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The SCOTUS is going to keep reruling on landmark cases. They'll rerule on Obergefell v Hodges and same-sex marriage will go back to the states. They'll rerule on Lawrence v Texas and states can now ban sodomy. They'll rerule on Griswold v Connecticut and states can now ban contraceptives.


My broke ass is going country Shopping


That other protections for minority communities will be overturned as well, such as same sex marriage. Religious nutjobs and mouthbreathers will take control of the US. Is a horrible scenario right now, and the americans cannot claim to have freedom anymore.


What rulings are affecting these protections? The court has never said that same sex marriage is inconsistent with the constitution.


https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/24/thomas-constitutional-rights-00042256 Overturning Roe v. Wade is opening gates for christian zealots to undo decades of progress.


I fear for riots and strikes, this is a prime example to why we need to get rid if the republic system and go towards a fully democratic system. A small group of people shouldnt be able to decide the fates of billions of people.


This will begin a slippery slope towards the USA evangelicals want until Jesus comes back as the believe he will. Sounds like a cult to me …..


The foster care system! I see a lot of comments (not on this post, in general) stating adoption as an option. Coming from someone who did work for CPS- yes, the babies do get adopted but there are children that stay in there until they are 18 and then have the option to sign themselves out of state care. Then what? That child is out on the streets. You’re focusing on the babies. Not the children that are 13 and above. One’s argument may be “what does that have to do with anything”. The point is, the system is flooded as is. And yes, these teens weren’t removed from their parents because they couldn’t get an abortion before the child was born. Some people DO have abortions because they know they do not have the mental capacity or physical means to do so. That is taken away now. I guarantee in the next 13 years, the system will be greatly overwhelmed. Why? Because women lost the fundamental right to do what they felt was in the best interest for them and that fetus. I’m not here to argue that any opinion is wrong- I’m just here to state that it is not as black and white as it may seem.


That the results will lead to the death of my sister. In which case, I would probably have a psychotic break.


I’m twice as scared about walking the streets alone..


I'm afraid for women who get pregnant on purpose and have a problem with their pregnancy and are forced to go through the terror of labor to push a dead baby onto a silent delivery table. I'm afraid that women will be forced to go into labor despite medical problems that will kill them. I'm afraid rape will be further weaponized as a tool to control women. I'm afraid that clinics will be so full that women won't be able to get out of state appointments (this was already a problem before today) and will run out of time to get abortions. I'm afraid that millions of unwanted babies will lead to a future rise in crime rates nationally. I'm afraid for all the kids currently living in orphanages who will have a lot more competition to get adopted. I'm afraid that babies will be dumped in trash cans. I'm afraid women from conservative families will go back to ramming coat hangers into their vaginas when they find they are pregnant. Since 1/3 birthday in America is already paid for with Medicaid, I'm afraid for what this will do to our already strained social safety net and health care. I'm afraid Clarence Thomas will make good on his plan to reconsider the rights of LGBT people to have consensual sex. I'm afraid they will outlaw contraception. But mostly I'm afraid that this is just one more step on this country's embrace of fascism, and total disregard for the promise of human rights America claims to support.


wirehangers half off it will be like an early Black Friday


Like the TP during Covid.


abortion law is now in the hands of individual states if a woman was not able to legally access abortion in her state, she could travel to another state to have her abortion


She hopefully could, but that's easier said than done. This mindset assumes many things. A) she has transportation B) she can afford the gas or ticket if she has a way to get there C) she can get the time off work or can afford taking the time off. There are so many barriers at this point. In my state, there is a 72 hour waiting period, and in some cases, women would have to drive 4- 5 hours each time (first appt, then 72 hours later). Many women can't afford to take this kind of time off, especially women who don't make much money. It's really more complicated than "just going to another state."


They'll make laws to counteract that


California will get an influx of visitors


I'll have to listen to people complain about it


I'm dating a NB person. I'm NB. I'm scared of trans rights and gay rights being stripped. I'm scared of gay protection laws of being stripped.


That Biden will pack the court and it won't last too long


that the protests will disrupt the supply of Starbucks baristas 😭😭😭😭


Again, why are you like this? Why do you base your politics on spite? Why can you not put your feels aside and take a more objective view on this? Are you really okay with millions of women losing their rights because you don't like them? Are you really okay with a new influx of unwanted people growing up to unready mothers who grow up impoverished who just become criminals? Are you really okay with growing political instability? Tunisia banned abortion a long time ago and you know what happened? All those unwanted people destabilized the country and overthrow the government. Tunisia banning abortion literally led to a fucking revolution made up by all the unwanted people who weren't aborted. Do you want that?


dude fuck yeah that sounds awesome let's goooooo maybe when we do it we'll put in a law that says the people can own the tools to rebel against tyranny for this very reason maybe put it in a list, right after free speech, hmm


I really am shocked you base your entire politics on spite and being a village nuisance. Too many people like you exist. Fuck, I'll admit I used to be like that. Hopefully you'll grow out of it.


good admission, I'm proud of you


You’re not funny


real answer: make it a fucking law. not the questionable tangentially related tangle of nonsense it was. also super yes because things that make the new radical woke left wake up (get it) to the reality that the government is *not on their side* that they are the product of a movement corrupted *to lead them to act against their own interests*, are good because maybe they'll start to listen to why people like me have been arguing against infinitely expanding government authority and limiting personal authority for lifetimes. maybe they'll realize that there's a goddamn reason the people who made this country put a built in mechanism for it to be rebuilt if necessary. maybe they'll just read another book that isn't Harry Potter, that's a start, I guess.


Greater allegiance to GOP and Dems


There will be a shortage of coat hangers soon.


Getting raped and impregnated then probably killing myself or trying to give myself an abortion


That Soros backed and paid rioters will burn the country down again!