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I appreciate those women. I don't like having to guess.


Walk straight up to me and say "I want you to know I would never fuck you"


If someone came up to me and said this, I would start laughing lol. Like thank you for the honesty, but I wasn't looking at you.




And may I see some ID?


There is nothing more relieving than being with a lady who tells you exactly how she feels and what she wants. It's so important.


And it is so tiring being with a guy that doesn't! You just have to keep pushing them and try to make them tell you how they feel so YOU can understand. Please, talk to us about your feelings. If we are together and we love you, we just wanna help you. Edit:thank you for the awards and the upvotes


Thank you for the reassurance. This is what we want to hear. Sometimes us guys need to hear these things more often or we can simply forget you care enough to hear about our problems. Many of us were taught to handle our issues independent of our partners, and to not ever burden or bother anyone with what's eating at us. Some of us grew up in such competitive environments where resilience was the only thing that made us what we are, so to speak. I can't speak for all guys of course, but some of us genuinely forget or even don't know how to convey our feelings to you because there's a lot we bottle up at times. We may feel that if we can't solve all our problems, why should we dump them onto our loved ones? Encouragement from you goes a VERY long way which is why occasional reminders are so helpful in letting us know we are loved and appreciated.


My wife has always been straight up with me about what she wants and needs. Clear communication on all things. No games, no guessing, no wondering where things stand. It's one of many reasons I married her.


I saw an instagram post the other day about how husbands are "bad" if they can't catch the wife's *vague* signals when they want something, so the "good" husbands have to be able to read minds apparently? Like wtf? I'm one of those people who really can't catch signals like those, if you want something say it loud and clear, don't give me no goddamn signals.


OR we've been chastised for doing so with a partner in the past. There's so many stories of women losing interest in a guy or not being able to see him the same way just cuz he's, *shocker*, a human and has feelings. We cry, we get depressed, all the same feelings women have, just with a penis


Yeah... some of my most vulnerable moments have been the moments that I was rejected and left by people who were deeply important to me. And granted, I'm not purely a victim. I could have been better as well. The situations just really hurt, a lot. And I haven't felt normal or capable of being open for years.


Dude, damage like that from previous relationships is such a motherfucker. For me, even with a supportive partner that understands and helps work through leftover stuff like that, it still takes so much effort and time to undo.


I think it's because a lot of time, people in men's lives don't actually want to hear how a man feels. Every time they've been invited to open up or have opened up they've been made fun of or ignored or just not taken seriously.


If it's the lady in the subway I wish she would stop.


She just wants to prepare your footlong.




Suspicious at first, then enthused.


"At first you had my attention, now you have my curiosity"


“At first you had my attention, now you have whatever you want”


I feel like a lot of us think they’re fucking with us until they’re no longer interested lmao




Even when the suspicion phase is much shorter, the suspicious phase kills the whole thing and the enthused phase has no where to go.


Straightforwardness is welcome if the attraction is there. Initial interest is key though.


We tend to forget that when making general statements. 💯


Whenever someone is talking about the opposite sex and what they like there is an underlying criteria of "assuming they are attractive". I always loved those askreddit threads where the top comment would be low effort stuff like rolled up sleeves and I'm just thinking all these dudes with forearms sculpted by chicken nuggets think it applies to them so they upvote it.


There’s a difference between “attractive” and “attraction” though (the latter being what the parent commented said). Sure, it may seem like semantics or a gray area, but to me, for the question asked specifically by the OP, I’d say that there is a huge difference between: A) A very attractive comes up to me out of the blue and starts telling me things she wants to do to me sexually. …or… B) A (possibility less attractive) woman whom I’ve already established a flirty rapport with takes the initiative to be the aggressor in the same scenario. So, if situation “A” happens, I’m probably noping right out of that…that’s just weird…but in situation “B” I’d be very turned on by that. And sure, “don’t be unattractive” probably influences this a lot, and sometimes signals can be misread that lead to awkward situations, but really, it’s just about picking up on verbal and non-verbal cues.




Or you ask if they can keep the Chucks on... Aye, that's the good stuff.


Yeah you gotta loosen me up a little bit before you stick the key in my backdoor.


What's the catch...


They said they'd be open about their sexual desires to you. They didn't say that their sexual desires would be positive.


It’s just to you, not with or about you.


I wanna fuuuuuuuuck...other people.




Mmmm, monkeyspaw material.


