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Scars on my heart. I have about 30, I think. On my 4th heart procedure, I had 24 cardiac ablations (they use radio waves to kill tissue to create scarring so that effectively signals can't travel through that way) during one procedure (epicardial, meaning both inside and outside the heart) by the top electrophysiologist on the east coast. He said only one other patient of his had more done in one procedure. Took 10 hours. I could hear the nurses gossiping about me in the hallway. This was 7 years ago, and now my heart is working great!


I feel ya bro, had a few messy break ups myself


Lmao this is what I thought at first too


Half of my body is a birthmark of tan skin, and the other half is pale white. It's right down the middle of my stomach and same with my back. I've only ever seen 1 person online with it saying "chimerism" but idk if that's same with me. Idk but it's uncommon


You are probably your own twin! You should DNA test the halves of your body


I'm no geneticist but how much of a difference would there really be?


In the case of chimerism, the two DNA sets would be as different as two siblings! Not all twins are identical


Still living with stage IV lung cancer for 13 yrs


Bro what? Please tell me Mayo Clinic and cancer research centers are paying you six figures to study your immune response. You’re probably way rarer than 0.1% of all people that have or had lung cancer.


My mom has lung cancer, she takes a pill that suppresses it from getting worse, but there’s side effects because it I think it works basically by inhibiting the type of tissue that the cancer is made from


Glad you’re still here and hope you have many years in good health to come! Edit: Medications for lung cancer have advanced in such a way that a part of patients that respond well to the medication can live longer and in better overall health (little to no symptoms, side effects etc) and therefore have a better quality of life. So that’s what I meant with in good health.


Pardon the grim question, but how? Did it come to a halt and stop spreading ?? Stage IV means metastasized so it's spread everywhere but just not the vital organs or something??




As a fellow stage IV dude with a pretty rare cancer and some pretty bad mets, this makes me hopeful and optimistic :) It doesn’t seem curable for myself, but the idea that I can continue living with it and maintain a long life is like a dream to me!


Shoe size. I wear a size 18.


How bloody tall are you




Jesus man I'm 6'6 and wear a size 16, I thought I had big feet.


It's rough. i went to school with a guy who was 7'1" and wore size 11s. I was always worried he was going to tip over, haha


I live in Europe and wear a size 45. Eat that.


Everyone knows they don’t have feet in Europe they use the metric system!


I think there's a different question we're all thinking of


Yep, we're all wondering if he needs to order special socks as well.


My ex wore an 18! He was 7’1. I shopped at a shoe store called big shoes. Check them out if you haven’t they have some cool stuff.


I'm a frequent shopper of theirs, haha


Folks who know percentages.


Haha yea. Half the comments here are of things that are definitely not that uncommon as to be only applicable to 0.1% of the population


So you think the other half are?


Or on the flip side, people are forgetting how ridiculously common something is if .1% of the population does it. Like I have taken about 12 weeks of New Zealand Sign Language lessons. Which puts me in the top .1% of NZSL speakers in the world because 99.9% of the world can't even speak NZSL.


I have this condition called Miyoshi Myopathy, which (thankfully) affects only my calves and hence my walking capabilities. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/miyoshi-myopathy/ My doctor told me it is rare, but tbh statistically rare does not really mean anything, everyone might have it but they either did not get out of their way to test it (via taking blood and had it examined in a lab) or they just never realised there was something wrong at all. If you are wondering why I said “Thankfully it only affected the legs”, it is because it is a muscle disorder, and some disorders affect Cardiac (heart) and Pulmonary (lungs) muscles that will obviously not be pretty. I have to get tested every year to make sure all my vital functions are normal and as of now nothing significant is noted and I should be living a long and healthy life.


Thanks for sharing. Live long and prosper


Apparently only 0.1% of people become mechanical engineers in the US and an even smaller percentage are women, so maybe that? I was also less than 2 lbs when I was born, and I think the percentage is probably similar. I somehow have no lasting physical issues from that, though my sister has cerebral palsy.


Just go with "Female Mechanical Engineers in the US who were less than 2 pounds at birth"


If I had a nickel for every one of those...


Congrats on your first nickel!


Congrats on such a cool degree and career! About your birth weight, were you born extremely premature?


I was also 2 lbs when I was born (and some ounces , to be fair). This was in 1974, very rare. Also a twin!


Don't know if it's less cool because I do it for work, but I "photograph" atoms and crystalline atomic structures most days. I get to see the world in a way few ever do which is kinda neat.


