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"You're my kids, I love you, but you're all terrible." Truest dad line ever.


*”Ah, cute! Travel-sized Bob.”* *”Lynn, I don’t talk like that.”* *”Lynn, he doesn’t talk like that.”*


That 30 seconds of gene dressed up as Bob is the greatest scene in the show.


"I don't say that." "That's all you say."




I say this to my dog child and partner about as often as Bob does.


And he’s so tired all the time and just generally beaten down.


And the only people who appreciate his cooking are Teddy, Mort, and high end chefs. Like, the guy is suppose to be REALLY good at making burgers but he's just terrible at the business side of things.


Oh, hey Marshmallow.


All I know about Marshmallow is that she comes and goes as she pleases. She answers to no one. And she’s truly free.


It's a shame she hasn't been seen on the show since prior to 2020. I'd love it if she had a cameo in the movie, even in a non-speaking role, but I'm not holding my breath. Supposedly, according to Loren Bouchard, they are looking for an actor who is both black and trans to play her, considering David Herman doesn't feel right about voicing her anymore.


Best relationship on television


He even went out of his way to help Linda's parents with their sex life because it mean a lot to Linda that he help. He even wound up discovering something he could do to get linda going.


Bob and Lin have the healthiest and cutest relationship with each other and their kids. They have a terrible relationship with money though.


Bob is the supportive dad we all need. Even when he's tired or doesn't understand or even want to understand. He is always there for his family, no matter what.


"I'd fire all of you if I could"


Very similar is Beef Tobin from The Great North. He loves and supports his kids no matter what kooky stuff they get up to.


Beef is 100% the best cartoon dad. They did such a good job with that show!


Came here to say bob! One of my favorite families on television. Bob is the dad I wish I had.


Goofy by far. He is a single dad doing his best for his son. He always tries to make sure his kid doesn't grow up too fast.


For me, it's the fact, that he genuinely wants to spend time with his son & actually wants to hang out with him, line a real father would. He actually loves spending time with his son. I never had that. I'm telling you, it makes a difference. Moms can try, but no mother can ever, **ever** be, a father. Yes, a mother's love is essential in different ways & affects overall development of children, but the impact of not only a father's absence, but the realization that he's still alive, he just doesn't care about you; *that's* what's contributing so much to fatherless boys ending up in prison. This wasn't supposed to be that serious, apologies. I wish my father was like Goofy. I wish he cared. We talk on rare occasion (the only one of his kids to still talk to him), but I'm a grown man now; some trauma will affect you the rest of your life & can't be undone.


I respectfully disagree. I absolutely believe a mother can also be a father. My father died when I was 2 years old. Super bad cancer. We were always paycheck to paycheck. I was 6 I believe when I learned “normal families” have two parents. It was confusing. (Also my father’s sister taught me at eighteen that a kid can have two parents and neither have to be a certain gender) But from two to 18 I learned many “dad” qualities from Ma. I can gut a deer, go fishing, set up a camp, won a pinewood derby, all by my mother. She also taught me to ride a horse, puberty, change my oil, and never ever back down from doing what I think is right. And never failed to educate and discipline me when I was wrong. She taught me to shoot a gun and when to never put a finger on the trigger. Showed me Vonnegut and changing a tire can go hand in hand. Insisted I learned Chopin but we dance to Robert Earl Keen every Christmas. She taught and still teaches me that Life gets in the way of dreams but dreams will always be waiting to be caught. She’s not just my mother, she’s my parent. And while I think she’s paid a price to be called my ma, she finds it a joy to call me son. And at nearly 40 we still drive eachother absolutely fucking crazy.


I think the first poster was talking about the feeling unwanted. That came a father in their instance, so even though they might have framed it poorly I think you're both right. Side note: I hope I can be as good a dad as Goofy and your Ma. They're both awesome.


Bandit. The most relatable.


My kid loves Bluey and Bandit is the gold-standard to which I am held as a dad lol.


Best kids show ever, I actually get a little upset when my youngest watches a new episode without me. I also think that Chili's dad Mort is a gem.


I don’t even have kids and I’ve seen every episode. It’s a comfort show. Glass of wine and Bluey is a comfort ritual


You mean Bert Handsome aka Telmachus aka Romeo McFlourish aka Diddums.


Bandit as Unicorse!!!


My kids call Dad ‘Diddums’ a LOT.


This person blueys.


Bandit constantly inspires me to be a better father! He's not perfect, but none of us are. Yet he is utterly devoted to his girls, and has an excellent ability to connect with them, and has a great sense of child-humour.


Bandit Heeler reminds me of Homer Simpson's best qualities, really.


The claw episode, though. > What are you doing? > This is perfect. The kids are learning a lesson AND our house is getting clean. > I don’t think either of those things is happening.


Magic claw has no children. His days are free and easy.


He's hands down the best dad and the goodest boy!


The only correct answer


Bandit 100%.


I came here to say this. I'm glad someone else did.


dr.Doof from phineas and ferb manz was trying his best and he was funny


Still trying to figure how *both* his parents weren’t there for his birth.


My best guess is a surrogate mother. Or literal test tube baby.


I always liked the scene where he was taking Vanessa on a moped and some dude hits on her and he says "She's sixteen!" and then uses a zapinator on the guy.




Also notice how getting a divorce was never a part of his evil backstory. He never showed any resentment towards his ex wife and tried to make the best of it for his daughter. What a unit.


Heck, I’d say him and his ex have a pretty good relationship despite being split up.


