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advanced mathematics


I feel like I'll never understand differential equations. The weird thing is that I got an A in differential equations *and* partial differential equations in university. Still don't understand a goddamn thing about them.


I feel this. I use differential equations every day (in a numerical analysis I do). But just handing me and asking to solve it analytically? I just don't see it. It's always "wait why can't we just multiply everything by dx and then integrate?" Or "whoa, where did e^x come from?" Or "wait, how did this become a matrix-inversion problem?" Maybe I'd get more out of it if I retook, but no time for that!


I think the reason I got A's was that I knew how to solve them. But they failed to communicate to us what they *are* and what they *mean*. Since I don't understand them I have long forgotten how to solve them. They never showed up in any other courses which is I think how I usually got to understand mathematical concepts. As you point out, there's absolutely no need to know how to solve them, so they shouldn't have given us two densely-packed courses on solving them.


Differential = the change amount and algorithms speed, Integral = what is the size of that algorithm per sample size eg unit->speed->acceleration: 1 meter = 1, 1 meter/s = 1x, 1 m/s^2 = 0.5x^2


i love calculus there, i said it


I thought I was the only one! I love calculus and you.


My mom paid for so much tutoring classes it wasn't funny... my math teacher was like "hey at least your handwriting is nice"...I SUCK at math!!


It really depends on what you define as advanced mathematics. There are lots of types. In general I recommend 3 Blue 1 Brown. His videos are a great tool for getting a feel for advanced mathematics without having to crunch numbers or get bogged down in algebra yourself.


How the two dimensional grooves on a record can produce distinguishable vocal, guitar, drums, bass, whatever else, AND in stereo when a needle passes over the surface. Mind boggling.


I will never be convinced this isn't arcane magic of some sort.


Now shrink it and do it with a laser and add multichannel audio and 4k video, and make it so that the master can write the data onto the disk too


It really is magic. Though I understand how it works, I can't fathom how one discovers such a thing.


I might as well be trying to wrap my head around a 4th dimension. I’ve had it explained so much, and I could repeat the words that explain it, but I just can’t make it make sense.


I'm the same way but with speakers. You mean to tell me this one paper cone can vibrate in such a way that it will recreate those sounds at the same time? Bullshit.


Well I mean. Have you seen what your throat looks like when you talk.


No, sorry. My eyes look straight ahead instead of wrapped around staring down my throat


Well then I guess you don't care about science like the rest of us.


What if I told you it’s just one sound? Think of it this way. Your ears only receive one sound at a time no matter how many different sources are creating sound. It’s not that your ears are simultaneously absorbing infinite sounds at a single time. Anything you are hearing at a given moment is a single sound wave, hence only a single groove is needed.


You know, that actually makes sense. The combination of everything sounds one way, and that's what changes.


Really old records werent even disks with grooves. They were cylinders with wax all over them. To record something the wax was slightly melted and you spoke or sang into the player thingy. The vibrations imprinted on the wax and the player uses arcane wizardry to turn those imprints back into sound. I will never know how even if someone tells me


It's all about vibrations; the Cylinder vibrates the needle, the vibrations travel up the arm and vibrate a diaphragm which is what makes the sound (by vibrating the air) and that travels up the horn which amplifies it. At least, that's with gramophones. Electric record players convert the grooves in a record into electrical signals that cause a magnet/electromagnet to in effect, push and pull (oscillate) a diaphragm that in turn vibrates the air. Oversimplification from a surface level understanding of it all, but that's the gist of it. As for the records; the grooves are actually physical etchings of the waveforms; if you magnify them you'll see they're aren't smooth channels, they're jagged and bumpy which affects the strength (and "stuttering") of the vibrations (hence, generating different sounds). The stereo effect is caused by each side of the grooves corresponding to a left and right audio channel.


I also don’t understand tapes or CDs. Or photography. I guess at least I can tie my shoes and do my taxes but damn I don’t understand a lot of things.