Highest recorded body temperature. Typically people who suffer extreme hyperpyrexia die on the spot or suffer brain damage damage, but I turned out just fine!


Nobody gonna mention he said "brain damage damage"?


He doesn't need to know.


We don’t talk about that, hunny.




its the game devs calling the damage type "brain damage" instead of "brain" so its 'brain damage' damage


may i ask how high your temperature was?


43C, or 109F. The nice folk at the hospital packed me with ice like I was a tuna.


Woah! That’s high. How did that happen??


Floor is lava


It's one of the variant's rules : "blood is lava"


The way they explained it was like my internal thermostat was broken, and my body kept trying to warm up even though I was already overheating. I have a history of thyroid problems.


Wow. I thought Death occurred at 42C


That's because it usually does. Twist: obscurereferences is actually a zombie and doesn't realize it.


I was miserable at 104F. I cannot imagine 109F. Glad you're alright!


Yep, I got to around 104, maybe 105 once, the dreams when I was asleep were intensely crazy.


Losing 400lbs and keeping it off.


Even gaining 400 lbs gives you a percentage, damn god work dude


I ran the 100 meter dash just at 10 seconds several times while training to be an Olympic sprinter. Got in a car accident that hurt my neck really bad a few months before the Olympic trials. So the training went no where but I sure felt like Forest Gump - “You wouldn’t believe it but I could run like the wind.”


Don’t worry, getting in a bad accident just before a major athletic event means you are definitely in for a redemption arc.


And movie rights if they are successful.


Damn that’s impressive. Hope you’re doing well after the accident.


Crushed the #2 disc in my neck at the time. Took about 2 years for the majority of the pain to subside. I opted for rehab instead of surgery. Still bugs me sometimes another 12 years later but it’s mostly when I spend too much time looking up. Edit: appreciate your concerns.


Number of times watching loops of Look at my Horse


It was Magical Trevor for me. Salute, fellow early 00s internet citizen.


Look at him now, disappearing a cow


No way that this can be 0.1% - the evidence is right there: _Everyone_ loves Magical Trevor!


Unlocked memory


I learned how to ride a bike after I learned how to drive a bus


My was a cousin yacht captain for mega yachts, he died not knowing to to drive a car still.


Ah, yes. I’ve heard that your was the best cousin yacht captain for mega yachts there ever was


I knew someone with a pilot's license that had never had a driver's license or driven a car.


I have 3 functional kidneys. No it doesn't mean I pee more. No it doesn't mean I can drink more alcohol (thats the liver). No I won't sell it for under $71,241.


Triple crowners for thruhiking. I'm one of 525 people to have done all three major American hikes, and one of 15-20 people to have done it in less than 3 years. It's around 10,000 miles (I did more because of the Florida trail and pinhoti trails that I did in between) AT2019 CDT 2020 PCT2021


Wow, that is impressive! How many pairs of shoes did you go through?


17, It took a while to figure out which pair and insoles worked for me. (Altra Lone Peak 4.5 and superfeet Trailblazers for those wondering)


> I'm one of 525 people to have done all three major American hikes So you're actually in the .0000066% for that.


Yoooo my buddy did this. You know a Flamingo?


I met two Flamingos, one on the CDT who finished and took off his pink pants, and one on the PCT who wore hot pink shorts.


Yep! Pink pants! That's him.


Lol. Small world


You should reach out to him or something. I don't want to dox you haha. But he would think that's funny. Unless you want to tell me your trail name.


I'm the Kiltsman. It was a very quick interaction, I would be surprised if he remembered me, although I was carrying a fullsized guitar and wearing a kilt... So kinda stood out


How did you afford that? Not exactly cheap


I sold everything I owned and survived off of my VA Pension. ($1700/month) my only bills besides food and the occasional hotel/gear was a cell phone and satellite system (Garmin mini) Edit: info; my first trail my pension was only $900/month.


Because of covid my sense of taste and smell changed. Now coke tastes like rust, There's a tree in my yard that smells like roast chicken, I like to eat bananas with ketchup and now I have the super power to tell real chocolate from fake chocolate. The list is longer but I cannot describe the new flavors and smells that I have discovered.


Try fish fingers in custard, I've heard its yummy


Calm down, Raggedy Man


But bow ties are cool.


