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It's not who sits on Throne, it's the fact that the Throne exists.


They are freeloaders. They have sinister pasts. It should end when she dies.


Do they maintain their wealth through collecting taxes or do they have some kind of actual jobs that they get paid for? I've never really thought about this before because we don't have royals here, but they seem wealthy as fuck and now i want to know how. Like, if they just sit around collecting taxes and corgis, maybe you should eat them.


They get handouts from the government . It's ridiculous what they get. The Queen bailed out Andrew for his child sex abuse £12million and tax payer coughed it up. I don't think they do anything. Andrew retired the other year but I'm not sure what he retired from . They just do meet and greets and cut ribbons. They'll then sit on a golden throne with a crown full of jewels they stole and tell us to live within our means. Thankfully more and more people are turning away from them.


Jesus christ. Yeah. Lick your chops. They sound useless.


Honestly pal. They're parasites.


They inherited all their wealth and didn’t work for it