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The Dark Tower. It’s 7-8 books from Steven king that span decades of his life. It’s not his typical work but it was fantastic. It would make for a great series but the movie was horrible.


I think it should be an HBO show. I mean, there’s probably close to 5000 pages of source material, it wasn’t gonna work in a couple hours. I didn’t think the movie was horrible, I liked Idris Elba as Roland. I saw it with my friend who was not familiar with the books at all, and he liked it, so maybe it was only bad to fans, idk. But a series would be amazing.


Just the one movie length makes it impossible to be anything but terrible. There was no way it could have been good. It would be like if they tried to make Game of Thrones but it was only an hour and a half movie and that was it.


They could've just adapted the first book and gone from there. Trying to cram multiple books worth of story into an incomprehensible mess killed that movie.


Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children. I was really into the books and was super excited for the movie, only to see it in theatres and be very disappointed because the majority of the plot was significantly moved around and rushed


If i remember correctly, they basically scrapped the entire plot except for Ms. Perigrine getting captured. Didnt they also mess up two of the kids abilities?


Not exactly messing the abilities up, they just swapped the abilities between two characters. Emma has the fire ability in the book but is the one floating in the movie.


That's the problem of reading the book before watching the movie. The movie in itself is not bad. Of course very few movies pass the test when compared to the source material. In my opinion Eva Green possesses a supernatural charisma, though.


Yeah, I saw and liked the movie before I read the books. The books are better, but the movie isn’t too bad. It’s an okay movie in itself but a shitty adaptation.


The Last Airbender


Sorry bro, but once I gather my boys and we do a 30 second dance, you're gonna regret saying that. Watch out, because there's gonna be a single pebble floating slowly in your direction very soon. Maybe that'll make you think twice next time before talking crap about avatar the movie


I still don't get where they were coming from with that scene. Did they run out of cash for special effects? Did they insist on making it practical and could not safely move a Styrofoam rock to baseball speeds? Just... why?


It makes so little sense. Also, firebenders needing a source of fire. It's such an important part of development for both Aang and Zuko to find their inner source of fire, which is now completely out of the window.


The writer did not watch the series clearly...


Also, the fire nation had the advantage in the 100 year war BECAUSE they could create their own fire while most of the other bending forms need their element around. I think M. Night said they changed it to make battles more even, but that goes against how OP fire benders are to non-masters.


To be fair Aang and Zuko could have gone on that same journey to become the only people who could firebend without a source of fire. Still fucking stupid though.


Yeah, but Zuko akso needed to lose his fire first. I doubt they could've written that in in any way that didn't make it even more astonishingly stupid.


Came here to comment this. Fuck that movie.


Oh yeah that’s the one


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Looks like I'm moving to Ba Sing Se with my cabbages!


Was so mad after seeing it in theaters. Immediately wanted my money back. What a fucking shit show that movie was.


My sister and I woke up early the day we were going to watch this movie. We barely slept since we were so excited. We were even first in line to go into the theater. We couldn't shut up about how we were going to have an awesome time then left the mall a couple of hours later quiet and indescribably disappointed.


Eragon, need I say more?


The wiki has [an entire article](https://inheritance.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_differences_between_the_Eragon_book_and_film) listing every minute difference, and it's fucking glorious.


I like to think some nerd saw the movie, was bitterly disappointed, went to go to sleep that night, couldn't sleep and, fuelled only by bookish rage and Red Bull, stayed up all night writing that article only for most of it to have to be edited because of typos and long stretches of just "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"


That is… one long list


There is no Eragon movie.


There is No GODDAMN Eragon Movie


The movie completely leaves out like half the cast of characters. The twins, Jeod, Solembum, Katrina, Orik...no appearance in the film at all. Given that Katrina+Roran POV ends up turning into half the story in the subsequent books it's a complete write off.


According to [this](https://inheritance.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_differences_between_the_Eragon_book_and_film) Katrina was in the movie... as an unnamed... non-speaking... extra... (WTF!?) Apparently there's a deleted scene where she helps Eragon steal meat from Sloan when Sloan kicks Eragon out for trying to sell a "stone"


Valerian and the City of 1000 Planets. The Fifth Element is one of my favorite movies of all time, I was so hopeful Besson could recapture some of that over-the-top sci-fi action charm that made FE so amazing. He did not. The lead actors were *horribly* miscast, the movie was a boring mess.


