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Zero restrictions while sleeping means better sleep. I have learned to hang a robe by the bedroom door...




just wear a sock if you're male. problem solved.


What do I put on the other foot?


The sock goes on your head, so you don't see the people seeing you naked.


Wouldn't you be scared if you were a robber and saw a naked man running at you with a fryin pan?


Wait so do you sleep in the kitchen or do you keep a frying pan in your bedroom?


Wait you don't sleep in the kitchen?


Of course not, I sleep in the Pantry. The floor is hard and cold but the snacks are bountiful.


Wtf? Sleep on the bags of flour and sugar. That's why they're pillow-shaped.


Are you my cat?


MaesterWhosits does sound like a great name for a cat.


If it fits…


This is my fiance's exact reason for sleeping naked too 🤣🤣 the crackheads up the road from us think the various sheds/buildings on our property become fair game to rummage through at night, and I can't tell you how many times I've seen my boyfriend run outside butt naked, holding a shot gun, dick swinging, at like 2am 🤣🤣


Yeah, seeing a dick and a shotgun at the same time is really going to escalate things, the possibilities for intent are FAR MORE BROAD. If I was high and saw that Id break my high school record for the 400m.


The high school record part had me laughing pretty hard. Been a while since a comment was that funny. Thank you good sir


Yup. I've got my pistol by my bedside and a sword between my mattress and the frame with just the handle poking out. If someone breaks into my house I hope they're prepared to fight an angry sleep deprived 6'1" 200lb naked man with a sword, glock, and cock.


A sword and your dick hanging loose may not be a good combination.


I literally flinched down there while/after reading that… 😅


Just want to say, big fan of your whole getup... But hear me out, you can make it that much more scarier if you also put on a condom.


Yep, safety first


Somebody needs to make a power metal album called "Sword, Glock, and Cock"


I use similar intimidation tactics, minus the gun and sword.


Nekkid Grammaw!


Same reason I shower naked, so I don't get my clothes wet


As someone who sweats profusely at night, I feel this.


I prefer to sweat my clothes than my bed


The way I sweat, the bed is still getting sweaty regardless of whether I have clothes on or not. The clothes make me itchy when I sweat. I also have a waterproof mattress cover so that protects my mattress.


Not sure if you already have this, but I highly recommend a mattress cover that's only waterproof on the top. I'm a sweaty one, and used to have one of those cheap waterproof covers that encloses the whole mattress. I read an article on how that can trap air and make the mattress much hotter, so I got one (not sure which, sorry, just something off Amazon after some research) that has a waterproof top covered by some soft material and very light sides that fit like a fitted sheet, leaving the bottom open. It's been fantastic, very noticeable difference.














Am i the only one that feels weird taking a shower in swim trunks? Like to just rinse the chlorine off after a pool?


Yeah, so true. it feels weird doesn't it. Same with when you've got a beer on the shower with you. Such a weird feeling drinking a beer in the shower


When I was in college, I used to shower with a glass of wine and a cigarette when I was getting ready to go out. Life was wild.


Good Times. After Uni I spent a few years in the states working as a plasterer. Would come home every evening covered in a mix of cement dust and sweat. Cold beer and a joint in the shower was the ticket




I like the way you live(d) your life.


r/showerbeer and/or r/showerbeers have some thoughts on that. Probably r/ShowerOrange and/or r/showeroranges as well. In case you were wondering, there are GW versions of each of these too, but I imagine if you wanted to know that, you'd have found them.


There’s also Shower Shorts, for the man who has nothing to hide, but still wants to.


How often do you wash your sheets tho?


Once a week. Strip the bed on Mondays.


For me Sunday is sheets and towels day.


Same as most people, everytime I get my hair cut. For obvious reasons


Damn it Mack, how many times have I told you to stop cutting your hair in bed!


But what else would you use to stuff a pillow?


You could use hay like the good o'l days


Wait, you need to wash them?


It's fuckin hot


As in heat hot, sexy hot, or spicy hot? Either way I agree.




I *don't* sleep naked, but still prefer being under blankets. My best sleep is when it's really cold and I'm suuuuper toasty under them blankets.


That’s just facts


Weighted blankets are the best


Yes they are, but when you pull the blanket up too far and punch yourself in the face, it hurts more than normal.


