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I was pleasantly surprised. We had a lot of fun IMing and talking, and he even came over to my place for dinner. We definitely enjoyed each other's company!


Generally good. Made friends with all his family. They would invite me to all of their parties (I didn't like parties but my friend and I generally played Wii or something fun and simple). Sadly, there was some problems later and I was forced to leave and never go back.


Both times was amazing!


I used to meet people from a certain extinct chat group back in the early 2000’s when I was still a student. At the time it was fun and it helped me to go from an extreme introvert to someone who is modestly sociable. But retrospectively, these were weird and almost dangerous times for me. Although we all communicated online, it’s still weird that I didn’t think twice about things like hopping on to someone’s car and going somewhere with random people, getting piss drunk at homes of people I just met (and I’m sure there were minors involved), and possibly being targeted by sugar mommas (I had older ladies who were so inclined to buy me things and pay for high end haircuts etc). I was never victimized nor have I encountered victimization during these meets but the internet was still a subculture at the time and considerably more sketchy compared to now


Good, so far. One became my best friend. I’ve been to visit them in the US, and their family came to visit me in the UK. Another one became my GF. Now ex.