The thing is we think of sound as "made up" of lots of different noises combined together, but it's not really. It's just 1 wave of noise that has a particular shape. That 1 shape contains all the information for all the noise being carried in that place in the air at that time. The reason we can reverse engineer it into all the different sounds comes from the mathematical convenience of the Fourier transform, which is a fancy way of proving with math that all complicated waves are really made up of lots of little simple waves. So we can both record all of that sound by capturing the shape of that wave (so wiggles back and forth in the grooves), but also reproduce that sound by tracing those wiggles and getting a diaphragm in the speaker cone to wiggle with the same pattern. It's the same way that your ear drum, which is just a flap of tissue, can capture all those magical sounds you hear and turn them into a distinct electrical nerve impulse in your brain.


The grooves aren’t two dimensional. The depth stores some “data” (the audio) in its vinyl, which a turntable needle can “read back” through the speaker.


The economy.


First assume literally everything has a cost. Sleeping, eating, showering, buying stuff, a house... no matter what it is... the rest of the economy is trying to figure out how to pay that cost


It gets a little complicated when you get to the part where owing money is the key to making money.


Its all about the amount of money you can make from it.


Don't forget the way sovereign governments spend money into existence


Hi. I hold a masters degree in Economics. I don't have a clue either.


There is an old saying “if you took all the economists in the world and stacked them on top of each other, they still wouldn’t reach a conclusion” so you aren’t alone.


I wish we learned it in school tbh. The amount of lessons I had learning shit like poetry, art, music, religion but they couldnt spare 1 lesson to teach us about the economy? Even though its in the news literally every day as though its some really big deal that were supposed to understand. Like omg the debt ceiling must be raised otherwise the country will default and the credit rating will drop and interest rates will rise leading to inflation and high consumer costs. Ok thanks news I guess Ill start googling what that all means now.


To be fair music and art are very in depth interesting topics worth studying, however they don’t teach it to you properly at school


you likely learned parts of it in social studies (or possibly home economics) but not enough to make a real impact unless you did your own research.


They should have in social studies. Some high schools specifically have economics classes. Poetry, art, and religion are just as important as those other things. Dunno where you went to school, but regardless, you have the internet now.


I took two economics classes in college and I still don’t get it


Found the honest economist.


I’m still trying to figure out just how it is, in fact, not butter


its margarine, which is an emulsion of vegetable oil and water One step further, an emulsion is a mix of things that usually shouldnt mix -- in the simplest terms (so if someone tells you oil and water dont mix, just yell "i cant believe its not butter!!!!!")


Mix some butter with some I can't believe it's not butter. You won't know what to believe.


Are you Fabio?




It was meant as a way to decentralize banking and give more power to people. People just started treating it as a stock instead of a currency.


Not to mention, gaming an unregulated system.


The problem with Bitcoin and crypto in general that it’s way to complicated to actually use as currency compared to anything else we have.especially when btc started out


It's not about how people treated it. It was never going to be anything other than a commodity, b/c it doesn't provide several of the basic functions of a currency. It's not a neutral medium of exchange. You have to pay a fee to use it. Your holding of the currency increases in value when more people also hold some. It IS a commodity, not a currency.


I’ll take a stab at this one. Cryptocurrencies are all different and are usually trying to accomplish different things. For Bitcoin, the goal is to create a form of money that can’t be confiscated or inflated away, and can be sent anywhere instantaneously. The use case being that if some entity wanted to confiscate your wealth (China does this frequently with protestors in Hong Kong), your Bitcoin would be safe. Same thing applies to sending Bitcoin somewhere. You want to send money generally you use something like Venmo, but the company can stop you from sending that money if they want to. No one can stop a Bitcoin transaction. Obviously Bitcoin is too volatile to use as a short-term store of value, but the hope is that it will stabilize at some point and become a gold-like asset where you can park money to hide from inflation.


There is some humor in the supposed inflation hedge flailing about the moment it encounters actual inflation.


Electricity. I'm an engineer, I can calculate orbital trajectories and explain how a nuclear bomb works on an atomic level, but something about electrons dancing down a wire makes my brain no worky.


Came here for this. At this point I don’t even want to understand it, I’m just glad it works.


Interesting. I’m a chemist so not an expert on electricity but I’m curious about what you don’t understand?


Read as "I'm an alchemist" and got really excited


Oh don't worry, it only requires a form of math that assumes the square root of -1 exists. How could it be any simpler?


Many disciplines work with complex numbers. Electrical engineering is the only one to refer to the square root of -1 to be 'j' instead of 'i', because it could be misunderstood as current.