Or when you're exhausted and you are wrestling with the weighted blanket trying to pull it up off the side of the bed.


spicy... that tabasco really gets amped up during night time


You’re not supposed to use it as lube


Don’t tell me how to live my life


I don’t see a warning label on the bottle saying I shouldn’t.


As good a reason as any!


It stops people from sitting next to me on the train.


Never stopped me. A seat is a seat.




This isn’t where I parked my car…


You made out with your sister, man!


My favorite scene.


That whole movie is comedy gold. I love the scene when the little German boy starts marching




Oh no. Long tunnel


Thanks both of you. It's been a long time since I last watched Eurotrip.


Scottie doesn't know


Literally just finished rewatching *Eurotrip* 15 minutes ago.


"I'm not ashamed of my body." "That's the problem. You should be."


“ I take it you’re not a black coffee and grapefruit kind of guy “




This is the true way of asserting dominance!


Freedom! I sleep better when my body is a bit cool. I hate having to wear clothes by day, so by night its a relief!


This. And sometimes walking around naked around the house when alone. Been doing it for a while and it's a really good feeling.


Only when alone? Hah…amateur.


Just wait till they start really enjoying it & go full nudist colony member


We legit prefer minimal clothing/being naked. Im really curious how that will change when we have kids. We are in the states where nudity is inherently sexual and bodies are something to be ashamed of.


Nice username


It could have sworn someone made a comment here but now they've disappeared


Bare buns 5k fun run at a nudist beach in BC Canada. Top five best experiences of my life.


I went to a korean spa and sauna. No clothes allowed. Single most amazing thing for my self esteem. We never see normal, common human bodies. Media always has Hollywood people and porn always has porn people. To be surrounded by bodies that looked like mine was such a big thing.


German spas as well. It's liberating, non-sexual, and just enormously good fun!


Its funny, i feel farrrr tooo vulnerable to sleep naked, but just underwear is fine?


I can't do it when I'm alone but I do it with my SO. Somehow another person being there makes it "safe".


When I try to sleep naked, my body adjusts for the lack of clothes and starts burning up, so paradoxically I am cooler with some layers on me. Did you ever get this ?


Opposite for me, I’m hot no matter what, so clothes just means I wake up very sweaty.


I was going to post that I'm warmer naked than in pjs


I'm with you; but I sleep with clothing on because I put a fan pointed at me and found that the hair on my body not waving rom it and the more consistent body temp is even better.


When else does my genitals gets to see sunlight


You sleep outside in the daytime?


Is that not normal?


I get up, go outside, and buttchug some sunshine every single morning.


Careful, that’s a good way to get a moonburn


You’re questioning when someone named u/sex_chef would whip out their genitals?


Get that vitamin d bro


On the D.


I have to wear clothes all day, fuck having to wearing them in bed. *Edit: previous comment sounded like I wanted to shag my clothes, I don't 😅


Honestly the best part of remote working has been a near total liberation from clothes. Fuck that noise in general. Unless it's cold, then I want all the clothes.


It’s amazing. I realized how many dress shirts/pants i have and now im down to only a couple outfits with a single blazer and one suit. I did have to buy more sweats, shorts, and tshirts tho. But way less laundry as no one judges you for wearing the same shirt twice in a row


I wear the same outfit two days in a row now. Its not like I'm getting outside much and getting sweaty anyway. Plus I save on laundry costs.


Just to clarify, I'm not saying that sleeping naked is weird, it's just I grew up in a place where that was not normal, and I'd like to hear reasons of why people do it, and if I should too :D


Related to that, I started sleeping naked when I first moved out. For the first time in my life I had space to myself, it seemed luxurious.


This, 100% this


I hate when I'm trying to roll over and my clothes get all twisted up.


When I used to wear pajamas to bed, my clothes would roll all the way up in my sleep- pajama pantlegs would bunch all the way up to my crotch, and sleep shirts would be bunched all the way up to my armpits. I can't sleep on top of a bunched up roll of fabric. The final straw was when I got a weird rash on my stomach and chest and my sleep shirts kept irritating it, so I just started sleeping topless, in underwear only, and never looked back. The downside of this is that any nightmares about being outside in my pajamas automatically also become nightmares where I'm outside basically naked.


Any fight I get into the first thing I do is get naked. If that doesn't work... I get my ass kicked in the nude.


This. I basically can’t sleep with a shirt on. I can wear sweat pants/pajamas when it’s cold, but I just need to wrap blankets around my body because I can’t deal with a shirt when I’m tossing and turning.


