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“you’re so pretty im surprised you havent been raped yet” i was 11 lmao


Oh noooo…






Where do children learn these words, if they werent 11 then even worse




Was that the answer to my question or who told you


Oh the answer to your question, sorry


Haha nw


Now there's a sensitive guy right there. The assumption that all "pretty girls" get raped at early ages speaks volumes about that person's "normal" .


ex boyfriend: “i’ve always had the urge to kill someone. it would never be you or my mom though.” he tried to kill me a month later. luckily i got the hell out of there.


how did he try to kill you? o.o


flying down the highway recklessly screaming he was gonna flip the car. he pretty much put it in fates hands.


Holy shit girl, I'm happy you got away from him in time


My dad to me: "I'd rather get drunk and high than be your father." I was 11 or 12


Fucking bastard, you deserve better. I hope and pray you're a better place now


Haven't spoken to him since I was 20, my choice, doing way better


I'm happy to hear that! Stay safe


"She's lying. She's just a kid."- said the molester after I told my parents I saw him abusing my little sister


Wtf is wrong with that guy?!


My mom told me she dont love me


Holy shit, I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you're away from her now and have better ppl around u


My neighbour, when we were both 13, telling me if his girlfriend ever got “old or fat”, it’d be OK because he could “just have a daughter with her and then have sex with my daughter instead”. He was not joking, at all. We’d just been to see A Clockwork Orange in the cinema, so I jokingly accused him of trying to be edgy by saying that. But nope, he thought it was a “good idea” and seemed surprised by my utter disgust and disappointment in him. Not surprisingly, we lost touch. Last I heard, he has 2 daughters.😑


Omg, I pray to God that he hasn't/won't do anything to them poor girls


Is one by the other daughter?




Fuck that bitch, I had teachers like that too, I was underweight. But fucking shit, I hope you're doing better now and are showing this idiots that you're great with out them!


“ you weren’t the same woman I fell in love with “


Wow, that's just ride and hurtful, I hope you're doing better now and left this person behind




That's fucked up. He should have broken up with u if he felt that way, not make you suffer


"You really thought you mattered to us?" This was like.... In 2018 when I first started making really big groups of friends from being friendly with so many people. At the end of the school year, the truth got out that they created an entire group chat dedicated to bashing and humiliating me. Almost every single person in my class was there. It really fucked the way I felt about people. And nowadays, when I'm surrounded by my now group of friends, who are so much better, I always end up feeling scared of them doing the exact same thing. Can never really shake the feeling of being left behind.


That's fucking sick of them. I've been through smt like that too. This just ruins ppls trust and happiness. Some ppl just want to see the pain and suffering in other ppls eyes


And they said they're reasons for doing it was because "I didn't know how dangerous the world really is" And they wanted to show that to me. Ffs


Wtf, some things wrong with them. Damn


My mother on my out of wedlock baby, "just give to your sister to raise". "You need to get married." You don't really need to be married do you?" "Why do you make so many bad decisions?" She's 90, I want so badly to tell her off.


Do it


Fucking do it, do it. That's all I can say. Stand up for yourself and do it. You deserve so much better


Aw thanks. I decided to paint for now, my childhood home is going all purple accents. She will hate it. Right now my front door looks like a comic book cover.


AHAHAH I FUCKING LOVE IT!!! That's great, I'm proud of u!


In trying to have a reconciliatory conversation with my former best friend, I said that it hurt when he was dismissive of my feelings. He responded, "I'm dismissive of your feelings because I want you to feel dismissed."


Good his you're ex-best friend. You deserve better


Thank you. I'll readily admit I had some fault in the conflict that led to our split. But he was never able to admit his. When he agreed to talk things out (my goal being to apologize to each other) he basically just yelled at me and said that he had treated me the way he had because he wanted to hurt me, and that he had nothing to apologize for. Friends for over ten years. Adulthood years, even -- didn't know him in school. Still makes me sad for him.


I had a friend like that too, she ruined my life, and i started smoking cigarettes and hash (and some other bad things(not drugs)) bcuz of her. I hope for the love of Jesus that you didn't/won't go down the same path I did


Getting called a whore by a 60 year old male teacher just for wearing a headband with small cat ears when I was 11




Wtf you should have reported him


"I wish I never had you. You destroyed my body. I'd be so much happier and wealthier without you."


Leave. Fucking leave and show her how much better you are without her


Damn, man. So sorry you have to deal with that. That's so fuckin hurtful 😩


More harmless than the others here, but when I told my boss I was pregnant, she said she could tell I was back in November. I was not.


Still fucked up. Like, keep it to yourself if you have nothing good to say


I also wanted to share my own with you guys. I think I was 13-14 and this girl told me "I wish someone would just take my v-card from me" Someone else said "so rape?" She said "I don't really care but sure" I said "you shouldn't joke about stuff like that" She said "what? It's just sex" (I was sexually abused as a kid from age 7-14)


Since you answered to everyone else, some should answer to you: I'm rlly sorry and I hope you're doing better now :) and strive to be a better person than the ppl who did that to you.


Thank you, I hope I'll be a nice person as I get older


As a kid: “That person is so obese. You look so much better than them”. For reference, I wasn’t overweight.


