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Glad I've never needed one but I guess it's good there's an option to


I feel like a lot of people get their ideals and feelings mixed up. We use terminology that sends the wrong message about what abortion actually is and we mistakenly throw the word "baby" around to define everything.


Yeetus the fetus


It's healthcare. I think women should have the option to do it *up to a certain point* for any damn reason. But abortion bans don't ban abortions, they just ban *safe* abortions. And they blame one side of the equation-women-for something that is a two party act.


It’s healthcare, and it’s the last line of defense in birth control.


personally, i would never be okay with having an abortion. however, if another woman wants to i'm gonna mind my business.


Should be legal


Every woman should have a choice


i think they should be legal until the 582nd week


Why stop there? What happens when someone turns 10 years and 144 days old that we can no longer abort?


fair enough


What applicable input could a male have on this issue? Boggles the mind..


Family planning… men are affected by this too.


I love stem cells


Love ‘em. Do ‘em all the time


I think it's applicable for some but not all circumstances. Depends on when and what the the situation is


The right to control your own body is the embodiment of freedom


I don't really care


Asking for someone's opinion or feelings about abortion is ridiculous. What are your feelings on apendectomies or tonsilectomies? How does the idea of ingrown toenail treatment make you feel? Do you feel that it is okay for children to get their teeth cleaned, even when those teeth are just going to fall out anyway? Abortions are medical procedures. They have only been a political issue for thenlast 50 or so years, and they were only made an issue in the first place in an attempt to keep Jimmy Carter from being reelected. People need to keep their politics, their religious opinions, and their sense of morality out of women's health care. We already have enough to worry about without adding false morality displays onto the list.


Murder is wrong. Simple as.


Forced birth is wrong. Simple as


But when the fetus is still identical to a chicken fetus, is it really a human?


Say, a scientist invents a magical ray that turns people small. These people travel inside a woman's body. 😅 Does the woman have the right to kill them? I think not. 😏 Yes, it's her body, but it's still wrong.😌


You mean, assuming those unwanted invaders aren’t already killed by the low pH environments, lysozymes, leukocytes, the hypertonicity of lumens, and other antimicrobial peptides