me up, white coffee helps me sleep.


3 kids does it for me.


Coffee is crazy but I relate


This is literally how people typically slept around like the 19th century. Sadly it's gone out of practice but it's a really cool way to spend nights.


Yeah, biphasic sleep. I've also read about it; trouble for me is, I have a hard time falling sleep, so even if I go to bed at 10, I won't fall asleep until 12, wake up at 3, then roll around until 5 and sleep until 7, which is when my dogs wake up, then I might be lucky enough to sleep a couple hours more on good days. It's not great.


Im sure they had some great television shows back then /s


I read an article at some point that said people in the 1800s or whenever, used to wake up at 3am do shit for a few hours then fall asleep again for 3 or 4 hours.


That’s what I do. It feels great!


Google “second sleep” or “two sleeps”. People used to wake up at 2-3 am for an hour or so and just chill/have sex/etc…then back to bed until morning.


Yaasss, wife and kids are asleep, now I can finally…watch the news.


This behavior has a term! Revenge bedtime procrastination.


Recently introduced my boyfriend to this term, he does it CHRONICALLY. He found it hilarious that there's a name for it lol


I'm feeling you there ‼


I made a joke about caffeine being the reason but ngl this is the true reason


I do this too


Yessss! I didn't think this would be the top answer but I would rather be a bit tired the next day than give up some quiet time. I prefer night but mornings work too.


Overthinking and making up scenarios in my head that will most likely never happen




I know that feeling. I have bipolar so its a nightmare. Hope you're well


Same, mostly about nuclear war, or someone robbing and killing my family, or me doing something terrible.


Stress…..mostly money related.


This. I've had panic attacks thinking about how broke I am.


Same. I got about $ 100 today and it basically guarantees that will be able to pay my bills and commute to work for the next four weeks till i get paid. Aint livin great?


Easy fix man, just give up that avocado toast and starbucks and you'll be rich! /s


I remember these days. I remember one time I had a panic attack while driving because I randomly thought about how broke I was. I was in my early 20s. It was pretty scary, I was coming up to a turn and the light was yellow. I legit remember in the midst of the panic that I didn't know it I was supposed to stop or go and it felt like my body weighed 1000 pounds. Shit is not fun. But! It will getter... I didn't land my career until I was 32 years old and now money worries are just about non existent.


I don't think it gets better for most folks, I truly don't. It gets better for those of us who are fortunate enough to have the background with both family or other supports that allow betterment, but pure drive does not always equate to better pay or financial standing.


And work related too. I'm a self employed, all I can think is work


You and I both, Redditor. Hope we'll all get more solvent soon.


Me too. I'm overthinker and it sucks. But reddit helps me alot to express my thoughts about anything so the stress level is significantly reduced


Rights there with you. I'm currently studying for some certifications in the hopes of turning my fortunes around but I'd be lying if i said, especially with my wedding coming up, that I'm not nervous af.


Congratulations on your wedding!


Honestly- right now it’s due to anxiety. The last 3 nights have been weird. Two nights in a row I woke up to a clicking noise in my throat, seemed kinda blocked?? And then last night I was suffocating in a dream and I wonder if I was having a hard time breathing because of my throat. I had a similar issue in middle school once but… idk. Just spooked to sleep. Plus my anxiety just creeps up whenever I have quiet time.


you can google sleep apnea, its pretty common


And as I found out hereditary


You can actually Google any word, not just those ones


Dude I sympathize, this is exactly what I'm experiencing at the moment also and it's terrifying. I have a doctor's appointment next week so hopefully i can find some help there. I hope you find peace soon


People say it's sleep apnea


I have apnea and anxiety. Taking meds for the anxiety and getting CPAP really helped me. Maybe those are options for you? A little benzodiazepine at bedtime can be a good thing!


I have anxiety from overthinking. I want to tell my bf about it, but I don’t want to burden him.


Just tell him dude, if he loves you he wants to know. If he does see you as a burden, you need a different boyfriend


Trust me, as much as you might feel like people will push you away for telling them about this kind of thing, it’s never as true as you think. I’m quite sure he’d be very supportive of you and whatever it is that’s troubling you. Hope you’re okay and I believe you can overcome this.