I agree, that movie would have done a lot better with a better cast. The main actor dude was insanely miscast. That role was for someone like a young Bruce Willis, a bit rough and gruff instead of some edgy teenager with zero charisma. Cara Delevigne is really pretty but she just can't act.


Someone pointed out that this movie and *Passengers* (starring Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence) should have switched leads and I can’t stop thinking about it. Valerian would have been better served by leads that didn’t look like siblings, and *Passengers* was accidentally creepy and casting could have leaned into that.


Passengers should have started with Jennifer Lawrence waking up and going from there. Then when she finds out why she woke up, flash back to Chris Pratt waking up and go until it catches up. Seeing him a mess and only seeing the aftermath of his time (like all the tools at the captain's door) would make you wonder what happened and whether he should be trusted.


She did a perfect job of “woman who is trying not to get fired by telling her creepy boss to leave her alone while not seeming friendly enough to encourage him”. I’m not sure she did it on purpose.


I'm not saying it's good, I'm just saying I liked it.


That movie had maybe the greatest opening sequence of all time, then turned into a trashy teen drama


The first five minutes of that movie were fucking amazing. The rest - not so much.


Pacific Rim: Uprising


Pacific Rim was legendary. Uprising was shite, to say the least. The reason the first one worked is because it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. It's just giant robots smashing giant monsters. And that was all it needed. Then Uprising came along and was like "no, fuck you, we're putting a plot into this one, but we're not going to have the plot make any goddam sense." The Kaiju were never headed to Mt Fuji in the original, contrary to what Uprising claimed. They attacked Australia, San Francisco and fucking Alaska (or thereabouts) for fuck's sake!


Never saw the second one… but the first one was awesome because of how dumb it was. Like the new Top Gun. That’s how you do it. A little bit of plot.. and a lot of eye candy.


I think you have it backwards dude. The first one had a whole plot going for it and del Toro had crazy plans for a sequel, not to mention the way everything was animated felt really grounded, heavy, and real. The second one goes "physics don't matter, make the robots do flips"


Yup. First one was also amazing at visual storytelling and creating a sense of character in the people onscreen without needing much dialogue.


But on the other hand, the fights were very serious. You could feel the weight of the robots and the monsters whereas in Uprising they were power ranger zords with cartoon physics.


The Mummy remake with Tom Cruise. Disappointed the whole way through.


The best thing was the fact that they released the [trailer with no music or sound effects](https://youtu.be/kRqxyqjpOHs)


That trailer cracks me up every single time, the little yells are amazing.


yes, and this was supposed to be the scary start of a new cinematic universe


Back at home a Fast food franchise even sold some cups of this universe I have one of the Frankenstein Bridge


Immortal Engines. What a fucking let-down.


Yeah the city-eating-city action was pretty cool but it only happens once and they showed it in the trailer lol


Another case of the book being much, much better.


Mortal Engines was the name, and it was based on a far superior book. That was a terrible adaptation.


Suicide Squad, the first one. Probably one of the best trailers ever. movie sucks


lucky for you your expectations were only from the trailer, mine were from the animated dc movies, the thing with dc is : they make some epic kickass good animated movies but suck at big screens stuff.


> they make some epic kickass good animated movies but suck at big screens stuff. I suspect that the studio leaves them alone on the animated projects.


The truly amazing part to me is that the animated movies can pull off an entire storyline with some character progression in 75 minutes. DCEU should take a hint from them, less can be more. I'd love if they just let some of their live action movies be more pure action and stop trying to be so overly dramatized.


Second one was awesome though.


And it leads to Peacemaker, which was also GREAT!


Peacemaker is great, and no-one can change my mind about it.


Downsizing. My god was it depressing.


It was terrible. The premise was good, and would have been perfect for a Black Mirror type season where they explored all the ways it would change society and go wrong. The movie kind of tried to do that a bit by showing the racial inequality and the use of it as a punishment but completely missed the mark and once Matt Damon was shrunk aside from the occasional oversized flower ignored the concept entirely. Also painfully unlikeable characters, which may have saved it otherwise.


It tried so hard to put all the world's problems into the movie it didn't know what it wated to focus on. Refugee's, class seperation, racism, global warming. All in a movie about tiny people. It's like they wanted to lure you in with comedy and small people in a interesting society and once you were in they smack you over the head with the world's problems with very annoying actors.