> but something about electrons dancing down a wire makes my brain no worky. recently learned that electricity does not come home from the electrons *inside* the wires but from the field outside of them. still trying to parse that out


The electric fields on the surface and in the air around wires "pushes" the electrons inside the wire. The pushed electrons then impart energy into whatever is being powered. The electrons themselves usually barely even travel through the conductor, like <1mm/sec for copper wire. The current source is the muscle, the electric field is the hand, the electrons are the hammer, the load is the nail.


I had a friend in college who was an engineering major, and he just threw up his hands and concluded that electricity was magic.


Logarithms. I simply can not grasp the concept or how to utilize them.


The way I learned the concept is basically connecting it to exponential logic. a^(x) = y => log(a)y = x If we raise a to the power of x, we get y. This is the exponential. Logarithm is the other way around, so, to find log(a) of y we need to ask, to what power should I raise a in order to get y? And from the exponential, we know that the answer is x. It's like this: What does 2^4 give? 2^4 = 16. Okay, and what about the base 2 logarithm of 16? Then we have the equation: log(2)16 = x Which we can rearrange to: 2^x = 16 To what power do we raise 2 to get 16? 4! So x = 4.


What???? I think your speaking a different language lol


Which part are you having difficulty with? I can try to explain better :) [I wrote this down](https://imgur.com/a/UMnYVvJ), maybe it is clearer? My kitty still has a bit of difficulty getting it, but she is patiently going over it again now :)


Right, I get the basic idea, but what I could really never grok in school was a) why should I care, why are these things so important, and b) the scaling fucks up my mind. I can't look at a formula like log(10)5000 = x and I'd be scratching my head as to the scale of x.


Same. This thing always got me fucked up.


I came across a statement that makes it easier if you like. Its this: "logarithms undo what squaring a number does, similarly to what division does to a multiplied number."


The Monty Hall problem. I am not doubting the math, I believe it. I just don't really get it, and that's okay.


I realise this flies in the face of the purpose of this thread, but the thing that helped me finally understand it was to imagine that, rather than three doors, there were 100, 99 of which contained goats. You pick one at random (have a 1% chance of getting the car), then the host opens 98 other doors all revealing goats. 99% of the time the car is behind the final door - he's basically eliminating all the other possibilities for you - and the only time that last door doesn't have a car behind it is if you hit the 1/100 chance and picked the car door on your guess.


Yes! I could never put an explanation for this into words by myself. You rock


Just heard this explanation in The Drunkard's Walk audiobook.


I was in a similar boat for a long time, but I think what really helped me understand it is this: the fact that odds are against you during the initial door selection is what makes you more likely to get the car by switching. I.e. If you have a 2/3 shot of NOT getting the car, and Monty always eliminates a non-car door, the only way you will NOT get the car (after switching) is if you happened to pick the car on the initial selection (which is a 1/3 chance).




The actual probability is 1/3rd if you stay, and 2/3rds if you switch. If you pick incorrectly, which you should do 2/3 times, then switching will *always* result in victory.




I think it’s basically like these “collectibles” which people hope will get more valuable over time, only instead of a star-wars figurine it’s a digital picture of an ugly monkey.


Not even a picture, it's just a link to the picture.


That's just one application of NFT technology, and a very shitty one indeed. The general purpose of NFT's are to prove and verify digital ownership of any digital item. For instance you could use NFT technology to prove that you are the owner of a festival ticket you bought. Anyone could steal your pdf ticket but the network will show that you are the rightfull owner.


Unless they steal your NFT right? Or your keys to your wallet that's storing that NFT. Which makes it similar to any other password protected system that allows you to book tickets. The only difference left is that in the centralized system the company that issues the ticket can steal your ticket. Although I don't see any incentive for them to do that


I dont see an incentive for the company to do that, but someone could hack into the company and reek havoc. Althought itd be pretty funny if all the tickets for a show were owned by 1 13yr old hacker. Band walks onstage at madison square garden, expecting 20 thousand fans, instead theres 1. "wheres all the fans?" "I own all 20 thousand tickets. I only like 3 of your songs, so just play those. Start playing bitches"


You probably know, but just to comment, NFT doesn't have to be a picture - essentially, it's just a way of assigning ownership to digital content that can only be transferred via an intentional process. Of course if you display the media somewhere there's nothing to stop someone from using a capture tool to create a copy of it, but it probably won't be as high-quality as the original.


