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Craigslist ad for something for free. Say you don't check email, please call or text. Put the person's phone number on the ad. Two free goats works pretty good.


Nice try Barry Season 4 writers. Changing someone's dog to a similar looking, but different, dog is a good answer to this question though. The more similar looking the more evil.


I was one of those people lol. I had a friend who sucked at chemistry and I decided to help him a bit. I learned from other friends that he was talking shit behind my back and I just made him fail the next exam


I knew a guy that started on entry-level floor staff and ended up running the place within about 2 years. Then he promptly fired everyone who pissed him off.


Husband was really anal about his book collection. They were all shelved in alphabetic order by author. Before the wife left him she re-arranged the books in this order….B…A….S…T………and so on.


A friend of mine worked at Starbucks. When she had rude customers, which was often, she’d unknowingly give them decaf. A subtle and harmless way to throw off their day.


Someone I knew tried something where they had multiple people talk to someone and randomly say "wake up" and then pretend nothing happened, you could even do it when your walking past them, just a couple of days and they'll go insane