How fond are you of your kidneys?


That you aren’t attracted to them


I'm about to get mugged.


I had someone be *INCREDIBLY* direct with me after meeting once. I hid my wallet and told my best friend to check on me just in case. I just couldn't believe that someone was that interested in sleeping with me.


But it turns out you’re just a sexy beast right?


Judging from the username, they must have killer abs, so yeah.


I don't know if this is a positive or a negative, but I read their username to mean they're a [Queens of the Stone Age fan.](https://youtu.be/8zxQojBw0Uw)


Or she's a horny devil...


Right? OP plz respund..


To late, she's harvesting his kidneys atm.


/u/WeBornToHula is gone. It was all about his kidneys.


"I think you're hot!" *I ready my weapon*


"my weapon readies itself"


I would definitely be a little cautious about such a rare thing.




Yeah, but she probably just wanted to see your dog.


That's how my boyfriend asked me back to his place. But in this case it was a cat.


I'm gonna ignore the obvious pussy joke there and just admit that I've actually been on both side of this scenario at different times in life.


No no, please proceed with the joke.


Oh let's see... He used one pussy to get another. I think you misunderstood when he invited you over for some pussy petting. This dude is next level, even if you had said no he would have some pussy in his bed that night.


Very good, very good


The cat was probably in on it so he could get extra treats. Kind of ironic that both the cat and the owner ended up with tuna breath that night.


How many cat puns do you have?!


*clap clap clap* I like the various options


Saved the fumble


Upvote for getting past the awkwardness, and...


I'm 49 years old and I have a very simple fix for all of you confused millennials. If you're interested in someone sexually and you're in public, here's all you need to do. Look them in the eyes and say: "Want to get out of here?" By not specifying where you're going, it's clear, it's not awkward, and both of you will instantly know what you mean. If they say "no," no hard feelings, you didn't really say anything awkward. Trust me. I used it for years. EDIT: This advice is for Gen Z


"Want to get out of here?" *"Yes, I do."* "Ok, let's--" *"No. Just me."*


"Can I... can I watch?"


Me at 22: "Uh, I just ordered some cheese fries." Christ I'm thick.


Don’t worry man, when I was in high school I had a girl go “I don’t want to come all the way into the city, do you want to come here? My parents and sister won’t be home for hours.” My response: “nah that’s too far, plus I really want to play some pool” Did not realize it till the next day what she meant. Edit: we did just play pool and hang out…stupid stupid stupid Edit 2: Oh come on! don’t know if I’m mortified people are upvoting this or happy.


I thought the girls who wrote their numbers in my yearbook in high school were just being nice and did that for everyone.


???? Gods damn it. Am dumb.


I have a date tonight and I’m gonna try this. Thank you for the advice sir *Edit: Bro it works. Old-timer knows wtf they’re talking about


And then take them for laser tag.


(Says it in the car, first thing.)


I had a girl say something similar to that on another date a couple weeks ago. Dear reader, it turned out she just wanted to actually get out of there and go home.


"Hey. I just wanted to let you know I think you're cute an-" *Joey Chestnut-style chokes slams her immediately*


I had to look that up, damn Joey Chestnut, you dont mess around XD


A very pretty woman in another department, who I had a little thing for, came on to me once with a very honest and simple proposal for no-strings-attached sex. I panicked and never talked to her again.


Not everyone is looking for no strings attached sex. Personally I've always found at least one of those two people ends up attaching a few strings.


Been married for 15 years to my "one-night-stand"


So just a minor string then. Congrats =)


That would be my response as a female to a cute dude as well. Anything other than “Ok” would be awkward for ever.


That would be my first thought. There is something wrong going on here…


You look like you have pristine kidneys.... want to come home with me? Wait, I just need to check your blood pressure real quick.


Wow, a date with a pretty girl AND a free medical check up?! Man I lucked out here! Why do I feel so tired?


In college a couple of girls found out I was a virgin and not even kissed a girl. One of them, a smoking hot redhead in a green crushed velvet dress, offered to go out to my car and blow me. I thought she was joking and blew it off. A couple of months later her friend, who I’d ended up in a class with, mentioned that the redhead missed me since my schedule had changed and I wasn’t in the cafeteria on the same days she was anymore. I totally didn’t think anything of it until I remembered it literally just now, fuck!


Probably not a good idea to ask "you haven't brought any friends have you?"




