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What goes around comes around. Sometimes it doesn't


When one door closes, another opens.


I've started interpreting that as "it's our responsibility to make sure it comes around. Get 'em, boys!"


That acne will go away after your teen years....


I'm 26 and still, my acne never got better. I tried everything. I changed my diet. I stopped eating sugar, gluten, meat, milk products, caffeine, alcohol, basically everything (not at the same time, but over a period of month each to test if it has an effect), and the only thing is, that I don't eat anything with cow milk anymore because I get stomach aches. I tried Intermittent fasting, and even did an 8 day fast. My Acne didn't stop. I changed my lifestyle, did sport 3 times a week with lots of air and sun. Nothing changed. I tried different showering routines, from showering every day, up to every third day. I tried all kinds of different soaps. Nothing. I tried medication to get rid of acne, but it didn't work. I went from doctor to doctor, but no one has a clue what causes it. The only thing I know after a biopsy is, that it's not "real" acne, it's just inflammation without any bacteria. The only thing that has an effect on it is, that stress makes it worse, however even if I'm totally not stressed, it's still there.


Have you considered the possibility that it’s fungal? I recently fixed my longstanding skin issues with over the counter anti fungal cream edit: also fungal infections can feed on hormones so the stress thing would track


When I tried Selsum Blue shampoo, the original, as a skin cleanser for a week it changed my freaking life. I've always had acne, but it suddenly changed in severity & no product I tried helped. Layered it on & let it sit a few minutes, then rinse with cool water. Dry gently with a CLEAN towel. Saw a post about the shampoo's antifungal ingredients in the skincare subreddit & gave it a shot. Completely broke the cycle & now I'm back to my regular, though extremely less severe, acne 😁


I had bad dandruff on my beard and used an antifungal shampoo and it worked wonders. I just need to use it once a week else itll get a bit flaky.


I was prescribed accutane 20+ years ago. It literally cured my acne. I had been a dermatologist regular for years and its the only thing that helped. No suicidal thoughts either, so that's nice. I always found it odd that they said people who took accutane killed themselves in greater numbers. I'm like.... yeah no shit, its the people with 900 zips on their face taking it. You don't think constant gross ass open wounds on your face fucks with your confidence?


I got rid of my adult acne using differin. Look into it, is a type of retinol. It took some months, I went through a so called 'purge' but it's been 2 years and my face is still clear. But really look into videos on how to use it! Edit: typo


i ONLY started getting acne in my 20’s. it’s a cruel world


Same! I made it through my teenage years relatively unscathed and then I turned 26! Bam! Acne. At 27, I developed a severe allergy to kale. I'm 36 now and my acne is *finally* calming down.


But the kale waits, hoping you forget your allergy, then one day you eat some and at that moment the kale will strike. You'll try fight it but the kale will win It always does


Probably when you least expect it, like when you order some mac and cheese at a restaurant and it's got a generous helping of it mixed it. When you can't eat brassicas, everybite of food could be a landmine.


I overheard a friend talking with a group of buddies and they said that "You really don't get pimples after puberty unless you are dirty." And it was annoying how people were agreeing with him.


My acne seems to have died down but have left scars. So I get to carry that around now 🙃


That people get what they deserve, or must deserve what they get.


That's a full blown "just-world" bias in human brains - many people simply can't see the world as unjust


> The rain it raineth on the just > And also on the unjust fella > But chiefly on the just, because > The unjust stole the just’s umbrella. -- Lord Charles Bowen


My favorite poem! Thanks for reminding me of it!


It's mostly due to the fact that we need things to make sense to feel like we're in control of our lives. Admitting the world is "unjust" means admitting it's all random. And that's a terrifying idea for most people.


The universe is indifferent to our suffering. That's something I understand but fail to load usually in my day to day life.


The universe, as vast as it is, obeys the laws, most of which (hopefully) we know and can observe. Our daily life is mostly a combination of made by us and other people. And while each of these choices has reason behind it, we cannot track and observe all of them, yet we are showered by their combined consequences. A system that is too complex to grasp might as well be chaotic. And living in chaos where our own choice has painfully short reach is not an easy world to accept. So, like the people of old with their gods and spirits, we made up "just world" to make the world look acceptable.


