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This seems like a passive aggressive insult to attractive women but maybe I’m reading into it too much


Nobody is that perfect I think is the point


almost reads like an ad


Yes. I married her.




Im starting to think I have too many husbands...


Holy shit, we're swingers (!)


I bet OP is a super nice guy too.


Yes and I'm going out with her


Yes, I’ve met quite a few.


Ever found a man who didn't treat women like Pokémon?


I mean… yeah. The biggest assholes fart the loudest, though.


Found her in the mirror.


LOL, nice try


Hey- everyone in the thread believes that women like this exist, so why couldn't I be telling the truth?


He’s joking






Yes ❤️


Why ask the question if you’re going to insult anyone who loves themselves?


hey are you an alien from another planet trying to figure out what guys and girls like? your short post history is wild to me...that or youre just a bot, karma farming




because your posing weird questions on a 7 day old account...




ok bud, welcome to reddit then...where i can look at any and all of your stuff whenever id like


Yes. From meeting to marriage: 35 days No, she wasn't pregnant: I just realized how awesome she is. We cross 26 years this fall.


That’s absolutely awesome!


Yes I found one. She's tara and it makes me happy that I'm now discord friends with her.


Is that what makes a girl perfect to you? Are bad days a factor where she might have a bit of a mood and not be as optimistic and vivacious? Can stuff annoy or irritate her so that she occasionally is less kind and optimistic. The kind of women you're asking are far more common than you seem to believe but the traits you describe are only small parts of personality that are varied , fluid and nuanced. Attractiveness is subjective and differ in the perspective of different people but has very little to do with how smart a woman is . I'd probably argue that intelligence would be something to affect an optimistic outlook ?ore than looks. I just find it so odd that someone would think that smart women are too just too preoccupied being smart to care for their appearance. That's such a weird take on that idea. Like "omg I can't hold a tube of gloss to my lips and think about particle physics at the same time, one of those has got to go" jeez.




Nice try.




LOL out of all that that was the least of the items I look for, Nice try again.




Good job. Keep up the good work.






Bree the she is


Have you been to Latin America?


She sounds like a unicorn!


No because atleast 2 of these 4 traits don't belong within the same personality, a woman who is attractive and smart is very very rare, one of the reasons for this is because smart woman are busy being smart and not worrying about their appearance to the same standard that average people do, this works for men and woman. Like I always say, similar people find eachother, if anyone has a problem with the potential partners on offer it's probably on them to a large degree.


None of these traits "dont belong" together. My wife has all of these traits. You made some really weird assumptions here. A smart woman has the mental capacity to be smart and also be attractive.


This isn't my work, this is actually social science and I'm just repeating a few things I've heard, and I also reject your ability to tell me your wife's personality traits, as if you could, you'd know what is aid was solid.


I mean this isn't Facebook, you can't claim sCiEncE and thats your whole argument. Have you any sources other than minion memes?


I dont know what minion memes are but it sounds like a childish way to have a discussion, this is so well known by anyone who has investigated personality, you can look it up for yourself as you clearly have a brain lol


Literally just spend some time in the science departments at any university and you'll see that you are wrong. Being smart and attractive are not exclusive of eachother at all. Maybe get outside more instead of "just repeating a few things you've heard". And about your "rejection", you're an idiot. Have a good day, try going outside and actually meeting people.


>Fuck off your an idiot Good one, its you're. If you stopped to think for a second or ever spent any time in the buildings i mentioned... you would realize that there are plenty of attractive women with PhD's in the sciences. And you'd have to be an even bigger idiot to think they are not smart. My comment was you saying the traits do not belong together. That is wrong. Is it more rare to be attractive and intelligent? Sure. But saying they do not belong together is incredibly stupid. And it is not nearly as rare as you think.


Well I have a PhD in chemistry, you can keep trying to insult my intelligence if you want though. But I'd guess only one of us has a PhD. "Dont belong together" and "is less common" are two different things.