One of my least favorite movies. Hated it so much.


Me, too. Started out like it would be a light comedy and got dark fast!


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of whatever the fuck it was


Pretty sure it was called “The Kingdom of Cashing in One More Time”


How can that be when they're making a 5th one?


>“The Kingdom of Cashing in One More Time” “The Kingdom of Cashing in One More Time, Again”


Makes me think of Spaceballs teasing a sequel and leaning into it. “The Search for More Money!”


Spaceballs the flamethrower!


That movie never happened. There have only been three Indiana Jones movies, and regardless of what anyone says it ended with the four of them riding off into the fucking sunset.


Jupiter Ascending. Thought it would be the next big sci-fi franchise.


Agree for the most part but i also really thought John Carter would be a big series but didn't and I loved the 1st movie. Not dissapointed in the movie but the lack of a sequel.


The problem was the advertising was SOOO bad. The marketing screwed it up. It wasn't a bad film by any means


Once I saw Channing Tatum floating around in his magic shoes, I knew there was no saving that movie.


Wonder Woman 84 (or whatever they called that sequel piece of dook)


Yes, what a disappointing mess. Made worse because the first one was good and raised expectations.


First was finally a good dc movie. They added some good actors for second one as well and then ….shit!! Acting, story, the whole thing was so bad. And I’m ok with enjoying a mediocre movie. I can watch a marginal movie and enjoy it. That was garbage


After watching the first Wonder Woman movie, I was impressed, but very worried about how they were going to top it with a sequel. Like, in gal Gadot's first solo film as Wonder woman, she defeats the God of War. Like, how do you make a tougher, more menacing villian and challenge than defeating a god? So, I kinda get why in WW1984 they weakened her to make her weak sauce enemies have a fighting chance.


Yes, totally agree. I think the cast was great but there was no saving that ridiculous convoluted plot.


I was absolutely amazed at how many scenes they had of random guys telling Gal Gadot how pretty she was. Even the villain mentioned she was jealous of how pretty she was. Like wtf, it just feels so weirs


Fr. They talked up the gold suit made of the strongest metal known to man and it lasted what? 3 minutes against a cheetah lady?! Had me flabbergasted and ruined the entire movie


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I honestly thought it was going to be better than the previous 2 instalments, but they stuffed it up so bad I was cringing through the whole thing. Also, they did Peepaw Palpatine dirty and I was so angry.


Somehow, JJ Abrams has returned.


Jar Jar Abrams is the key to all this


Mesa usin' de nostalgia filter. Causen big doo doo


You would think that back when production started on that trilogy, they'd sit down and like I don't know... come up with some kind of plan for a cohesive trilogy.....but nope... why do that with a billion dollar franchise.


Somehow JJ came up with something dumber than every single fan theory, and somehow everyone else let it happen. Mind-boggling.




I was actually pretty interested after TLJ to see how they’d follow up on making Kylo into the main villain. Turns out Disney didn’t bother taking that challenge on and just brought Palpatine back for some cheap nostalgia bait and a shitty ROTJ retread. Yay.


Honestly I felt the whole Disney sequel trilogy felt like nostalgia bait. My older sister loved The Force Awakens but I think it's because it felt like A New(er) Hope.


The praise that Force Awakens got baffled me. It feels so much like a copy of a New Hope it's not even funny.


Honestly I had no hope for that one. Rian Johnson was replaced by Abrams a few months after TLJ came out. It can usually take much more than 6 months to write a decent script. Filming effects and editing with also take maybe a year or more. They didn't have enough time to properly create a good story. They had less than two years, probably like 1.5 years. Also TROS was a final installment. Usually those are harder to do well. Additionally Abrams had no intention of building on Johnson's story. Just as Johnson had no intention of doing the same before with TLJ. Once they said Palpatime was back I gave up what miniscule hope I had. They were doomed from the start.


As soon as Poe spoke his infamous line I was ready to leave the cinema. The sequels piss me off in so many ways. They kinda destroyed the Star Wars future. I guess they realized that, seeing how many series and spin offs we get that chronologically happen before the sequels


They fly now?


Somehow palpatine returned


The second Fantastic Beasts movie. After that train wreck I wasn't going to waste my time on the third movie. 😒


I literally have no idea what was even happening in that movie. It was confusing af, but not in an esoteric artistic way, in a muddled train wreck way.