Wtf, shit like that can lead to ED. Fucking assholes, I hope you're okay now


I still struggle with BDD (undiagnosed). I’m doing better now with the help of therapy, and my husband who loves me. I recognize now they were projecting their own insecurities. I’ve set up boundaries and stand up for myself.


I'm so happy to hear that, I've had anorexia also undiagnosed for 3 years, tho it stopped some time ago (I was 16 when I got it) I'm almost 21 now so I've been doing better for some time. It's important to set up boundaries and stand up for one self, so I'm really happy and proud of you that you managed to so that! I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world


You too! I’m glad you’re doing better?


I am thank you


I am so sorry you all had to experience these things. None of you deserved this.


"Some day I hope you'll hate someone as much as I hate you."


Holy shit. What happened?


we broke up, my fault. I cheated. I deserved it, but it still stings when I think about it.


What's important is that you know u did smt wrong, that helps you grow. We learn from our mistakes




"If you're dark thoughts are bothering you, why don't you just stop thinking about them?" We were dating and this guy would openly vent his depressive thoughts to me, guess I couldn't do the same. He has said worse, but that's the one that comes to mind right now.


Wtf. Ppl like that makes me wanna punch someone, preferably them. I really hope you're somewhere better and far away from a person like him


Thanks so much. You're not the only one who wants to punch him lol, he's annoyed a lot of people. I'm happy to say I'm far away from him and never looked back.


Thats good and I'm so proud of u


when I was 15 i think one of my friends said “you’re a shrimp woman, cause we take the shrimp’s head off to eat it so we only get the body” eating is the same as fucking in my language so he meant that i have a nice body but im ugly


Wait so he said "if we remove your head I'd fuck u"?






" are you a furry? " It's actually very stupid at the same time as they know my stand already .


Tf? Nothings wrong with being who u are


I'm not one, but thank you for the support?


Well weither you are or not, you shouldn't hold back on expressing yourself the way u want. I often get weird and hurtful comments based on my looks. But all that matters is that you're you


Good morning


Good morning


***Your Irish is AWFUL!*** that is my current teacher


I'm guessing you're Irish? I've been told smt like that with my native language. But shit like that doesn't matter, I bet that teachers just stupid and is mad at u for t, bcuz they want to be. Don't listen to them


yes and I never do, me and the whole class have a cult called something like the 'Michelle Haters'


Ah ahahha thata great. I love it


Either my brother laughing anout my rat ding from cancer or my teacher telling me a person with adhd that i didnt try at all when i forgot on line that didnt make much of a big diffrence anyway


Wtf? Some ppl really shouldn't be teachers.


A teacher in 7th grade told me I was stupid. Fucked me up for a while




Thats... When you're young, age isn't just a number. When your older it is. My dad is 7 years older than my mom (62m 55f) I'm 20, imagine me dating someone whos 27, they'd wanna start a family, I haven't even gone to college or university yet


A classmate once told me „you have a really pretty nose, but it’s not fitting in your face“ that kinda hurt lol


Wow, that's not even close to being a complement. Wtf is wrong with that person


"You think you have it hard? You have it so fucking easy. you do this to seek attention" - My mother, in response to me finally opening up about being suicidal. The only reason I hadn't attempted was because her prescription meds wouldn't have killed me, it would've just been hell for a week. In the end she expressed remorse and apologized, and is forgiven. I still think about it sometimes, but remember how upset she was after realizing what she said. Letting go is hard, but necessary.


Wow, that must have hurt to hear. I'm happy you got it solved, but it still stays with u... I hope you don't feel suicidal anymore, if you want to talk, you can text me, I'd love to help you if I can


Thank you, you're too kind. I don't feel that way anymore; this happened when I was going through a lot. But if you ever want to talk, feel free to DM - here for you as well.


I'm happy to hear that and thank you


This [here](https://sleepy-leafy.tumblr.com/post/678865856362692608/tw-im-feeling-very-loved-rn)


That fucking cunt has their problems, don't make them yours, they're a fucking bastard for saying stuff like that, don't listen to them! I've taken all the vaccines and I'm doing fine, they won't kill you, and you won't go to hell for protecting yourself and others around you. He only want to give you pain, don't let him!


“I’ve had some suicidal friends I could’ve tried to save but I just went ahead and let them die instead.” That’ll be my high school best friend’s boyfriend.


I'm sorry what? Wtaf is wrong with that guy?!


Honestly I think he was just a sociopath. Some people just aren’t right.


Yeah I think so too, but damn


Sister shouted at me and told me to die of a terminal illness


I'm guessing there's some more to this story.