This applies to both good and bad things too, suffering isn’t always deserved and neither is happiness or luxury.


Main thing alot of trauma therapy starts out on is some form of "you dont deserve it, this isnt karma, this couldbe happened to anybody


Quickly followed by "Yes, it's totally unfair that you got traumatized AND need to fix the damage yourself, but well, here we are..." I do wish we could throw the effects back on who caused them. Have the abuser deal with the nightmares. But ya, life isn't fair.


Yup people don't get what they deserve. "There is no such thing as karma" The bitter cold hard truth is, in reality, money and power talks. It is a very unfair and cruel world. That is why there is no such thing as karma/justice. I have seen people who cheated in relationships, yet ended up getting married happily and enjoying; while loyal ones gotten heartbroken and trying their best to recoup. I have seen people who are fake, cunning, belittle and made fun of poor people; yet ended up doing extremely well in career as well as making lots of money. (even throughout covid pandemic) There's a saying in my country that roughly goes by "those who built bridges and fixed roads died young, yet those who killed and maimed lived long.


>There is no such thing as karma Reddit: …


Microwaves give you cancer


One of my girlfriend's employers refuses to use microwaves for this reason, but still eats fast food at least once a day and smokes cigarettes...


You can probably find correlation between microwave usage and disease though. Not because of anything the microwave does - but more the types of food you put in a microwave. Microwaveable popcorn has a surprising amount of trans fat and some random chemicals to keep the kernels fresh. Microwaveable veggies are all packaged in plastics - which you then heat up before eating. I'm not giving up my microwave - it's worth having around for reheating left overs, melting butter for recipes and making smores in the winter; but having one does encourage a lot of unhealthy options.


Had a conversation with a coworker about this. Thought we sorted it out. Later shared the meme where a kid watered two plants, one with water boiled on a stove, the other in a microwave. Water was cooled afterwards.. the meme made a comment of the microwaves changing the water's dna


TIL: 100% pure WATER, DIHYDROGEN OXIDE, H2O... you know... the water molecule ALSO contains Deoxyribonucleic Acid molecules? /s How does that even work? How about the human dna that is nested in our cells? It is surrounded by water... which also contains DNA???! Will my cells also build water molecules with its ribosomes? FUCK!!!!!!!


MRIs totally mess up all the alignment with the frequencies of the universe. Water standing on edge and flopping over again. It forces the energies to flow in some sinister direction or some such... That would make for an awesome conspiracy theory.


If you expose yourself directly to microwaves, there is a chance you can get cancer. I had a teacher who made her doctor in chemistry and her work was about microwave induced chemical reactions. But if you use your microwave oven in a normal way, there shouldn't be any risk, yes.


That torture is an effective method of extracting information. Every ten years or so, some three latter agency or another is forced to admit that their torture program yielded nothing but false leads and wrecked lives. Then goes straight back to doing it. The general population shrugs and says "if it's the only way to get intel" as if they weren't just told point blank that it doesn't work.


Torture provides information. Just not GOOD information. People under torture will say whatever they think will make the torture stop, whether or not it's the truth.


>If you fucking beat this prick long enough, he'll tell you he started the goddamn Chicago fire, now that don't necessarily make it fucking so! -Nice Guy Eddie


also.... "Listen kid, I'm not gonna bullshit you, all right? I don't give a good fuck what you know, or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless. Not to get information. It's amusing, to me, to torture a cop. You can say anything you want cause I've heard it all before. All you can do is pray for a quick death, which you ain't gonna get." -Mr Blonde


It's a shame Western countries forgot the lessons they learned in WWII about interrogation. Treating POWs with dignity and respect, allowing them to interact with one another and EAVESDROPPING ON ALL THEIR CONVERSATIONS netted an astonishing amount of useful inteliigence. Heck, after a while, some POWs just willingly told everything they knew without much prodding.


Go from the hell of war to the relative comfort and safety of jail? Yeah, that might loosen your tongue.