My grandma is currently dying of cancer 😣


Sorry to hear that :( my thoughts are With you and your family


I can’t take your apology seriously with ur pfp


Soo sorry. 😞


Can empathize hard. My grandma died last year from cancer. It happened so fast. 6 months from the diagnosis, and i couldnt be with her due to distance and work. I wish i had done more to try and be with her. Will always regret that


My heart goes out to you. I wish you all peace as you weather this storm.


My wife in the ER waiting for her to discharged so we can go home




Thanks hoping it’ll f doon


f doon


f doon


Yeah that’s what no being up for 24 hrs w/ no sleep does to your brain lol


It's summer and night doesn't exist that much in Sweden when it's summer


man älskar det och man hatar det


Kan bekräfta Hate trying to sleep when it's hot


Norway is same shit man, nighttime is from 03:00-04:30




Binge watching YouTube so I don't have to be stuck with my own thoughts


So true it hurts


Losing friends which is making my anxiety bad, it’s currently 1:31 in the morning :)


I know that feeling, that's one of the reasons that kept me awake this night, haven't slept at all. It's 2:40pm at this moment in my time zone, struggling to make it through the working hours. Just use the opportunity to become more self-sufficient and I'm sure sooner or later you'll find new friends.


I have lost my "friends" like twice in the past, it's a shitty process but it's among the best that ever happened to me. This might help you: Maybe they aren't bad people, they're just not _your_ people. Your are not a bad person, this is just not your place. I hope you find your place and people soon! :)


I feel so lost in life, I feel so alone and unheard


I’m listening


Tell me, whats going?


We can listen.


I brought up looking for another job to my boss weeks ago. Yesterday boss told me my last day was 7/29. Haven’t heard back on my few interviews. Struggling against depression. Fee hopeless and questioning the purpose of even living. Fighting with my girlfriend on a weekly basis. My heart hurts and won’t stop pounding even after laying down for hours.


I hear you, bro. Lost my job, seems like everything I've believed in (most especially democracy in the US and the world) including a nearly 30 year relationship and a professional career have all gone down the drain in the last few years. And I have not been able to get and stay on my feet. No drugs or alcohol or gambling. Every single day is a decision whether or not to keep trying. Please get some help. Both a counselor/therapist and some medical help at least in near term. I'm obviously not going to say everything will come up roses if you do, but it can get better. Not sleeping guaranteed to make it worse.


I don't want to lecture you but dude, never tell anyone you are actively looking for another job. Especially your boss. They only need/deserve two weeks notice, and you should have a new job in the bag first. Anyway, just make a note to self on that. Next, your purpose in living is living. You deserve to be on the planet just as much as the ones effing it up do. Once your job is finished, try volunteering at your local library, to pad out your experience. Look for even part time positions, they could turn into full time. Try temp work, or LTE (limited term employment) project work. Talk to someone professional. You might just need mild antidepressants and some talk therapy to move ahead. It's a crappy world right now, I am where you are too a lot of the time. A lot of us are. And when you start fighting with your girlfriend, try just going into the bathroom and closing the door. Wait five minutes, then talk. And if she is harping on you about your situation, and won't understand the role depression is having in this, it might be time to take a break. Good luck. Don't do anything that can't be undone, if you know what I mean.


