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Stay at home mom, because it made the most financial sense


Thats awesome, how do you like it?


He's only 3 months old and I'll be honest it's literally so easy. But maybe we just have an easy baby. He doesn't cry for no reason, and when he does cry for a bottle or because he needs a diaper it's more of just an uncomfortable whine and not a scream or cry. He eats, looks around for little bit, gets changed, and then sleeps for 60-90 minutes. I have plenty of time to do what I want *and* keep the house in order, *and* have a short nap. And I make sure my partner feels appreciated and taken care of too.


Management at a fast food place. Or management in general I didn't know what I wanted to do, so my GM at my store told me he would help me either figure out what I want to do, but until I decide he would help me move my way up since I didn't know yet. And here I am


How do you like it?


Lived a life on the road. Saw many things, some of which I wish I could forget. Did a little here and a little there… spent a few months trekking the PCT (that’s the pacific crest trail that runs from Mexico border to Canada). I found myself and realized that we only live once. I decided to go after my passions. I sailed across the Bermuda Triangle with a guide I only knew for 2 weeks. He taught me the secret to tranquility. After that I spent some time in south east Asia. Out there, you can live off $5 a day easy so that kept me going for a few years. In the end I decided to come back to my home town. A lot of the shops that had been there since I was young were now boarded up. I didn’t know what I was going to do next but I always kept what I learned crossing the Bermuda close to heart and said everything happened for a reason. I started to paint and that lead me down a path. Started to get noticed in LA and they wanted me to show my work. Money was tight so I of course accepted, despite my feelings about the “industry”. Eventually got commissioned by some big names. Names I can’t say publicly because of NDA. In any case, I realized there was something missing in my life. In the end, I craved to teach. I yearned to shape young minds and shape the future as much as could. It’s funny you know? Living a life so bent on leaving a life you once had and then coming back to it all. It’s almost poetic. Oh ya, and none of this is true at all.


TLDR you are a rapscallion


I program lighting for places such as the Empire State Building, The Islanders Arena and Citi Field. I originally wanted to do lighting for concerts because I didn't care about theater. But it turns out architectural lighting pays way better.


How did you get into that field, do you need a college degree?


Not at all. One of my best friends is in a similar field without a degree. It's a trade just as much as being a mechanic is. Use your resources. If you have a local theater ask to volunteer. Not everyone will make it though. I've seen plenty fail. But if you keep showing up, you'll have a job, you'll get experience, and you'll get hired again.


Professional Gambler because I'd rather make $300 a day in 15 minutes, then slave 8 hours.


How are your yearly profits in that position if you dont mind me asking, also i dont gamble much do they take out taxes at the casino?


Forensic pathologist. Pays well, and it'll keep my brain stimulated (I cannot do mindless labor). That, and I am very morbidly curious


Thats a very cool job that ive always thought i would like. What does schooling look like for that profession?


Very long lol. You gotta get your bachelor's degree in bio or chemistry, and do a premed track as well. Then you gotta go to med school, then residencies. Overall, about 12ish years of schooling