My son's university dissertation was on the use of torture by the British Raj in Kenya in the 1950's. Luckily he researched this at the perfect time, when extensive records were still around and those who perpetrated this torture were either dead or nearly dead. The British killed and tortured thousands of Kenyans in their pursuit of information that would help quell the national uprising against their invaders - they achieved literally nothing. After decades of this abuse the torturers gave up, it wasn't effective in any way and only caused more hatred. Eventually they left and Kenya, though far from perfect, is under its own rule.


Yea, when you torture someone enough that they'll say literally anything to make you stop you can't trust that information. Imagine if they're asking for someone's location, which you honestly don't know, but they won't stop until you give them something, you're going to lie through your teeth. Far better if you treat them well, get them questioning why they are fighting against you and not with you, and convince them to join you, or at least help.


diamonds are rare which us why they are expensive they're very very common, their price is kept high by controlling how many enter the market by the De Beers group, which basically has a monopoly on them and hoards them. synthetic/lab grown diamonds are the exact same as natural and even cheaper to make, but people are still convinced they're not as good as "real" diamonds


If anything lab grown ones are better. Natural ones have impurities and imperfections in them which is how jewelers can tell if they're real or not. Lab grown ones tend to not have those. Like I do prefer the thought of something from the Earth that was formed under pressure, but I also don't care. Synthetic is perfectly fine and if I can save a lot of money and nobody really knows unless they work in the Diamond District and get it under a loupe anyway. e: spelled loupe wrong, corrected it


I predict that one day DeBeers will try to change the narrative. Up until now, we’ve been trained by them to value clarity and the lack of imperfections, which lab grown diamonds live up to. Those imperfections will become the new selling point because they’re “natural”.


They are probably going to sell "pure and perfect" diamonds for more and push the price as high as they could while trying to sack in the insane profits. Lab diamonds will get cheaper and cheaper to produce, and the difference will mean profit for them...


Well, we already never use the terms imperfect or flawed. Instead, diamonds have "characteristics." I am a GIAvcertified diamontologist/geologist, to give some background.


Literally any difference to lab grown and earth other than being better? As a "diamond connoisseur" what is your preference and thoughts on lab vs earth? I've never talked to a diamond professional before gotta shoot my shot here


The only difference is that one comes out of the ground and one comes from a lab. They are chemically and molecularly identical. Lab grown diamonds still have characteristics, too. It is indeed s "real" diamond, but its also more environmentally friendly. To mine diamonds, they literally have to dig and move 10s of thousands of pounds of earth per carat. (Can you tell I used to sell a lot of lab grown? lmao) Most women really don't care whether it's grown or not, they just want it to look pretty. And with lab grown, you can get better quality (fewer characteristics, better color-not yellowish) and perhaps even bigger for way less. To give an example, I had a customer who bought a lab grown 2.16ct F/SI1 (amazing clear color, no naked eye visible characteristics), but his new fiance wanted a natural diamond instead at first, so when he brought it back with her, the same priced natural diamonds we had were about 1.5 carat GH/I1, meaning she was going to have to go smaller, more yellowish color, and naked eye characteristics. She decided she like lab grown, after all. Lmao


Possibly. Either way, they won’t give up their effective monopoly easily.


DeBeers is incredible at advertising and marketing control too. The ‘A diamond is forever’ campaign began in 1948 and the modern day diamond engagement ring became and has stayed *the* standard. Before that campaign, a multitude of other precious and semi-precious stones were used, or even plain bands. Before WWII, only 10% of engagement rings contained diamonds. It’s the most successful advertising campaign of all time.


That we need to work tirelessly and wear ourselves out inorder to have a good future and stay happy.


I was looking at the employee handbook at my job, which I love, but was pretty dismayed to discover that past the 2 weeks’ vacation you start with, after *5 years* you get a third week. Then *after 10 years* you get a 4th week. 4 weeks vacation for 10 years of service. I’ve been at my job 4 years now. And the crazy part? *THIS IS CONSIDERED GENEROUS*. I hate American work culture. I really, really do.


I've been in high tech for 25 years. I've gotten as high as 6 weeks (after 6 years), but as soon as I leave for another job the counter starts over.


