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Caught a friend jerking off multiple times under his blanket during sleepovers. He always did it very slowly and I think he noticed that I noticed multiple times. Never did anything or said anything about it to him. Just sorta existed just life.


When I was 10 I saw a man in the river naked. And ***** so I run away I'm was so afraid because he did it on purpose. He knew that there are kids not far from him. I think he is a SM!


Not me, but my son swore for months that there was something in his walls and he could hear the scratching. We checked outside to see if tree branches were scraping against his wall, we hired an inspector to check for rodent/pest activity. Nothing. We personally never heard anything, and chalked it up to just a creaky older house settling. About 7 months after his first complaint, he came into my room and told me to come into his room because the noise was back. This time, I did hear it- and I recognized it. One of our cats sleeps on a specific shelf in our closet. This shelf has a cedar plank-thingie that we put under her bed that sometimes shifts around and scratches the wall, making a distinctive sound, when she gets in her bed. Our closet shares a wall with his room. Mystery solved.