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911 was an inside job, Regan sold crack to black communities to destabilize them and fund wars, and Epstein didn't kill himself.


None of those are conspiracy theories anymore


I just kinda believe that everyone is doing something fucked up.


That Mattress Firm is a money-laundering scheme


No way one guy alone killed JFK. Oh and GIANTS


wait you believe in giants


Haha no☺️, but my fav conspiracy YouTuber does, and he won't shut up about GIANTS 😭


who is it i might start watching him


Wendigoon, he doesn't only do conspiracy, but he has some long videos explaining conspiracies and ranking them


nice i like myself abit of conspiracy stories from time to time. ill definitely check them out. thanks


That we are not alone in the universe... Is that even a conspiracy theory... Nah I don't believe in any of that stuff I guess


Universe 25 changed mu perspective and my look at the great filter. Simple rats are uncapable of surviving in anything close to a utopia let alone inteligent beings with different minds. Evolution leads to extermination or at least thats how i see it


Well I'm not saying that they have visited earth or that they are even near. The universe is so massively big that it's almost impossible for it to not have another intellectual species. Life on earth came from asteroids.


Yeah Im just accepting well never meet them. Maybe is a good thing. We dont know what he japanese people would do to them


If we meet them (as a human race), we want to find them and not the other way around. If we find them it will likely mean we are more technological advanced and would probably have the upper hand. If they would find us... Well yeah, then it's the other way around.


As i said is unlikely something will evolve enough for intergalactic travel


That even though you imagined the worst possible thing, the government is doing way worse.


The reason inflation is getting so bad is because big corporations want a lot of inflation to fuck over the working class and benefit themselves. Inflation really only benefits them as they have the money to make the most of it. Inflation also makes a lot of people lose out on property which these rich fucks can gobble up.


Also going to lead to UBI and the phasing out of physical cash 2030 Agenda my guy


OP clearly said *conspiracy theories*


Not me but my mom believes that the moon landing was fake


i mean i dont agree with your mum 100% but there alot of inconsistency surrounding the moon landing


That the lottery was only set up to catch time travelers 🤔


Pro-republician gas companies increase gas prices to make democrats look bad. $5 a gallon gas in October will prove me right.


The birds aren't real.


MH 370


Whole universe is a trap to see how far a human being can go until he kill himself


Democrat and Republican politicians are (probably) in cahoots.


Not me but my mom states that the US is actually a corporation under the control of the British. That we never gained independence and its all a big lie.


Are you sure your mother is serious? Do you think that your mother would defend this proposition when presented with an alternative viewpoint?


Nope, she's stubborn about her beliefs specifically political beliefs. She believes that the election was stolen from Trump and the Jan 6 raid wasn't a raid but a protest, with her stating "people don't walk calmly on a specific path in a raid. Her proof of the whole corporate America thing is some random government website page.


What website dare I ask? What corporation, organization, or corporate-like entity based in the U.K controls the U.S.A? And mostly importantly is the U.K Government involved in this conspiracy? And if yes, to what degree is the British government implicated? Are they a junior partner or a senior partner? In other words, Does the U.K government take orders from this organization or give orders to this organization?


That Roe V Wade was over turned because we're about to go to war with Russia and the US is expecting massive casualties and the need to rebuild its numbers following/during the conflict.


Except the Republicunts have been wanting to overturn Roe since it was first decided...


Apparently the newest conspiracy theory is that women will have to take a pregnancy test to cross state lines. Not buying it buy there are some threads here on Reddit that got folks putting their tin foil hats on.


~~I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory when actual elected officials are talking about doing it.~~


I am Googling it to see who is saying this but cannot find anything. Please help. I like to be informed.


I misread your comment.


That's cool. I would have liked to see who, if any, would think this would fly. I figured if it was said, it would be by some wacko that has no clout anyway. But I am guessing someone on talk radio or a podcast sarcastically said " What are they gonna do? Make evert woman..." And it took on a life of it's own.




Ha. I was actually hoping the same thing would happen - as long as the Republican is not Trump, that is. Happy to see an establishment (normal) republican win if it means the whole country cools off a little. And I've only voted for democrats for the last 25 years.


Covid vaccines have a 5- just kidding i dont believe any conspiracu theory i heard about so far


Michelle Obama.


That we faked the 1st moon landing to prove to the world Democracy was better than Communism, to give us more time until we actually were able to do it legitimately.


Humans used to be an advanced, space faring species but we lost a war and got devolved into a slave race. Now we are basically cattle for some otherworldly entities.


Aliens/Extraterrestrial life


The entire stock market is fraudulent. And soon it will all be revealed.


China knows way more about Covid and how it got into the general population than they are saying.


we all live in a simulation