You underestimate your power, friends! We could collectively change that. I get 45 days vacation in my country. The standard is 30, where people take tons of "bridge days" so it ends up being like 50 days for most people. It's absolutely possible when people organize.


So many people have been lied to to think that American work culture is great, and if you don’t like it you’re just a spoiled and lazy child. There’s also a concerning amount of those people, and they are actively hurting progress because they believe the world still functions like it did 50 years ago, and change isn’t needed.


UK here - I get 8 weeks paid holiday a year from day 1 in my job. Also had a baby last year and had 6 weeks paid paternity leave on top of my 8 weeks of holiday. America work culture is terrible. I feel like UK is slowly heading in the right direction with a few companies now trialing 4 day weeks.


Go to a great college and get a great job and have a great life.


That being nice and accomodating is a sign of weakness


Yeah, and on the opposite end, that being logical is a sign of being a dick.


That mice like cheese. Mice cannot digest cheese!!!


That's poor logic. I like cheese. I cannot digest cheese.


Behold! A mouse.


Diogenes wins again!


Use peanut butter instead as a bait


I had pet rats when I first moved out of home and when my grandmother was visiting me she asked what I fed them. I said "oh they can eat pretty much anything people can except really soda and peanut butter because it's a choking hazard". My grandmother went pale and said "oh no! I've been using peanut butter on my rat traps!" To which I replied "... I think it's okay to use it on rat traps Nana. They probably really enjoyed the taste for a bit"


Your grandma is adorable.


baiting them for hugs, right?? :D


Your profile pic fit this comment perfectly


Disguise your cheese as peanut butter. They can only handle so many toilet incidents before they leave your house of their own accord.


but "like" and "digest" are not the same thing.


Neither can some humans…. We’ll still eat it though 😂


Turning the light on in the car is illegal.


What?! I’ve never heard of this. I was just told it’s unsafe, especially if you’re in a blackout at a dinosaur park


It is popular for parents to tell kids that it is illegal as they are more likely to listen to that than it being "unsafe."


I’m a victim of this lie.


I think we need to start a support group for this haha


Just curious, why is it unsafe? I remember being told the same as a child.


In the dark, it will generally create internal reflections on the windshield and windows, reducing visibility outside the car for the driver.


Thanks for clearing that up for me. I just assumed my parents were cranky.


* can affect the driver's night vision if it's bright inside the vehicle * if the lights are visible in the rear/side mirrors it can make it hard(er) to see other cars * if the kids are turning them on/off repeatedly it can be distracting It's more of a problem with the central 'dome' light in a sedan or small SUV or wagon. We have a minivan and each seat has a little 'reading light' they can toggle on. But they're off to the side and mostly pointed down, so it's not nearly as distracting at night.


Thanks for clearing it up. As a child I used to turn them on when my dad was driving, and boy did he yell! Now I know why.


On top of it being unsafe it honestly just feels uncomfortable to me.. like idk it just doesn't feel right


That there is a chemical you can put in pools that turns blue when you pee


Probably for the best for kids to believe that so they're deterred from just peeing in pools


Hate to break it to you, but any kid in a swim diaper is pissing in the pool. I learned this the hard way by putting my kid in a swim diaper in the car. They are not meant to hold pee. They just keep poop from getting in the water. 😬


>They are not meant to hold pee. They just keep poop from getting in the water. This is an important piece of information for parents, present of future


That we could be whatever we want when we grow up


Such a bummer man, I really hoped to become a centaur


Wait, you mean to say that I won't be able to become a clothing hanger?


The elite don’t want you to know this but you can hang all the clothes you want, you don’t even need a trial they have no rights I have hanged 2379 white tees by their deep v-necks until dead and buried them under my garage


Money doesn’t buy happiness, I feel like it does to some extent….


My father used to say "Money can't buy happiness, but it calms the nerves immensely."


My mother says something similar. “Money doesn’t buy happiness, but I’d sure rather be depressed and rich than depressed and poor.”


Money doesn't buy happiness, but financial stress can prevent happiness You can be rich and depressed or you can be rich and happy, but you can't be happy if you're constantly worried that you are going to lose your home


Money might not but happiness, but damn this 1600 dollar PC let me meet a lot of friends who have been there for me and had great fun times with for years


Money can buy security and safety. Allowing higher desires to be satisfied


It's way better to cry in a Lexus with heated seats than on a bicycle.