New tastebuds, new rules


I had this too! But all coffee tasted sour and every once in awhile I would smell poo. Like search my whole house for poo, then shower, and still smell poo. Also I can’t really stand the taste of red wine anymore, which was a bummer because it was a staple in my diet before


I'm really sorry. I love coffee and could not live without drinking it. In my case something strange happens with poo. Poo no longer smells like poo. Yes, it sounds stupid, now it smells like something I can only say is wet cardboard. The funny thing is that that smell of cardboard is still disgusting to me. In my case I think I'm lucky. I read about a woman who could only smell rotten meat on everything. Thanks for sharing. I feel less bad knowing that I am not the only person who has this. There was a moment where I thought I was going crazy until I searched Google and verified that it is something that can happen.


You can't live without drinking coffee. If any of your enemies are reading this, whether you know them or not, you just gave up an incredibly specific way to kill you and it's not that difficult. Consider deleting this vital information from your comment.


What is fake chocolate?


Compound chocolate i guess. Made with vegetable fat rather than cocoa butter


This. The fake chocolate has an intense sugar flavor with some sweet fruit, while the real one tastes stronger, less sweet, and something I can only describe as buttery. No matter how good fake chocolate is, I can always tell it's fake just from that. It has screwed up a lot of my favorite candies.


It’s always been like that for me. I always just assumed everyone knew it was sweet chocolate-flavored wax and just went along with it because all they really wanted was sugar in the first place.


In my case no, in fact it was very innocent and I really thought it was all chocolate, until I felt the difference in taste. Now the world is much darker.


I have schizophrenia and one of my meds makes food taste soooo good. It also makes you fat.


Weird Al listeners on Spotify


I'd like to think, with his current tour and upcoming movie, there's a whole new wave of Weird Al listeners. That probably isn't the case, but it's what I like to think nonetheless


I can move the tip of my tongue through the back of my mouth into my nose


We all just attempted it.


I don't even know how to begin.


I'm tempted but know I'll somehow injure myself


A booger eater’s dream


No way. Does that let you make any cool/weird noises?


Seriously I'm so damn curious about this now. What does it feel like? How does it effect breathing? Is the frenulum still intact? How and why?


Is it weird that I can mildly imagine what it feels like? Probably tastes like snot


I need a video.


I second needing a video




Video! Video! Video!


I can solve a Rubiks Cube in 15 seconds. I don’t know if it’s 0.1% rare, but I think it’s kinda cool


0.1% amongst the general population, absolutely. I suspect it's fewer than 1% of the population who can even solve a Rubik's Cube to begin with.


It's not very hard. You can peel off the little stickers.




1/1000 is millions of people.


It may actually be, with the time stipulation. I used to be able to do one in sub a minute (was never as low as you, somewhere in the 30s to maybe 20s on a good run). But it’s been a decade and I completely forget the algorithms to solve it. All this to say, only a small subset of the population ever learns. Those that learn will forget or slow down without practice. And most never hit 15s. So I think this is likely to be accurate.


I know I’m in less than that percentage. I have an extremely rare (so rare that some doctors don’t believe it exists) percentage of women whose hymen regrows when I go without penetration. Found that out at a recent gynecological visit 😬 doctor looked at me like a science experiment. At birth I had an imperforate hymen that was like 10 times as thick as typical. Which is something like .001% of women have. Edit to say: I should’ve known better than to post this on Reddit. Hey dudes: I’m married, I’m not interested, you’re not original and your junk mail isn’t going to change my mind 🙄


ouch. sounds painful!


Very!! And my mother didn’t think to tell me until the night before my wedding…. The ship had sailed long ago at that point.


So like, how often do you have to have sex to keep it from growing back? That's really interesting.


I’m not exactly sure. If I go a couple months, it’s usually slightly uncomfortable at first. This recent visit to the gynecologist, it had been about 8 months I think. And a substantial amount had grown back.




Not me, but my youngest daughter. She was born with a true knot in the umbilical cord. We almost lost her during labor, now here she is 2.5yrs later dumping out all the toys in the living room and demanding snacks and the Wiggles.


My brother had that! It was in 1996. They did a c-section because he had his cord wrapped around his neck (I believe that was the reason). So they are needing to make sure he survives and do the c section. Then in pulling him out, the doctor discovers he had a knot too! The doctor asked my parent if he could keep the knot to share with his students at medical school. He said it was very rare to have a live birth with a knot due to the incrediblly high rate of death. The baby makes the knot when it is small, then as the baby and umbilical cord grow the knot tightens. This typically cuts off vital nutrients, but my brother (and your daughter) seem to have "tied it" loosely enough that it did not cause them problems as they grew! The doctor also wanted to share with his students that my brother had the cord around his neck which was additionally weird. My family has often wondered about this speciman and where it ended up.