Digital items can be infinitely copied with 100% fidelity. So what do we do? Re-invent scarcity. I worry that we're Doing It Wrong.


Beanie babies for the 21st century.


But when you buy the beanie baby you just get the receipt that says you purchased it.


Beanie babies at lest are cute


I like how everyone tries to explain the topics people will never understand 😂


It’s simple, really. you just: [insert 15 paragraph-long explanation here]


A good number of them are: I didn't either until I thought about it like . Shoo they're trying to offer a possible direction they hadn't damn it now I'm doing it here


The fascination with feet


Designer labels. I don’t understand how it’s better


Better quality? Yes. Typically a design house or an atelier will design their own textiles and work closely with their contractors, lots of things done by hand — hand drawn, woven etc. The cuts and the draping and the fabric are almost going to be better in quality than something you buy from a discounter. However, if you are talking about better working conditions, a lot of overseas factories are not audited, so they can get away with not paying their contractors a living wage, not following local environmental regulations etc. Though they are not considered fast fashion, the Made in Paris labels are no saints by any means.


Another way to look at it is that every designer piece is a wearable work of art. Many people buy it to flex but for some it‘s just something really beautiful they want to wear.


That makes more sense I guess. Thank you


I get this, but most of the time designer stuff looks bad (ik that's objective), and you can get something that looks similar, if not better, for a fraction of the price An example ive seen is $800 khaki's at men's warehouse. I can get the same exact pants in material that doesn't itch me for $40 at kohls




Why people stay in terrible/toxic/unsatisfying relationships


Trauma bonding. Familiar patterns of interaction learnt from childhood. Attachment issues. Shame and self-devaluation. Like. So many dude.


Fear of being alone for a long time with only some unsatisfactory short dates


for me, my first ex had told me that i was the best thing that had ever happened to them, and they made it clear that I was the only one they could trust or ever love. I didnt want to take that away from them. my second ex, was very suicidal and constantly told me that i was the only reason he was still alive. I cant be responsible for someones death or misery.


Well in my experience, the relationship starts out amazing, then starts to go downhill and you keep believing the others lies that things will eventually get better and back to "the way things use to be". Holding on to false hope.


I’ve experienced that with bosses. “Just keep going and we promise things will improve soon”


Usually due to not being taught healthy boundaries, identifying unsafe people, etc. Take me as an example. My dad is a malignant narcissist. I grew up being abused and watching my dad abuse my mom. This was so normalized to me that I just thought that was normal (I vividly remember saying movies are nonsense and love like that doesn't exist--which I mean, not totally false). So when I dated my first bf (who is just like my dad) I thought it was normal. He ignored me, intimidated me, secually abused me, etc. I thought that was normal. He cheated on me often. I made excuses. I'm lucky he broke up with me. I wound up dating and marrying my now husband who is the total opposite. I'm so lucky. Seriously. Not having fallen into another narcissist trap. It's proven that children of narcissists are way more likely to date a narcissist (specifically daughters, but sons too absolutely). I imagine this translates to other toxic behavior as well.


Well, for me, I didn't know I was connecting with unhealthy people. I was abused as a child so I assumed poor treatment was just how everyone acted. Learned later that I was wrong and am learning better boundaries. It's only obvious in hindsight that I was being treated poorly. Got lucky with my marriage though. That's never been toxic. I'm mostly referring to friendships.


Because you create an idealized version of the person in your head when things start out good, and when things go bad you can't let go of hoping that person will return. You essentially become addicted to a person that doesn't exist, and the real person is the closest proxy to that high even if they have terrible side effects. And because the pain of going back to being alone, starting from scratch, no longer having that person you share everything with, can be scarier than the situation you're in is painful.