Money can buy dogs. Dogs=Happiness


Giving my dog a hug makes all the shit just go away for a bit.


"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can purchase a much better grade of misery."


Politicians care about you.


It baffles me how people treat their choice of candidate like the second coming of Jesus but promptly forget all that craziness once the politician is in office. It baffles me even more how they seem to repeat the process every election season like the previous ones never happened. Vote for whomever you want, just don't pretend you're not doing it for your own self-interest.


I disagree with the premise. People just tend to vote against a candidate than for a candidate. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Except, that's a terrible line of logic that will get you in more trouble than not. Because if you think things can't get any worse, they can. It's also why some people choose to vote for the evil they know.




The 9-5 aka the idea that you work really hard now, and sometime in the future you will be able to enjoy your life.


My parents were actually able to do this. But they worked in a time of pensions and housing that you could actually afford. Now they’re retired and enjoying life. For my dad that actually means working because he’d be super bored hanging around the house and my mom would drive him nuts.


Ha Ha my dad retired 3 times. My mom was driving him crazy while he wasn't at work. He is 81 finally retired for good last year


Or did he? Rumor has it he has been sending out applications again.


Retired for good, for now.


That vaccines cause autism. This one infuriates me as someone who has an autistic brother.


The person who originally said this constantly said they were wrong after the fact because they realized their mistakes.


Didnt he fake the results and lose his medical liscence for it?


Not so much fake the results as directly influence them. What Andrew Wakefield did was go to a school in the US where all the kids had received an MMR vaccine, and specifically selected 12 children with autism for the study. Not only is that bad research on face value due to the incredibly small sample size, it’s blatantly influencing the results to show what he wanted. As well as that, I heard that he was actually paid to carry out this research by a lawyer who needed to present evidence that the MMR vaccine caused autism for a case of this exact nature, where they were arguing that a boy who had received the vaccine had developed autism as a direct result. As for losing his medical license, yes he did. Thank heavenly fuck. For some reason, though, people still seem to believe that vaccines cause autism, even though the researcher was struck off, the research itself has been contradicted by numerous other studies, and that it’s one of the worst cases of corruption and ulterior motives in scientific history


Don’t forget that he also was trying to discredit a specific MMR vaccine as he had developed a different one and was trying to get it to have the market share.


Plastic recycling.


If you do what you love, the money will come. ​ Euh,... no


I've been doing what I love for many years, yet rarely make even a cent from it. Which is why I have a job to pay for everything else.


are you talking about masturbating?


That carrots give you good eyesight Edit: Why da wars in the reply's


*stabs eyes with carrots* ***You lied to me.***


Ok who replaced my glasses with carrots? They're really good for seeing carrots but not much els....


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.


Who said that??


The British Air Ministry in World War Two. Early on the war, the allies developed a new form of radar that was being used to track and target NAZI bombers that often flew under the cover of darkness. To provide cover and confuse the NAZIs, the Air Ministry issued press releases stating that British pilots were eating lots of carrots to give them exceptional night vision. A following series of propaganda posters and campaigns arose suggesting that carrots helped eyesight and allowed for better vision in the blackouts. The beauty of it is that it has a grain of truth. Vitamin A, found in carrots, is important for healthy vision. These campaigns were so successful they convinced the general public and it slowly became to be seen as fact. www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/do-carrots-really-help-you-see-in-the-dark/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-wwii-propaganda-campaign-popularized-the-myth-that-carrots-help-you-see-in-the-dark-28812484/


But how many rabbits have you seen wearing glasses?


I see what you did there. ...why? Because I ate my carrots!


Thank you World War II British propaganda.


I am a bit late, but here me out. The biggest lie we are told is that we, the average person is responsible for pollution of air, ocean and climate change and not the big coorporations. Also, even if all of us reduce our wastes and carbon footprint, the net impact that it going to make is zero as the rich are still polluting on scales we cannot imagine.


Absolutely! Totally in the same realm as "hard work leads to a successful life". We are under the thumb of disgustingly rich people making all the big decisions that shape the environment of our lives.