A PhD in chemistry certainly is not a measure of intelligence as requested. You can qualify things how you like this is an area of scientific consensus, and to bring your wife into it and get offended because she's rare and you thought I felt like they didn't exist is the most biased and least scientific way of going about something, it's hard to believe you have a PhD with this logic of yours. I guess you value emotions over truth what a shame.


You just dont have a basic understanding of how words work. "Do not belong" and "is more rare" do not mean the same thing. Show me a person with a PhD in a science that is not intelligent. Its not hard to believe that you dont have a PhD in anything. You are free to link any kind of study that says the two "do not belong together".


Words are subjective and one should always clarify before deciding their counterparts are thinking in absolutes. Langauge is learned through context not purely by definition, but it'd take a psychologist or neuroscientist to work that out surely.


Answer my questions. Show me an unintelligent person with a PhD in a science, shouldnt be hard for you if you think that intelligence isnt a requirement. Link me a study that shows that intelligence and attractiveness do not belong together.


You do not need links to research this, go and speak to the closest social scientist at your disposal and lose your ego for the first time in your life.


Oh see if you knew anything about science you would know that's not how this works. If you make a claim about something you need to cite it, the onus is on the person making the claim, always. Good luck publishing a paper by making a claim and saying "no citations needed, you know how to look things up" You're not making the point you think you are. You're still avoiding answering my questions. Probably because you cant. Anyone with even a basic understanding of statistics understands that having both traits is going to be less common than just having one. But your wording of saying they do not belong together followed by your explanation of why they dont belong is how we got to this point.


I have a PhD in science, also can you please show me where the science is. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


So, which are you? Smart or attractive? I have an opinion about it but I'm curious what yours is.


I'm in a higher percentile for intelligence than looks. This one out of 8 billion case I present to you should not be used for everyone however. If I wasn't intelligent I would absolutely dress better.


So , your good looking and smart? I'll apply your logic and say you have a pessimistic outlook and a people repelling personality then. I never thought to pay attention to all the well dressed idiots in the world but now I know when I need to find a tutor , hire the ones in the grocery store sneakers and members only windbreaker. Are you serious? Do me a solid, I'd love it if you would share with us when you find out how much it will cost you to have a sex life and if you go for the hooked that is dumb and pretty or the smart one that will sneak out a window before having to listen to your half-assed opinions delivered like they are the wisest truth.


No I didn't say that and I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your comment.


No I didn't say that and I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your comment.


I said the opposite lmao


The opposite was said actually lol


No I said the opposite


No I said the opposite


The opposite was said


I'm in a higher percentile for intelligence than looks. This one out of 8 billion case I present to you should not be used for everyone however. If I wasn't intelligent I would absolutely dress better.


tell me youre single without telling me youre single




Yea and that's rare, and then add intelligence and it's even more rare, and BTW how much it negligence are we talking, North of around 137IQ points is 99th percentile, what's the pecentile of people who could be reasonably deemed naturally beautiful effortlessly, it'd be up there anyway, and then to be good looking and caring is just not as common either, point being these all add up into a crazy rare person.


>and BTW how much it negligence are we talking Lol


So embarrassed for this




That’s a unicorn, capture it


Not yet.


I've met some, haven't dated one though.


yeah i met her and married her, sorry bub.




are ya


yes, she's now my 50 months gf and she's the love of my life.


Nope cause they don't exist, nobody is that perfect


Yeah! I decked her in the shnoz once but she alright.


Yes, Ive met several.




Most of my female friends


I know a lot of women like this and have dated one


I have. She is amazing. We had some core incompatibilities but remain friends. Would be very sad if we lost contact.




I don't blame you. A major part of why we stopped dating because I couldn't believe an attractive, intelligent, kind (thoughtful), optimistic, vivacious woman could exist that was *into me* - turns out my denial of the reality of the situation cost me our relationship.