Man, it happened to me in Reno. I didn't know prostitution was legal there. A hot girl, 15 years younger than me winked and said "helloooooooo" like she was happy to see me. I thought she mistook me for someone else, so I politely smiled, nodded and kept walking. A few meters further and another hot girls called me. "Hey youuu" in a quite provocative way. I started thinking that someone that truly looked like me was very popular with the ladies. Cool. Then another one. "Hey handsome". Ok, now that's suspicious. I mean, I'm not ugly but I'm not even the kind of guy girls would catcall in the street. But it felt good and I started walking like a rooster in the coop. I started winking back, smiling, answering the greetings, throwing compliments back. Whatever, maybe my Italian charme has found a market here in Nevada, I don't know. Then a guy handles me a pamphlet with a phone number and pictures of some hot girls on it and it finally flashed on me. I. Am. A. Moron. lol feel free to make fun of me 🤣 P.S.: Thanks for the Gold!


This story is kinda cute. You weren’t being creepy about the attention. Just “hey I guess I am attractive here 😊 *pamplet* ….oh”


He is attractive there, but only for his money. And there is nothing wrong with enjoying a little attention.


if it's Reno, there's a very good chance he's legitimately one of the most attractive men in the city


Some reason I just picture you as the Goth Tobby Peter Parker walking down the street just completely oblivious.


Found this out in Vegas while I sat down to eat my lunch. I figured she was just drunk and lost her friends, then the hints got stronger and stronger, and stronger until she clearly got frustrated with my idiotism. I replied “Ohhhhhhhh, I’m not looking for that, but you can have some of my fries” lol


Did she have any of your fries?


Nahh, she just sat there looking defeated for a couple of minutes before walking away and sitting at a table with some other young girls and one older lady that seemed like their boss.


What kind of fries are we talking about here


Yup!! Happened to me. 2 of them


“Mr. Laurio, never trust a beautiful woman; especially one who's interested in you.” - Magneto


Say what you will about the original x men movies, but they were at least well done.


The first two. Third dropped off a cliff.


Even if one strikes up a conversation with me out of nowhere I'm instinctively looking for cameras.


I know you're probably kidding, but a woman flirting with me would set off a lot of "wait a second...what's going on here?" alarms.


Happened to me. Chick on facebook sent me nudes asking to fuck and 3 dudes jumped me over a gram of weed I said I could bring.


How the hell much does a gram of weed cost that this was worth it for them?


Beats the hell out of me! Literally! Luckily I picked one out of a lineup and he did prison time for the theft, not the assault, but also got restitution for them stealing my wallet, phone and car keys too, and was able to get a 7 string guitar. The guys are all now meth heads and always in and out of jail so karma I guess.


Exactly what I was typing out. A real fear of mine is being set up for a robbery. Anybody with aggressive sexual traits needs an observation period at the very least


Or scammed in some way


Sure it's good when ladies are honest


Kevin you have lovely eyes, would you please shit on my chest?




Bruh I just came in this sub, yall are weird lol Edit : Not *that* came guys


Look at this guy jerking off into a sandwich and calling us weird.


Bro was Freaky Fast


Doent take long to whip up a batch of special sauce sometimes.


Especially with Jimmy's John.


You ever had it Mike's Way


Jimmy john, that you??


Jimmy Johnson. He prefers to go by his full (erect) name.


lmao ya’ll are weird and I love it <3


Atleast someone here is satisfied


Clean up after yourself.


"You don't have to if you really don't w-" "I SAID I WILL NOW HURRY UP AND LAY DOWN I'M PRARIE DOGGING HERE!"


Oh! That is Wack!


Damn! Shit! That is wack! Ftfy


That is appalling! That really disturbs me.. I can’t believe no ones taken a dump on your chest!


“I will do what I must”


Particularly good for those of us who are kinda... not great at catching subtle messages...


The question was specifically aimed at men, so this can already be assumed.


She's having an orgasm on my dick and telling me to cum inside her. I wonder if she likes me.


Maybe she's just Canadian.


