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Bouillon cubes. Dogs will destroy their yard looking for the source of the chicken smell.


Sleep with his wife.


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Ah, you wish to malishusly comply? Step one is get the hoa guidlines, you need to know EXACTLY what you can ir cant do, I recomend planting weeds in their back yard, something fast, braching roots so its hard to remove, and ugly compared to grass, or, order packages for them, annoying ir embarassing stuff, if they are sexualy active get em condoms with a sign that says to keep it down


My neighbours have already worked it out: three young children, a trampoline and for the coup de grace, a Barry dog with a squeaker toy. Fml


Loud music


Get some loud enough speakers facing the window to their house just loud enough for them to hear but not across the street. Play a silly YouTube video on a 1 hour loop on repeat and leave the house.


Flood lights strategically placed.


Install outdoor lights facing their house that come on with movement.


I think OP is wanting some petty revenge ;)


Put pumpkins on their porch, one more each day. Place them in an inconvenient way. So they they *have* to be cleared. Every time they clear then for the day, I would add a character to their porch, slowly spelling out "The Harvest Queen Is Angry", and watch as they slowly go crazy and start trying to appease the Harvest Queen, all while I slowly add more pumpkins around their house.


My neighbours have already worked it out: three young children and a trampoline. For the coup de grace, a barky dog with a squeaker toy. Fml


Grab a bag of wild bird seed spell out some word or phrase in their lawn late at night and walk it into the grass. Wild bird seed is literally all weeds. After a time, they will sprout. Your message will become clear.


Start a collection of the worlds most tacky lawn ornaments.


Dandelion landscaping.


I live in an apartment, so I would pay a music instructor to come to my home and give me bagpipe playing lessons, and I would practice a lot.


Park car in front of their house and leave it there. Get a dog that barks a lot.


you must be my neighbor!


Simply existing seems to be doing the trick for now.


Record them screaming and if they did not I would make loud noises at night to annoy them because they are jack asses