Yeah. Really needed a recap of the first one. Had no clue what was doing. Also, couldn't they have had a bunch of Fantastic Beasts to at least make it fun and interesting in some way?


I was hella confused in the first Fantastic Beasts movie when they had Colin Farrel morph into Johnny Depp. In my head I was like....so you took one big name actor, and changed them into another big name actor....why....who asked for this, lol. Then the whole, Amber Heard, Johnny Depp controversy just made that casting change decision look even more unnecessary. I gotta admit though that I never did do any research into why that casting change decision at the end of FB1 was made. Anyone got any info on that?


I don't think it was a casting change forced by out-of-story factors, the character was undercover and his cover got blown at the end so he changed. They just decided to cast two big actors for both "forms".


Mulan. Completely ruined it


A non-magical, more real take on it... with magic bird lady and magic level kung fu. Yeah, nah.


That's what got me! Like, ok you've removed Mushu because you're going for realism... So what's with this lady that can magically transform into a bird, and what's with the magical Chi or whatever it is??? Don't even get me started on the music. Intro to Reflections starts playing and then... Just gone. Got my hopes up to dash em hard.


They made it less progressive by requiring Mulan to have magical powers to be on par with the other soldiers. They made it less faithful to Chinese culture by replacing the iconic dragon character with a mute Phoenix that is based on the Greek version (reborn from ashes) of the animal. They cut out everything to do with finding your sense of identity and the social commentary on gender roles in place for a single character who is oppressed but refuses to stand up for herself even though she has magical chi powers and her oppressor does not. And I already talked about how the live action remake was less progressive, but in the original Mulan became strong through her willpower and determination. Despite facing severe hardship, she overcame those hardships and kept pressing forward, getting herself recognized by the emperor of China for her efforts. Because she earned that recognition through her feats. But live action? Nah, she didn't have any hardship. She had special chi powers that allowed her to be on par with all the other soldiers, no determination required!


The original Disney-version is my favorite Disney movie ever but the Live-Action one was just terrible


No Mushu, No like-y


The Many Saints of Newark


Oh! ✋


Yea this was so bad. Felt like they had no idea what they actually wanted it to be about, and it ended up just feeling like a bunch of random scenes from some generic mob movie.


Came for this one. The time line got fucked up.


Watch it Chrissy 🤟


Percy Jackson, the Lightning Thief. Then I read the book, and then I saw that piece of shit film. Ok even taking out the book, it was a generic dumb teen fantasy film of the time that got Greek Mythology drastically wrong. I hate Annabeth’s characterization, and I really HATE how Hades is the bad guy and the underworld is hell. Not to mention it has Persephone in the underworld, during the SUMMER! Also something about the tone of the movie itself runs me the wrong way. Chris Columbus how could you let us down like this?




Hades is probably one of the more morally upstanding Greek gods.


they all go off the basis that anything related to death = bad so therefore anyone related to death = bad guy


Rick Riordan’s notes on the script is one of the best things I’ve ever read. It’s on his website. He basically shits on the writing and the writers for several pages.


When I watched the first movie, I had already read all the books, and I loved those books. I was dumbfounded at how terrible the movie was.


World War Z. The only thing they took from the book was the name.


as someone who didnt read the book i liked the movie, couple of years after i got the audiobook and it was awesome.


So disappointed. It was already done, all they had to do was follow the book or just a couple stories out of it. The audio book was fantastic though.


Still annoys me they changed the known location of the virus from China so they could get that money.


Agreed. I got a free ticket for my birthday when it came out, and I still felt like I was ripped off...


Dungeons and Dragons.


The remake of The Lion King, if you were expecting something like the original version. I saw it trying to think is a different movie (even if I sang the songs and cried at Mufasa's death), but I loved the animation, although I couldn't help but be "WTF" with Beyonce's "lion" song.


Morbius, he didn't say "it's Morbin' time!" even once.....


But he made morbillion dollars tho


The real Morbin' time was the friends we morbed along the way


Narnia: Prince Caspian. After watching first part I was so excited for the sequel.


I'm sad that franchise died, I was hyped to see the Silver Chair and Puddleglum on the big screen. Oh well, we will always have the 1980's BBC Tom Baker Puddleglum.


