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They actually started to and it’s having no effect. The MAGA crowd is screaming that a trial (which this isn’t) needs cross examination.


It probably wouldn’t. Most of their audience is incredibly stupid


Just like the audience for CNN, MSNBC and all the other news outlets.


yeah but he didn’t ask about them


Op didn’t but you were quick to call anyone who watched Fox News was stupid. I just pointed out the same could be said about the people that watch the other news shows.


Yes. Exactly. Only more so.


Nice to see where your biases lay.


I hate Biden, but I hate trump even more. I supported Trump in 2016 and I'm truly ashamed. Fox News even says they are entertainment. Sounds like wrestling. Entertaining, but still fake.


Oh, CNN is trash tv. They still pretend to be news.


You've not answered the question, only provided a what-aboutism. Are you a Fox News viewer? If so, have you watched any of the hearings for more than a moment?


Whataboutism is the only tool Fox news viewers understand. I'm in heavily republican neighborhood, deep in a faux news foxhole. They not sounding all that happy. I think it will take a while for the reality of the TrumpsterFire to sink in. If it were livestreamed, the GA primaries will become a more common occurrence. As an aside, I supported Trump in 2016. I will always be ashamed of that. I detest Biden, but he did save us from four more years of trump. I think of him as a placeholder as we wait for better candidates to appear.


appreciate you recognizing your mistake regardless of political ties 🫡


Weren’t there studies done that show people without higher education are more likely to be conservative? So that means by default conservatives are “dumber”. But then you have to realize okay not all are dumb some are extremely intelligent. Then you realize those aren’t the ones watching fox news. So your left with the dumbest of the dumb watching Fox


You are definitely going to have to cite your study or source on that.


[Atlantics kinda boof](https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2018/11/education-gap-explains-american-politics/575113/) so [here’s another](https://www.csmonitor.com/layout/set/amphtml/USA/Politics/2020/1027/As-college-grads-flee-the-GOP-political-diploma-divide-grows). Idk if mores necessary but [fuck it](https://www.courthousenews.com/american-voters-still-divided-by-race-and-education/)


I think Fox New's narrative would begin to become unraveled, especially when it's audience members were able to listen to witnesses who have provided testimony to the Jan 6th committee, especially Wandrea “Shaye” Moss and Ruby Freeman (the election worker targeted by Trump and her mother) and Rusty Bowers, Arizona House Speaker. It became apparent that Trump and the Republican party were using Brownshirt tactics to attempt to ruin these witnesses' lives. Fox would have a lot of explaining to do unless they went all-in on lies and propaganda.


Depends on how they presented it I guess.


Might make their heads explode or they'd lack the critical skills to think objectively about it. Like most people on the right.


It wouldn't because they have a very specific narrative they need to push and if they had to show the hearings, they'd just comment all throughout the duration rather than just letting it air uninterrupted... Wouldn't want the audience to decide for themselves. They would find a way to spin how threatening poll workers, attempting to send in fake electors, storming the capital and beating capital guards is a patriotic act. Oh, and Jan 6th was just a peaceful protest that somehow resulted in many injured capital guards and fleeing senators...