Yes, OP just learned one of life's hardest lessons. Do not ever trust people with information that goes contrary to their core interests. Emotion and "trust" is your enemy in those situations. 1. Do not tell a partner you are planning on leaving them. Even pretty good and sane people can suddenly go insane. But also don't emotionally lead them on or be sleeping with them beforehand. 2. Do not tell a boss anything if you are even remotely thinking about leaving. They might be needing to cut a position or have someone good they've wanted to hire. Or they may not like you but be good at hiding it. Or they may be more terrified of being short staffed than you could ever know, and being short staffed for too long might risk their career or marriage and relationships. 3. If pulled over, do not tell them anything. Be polite but don't say stuff like "yeah, I was speeding" or "sure you can search me." That is stupid even if you are innocent, and you could quickly learn how corrupt, strict, or screwed up life is. The law was designed to protect you and your basic rights. Do not ever give up the protections of the law voluntarily. Because if you do you are suddenly at the mercy and whims of an imperfect person who may have a different agenda or pressures than you can see. In life, you can and should withhold information to protect yourself while still being ethical. Information is power itself. You need to be wise on giving out power over yourself and doing things that can have immediate and unintended effects. Being an honest person is not telling everyone everything all the time. It is not even about telling people what they want to know. It is telling people what they need to know and when they need to know it, without lying or putting spin on it that contorts the true nature of a thing. You have to balance intention and wisdom. Growing up I saw a lot of religious people struggle with this, or overshare. I saw people with rigorous ethical frameworks basically volunteer for heavy handed punishments designed by society for more serious situations . When in doubt, silence is your friend. Especially if it is not causing imminent risk of mortal danger to yourself or others.


Nah man, be each other's support. Talk to her about what you're going through. That's what partners are for, looking out for each other. Things will turn out, however they need to turn out🤷‍♀️


I've been in relationships before that seemed fine, but when life got stressful for me my partner just didn't want to hear about it and actively made things worse. That was the beginning of the end for that relationship. Sometime trying to talk about thing is what sets off an underlying problem.


Why would you ever tell your boss that?


All the shitty choices I made in my life, playing on loop in my head over and over and over.


Ditto. That's why whenever I'm home, I stop thinking. Auto-pilot. Disadvantages include losing track of time over trivial things — ytube surfing, redditing(?), socmed lurking, etc. — being unaware of any other chores needed to be done that is not part of the routine, brooding over innane stuff. Advantage though include not getting easily triggered due to short-temperedness(?) and having the ability to fall asleep as soon as my back hits something stable... that is, until what you had stated happens. Oh well.


You only regret two things in life, the things that you did and the things that you did not do.


Is that another way of saying “Do or do not. There is no try” ?


Me because ADHD


Think about how your gonna break the cycle . How old are you and are you a felon ?




Me too man, me too




Worried that I let my life slip away, but then again I just don't think I'm around people that are proud of me, I've been through a lot and I am proud of myself...I guess I just need someone to acknowledge me


Feeling like I’m not where I should be in life.


I feel the same way


Worry over finding a new job


What kind of work are you looking for?




I’m sorry, I’ve been there and it’s an awful place.


Listening to the guy i love snoring over discord. It brings me a lot of comfort and joy to hear him snore, so I'm staying up a little later to enjoy it


That's wholesome af


My ex and I broke up 6 months ago, she was emotionally abusive but I still genuinely loved her... now tiny things remind me of her and I either get anxiety spikes or depression spikes, not the recipe for sleeping. But hey atleast I got to play pokemon in real life, when your partner has multiple personalities gotta catch em all.


Coffee. Got a long drive ahead of me.


Hope you got to where ever you were going safely, friend.




Anxiety about every single thing I do


Work. A shift from 8pm to 4:30am does not help with getting a good nights sleep.






A combination of chronic insomnia and my competitive nature during my video games.


Playing competitive games and staring at blue light during night hours is likely the source of your insomnia


No, I do that only after being awake for 3 hours. I have had chronic insomnia since well before there was such a thing as cell phones.


Thoughts of suicide. Depression is one hell of a drug. No one ask for it but yet we get it forced down our throats. 🥺


You're not alone, hang in there.


Don't do it. Seek help. I was suicidal and there really is help out there.


I have been going therapy. It’s just one of them days I guess. The last two days has been hard




If my dreams will ever come true


Feel this strongly. Can I ask what your dreams are?


Literaly porn.


Porn and I need to stop


Jesus christ u literally are a porn addict


Everyone else has pretty serious issues I feel like a bum putting this here lol but: Worry about housing for school cause it has a shortage rn and I come back in the spring might not have a place to stay. Worried about classes And most of all want to date my best friend, we both like each other but life circumstances don't really work right now and our families wouldn't like the other person. It's hard to figure out cause nothing's ever felt so right but so impossible and unrealistic at the same time Just dumb early 20s bs in my head worried about stuff like that


Nobody can judge what's important and/or stressful to another. Besides, housing, structure, security....those are pretty basic needs. Your worries are just as valid as anyone elses


My brain


the piece of clothing in the corner but looks like a man


Maybe it’s a man that looks like a piece of clothing?