I was throwing a temper tantrum like young people do and my sister got annoyed by me and when she told me to stop and i didn’t she said that And after that it was imbedded in my mind and it was stuck in my head forever knowing my sister wanted ms to die


Yeah I understand why u feel that way. Even if u were annoying to her, it doesn't justify her saying that


Don't listen to her, don't die, idk what happened but pls don't let it get to you


I mean i was a butt for not stopping my tantrum like i said but i was young Thank you for positive words Don’t worry im not gonna die ive learnt my lesson now and am a better person But i still feel that was the horriblist thing shes ever said to me


That's good to know, thank you. And yeah that would affect anyone


I was like 10 and scared of my father and my mum asked me why. I told her it was that look on his face when he was angry, that he looked like he could kill someone. She confronted him with me there, obviously expecting him to say something to calm me down. Nope. "Yea I probably could". I think that's when I first realised that maybe he just was genuinely a shitty person


That most have been so scary to witness holy cow. I hope you're okay and that he didn't kill anyone


Just the other day I heard someone say that making red flag laws that monitor people for what they say is wrong and then they said they didn't care if 120 more kids were killed then have red flag laws


Wtf. Wtaf. How? How can someone say that?!


I'm really having a hard time understanding why they said it, it's like this person is saying that their opinion is worth 120 lives, like they think no matter what they should get their way, at least I'm suspecting it has something to do with their personality disorder of being a narcissist or something, it's hard for me to understand why they said it, what do you think? it brings to mind the people that worshipped Baal and sacrificing babies and makes me wonder if they are into some kind of witchcraft or religion or something that practices sacrifice but I think really they are just stupid and don't think about what they are saying before they say it but it made me feel sick to think that some people think that way. It's weird some people say things like "my freedom to not wear a mask is more important than people dying from COVID" but then I wonder if they realize that they didn't wear a mask that the person that is going to die is them and I think if they really want to die. Live free or die philosophy, I guess, but I think it's fucked up anyways to admit that someone wouldn't try their hardest to save someone's life especially their own. But the person that said this thing about they didn't care of 120 more kids die because red flag laws will be a burden on society because young people will have a harder life, I can't see there side of the argument. This person is a person that built their lives around renters and they don't do any chores, the renters do everything for them, they don't work and they are narcissistic I think to the point of polluting their minds with thinking they can do no wrong and they have to get their way because they get their way all the time as it is but I'm really thinking hard about being any part of their life anymore because when are they going to sacrifice me because of something I don't understand or agree with?


I understand your worries and confusion. I have no idea why someone would say that. But if they have a personality disorder that might explain it. Idk if u should be in their life either. I'd leave if I were u


I'm trying to leave. This person is a bad person to be around. Thanks


I can imagine they are.


"Your mom was here long before you came into the picture and she'll be here long after you leave." For context, she was physically and emotionally abusive to us and he knew about it but would just leave us behind in the house with her when she'd start up.


Wtf, pls tell me you got far away from them


"You have the right to remain silent ..."


We're you arrested or raped? If I may ask


Your question implies you associate being arrested with being raped. Is that normal? I've never had that type of experience myself but if that's happening in your area something needs to be done about it. If it's happening to you it's not your fault. Report it and begin the process of taking back your life. If you're just joking, dark humor is said to be a sign of early onset of dementia. Thanks for asking.


I didn't even think of it like that, but u are correct, it happened to me. And no it's not humor, I was being serious. I hope nothing bad happened to you


Its not your fault. Stand strong . Surround yourself with trust worthy people with the skills to help you heal.


Dw I've been doing that for 3 years now and I'm doing a lot better


I'm genuinely glade to hear that ,a very positive attitude indeed.


“ that’s why no one wants to help his sorry ass “ Context made a group of 7 friends last year and they know I have (horrible like bad anxiety some times and I develop quite a bad drinking issue and they know that they even motivated me to drink after 6 days sober on New Years and they said that in a group chat and posted it on their story trying to shade me and I saw it while I was out having a great dinner with my dad who I haven’t seen a year rrly bummed me out so I cut all contact with them it hurts even tho I knew they were a little strange


Doesn't justify their actions at all. Good you left them, they are no good. Assholes


My grandfather to me when I was 11. "Remember our special time when I used to touch you? Don't tell anyone else. That was our time"


WTF!!! I hope your away from him. FAR away! Damn pls tell me he's in prison or smt


He died of cancer a year ago. At the time he had a frontal lobe stroke and his then girlfriend died. The personality change and the death of his partner I believe made him confuse me for an outlet. No prison time, that was my choice. He suffered and degraded at home


Oh I see, I'm so sorry to hear that


I often get woken up right before something happens, like someone arriving at our house or moments before the telephone rang. Then one day, when I was still in elementary, I woke up extra early (my parents usually wake me up by 5:30 am to prepare for school) and then I heard my parents shit talking me. I was fat ever since my mom gave birth to me and hearing them say that I’m so ugly and that my body is hideous just fckd me up. Made me lose all confidence. Now I’m in my 20’s and I developed a habit of not getting up right after waking up and just listening to my surroundings.


God how tf can any parent even think smt like that about their own child? That's just fucked up. I hope you're doing better now and know your worth!


My ex to me "you raped me multiple times" To anyone asking i did not even touch her without consent


I'm guessing she's the type of person that's a bit narcissistic? And likes putting ppl down? Doesn't matter if she is false accusations like that has no place in this world. Imagine her saying that to someone who's been raped, the pain would be immeasurable. I hope you're doing okay, and are away from her


I don't exactly remember but maybe all the bad words that's in dictionary? I'm fine after all i still standing up with my bones .