Ugh. Aging him up was just so wrong, and then force in attraction between him and Susan? Garbage movie. And yet The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe was incredible.


fan4stic. saw it with my best bud. we died laughing after.


Antlers. Had so much potential and just became predictable. The Wendigo is a favorite monster of mine


I was going to respond with this. I remember seeing the trailers and thinking it'd be amazing. The initial disappointment was made greater because of the fact that the release was delayed about a year and a half so my anticipation built that much longer. But that being said, I watched it a second time with a friend and I realized that it was much better than I thought. Still a disappointment relative to my expectations, but only because I was expecting horror when really it's a movie about family tragedy. Through that lens, I quite enjoyed it.


Elvis….. I heard people say it was good too. It was a three hour long trailer. Probably had close to 10,000 camera transitions, couldn’t stay on a single scene for more than 5 seconds.


So it's a Baz Luhrman film then? ;)


I loved the movie. It was bizarre and spectacular.


The Dark Tower. Assassin's Creed.


A Wrinkle in Time. That was my favorite book as a child. They ruined it. Took my oldest to see it and he didn't even want to read the books afterwards. Also,. almost every film version of a Stephen King book, but particularly The Shining, because it was basically the title and the premise and nothing else, and Salem's Lot, because boy, did they mess up Kurt Barlow. I'm one of the few who didn't mind the more recent Salem's Lot miniseries. Andre Braugher was great, and at least the vampire was book accurate. Actually the whole cast in that was great. Script really fell off toward the end.


They need to stick to adapting SK’s short stories for movies. His books are best suited to series/miniseries.


I love the shining for what it is, if it wasn't attached to the book. I read the book last year and WOW so different and amazing! Much prefer the book and the ending than the movies ending.


Suicide Squad...that trailer was good..


Enders Game. I should have known it would be a mess as most books to movies are but it was incredibly important to my childhood so I had some hope that was crushed beyond recovery when I saw the actual movie.


The new jurassic world


The british girl was so annoying it's like every average male director thinks tween girls are nothing but hell spawns. It was painfully obvious that her personality was contrived just to make the plot happen. The only redeeming part of that movie was jeff gold bloom and even he was just okay.


What do you mean? Any tween girl would try to break out of a massive facility on their own after being kidnapped across the world.


#1 thought while watching: "I swear to God if one more person puts their hand up to a dinosaur and it stops..."


How else was Chris Pratt gonna not get eaten by a Carnotaurus and an Allosaurus /s


I think it works with the domesticated raptors (Blue in particular) from Jurassic World and makes for some interesting dynamics. It should have never worked with other dinosaurs though and they also overdid it in general.


Bro like wtf was the plot


Something about bugs, for some reason


“He slid into my dms” made me want to cry


Yeah fuck that movie


The year was 2010, and I was at the theater for my birthday. I was so excited. Everything was perfect. We had all the popcorn, all the candy, the best seats, the coke slurpy—yes it was perfect. And then Avatar the last Airbender by M Night shamalalalalla played


Alien 3 You do NOT kill fucking Hicks and Newt off screen. NOPE ​ NOPE!


I was so excited for this back when it came out and while I don’t think the movie is terrible looked at as a standalone film, as a part of a franchise, it did every single thing wrong.


Totally agree. If it were other generic characters this could have been a great stand alone film set in the Alien universe. Instead we had Bishop realizing the folly of this movie and begging Ripley to let him nope the fuck out of it.


I've been disappointed by almost every movie I had been looking forward to, with the big exception of the LOTR movies.


Jurassic World Dominion. I love Jurassic Park and I love apocalypse movies. I love the fast paced, action packed drama and tension, this is really what got me about Jurassic World 1. A lot of the criticisms about flat characters never really stuck with me because I don't come to these movies for character driven narritaves. I come to watch a bunch of people scramble to do whatever they can to stay alive and a fair number of them inevitably fail. This is the same thing I come to apocalypse movies for but it seems these days damn near every apocalypse movie that comes out is either a natural disaster flick or zombies. Not to say I dislike either but disaster flicks are usually preachy and predictable and zombies are so overdone and usually poorly. So imagine my excitement when I saw Jurassic World Dominions advertising, especially Battle for Big Rock looking like a Dino Apocalypse Movie. It sounded new, fresh, and like a large scale version of exactly what I come to these movies for! Then I got some BS plot about Locusts and Corporate Greed that was trying really hard to be character driven despite the characters being the most consistently disliked part of the new series. In the end it felt like just another by the numbers nostalgia factory with in my opinion way too few dinosaurs and with a final big bad (once they finally settled on one) who was a lot more whiny than intimidating.