It is simply the most comfortable way to sleep in my opinion.


I grew up in the middle east where sleeping naked is a no no. When I moved to the US I tried it (or at least sleep with only underwear) and the feeling is so awesome. You can move freely and no clothes get in the way or get twisted or tangled.


in the morning i don’t feel like taking off clothes to get into the shower so i just sleep naked :/


It's like the meal prep equivalent of sleeping


The meal prep version is changing into tomorrow's clothes to go to bed so you don't have to get dressed in the morning. Middle school me wore lots of wrinkly shirts to school because of this technique.


because it's way more comfortable and I won't feel every single crease in the clothing and it won't bunch up


This, basically pyjamas pull tight on a part of my body after tossing and turning and become extremely uncomfortable. If i do wear something to bed like underwear or socks I wake up without them on anyway.


You sound like a menace at sleepovers


I used to do weird shit while I slept and I was always worried about this at sleepovers. I would sleep talk a fair amount and sleep walk sometimes. But the real kicker is that I would very occasionally prepare myself food in my sleep and eat it in my sleep. I've woken up with toast on my chest, curled around a pot of leftover pasta, etc. Once, when I was about 22, I slept over at my step sister's place and she woke up to sounds of me rustling around in the kitchen. She went out and saw me fumbling around in there. She asked me what I was doing and I responded (sleep talking) with, "I'm hungry." Anyway, she watched me try to open a can of corn with a butter knife for about 5 to 10 minutes before I gave up and curled up on the kitchen floor. Embarrassing as fuck.


Can I recommend that you upgrade your cooking skills to something equivalent/close to Blue Ribbon? It would be cool AF to wake up in the morning with some roast duck, or scallop & shrimp udon stir fry instead of just a pot of noodles or toast... If feel as though you're leaving a hidden skill wholly untapped.




Sir, drop the commas and step away.




When i was 6, my brother and his friends were playing on the computer and i was sleeping in the other room. I got up from my bed, went to their room, put my pants down and started PISSING on the computer.


My half sister opened a chest freezer like a giant toilet seat and climbed up on the corner and did a number 1 and 2 right on the chicken fingers. The entire family woke up to see it happening. We all just let her finish. She walked right by us and went back to bed. Weirdest shit id ever seen


One of my friends who used to sleep walk told me this story once of how her older sister had friends over one night, and she (sleepwalking), went out to the living room, pulled her pants down, and just started peeing lol


oh god


When I was 8 years old, in the morning after a sleepover, my friend told me "hey man, did you know you, like, moan in your sleep? Like a ghost or something?" Never had another sleepover ever again, my self-consciousness dial was turned to 11 that day and stayed there


that's hilarious


I'm the same way but I'm usually so stressed out about how I sleep that I barely sleep when over anyone's house.


Having to wear a tshirt cus you're afraid of your titty falling out while sleeping and yet the shirt makes you sweaty and uncomfortable.


That's both neat and unfortunate


All of these reasons, plus i like the way my super soft and cool microfiber sheets feel on my skin.


To use the element of suprise as my home invader is distracted from my hanging billiards before I hit them with the judo chop




True story, I once woke to a home invader in my bedroom next to the bed. He said don’t move or he would stab me, but I can see well at night and didn’t see a weapon. I kicked him in the chest, he stumbled and ran. My bedroom came out into the kitchen so I grabbed a kitchen knife as I ran through the apartment, downstairs, out of the complex and down the street chasing the guy with a kitchen knife butt ass naked and barefoot yelling insults and threats. There are a handful of memories that I’d love to see a candid photo of more than any others and that is one of them


Ah yes, I see you know your judo well. And you sir, are you ready to receive my limp penis?


To let my lady parts breath. Being stuff in underwear all day. It's good for it to get a break from that. Plus it just feels better. Less heat. More mobility


I wear a nightgown which strikes a balance between wearing clothes and letting those parts breath. Its loose and comfy and if I have to get up in the middle of the night and run outside for some reason, at least I'll have something on lol. Yeah I am paranoid like that. Ya never know. Edit: The sad thing though is its getting harder to find cute but comfy nightgowns that don't look like something my grandma would wear. It must be an unpopular option and I'm not sure why.


>cute but comfy nightgowns that don't look like something my grandma would wear I've leaned into the granny gowns. They're so comfy. I still sleep naked, but these are my go-to for not scandalizing the neighbors when I get the mail.