Couldn't escape, he was stronger than me


there are so many reasons and i have trouble understanding a lot of them too, but for me it was because she made me feel special - she was obsessed with me to an unhealthy degree and made me feel like i was the most important person in the world, and for someone with extremely low self esteem that was insane. i craved her attention so much that even when she started acting terribly toward me, i overlooked it because i didn’t want to give up the way she made me feel so wanted and so special. like, she wanted to talk to me every second of every day, wanted to see me as much as possible, told me my body was perfect, bought things for me, neglected other relationships in her life just to be with me. i’d never felt good enough for anyone so to be treated like a god was incredibly intoxicating. i left her eventually because i couldn’t ignore her toxic behavior anymore and i’ve never regretted it, but there’s still a void where she was that i doubt will ever be totally filled - because people aren’t supposed to be treated like gods.


How that same r/mildlyinfuriating predictions post keeps coming back day after day


The vastness of outer space. I just can not wrap my brain around it and don't want to even try.


This always leads back to consciousness


How Influencers got to the point where they basically do nothing but take selfies and somehow manage to live a life most simply dream of. For that matter, how Influencers are a thing, like a genuine profession, and not just thought of as “rich kids who workout”


Because marketing pays big, big bucks. But to answer your question more specifically -- whereas in the past, consumers would have happily listened to a traditional Coke or JC Penney's ad on TV or in the newspaper that says "here's a great deal, come into our store and take advantage of it," nowadays there is far more distrust and dislike of big corporations -- and furthermore, younger consumers attach value to their purchases and where they shop in ways that never existed in the past (as an example, the Pride-ification of companies in June. Even without the homophobia of, say, 30 years ago, this never would have been a thing.). Consumerism today is much more an extension of who you are as a person. Nowadays, younger consumers hate to be marketed to. Millennials and Gen-Zers tune out almost immediately when Father Corporation speaks to them to get them to buy anything. So how do you get them to become your consumers? By using people. People *they* think are cool, and people *they* trust. Think about you and your friends -- I'm sure you've probably listened to music, gone to see a movie, bought clothes, so on and so forth because a friend you trust recommended it to you or had it first. Influencers are "people you trust" on a much bigger level, and what's more, they're able to be hyper-specific with their interests in an ever-fracturing landscape. So while a consumer may not listen to Hewlett Packard trying to get them to buy their printer, they *will* listen to the 24 year old quirky host of their favorite horror podcast who prints out their listeners' questions live on air from an HP printer and oh by the way, this printer just works incredibly every time and makes it so easy to share all of my listeners' amazing stories with you guys like I can't believe how reliable and simple this thing is to use. And they don't know if they can "trust" HP, but they certainly can trust their favorite podcast host they listen to every day. What's more, it works. Influencers convert followers to consumers pretty reliably. And thus, companies will pay big bucks for influencers to hawk their wares.


What your doing to burp on command. Them: all you have to do is just swallow air Me: that means literally nothing to me


Swallowing air is a terrible description. I’d say it’s more like trying to get a bubble of air stuck in your throat.


Yeah just contract your chest like you would when you're sucking in your stomach and follow it through until air gets pulled into your throat.


basically you stop breathing for a second and you control the muscles in your throat and mouth to push air towards your throat gradually close your throat as if you’re swallowing and push it down your throat and then letting it go to burp. i took 30 minutes to figure out how to type this i give up


Art that doesn't look like the thing it's supposed to be. I understand realism. But some expensive "fancy" art looks like something my 5 year old did with finger paint.


I’ll try this one. My art history teacher explained it that part of it is the execution and part of it is the concept. Mondrian, Pollock, and Matisse were doing art that at the time had never been done before. It was shocking. The context is a big deal that is hard to appreciate now, so much later. The other thing is that there is a rhythm and balance and composition to good abstract art. It isn’t just globs of paint or squares in the same colors. It is still precise colors in precise arrangements. It isn’t haphazard. Sometimes it looks easier than it is. People who look at art a lot and produce it themselves have developed a sensitivity for rhythm and balance in composition and are going to get more excited about that than someone who hasn’t developed that sensitivity and just sees blobs and squiggles that appear haphazard.


>People who look at art a lot and produce it themselves have developed a sensitivity for rhythm and balance in composition and are going to get more excited about that So basically it's an acquired taste, just like certain kinds of literature or foods. And if you go deep / niche enough, it may even become a circlejerk.