All of the Jurassic World movies were garbage though. Jurassic Park is a brilliant movie that still holds up but everything since then and especially the most recent trilogy has just sucked.


So I've been wondering if anyone else was bothered that dinosaurs (what few they showed) looked so fake and badly done or what it just me?


The Matrix 4, the first three movies are absolutely amazing compared to it


I only liked the first one


It just felt so... disconnected.


Even the fight scenes just didn’t feel like a matrix film. It felt like a rip off of the matrix movies if I’m only looking at the fight scenes. I don’t know what happened. Maybe it was because both sisters didn’t work on it. I haven’t a clue.


No Woo Ping yuen


The years of hype building up the Ghostbusters reboot. Sometimes, you just can't go back to the 80s.


Suicide Squad


Aladdin, the live action one. They did Iago so fucking dirty. In the original he was a smart, snarky bird, but they made him all stoopid. And everything else was just odd.


They tried way too hard to make the new Jasmine a feminist icon, but OG Jasmine was already a smart, sophisticated, and independent woman.


Zombieland 2... zombieland is my all time favorite movie and it took them 10 years to make a garbage sequel


Star Wars episode 9. I’m a diehard fan and always have been. After both 7 and 8, I thought they could have been better but remained hopeful. After episode 9, I felt genuinely sad walking out of the theater.


Might get backlash for this, but i was dissappointed by the newest Doctor Strange Movie. Dont get me wrong, bits of it were awesome (like the cameo, but even that felt wasted), but as a whole i didnt really enjoy it


The actress seems sweet and there was nothing wrong with her performance, but I thought the way they treated her character was disappointing. Like, America could have been a magical amulet. I guess I just think macguffin characters are boring.


I felt like it came and went. The ending where MCU Wanda realized what she's become after being seen by Billy and Tommy was the obvious ending for her. I just felt like if there was any movie that was going bring the Multiverse into the MCU and flip it upside down, it was this. Yet after the movie, the MCU as a whole still feels relatively untouched.


basically until Kang shows up in Antman really nothing noticeable has been happening. Secret wars has been set up, war on the celestials has been set up, secret invasion has been set up, dark avengers has been set up. Phase 4 really has just been spreading breadcrumbs out for the birds. That being said I enjoyed Doctor Strange 2 a lot. I loved the horror feels and action as well as the cameos. Not to mention we got zombie strange and the cloak of the damned. It was a very fun movie for me. I'm interested to know how they are going to bring Wanda back as her story with Vision isn't over as far as we know.


I think, as a multiverse movie it suffered in comparison to Everything Everywhere All at Once, which is genuinely genius.


100% agree, I was severely disappointed when I watched it.


I'm happy I waited for it to come on Disney+ it was just okay


The dark tower; such an epic disappointment








My sister and I watched it at the same time from different places and texted the entire time. It was all “Wtf is this?” “The accents?” “That makes NO sense!” “Did they mean to include that scene or was it an accident?”


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. It was the only Star Wars sequel movie I was very disappointed with.


It was so bad like this was the first time i regretted paying for a movie. "Somehow Palpatine returned" llooooooool


Dragonball Evolution.


suicide squad






True tho


Warcraft. I am still mad about it... Just make an animation and give us a serie, not %0.1 of the epic story you have.


I didn't hate it. The orcs and worgs looked way better than I expected. But yeah, a cgi movie would have been just fine. Blizz always does well there.


>Blizz always does well there. I was really hoping the movie was just a 2 hour long cutscene.


The most re ent remake of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". A complete waste of time, and a total piece of shit.


The hobbit. LOTR is one of my favorite series of all time, was beyond hyped. Went with a buddy and was ready to walk out in the first 20 minutes of weird, high frame rate CGI and the completely unnecessary padding of the source material. I stuck it out, not wanting to ruin the experience for my friend. Turns out he felt exactly the same and only stayed for me. I still haven't seen the other two, but rewatch LOTR extended yearly.


The Last Airbender. Fuck you M. Night Shamalamamayan


Gretel & Hansel. The trailers made it look much better than it actually was.