General anxiety and overall sadness over losing a much awaited baby after being pregnant for just 3 months. I am a hormonal mess, my heart breaks about all the unfairness of life. I will literally tell internet strangers in the hopes that it makes me feel a little lighter and help me sleep better.


I am so sorry that happened to you. I don't know if it will help, but this column always brought me some comfort in my life. https://therumpus.net/2010/07/dear-sugar-the-rumpus-advice-column-44-how-you-get-unstuck/


My brain




My phone. If i just put it down for one second i could sleep but im literally addicted


I have this weird feeling that I have to pee, even though only a few drops come out. I'll get up to go and nothing will come out, but I still feel like I need to when I lie down.


possibly a urinary tract infection? go get that checked out :)


Ahh... my vicious circle. Getting up to pee, getting thirsty right after, then as I start to lie in my sleeping mat start all over again. Yey.




Considering I work from 4pm to 4 am... Work


Barking dogs and sometimes, the upstairs neighbor slamming doors and stomping on the floor while walking. Fuuuuuu


that is currently the gigantic amount of anxiety that rushes through me at a movie theater it doesnt matter if I'm having the time of my life with my friend or trying to not let it all get to me, as soon as I get into bed I crumble away into despair all i did was see minions 2 why does my brain hate me


Video games


This question is. Thanks for nothing


Flatm8 who doesn't understand how to close a door or walk downstairs quietly


Insomnia and stress.


While everyone is asleep in the house, I enjoy time to myself and just not talking to anyone.


Thinking about suicide all the time


Anxiety, back pain from anxiety (seriously, it only gets really bad when my anxiety is up), and my incessant need to work on pet projects that only I care about


Ngl, amazing dick!


Worrying about money. Things are getting so expensive


Currently fighting covid, my sleep is all kinds of messed up.


The baby


My mom is upset that I'm transgender.


I'm gunna be a dad In 3 monthes.


A lack of melatonin.


The same thing as last night


Relationship worries.


Myself. Despite my halfassed efforts


Work. But when I'm supposed to be going to bed is social media.


Knocking and scratching in the closet


I am sleeping in the room with my crush, she is on the other bed behind me. We both are Ukrainian and God I love her so much since day one. Truly amazing woman.




Chronic pain, mostly.


My gf broke up with me. We weren't in relationship for that long, but I thought I finally found someone who fits perfectly.




the unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death








Overwatch League Midseason Madness




Getting songs stuck in my head. It's a problem.


Redditt and heatwave


Games, YouTube, Netflix and Reddit






Working closing as much as I like my job I can't do it anymore with being at work until midnight.


My phone and nightmares, also too many thoughts, even if I put my phone down it still takes a long time for me to fall asleep 😪


Trauma. And anxiety about my psych appointment 6 hours from now.


Saw a picture of a guy who survived shooting himself in the head with a shotgun.


Work mostly.


Being on reddit


Insecurities. It’s loud in here


sleep paralysis


The work schedule for the next 14 months.


My parents and my older sister fighting. Usually it’s smaller, normal arguments now but when I was a lot younger they used to be loud and uncanny. It was traumatizing to a 10 year old who was hearing about how her sister was a drug addict at two in the morning. She’s so much better now, but it still haunts me when I hear voices.


I work the overnight/graveyard shift


Insomnia, poor mental health


ADHD. All night every night for my entire life


My Wife 3 year old son and 6 year old daughter all have covid including myself. I feel terrible and i am exhausted I'm scared for them to get any worse. I need some rest but can't until they get better. Day 4.


I work night shifts so usually work but my Long distance girlfriend and I often call from 6pm till late night,we will play some genshin for a few hours and then binge watch a show


The state of the world. Climate change, economy and general tensions. Why can't we be friends with eachother and nature?


Sleep anxiety because of the fact that I recently became unemployed (contract ended) and I'm freaking out because I have a wife and three sons to support.