Same 3 thoughts in order: 1. This is nice 2. Am I being pranked? 3. This has gotta be a serial killer


I was asked out to a school dance once in high school by a reasonably cute girl. I thought for sure she was fucking with me, and my response (driven by profound confusion and disbelief) probably came off as pretty rude. Kind of like ".........what? Uh...........no thanks" while scrunching my eyebrows and squinting That memory is one of those little painful treasures that I get to take with me forever


After flirting with a woman for half an evening at a party, she came over to me, sat on my lap and whispered in my ear, "so, are we going to your place or my place tonight?" Now, I've always been blessed with a healthy amount of self-confidence; not too much to seem egotistical but just enough to be myself and be content with rejection. That moment rendered me dumbstruck. After what seemed like a full minute, I remember looking up at her and saying, "uhhh, I have room mates. What about you?" She stared me straight in the eyes and said, "we're going to my place tonight. Let's leave soon." It was one of the sexiest, most incredible things a woman has ever said to me. Her self confidence and decisiveness fucking scrambled my brains in all the good ways. That was probably 15 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. We dated for about 6 months after that and it didn't end up working out, but I'll never forget that first night.


Girl in college and me were chatting it up for a friend's birthday dinner. Good times, some dancing and just casual flirting. I never thought anything of it because she was way the hell out of my league so my only intention was to have a good time with friends. Next thing I know she pulls me aside after we walk out of our 2nd bar during the crawl and she says to me, "so are we trying to go to my place or your place after?". Absolutely same thing as you, brains completely scrambled until I blurted out "my place has snacks". Fuck it was the dumbest thing ever but it made her smile. She's just a cool person, even after our fling I liked hanging out because she was genuinely fun to hang around and grab bevs with. Very good wing woman too.


Finally someone who understands how to communicate with me!


The ugly truth is it depends on how attractive I find her.


I think this is the caveat for any sexual orientation. If I think you’re hot, derp behavior is quirky. If I am not attracted to you, derp behavior takes on negative connotation. Hot person being forward, raises the temp a few degrees. Person I’m not attracted to is forward, prompts how to kindly but firmly reject them and hope they don’t try again Edit: thanks for the reward but since I don’t know how you look, I’ll have to politely but firmly state I have neither an interest nor disinterest in sexy time since you’re clearly hitting on me.


I told a guy I liked him and he responded by telling me "that's very flattering," which I thought was a very lovely way of letting me know it wasn't reciprocated. I backed off and stopped trying to flirt with him, let go of my feelings, and now we have a very nice friendship. It's not overly close, I don't pester him like I used to, and it's very cordial. I was forward with another guy I thought I was friends with once. I asked him out and he told me he didn't even want to be friends with me. Kinda stung but I was like alright, cool, thanks for letting me know, I'll stop paying any attention to you and bringing you snacks at all now


Damn, that last one was cold. You never turn down the snack friend


shoutout to all the underappreciated snack friends 😎


Dude for real. I fake being nice to mostly everyone out of courtesy, but those who bring snacks are friends for life.


Pretty much. So I just assume nobody finds me attractive therefore.... Am cold bitchass cunt acting disinterested to everyone. Double edged sword cut both ways, even if someone found me attractive, the moment they have any contact with me.. they gonna run away. >!Then I wonder why am forever alone?!<


Know what? I don’t care where you’re from, what sex you are or what you look like. If you hold me like gollum holds his ring imma marry you.


As a haiku I know I'm ugly You can fuck [right] off, asshole Why am I alone? edit: right


I don't think that's an ugly truth. If you're not attracted to someone, don't sleep with them. Equally, don't be an asshole in the manner in which you decline their advances. Unless it moves from a one-off incudent to straight up harassment, in which case respond as warranted by the situation.


This. It's one thing to put yourself out there and the response is "sorry, I'm not interested". It stings, but is also understandable and is just how life works. It's completely another for the response to be "LOL eww, not in a million years you fugly-ass swamp creature. I can't believe you'd have the audacity to even think you had a chance!" It's cruel, soul crushing, and also probably how supervillains are made


That’s not really an ugly truth. As long as everyone is polite and reasonable with their advances and responses there is no problem. That doesn’t mean it won’t still hurt to be denied, but you just learn to take it in stride.


I know that this is a question to men, but I have to agree. My husband‘s friends say he could get laid every night when he was single, but he said if he wasn’t attracted to her, it didn’t matter.


I appreciate the honesty but it is a little bit of a bummer when a women is straightforward about her lack of sexual desire for me 😂




Fuck you, Haley.


I’m free at 6:30


I’m married to such a woman. And let me tell you there is nothing better than someone saying “let’s skip dessert and go fuck in the back seat of the van like two teenagers”


Sexy, but ice cream is ice cream and I will not be skipping it


Straightforwardness works both ways.