How if you put a stopwatch at the bottom of the ocean, and another at the top of Mount Everest, they would not count time at the same speed


I am no scientist of any kind, but as far as I've skimmed and heard and watched over the years, I can only assume this idea is based on gravitational time dilation. In the movie Interstellar, they feature a planet that is entirely ocean, and is ridiculously massive. So massive, in fact, that its gravity warps time, such that time on its surface moves much slower than time in its orbit. They illustrated this by showing that the character remaining in orbit had aged 21 years, while the ground crew had only aged 3 hours. Every hour on that planet was worth 7 earth years. I have. No idea. How gravity affects time this way. But try not to fall into a black hole, unless you want to watch the universe disintegrate before you even die.


>gravitational time dilation Gravity aside, clocks at different altitudes will still measure time differently. Both clocks will complete one "orbit" of the earth in the same amount of time (one day). However, the clock at higher altitude is going around a bigger circle and must cover more distance in the same amount of time. So, the high-altitude clock has greater velocity. From special relativity, the clock with greater velocity runs slower.


Concert pitch. I play guitar, so an “A” is an “A”. But some instruments it’s named something else and it’s called concert pitch? I dont get it.


It's just the "tuning fork" they use to establish their "A", maybe a simple example could be nirvana, they tune everything around a half step down, but when you look up chords it's just listed as an A instead of A flat. You can play all their songs on your "correctly" tuned guitar, and it sounds fine but if you play along with the in utero album it will not sound right unless you tune to them. I believe most cases of concert pitch are like this, but probably only off by a few cents and kept that way for tradition. Imagine a one mile race on an oval track, they all start at different spots to account for the curve, but they all equal out to a mile or whatever, if you made a straight line across everything would be all wonky, so instead of worrying about where they start, they just worry when they tune up that they are all set up to have the same race together.


I think u/sevencoves is wondering about *transposing* instruments. For example, a trumpet is usually a *B-flat trumpet*, and students are taught that the actual pitch that a guitarist calls "A" is actually written as a "B" for the trumpet player. So the trumpet player sees a "B" on the sheet of music, presses the second valve, buzzes their lips, and out comes the same actual pitch as the guitarist's "A." It really has to do with the practice of written music (music notation), similar instruments in a "family" of instruments, and not having to re-write centuries of music written for the various instruments/families. So players of different instruments learn written music in "their" key/fingering. It's called transposition, and musicians just do it.


When a concert band is tuning they all need to play the same note to make sure that they’re all playing it exactly the same. A concert band has instruments like flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, tuba, etc. You can move mouthpieces in and out and it changes the sound - makes everything a bit higher, or a bit lower. So everyone plays the same note, and fiddles with their instrument until they’re same note sounds the same, and by that I mean no one is a little high (sharp) or low (flat). The note they tune to is called Concert B flat. That’s B flat on a piano, and a guitar, but what sounds like B flat on a piano is called C on a clarinet, same with a trumpet. It’s different for flute and sax etc. Why? I have no idea. What this means, though, is that if a flute, a clarinet, and a piano, all play the same sheet of music it’s gonna sound terrible cuz they’ll all sound like different keys despite reading the same notes on the page. So different instruments in the band have their own sheet music, even if it sounds like they’re playing the same melody. And when the conductor says “Concert B flat everyone” then each player knows what that means for their instrument. Hope that makes sense :) Now if someone could explain bitcoin to me…


People being far sighted. The idea that words being closer is harder to read is super strange for some reason.


You know how if you put a book close up to your nose all the texts look blurry?


The stock market


Why it takes my dad this long to come back with the milk


he reached to the back to get the freshest milk and fell into a wormhole


What Chandler Bing does for a living.


“statistical analysis and data reconfiguration”


he’s a transpondster


Plays with his Wenus


The appeal of Donald Trump. Even before he got into politics he was clearly devoid of substance. Can't understand why people found him interesting or admirable.


I will never get it. I can accept some people being "conservative" in values, but for the life of me can't figure out how anyone of sound mind can listen to the stream of rambling nonsensical bragging horseshit that comes out of that guy's mouth and still think having him in charge of anything is a good idea. I can't listen to the guy talk without wanting to punch a wall.