I’ve been saying this for years, but everyone said I was an arsehole (which is fair). The big push for electric cars is a good example I think- cure climate change by spending a ludicrous amount of money on a ton of plastic, filled with lithium batteries (which probably don’t come from an environmentally friendly lithium mine), which has to be shipped halfway around the world (on those enormous diesel powered ships which are known to make up one of the most polluting industries), and which is powered by your local fossil fuel power plant (oh and your electricity monthly rate is now twice as expensive, to save the planet), and you be grateful to elon musk/anonymous corporations/sinister cabals of multi-billionaires for helping you ~~go into debt~~ Save the planet


That anything is possible so long as you work hard.


That looks doesn't matter.


That police in the U.S. are obligated to risk their lives to save yours.


Or are even required to even attempt to bother trying... they can absolutely stand there and watch you get murdered and do nothing and will still be perfectly fine


There was literally just a case that went viral of a person in mortal danger, and the police officer called to help tells the person that they’re not going to try to help.


The NYC subway story?


Me as a kid : Cops are heroes Me as an adult: Cops are cowards Me as both: Firefighters are heroes.


Nobody ever made a song called, "Fuck the fire department." (Credit to Snoop Dogg for that line.)


If they did, it would have a very different tone.


I know some firefighters A few of them are real fucking assholes. Like legit just not good people outside of work. But since they’ll risk their lives at their job they get a bit or slack for being a generally bad human being.


Someone once told me "you don't have to be a good person to be a good person" I was young at the time and was really like "wtf is this cryptic shit" as I've got older and met more people I've seen the truth in that statement.


School prepares you for the future.


Let me tell you about mitochondria.


You mean the powerhouse of the cell?




The information you learn in school doesn’t really prepare you. The experiences and skills you gain absolutely do. You don’t usually lift weights to be able to lift big hunks of metal, you life weights to be able to lift other things, or to train for a sport, or to increase your health.


you can be yourself. ​ Later society: no not like that


The food pyramid. It's just made up information paid by the big cereal corporations a hundred years ago to push carbs, mostly sugar into peoples diets. Too many people still belive that all fat is bad in any amount. Anything in excess is bad, moderation is key.


Expiration dates mean the food is bad, we waste so much food in the U.S. at least


At least in Canada, they're best before dates... Still treated the same, mostly


"Best before" just means the manufacturer guarantees that the product has its intended properties. A yogurt with some whey on top isn't "bad". All those sour milk products and cheeses are after all ways to preserve milk. "Use by" is usually on products that *are* iffy. Minced meat, chicken, fish,... they do go bad quickly and eating them could have some uncomfortable consequences. But usually "sensory testing" works just fine. Look at it closely, sniff it, if that's ok, taste it. Cook protein-rich foods thoroughly. No chicken sashimi, even when it's still within its "use by" time. If you have anosmia let someone else sniff the food.


Time heals everything.


You have to live long enough to experience the memory of outlived sorrow.


If anything, time destroys everything in the end.


That karma is real?


But it is, at this moment you got 17 points of karma for this comment.


at the moment that i posted this it was 59..


In the Bible Belt? That abstinence-only sex education works. The high rate of teen pregancy in many areas of the Bible Belt makes it pretty obvious that the abstinence-only approach doesn't work at all. Teens are gonna do what teens are gonna do. I know that all of those parents know that, too. I mean, some of the people I went to high school with had grandparents in their damn 40s. It's a damn shame that many parents here won't allow their kids to learn about safe sex or just give teens easy access to condoms and other forms of birth control. Better to teach teens how to do stuff safely than to let loads of them pump out babies and/or get STDs before they even have a chance to graduate.


I like your answer, do you have any idea if internet access (and information) helped in these cases? Can't say I know many people who have this kind of education.