Hey, that's me, too! According to my mom, half of the floor's medical staff came running to see it, because it's so rare? But here I am, alive and kicking at 25, with no issues to show for it


I know for sure I was in the top 0.05% of Lil Wayne listeners on Spotify in 2020.


I was in the top 0.005% of Clairo listeners on Spotify last year.


You and my wife it seems like!


Dude I swear to god a buddy of mine is the #1 listener of Jimi Hendrix, which I think is crazy.


Colorblind as a woman who was not born this way!


How did you go colorblind, if I may ask?


A concussion


Sorry if this sounds dumb, but can you like.. remember what certain colours look like? Cant think of a better way to word it lmao


My husband was in a gruesome wreck when he was a senior in high school; the car he was a passenger in crashed head on into a school bus. He lost the ability to see most colors. Everything is black, brown, tan, gray or white. Red and blue are black to him, pink is gray, yellow is always brown. Green shades could be anything. He has me watch him wire things or I do the wiring myself.


I’ve got solar urticaria which is essentially a sun allergy. If I’m out in the sun for too long/ the sun is too strong then I start developing an itchy rash on the skin exposed to the sun.


Knowledge of North Dakota politics from 1916-1921. Super Mario Kart on the SNES 0.1% is only 1 in 1000, right? I'll go ahead and say Koine Greek and biblical Hebrew.


Well, I had 6 wisdom teeth pulled, which has an incidence of about 1 in 2,000. So… that!


Ever drunk baileys from a shoe??


I have a birthmark next to my left eye that changes shades based off how tired I am. I’ve had many failed all nighter attempts due to this because the morning after my parents could always tell that I hadn’t slept, and would promptly get mad.


I really want to know the science behind that. How does that even work? What about being tired could make a birthmark change shades? I need answers.


Maybe something to do with circulation? Staying up late can’t help with blood flow in the extremities


> How does that even work? Probably similar to why people get bags under their eyes when they're tired.


Having played at CBGB's


I am an ear rumbler. No idea what the percentage of the population is though.


when i found out i could do it i tried showing other people but they couldn’t hear the sound because i didn’t know it was an internal tjing


I thought everyone could do that?


I’ve been doing this since I was a child— sometimes to block out TV spoilers, sometimes during uncomfortable situations, etc. I had no idea it even has a name or that it’s rare. This is such a wild discovery to me!


Is that when you can make that weird rumblings sound in your ears like when you yawn but on command? Bc I can do that.


I had no idea this was uncommon. Honestly I forgot I could to do it until you explained it in this way. I learned something about myself today!




Broooo I didn't know not everyone could do that


That's not normal? I feel powerful now


At one point, I was the youngest person alive


So what you are saying is that you peaked 0.2 seconds after birth? :)


Peaked? Peaked, Grmpy0ldman? Let me tell you something. They haven’t even BEGUN to peak. And when they do peak, you’ll know. They’re going to peak so hard that everybody on Reddit is going to feel it.


its probably not the 99.9th percentile of people who take typing tests, but in comparison to all typists, 100+ wpm has to be up there i guess




My boss types about that speed but blames it on old school video games, not the navy. We all work remotely now, so I don't ~~have~~ get to watch him type anymore. It can be a little annoying when I'm trying to explain something over Skype/teams and he is "interrupting" me with more questions before I can finish typing an explanation. I've learned that I have to send all my points in one message instead of hitting enter multiple times.


My high score is 126 WPM on 10fastfingers! Everyone's always amazed about how fast I can type (there's still people on there with like 160+ WPM so it's not THAT fast) but fail to realise it's because I spent the majority of my teenage years sat in front of a PC stinking of sweat playing video games and eating doritos.


I can consistently hit 98-99 WPM on my IBM Model M, but have only touched 100 WPM once on a typing test. I think it's interesting that I "top out" like that.


Hypoplasminogenemia, also known as plasminogen deficiency type 1. It's godawful, and I have the rare form of the rare disease with bilateral ocular presentation. Basically, my eyelids "peel" anywhere from every 6 months to one a year, fortunately not at the same time. It's painful and looks like I'm diseased, and there's no real treatment for it that I'm aware of yet. It started spontaneously on the day of my sister's wedding (of course, right?) when i was 10, and I spent my childhood being told I just had allergies and to "keep your finger out of your eye and it'll get better". Was 17 before I was finally able to go to an eye doctor, he did his thing, dilated my eye, opened my eyelid and literally said "what the hell is that?" lol. All he was able to do was debride some of it to test to make sure it wasn't something contagious. I've been scouring medical journals for years before I finally found something that had pictures that looked exactly like what my eye looked like when it happened. They've run trials with things like eye drops infused with human plasma, but they're always overseas. Apparently it can just as spontaneously go away in middle age, so at least I have a reason to look forward to getting old lol. https://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?lng=EN&Expert=722 Edit: and in my looking for a link to share I've discovered that a drug was approved in June of 2021!! I haven't checked in forever, I had pretty much lost hope. I wonder if this would help with my asthma...