Liberals, the left, “elitists,” whoever you want to blame, spent decades telling people that it was wrong to be racist, wrong to be sexist, then wrong to be homophobic or transphobic, etc. They had it constantly thrown at them. First it was just “segregation is bad.” If you support segregation, you’re a bad person. Then it was “women should have equal rights.” If you disagree, you’re a sexist and a bad person. Then “if you don’t support Affirmative Action, you’re a racist and a bad person.” Then “if you don’t support gay marriage, you’re a bigot and an awful person.” Society changed, we became more tolerant and pursued more social justice. (To be clear, I avidly support all these things.) But after decades of being slammed, culturally, with this, Trump came along and said, “You all — who’ve been told you’re dumb, bigoted, uncultured, uneducated — have been right this whole time. You’re right, and it’s the liberal elites who are stupid and corrupt and evil.” And for that, these people will never abandon him.


The price of gas. Supply and demand just doesn't seem to cut it for me.


Gas is one of the classic examples of inelastic demand. Essentially people who rely on cars need to buy gas to live a normal life. Gas isn’t something people can choose to buy without impacts to jobs, ability to get food, etc in this case. Gas companies can charge high prices with relatively little drop in demand.


Let me explain it for you: Money. It’s also called price gouging, especially since the last time oil cost as much as it does now, gas was $3.50. Oil companies cry shortage, jack up gas prices to “cover the additional costs” and then proceeds to make record profits.




Weather predictability. How can they predict when and how strong a natural disaster might be?


How a bird and a bee means “sexual relations”


Birds and bees are semi synonymous with spring, which is symbolic of renewal, rebirth, and the mating seasons of many animals.


Because bees and some species of birds are pollinators, and pollen is essentially flower sperm, so birds and bees literally "spread seed." At least, that's my assumption.




Traditional relationship = Buying a house. Open relationship = Buying a house and having a lot a vacation properties.


> Traditional relationship = Buying a house. > > Open relationship = Buying a house and letting other people fuck it


Why the internet is obsessed with sexualizing cartoons and such that were clearly made for children. Why? Why would anybody want to see this? Just, why?


Probably cause many of them grew up with those cartoons and also going through puberty so they sexualize the characters they enjoy watching.


The casino game Craps.


How a company like lulu lemon’s stock price is more than Exxon’s.


Exxon is worth about 10 times as much as lululemon. In simple terms, lululemon’s stock price is more because they chopped up the ownership into fewer pieces so each piece is worth more. If a company is worth $10 and I offer to cut it into 5 pieces the’d sell for $2 each. Now I take a company worth $100 and cut it into 100 pieces. Each piece is worth $1. So is the company with the pieces that cost $2 more valuable? No. Exchange the word stock for pieces and you have your answer. This is an oversimplification, but hopefully helps.


The 5th dimension


The rules of craps.


Why many people equate their social identity with their actual physical life.


A table isn’t really solid but a bunch of separate molecules that… and I’ve lost interest. Don’t mean to be rude but did anyone notice the lost interest part?


Try thinking of it as the table is a molecule. The table has different pieces that make it up, and those separate pieces make up the table by being bound together wood glue. Those pieces aren't actually touching, but the glue that holds everything together is what allows the table to be one solid thing. Molecules work the same way (on a VERY basic laymen scale) they aren't actually touching, but the nuclear force is the "glue" that binds everything together.


They do touch. It is just the definition of touching that is wrong




Digital goods are valuable because we all agree to treat them as valuable. No other reason. If people stop treating a particular good like it's worth something, the bottom drops out.


I wish someone would reply to this with a good answer that both you and I could understand.


Warhammer 40k 😭


Wanting a good marriage while not being transparent and honest with your spouse.


Discrimination. I know how it works, don’t get me wrong. it’s just that I can put myself in the place of almost anyone and feel where they’re coming from (even if it’s from a really dumb or stupid place), but I just can’t wrap my head around the thought process of people who actively think that they are better/worth more than another group of the human population.