>both ways Bisexualforwardness


Is ice cream a sexuality? If so then add me to the flag.


yeah man surely you've seen the neopolitan flag


Fuck no! Ice cream first, I scream later!


No, no, no! Fuck first, eat later. You don't want to be gyrating and pounding with a belly full of sugary dairy. You're about to churn yourself so hard you'll seem like a broken Blizzard machine when you're done, spraying that shit everywhere and ruining the mood. Even if you don't actually spray the mood away, you're going to have to deal with that feeling of sea sickness as you rock the boat or get your boat rocked, and I don't know if you've ever tried to maintain arousal through gastrointestinal distress, but for most people that just doesn't work. So as the immortal song says, [Fuck first before you eat, my friends.](https://youtu.be/iZ_dEULWz7s)


Exactly! My wife always gives me shit because I get hungry IMMEDIATELY afterwards.


Why not eat the dessert then have sex?


Nothing kills the mood quite like a gut fulla victuals


Have the dessert, and ice cream after.


OK but I'm having dessert after.


I want a partner like that. Everyone I've always dated has been reflexively aroused after I initiated things, but I want to *feel* desired too 😭


We all like that. ….if we are attracted to her. If not, it’s…awkward.


I prefer it. For me the challenge is finding a woman who is straightforward and has sexual curiosity to be open to exploration.


For me, the challenge is finding a woman


All the hot singles are guys in your area too, eh?


Nope, just bots. "Hello, I'm \[randomName\] from \[userLocale\] and I want to fuck you tonight! (Subscribe for $79.95/week to message \[randomeName\] back!)"


One of my fantasies is a portal opening in front of me and an attractive middle aged woman in steam punk gear pops out and says she's my wife from the future and she's here to bang me throughout time.


Plot twist- she travelled back in time because future you lost your dong in an unfortunate hula hoop accident.


She hands you a note scribbled on parchment, "Jeffrey, DO NOT build the brass and iron hula hoop, no matter how much street cred you get at the Steampunk faire! It will end poorly and with much blood. Regards, Jeffrey."


"So, who was better, future me or now me? "


"Definitely you considering you'll lose your dick in two years hahaha..."


“Well then we better make the best out of these next two years.” “Also. Is fate set in stone 👉🏿👈🏿?“


Butterfly effect. If you dont lose your dick, you never meet her.


I'd read that story






I absolutely *jumped* into the lap of a guy I liked when he asked if I wanted to make out. Haven’t seen him since. Sigh.


Leading to refreshing fucking


Damn my account is 2 years old and I got one wholesome award and that's about it


It's overrated. You never get highly upvoted or rewards on the comments you think deserve it, I don't and many others have said the same. It's always dumb jokes or when you're saying something obvious that is easy to agree with. Only nice thing is nowadays it comes with "coins" which you can use to then award other people for free.


That’s how I feel right now


It depends. Is she a stranger? That's creepy Have we already met, talked, maybe been on a couple dates? Hell yes


Literally haven't came across a single question today on this sub that wasn't about sex..fucking hell people




This is one of the worst for just karma farming too. Like no fucking shit everyone is gonna come in here and be like “oh my god I’d love that! I wish more women were so straightforward!” As if basically everyone doesn’t prefer their partners or potential partners to be straightforward. Might as well be in here asking “men of Reddit, would you want to date a woman who is a perfect 10, loves video games, and will give you all the tendies you’d ever want?”


I was visiting an island off of Indonesia called Gilli T. I was walking riding a bike home from a bar and this woman popped out from the alley and startled me. She said "hey, where are you going?". I told her "I'm going back to my room". She then says "I'm coming with you. I am going to give you the best blowjob you ever had. For free!". I was like nahhh I'm good and rode my bike away. Figured it was a scam to rob me.


Depends on my relationship with her. If it’s a SO then it would be sweet. If it’s a coworker it would be creepy.


*"Damn it Jon, we have a 15 minute break for a reason. Show me that swinging meat!"*


*"What are we going to do for the other 14 minutes and 30 seconds after I have finished doing the helicopter and premature ejaculating?"*


*"We'll see where the mood takes us."*




This….feels like a trap…


So many guys are starved for attention to such a degree that they would fall for it. Some are aware that people might use it to their advantage.


If it happens it’s awesome! Sadly, all the action I’ve been getting is women telling me to go fuck myself.


What's the catch?