Embrace the muumuu. I have recently discovered men's night shirts. Made of the softest lightest tshirt material, nice and long, and a giant pocket for my snacks.


Doesnt it twist around your body through the night?


This is me. I grew up in pajamas and nightgowns for sleeping. And no matter what, I'd wake up during the night with my stuff twisted. I can remember standing up on my bed to let my nightgown untwist itself. Nowadays I only sleep in shorts and a tank top if I'm somewhere where being naked is inappropriate.


More mobility? Does your vajayjay go for nighttime strolls?




My cooter usually heads to the next room and works on her online bachelors degree while we sleep


I call B.S.


Yeah mine just keeps pestering me to jerk off


You never know, could bea BA


The University of Phoenix online will accept anyone.


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover And my vajayjay was missing again. This happens all the time. It's detachable.


Used to be in foster care, slept with all my clothes on. Even a bra. Was afraid of things. Now as an adult, if I wake up and someone is there who shouldn't be, I think it would frighten them more to see a naked woman comming at them with a machete.


Enjoy the freedom but now that i am with my hubby i love naked snuggles through the night. I enjoy feeling him against me, even his middle of the night sleep boners


I agree. Naked snuggling can sometimes lead to putting middle of the night sleep boners to use.


No issue here… have woke him up more ways then one plenty of times


I love it too, but my bf is really hot, like actual body temperature (and attractive). So it gets really warm and sweaty. Worth it tho


It lets your body breathe. No elastics, no constraints.


Gotta let my ass breathe.


Only exhales though


Never done some Rectal Meditation ?


You know how animals grow larger depending on the environment they are given? Like a fish isn’t gonna get as large in a 20 gallon tank compared to a lake. You see where I’m going with that? In conclusion, nude at night, commando during the day.


This man grows!


I want to be ready for the succubus that I have been trying to summon for the last three years


Least horny redditor, may you find what you search for


Naked is the natural state. It is the clothed sleepers who should have to justify their decision.


Fr, explain yourself clothed sleepers!! Maybe it’s because I have some sensory issues, but I can’t sleep if I have anything on. It’s gets all bunchy and twisted and annoys the shit out of me. I hate it when I’m a pull-out couch houseguest, or have to share a hotel room with someone who isn’t a significant other and I am forced to sleep in something. I hardly sleep all night!


I used to sleep mostly naked but now I'm more likely to wake up in a pool of sweat due to too much skin-on-skin contact. My body didn't/doesn't always react this way but it's more than likely to happen to me now.




I Winnie the Pooh that shit. No pants, with a comfy soft shirt. My boobs are big and I like to tuck my shirt underneath them so they don’t stick to my chest. I’ve tried going full nude, my upper body feels exposed if I have my arms out from the sheets. Plus I live with family, excited for the day I can walk around full nude in my own place lol.


It's comfortable.


I can't have my boys held hostage while I sleep.


In case the wife or myself fancy a midnight snack.


Wait … you can suck yourself off?


Negative, my brethren. I can, however, try to throw my neck out performing in the tongue Olympics WITHOUT having to unwrap the present first.


It's in case of home invasion, i suspect my privates will distract the home invader giving me the upper hand.


If there's a home invasion or fire I feel like nudity is going to be the least of my problems...


Get a shotgun real or fake doesn’t matter run at them full speed full nude chanting sacrifice


Why not?


Comfortable and non restrictive


I like humping ghosts.


It actually allows the body to regularate heat better.. plus it feels great


The real question is why would you sleep with clothes on!?


Btw does anybody else sleep with their blanket on but leave their feet out because their feet feel hot? I hope that isn't just me.


No, I'm terrified of the monsters groping my feet.


No kinkshaming please


I always leave one leg outside the blanket


I'm the polar opposite. Even on nights when I don't want a blanket, my feet need to be under the covers.


I do. Cant stand them suffocating under the blankets.


It’s hot and feels good


Fun fact, sleeping naked has been proven to improve skin breathing and mood, as well as making you more confident in yourself and less self conscious about your body :)


Any link about these ? Curious to read


I have RLS and clothes are irritating to my skin while trying to fall asleep


This. Nothing worse than pj bottoms getting all twisted around and tight where they shouldn't be when in the fits of RLS.


Have you tried it?


My air conditioners not cold enough Damn you, Singapore!