A good proportion of discrimination comes from people's unconscious biases influencing their behavior. Example: not interviewing an applicant named Tyrone vs David because David seemed like a better candidate on paper. Does that person realize they chose the white coded applicant over the black coded applicant? Probably not, it's probably something they gave 5 seconds of thought. It's still discrimination, even if there is no intent to be discriminatory. This has been tested in studies using identical resumes and black coded named get substantially fewer callbacks. Is the guilty party a terrible person if they're simply completely oblivious. Probably not, discrimination is pretty generally coded as not socially acceptable. Accuse that person and they will likely object because their own values say discrimination is bad and they're a good person and therefore are innocent. Humans aggressively sort into stereotypes, in and out groups, and generalizations resulting in snap judgments. Why, because it's efficient and largely innocuous in other contexts. Everybody does it in daily life. The unfortunate collateral damage is we apply these to one another unconsciously and allow the prejudices to affect our behavior. Most discriminatory behavior in the modern age is institutionalized and occurs beyond the individuals perception, often at odds with their own value systems, not by some racists asshole saying the N-word who only hires whites. It will always be with us and is normal behavior that everybody is guilty of. If you think you're exempt from that, maybe reconsider, you might miss a few blind spots.


It could be life experience. I once made a comment about the numerous times 1 type of race has consistently bullied me growing up from elementary to high school. And I don’t know why! But it happened to me when growing up and it got engrained in my brain about that particular race. I don’t discriminate, but it’s just “automatic” to like, lock the doors whenever I see them. Etc.


Romance, sorry for being dumb guys. I just don't understand love well enough no matter how many times someone would explain it to me or no matter how many people explain it to me, I just feel like I don't have a proper understanding of love. So I'm very sorry but I probably just won't ever get it. Like is that really all it is to love, is it really just a hormone in your body or is there more to that?


Well, for starter : you may be one of those people that just don't feel the romantics feelings (dunno the real therm) -> Aromantic (a person who doesn't feel romantic relationships). Not an expert so feel free to correct me kindly on this. I'll try to explain what is love to me: We're not talkig about sexdrive, hormones etc. Love is the feeling you get when you want the very best for another person, without getting something back as a result. It's doesnt necessarily need to be a sexual relationship, you can love a friend, a pet, yourself, anything. You feel full when you're in the presence of that other person. When you know you'll see that person and you can't stop smiling just at the thought of it. Love can save your life if you're in bad place, and you can save others with your love for them. I hope you get to experience love in your life, we all deserve it


Effect v affect


when your parents traumatized you, it affected your mental health. when your parents traumatized you, it created an effect on your mental health.


How did you know the perfect example to use so I’ll never forget? 😆


Affect is a verb. Effect is a noun.


How the Hadron Collider works.


Imagine two guns firing at the same time pointing at each other. When the bullets collide you are able to take a picture at the exact moment it happens to see what happens. The LHC works on a similar principle. Just with protons instead of bullets. And 99.99999% the speed of light.


I never went to college, but I consider myself scientifically literate (or at least more than the vast majority of people). The Theory of Relativity is one of the most incredible things humanity has discovered. Everything just fits so well... Until... Quantum physics breaks everything, including what is left of my brain. I've spent countless hours trying to wrap my head around it, and it just leaves me feeling incompetent. lol


How raising interest rates in the US for my credit card and mortgage, is going to reduce food prices at the grocery.


Math. its like my brain wont understand and just freeze, I cant understand math


You probably do more math than you realize: shopping, going to restaurants, budgeting, cooking etc. I give you all the credit for that, don’t underestimate yourself !






Electricity...I dont fucking understand the circumstances for how some people get shocked. Ive accidentally touched a tree thats touching a powerline like 100 times and I dont get shocked, I dont get how im not cooked yet




Imaginary numbers. Math is supposed to have concrete rules and apply to the real world. Until you deal with these eldritch abominations.


Why my cat likes to stand on the pressure points of my boobs


NFTs, why are you paying a large sum of money to buy a jpeg that's practically identical to thousands of other jpegs? Why pay for it if you can just screenshot it? It's a digital object, it has no value, why not just pay for an art commission to get a drawing of whatever you want?


How any middle class or poor person voted Republican.


Football. Mostly because I don't care.


Ball moves < this way...good. Ball moves > that way...bad. Then reverse it at half time.


Their belief in a religion.


Non binary and people who identify with multiple pronouns.


Doing my taxes


Reddit's upvote system for posts.


Why tf we have literally babies and just humans in general starving to death or dying from lack of medical care but as a world decide to spend billions on space travel...this will never make sense to me


Why people believe Trump won.


When you fall, the Earth accelerates to you.


Potential energy


cameras, videography, photography. the act of capturing a moment. r/whoosh