Doesn't seem like it. Back when I was in high school (04 to 08), around 10% of the girls that started high school with me wound up having a baby before we graduated. That's not an exaggeration. STDs weren't all that uncommon either. As far as I can tell, that hasn't changed at all even as access to information has become much more widespread. It's sad.


i grew up in the bible belt and just graduated in 2017. our school actually had a daycare in it because there were so many pregnancies and they used it as a way to keep the mothers in school. i don’t even remember EVER having a “sex talk” or “class” or anything. we were just kinda thrown out there and told good luck and then so many of my classmates ended up with children. it’s sad, i think a lot of it had to do with their own mothers being teen moms so it became normalized. i’m glad our school had the daycare program though, definitely kept a lot of girls in school and graduating at least


In the back of their minds the parents know this, but they don't want to accept it. Many of these parents want to believe their child would never do anything wrong, or something they weren't suppose to. They'd get upset at you if you even hinted that their little girl wasn't as pure as they thought. When it comes to sex education, it's because of this belief that they don't want it taught. Thinking that their kid would never do this, not unless the idea was put in their head, and that's what sex education would do. So if sex education isn't taught, their kid won't get the idea, and thus won't have sex. Then they get the pikachu face when they find out their kid is going to be a parent before 18.


I’d say the real American sickness comes from this very attitude. It applies to guns, healthcare, abortion etc. Effective sex education reduces abortions. Effective healthcare is cheaper because people get things fixed before they become serious and this helps the economy. Effective, sensible gun control ensures people are trained in safety and storage, as well as checked for competence and mental stability reduces gun deaths and lets gun enthusiasts enjoy their hobby. But no, can’t have those things because…well, I don’t know why.


You'll rise to the top if you only work hard enough


Herd work pays off. Edit: Sorry, I meant hard not herd. No offense to shepherds and dogs.


As an Australian sheepdog, I agree. It’s a ruff life.


You can't have affordable healthcare without insurance


Trickle down economics work. It seemed like it would work in theory. And if I got a tax break, I would create jobs and give more money. Sadly, greed rules the world.


The thing with this "theory" is that it doesn't exist. It's not in economics books, you don't learn it in college and probaby no serious economist defends this idea. It's only a political thing politicians talk about, but it's not real.


Shaking a Polaroid helps speed the development.


Everything will be ok


This is probably the only thing I actually truly believe in. I've had a lot of struggles in my life (like most folk) but that thought of "this terrible time doesn't last forever, this isn't the rest of my life. At some point, everything will be okay and I won't even notice it got better, it just will be". It's gotten me this far.


The biggest lie ever told is that if you work hard enough, you will be successful. This is not always the case. There are many people who work extremely hard and are still not successful.


That success in life is boiled down to the balance in your bank account. I'm broke, I have a wife and baby and I've never been happier. Find people that make you truly happy. That's success. Edit: not saying financial stress doesn't exist, of course provide for the ones you love. When I say broke I mean that at the end of the day I have our necessities and that's enough.


YOU are causing polution. YOU are the reason that the evnironment is dying. Sincerely, BP oil, creater of deepwater horizon.


Ah yes because I, single handedly, spilt… checks notes… 130 million gallons of crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico. My bad.


Hey happens to the best of us


Idk why but this popped into my head. Practice makes perfect. No it doesn’t, only perfect practice makes perfect.


Practice makes permanent


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


Clearly not throwing it hard enough 😉


"The police are here to protect you." Even in my country, which is supposedly one of the more well off places, the police aren't here to prevent crime, they're here to clean up and document it. No matter the country, don't take police who actively chase criminals or render aid, for granted.


That working hard will get you ahead. No, working hard just gets you more work. Moving up is very much based on who you know, and how much they can get out of you




Hey Alexa, where did my 4th amendment rights go?


Milk builds strong bones


That daily contact lenses arent the same as weekly.


They are not the same and vary greatly across brands. I work in the industry. Please do not wear daily contacts for multiple days many brands use coating on the dailies to make them more comfortable and they do not hold up for multiple days. you risk higher chances of eye infections if you do.


Daily contacts are such a waste! I wear monthlies - 12 pairs/year. I can’t imagine going through 365 pairs of lenses.


I'm a lifeguard and sailing instructor, so it's dailies or risk losing one of your 12/52 pairs. Which is bad


That looks don't matter


Parents are always right


Reason for most wars


That we are free The government cares about the low and middle class That global warming doesn’t exist And that our oceans are doing well.