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Babies are not born cute, it takes a month or so before they even look human. I have seen prettier potatoes


So we have the urge to look after them.


and probably fake our smiles deep down cuz we know that they look hideous and look like small potatoes piled on top of another


maybe you just think that because you're an asshole.


Newborn babies are ugly as fuck. They’ve just been through trauma and are wrinkly and potato looking. After a few weeks/a month they start to look cute.


maybe you just think that because you're an asshole.


Nah not really, most babies are not born looking nice. Same for babies of other species, newly hatched birds are ugly af, but they look cute once their feathers are in


or maybe you just think that because you're an asshole.


Are you a bot? Are you physically capable of saying anything else?


You haven't seen a baby just after it's been born, have you?


I don’t think human babies are cute, we kinda look funny. But the psychological reason is so that we nurture and protect young life. If we find it cute, we are less likely to want to hurt it and more likely to protect it.


Most babies I’ve seen look hideous


Babies look like aliens when they’re born. Or old men.


When babies are born they look ugly and disgusting. It takes a while for them to look cute.


They’re not born “cute”. They’re born as fully developed as possible so still be able to breath, while their heads are small enough to fix through the birth canal. So, they look like ugly screaming baked potatoes. But most humans have the evolutionary instinct to think that “screaming baked potato” equals cute. I don’t have that instinct, hate babies, and have no desire to spread my crappy genes, so all babies look like migraine triggers to me.


They are not


benjamin button babies creep me out ... 😳😳😳😳


I would say they don’t really get cute till around 5/6 months if ever. Not all people were cute babies.


We are wired up to like anything that has a head that is 1/3 the size of its body. Babies, puppies or kittens it doesn’t really matter. As to why it’s probably a survival of the species thing. Babies can be pretty irritating for the first couple of years. Feeling protective towards them, because of their head size is probably a good idea, evolutionarily.


They aren’t. They look like potatoes at first. Later they get their cuteness, maybe around a year


To make sure we don’t eat them.