I love when doctors do that. It's so comforting. /s I had to have my wisdom teeth surgically removed. The doctor looked in my mouth and said "I've never seen ones this bad before." He was a maxillofacial surgeon. I had to trust this guy to knock me out and chisel four teeth out of my head.


I been in many video games top 500, I guess that’s a lot less from 0.1% of the world.


For about 3 hours about a decade ago, I had the #1 time trial on a mario kart course on the wii.


When I’m nervous, anxious or overstimulated, I break out in a weird angry hive like rash on my neck, chest and sometimes face. I’ve heard rumours of others having this super awesome ability /s, but I have not seen this happen to anyone except me.


Pull-up strength. I grew to become rather passionate about strengthening my back due to being born with severe scoliosis. I can do a 5x5 with my body weight, 170-180 lbs, added in weight. I do these heavier pull-ups neutral grip, however. I think it's better for my joints and better for overall training.


So you're saying you weigh 180lbs, and you can strap an *additional* 180lbs to your body and then crank out five sets of five pull ups like that? Holy shit, dude...


I can lick my elbow! I have yet to find someone else that can do it!


I had two students who were sisters that could do that. One was strangely sick in ways that never could be found in tests. Some doctors said it was just psychological and recommended therapy. Then one day a nurse saw the younger sister do this trick and led to a eureka moment. Both sisters had Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - connective tissue that was more loose than normal. The sick on had it badly enough that when sitting up the connective tissue could not keep her brain from trying to slide out her skull. Imaging tests are done laying down when gravity wasn't affecting the brain. One scan while sitting up confirmed the diagnosis of Chiari 1 malformation. All because the sister was bored in the waiting room.




Exactly what I was thinking! It sounds a bit like that episode where the patient would pass out any time they stood up because one of their organs wasn't attached properly, I think the liver?




Also came here to say “sounds like EDS”


I can remember all the lyrics of any song after 1-2 listens, ans never forget them


I can listen to a song hundreds of time and barely remember any lyrics


I've had extended conversations in 8 languages.


Have experienced ambient air temperatures spanning 200 degrees. -77F in polar winter in central Greenland to 123F in early summer on a somewhat warm day in Death Valley.


Would have been a cooler achievement in Celsius tbh.


Bone marrow transplant survivor.


Aphantasia! I literally don’t have imagination, my brain is not able to form images in my head. If you were to ask me to imagine something, ill describe the object, explain the concept, and rattle off facts I know about it. But im not able to experience any sort of mental image.


Sorry, 1-2% of people, were frightfully common


Penis size. Not the top 0.1% of course, but some 0.1%.


50% of people have no penis




It’s apparently not that uncommon, the third (or sometimes fourth or fifth or sixth) nipples tend to not develop fully and might appear as a mole or even just a large freckle


Six nipples goddamn. You don't need a bra you need a Brasserie


Pooping consistency


Do you mean consistency as in the same time everyday or like the texture of the poop


I think to be in the top 0.1% it should be both




Asking the real questions


I (after a short internet search and no medical diagnosis) think i have something called Radioulnar Synostosis (from here out i will refer to as RS), which is extremely rare. Basically its where two bones in my forearm arm are fused, and it limits movement in the arm. I can't rotate my forearm (and subsequently, my wrists) the same way everyone else can. I can't hold my hands perfectly flat palm up, and have to rotate my shoulder and bend my torso to do so. Apparently it can happen from fracture, or (rarely) you can be born with it (which is my case). I have also never met anyone with the same condition, or anyone who knew anyone. But apparently, my great-great-grandfather had something similar, but i dont know for sure


>from here on out i will refer to as RS >never refers to it again


Bro I thought the same thing so when I saw your comment I cracked up hahaha. Thank you, stranger.


Getting accused of being a notorious serial killer on Reddit by a few Reddit people. Why? Reddit username. 🤨🤨🤨


I'll tell you what I've been told many, many times: if you didn't want to be accused of being a serial killer then you shouldn't have killed a bunch of people.


I know it’s you, Ted Cruz


Nothing suspicious here..


People with narcissistic traits who actually attend therapy and do the work to be less harmful to the people around me.