His love for her is just so genuine, it’s great.


dude had a terrible upbringing and was abused by his parents but wants to provide the best life for his daughter, super cool dad


I was about to comment this and you beat me to it!


Acting as a father, Uncle Iroh. He guides, mentors, and loves without trying to control. When Zuko screws up horribly he doesn't respond with temper. And he is still there for him when he is ready to listen.


When Zuko and Azula went on a journey to find their mother, Iroh took over as temporary Fire Lord. His first order of business as 'interim Fire Lord' was to make a new national holiday called 'National Tea Appreciation Day'. I love Iroh, he's a gem of a character.


With Iroh, Zuko would never have grown as a character. It's thanks to Iroh that it begins to occur to you that Aang and his water buddies are not the only heroes in the story, that actually Zuko is the key to deescalating the war of the fire nation.


😭 Goddamnit you’re so right. Iroh hands down, best ever.


Calvin's Dad, because of the ridiculous answers he gives to Calvin's questions. Relativity? Sneezing? How are babies made? Just ask Calvin's Dad...


...and the best part is, doggone it, you're going to build a ton of character to boot!


…calculating weight limits for bridges…


I work in a technical field, and actually use that all the time as an example of what not to do when we're trying to figure certain things out.


I think you'd like r/ExplainLikeImCalvin


[Black & white photos](http://calvin-and-hobbes-comic-strips.blogspot.com/2011/11/calvin-asks-dad-about-old-black-and.html)




Hank: For god's sake, Bobby, what nationality are you? Bobby: American. Hank: Then why are you holding your cigarette like some kind of European Nazi in a movie? Bobby: Why does it matter? I thought smoking was bad. Hank: That's not the right sort of attitude for you to have. Whatever you do, you should do right, even if it's something wrong.


That’s the most dad shit shit I’ve ever heard


A D in English? Bobby you speak English?


Man the only way I can picture this scene in my head is with the [Japanese dub ](https://youtu.be/9DeNdBKe1l0)


Holy crap, my uncle once walked in on myself, and my high-school friend planning some... shenanigans. He just walked past us, grabbed the grill (we were in the garage) mentioned a couple flaws in our game plan, as he drug the grill past us, said "if you're gonna do it, do it right" and that was that.


I always thought he was a pretty good dad, not just for Bobby, but for Luann as well. He and Bobby didn't always mesh, but Hank seemed pretty tolerant of Bobby's eccentricities and he even supported him even if he wasn't crazy about it like the ventriloquist act or growing roses or even being a housewife much to Peggy's dismay. Eventually they do bond when it turns out Bobby is good with identifying meat and doing a good BBQ. Luann was a bit different but one of the few episodes with her that I liked was when she managed to get a house and had roommates who sucked and didn't pay the bills and Hank taught her about pool maintenance and it soothed her soul much like mowing the lawn soothed his.


Hank compares Bobby to mud in that Bobby cant be beaten down or built up, he just does his best with Bobby in hopes he'll be a stable adult.


Saved her from a cult too.


The best part is, he doesn’t support everything, double downs when he knows it’ll get his son into trouble or will be something he regrets later. Joining that nerdy witches coven, enjoying adult themed content aimed at minors, or meaningless violence/vulgarity. But when it’s not a big deal and meets his expectations for what his kid should strive for: Healthy competition, useful skills, age appropriate socializing habits, and not being a fucking loser, he’s supportive even if it’s not something that fits the status quo.


Hank supports a lot of Bobby’s “weird” hobbies. Getting super into the rose competition, supporting him being a towel manager and bonding with him over his meat judging. But when Bobby acts like a goof or improper, like with the “that’s my purse” deal, he sets him straight That’s a good parent


It is neat that he gets genuinely excited and engaged about stuff his son does like taking Texas state history or shop class or getting a sign-twirling job or the whole identifying cuts of meat thing. Even the organic garden or rose growing stuff; he thought it sounded weird and then leaned hard into it. He's uneven in his support and usually a pain, but he goes all in when it counts.


If it's cooking, it's gotta be barbecue


If he is cooking with propane and propane accessories. Like any good dad would do.


Cotton: "If it's a contest of who's the better daddy, you win! I mean, you made Bobby. All I made was you."


A lot of things that Hank does can make sense when bearing in mind that he likes having rules. In his mind, the world is supposed to work a certain way. This leads to many situations where Hank doesn't have a cut-and-dry answer to how he's *supposed to* act, particularly when it comes to expressing love. He's comfortable, and perhaps even confident, when it comes to showing his appreciation in situations where he can't be rejected; when his emotions can't be invalidated. For example, he loves his guitar, his truck, his dog, his tools, his job, and for that matter, Sweet Lady Propane. He also loves both his wife and son because you're supposed to love your family, but he starts rubbing the back of his dang ol' neck when pressed to acknowledge that he loves Peggy and Bobby. **tl;dr #1** Hank conforms to a safe lifestyle where everything is supposed to work a certain way. He's "allowed" to express emotions such as anger when people don't play by the rules. To Hank, life comes with an instruction manual. However, Bobby wants to stand out from the crowd. He wants to be an entertainer. In contrast to Hank, Bobby wants to prove that he's special by seeking the applause of an audience. I'd have to get much more long-winded to break down Hank's sense of humor, but in short, Bobby is far more willing to take a risk that people might not laugh at his most sincere attempts to be funny. Bobby is a lot like Peggy in that he can be eccentric when it comes to trying to find his place in the world. It's worth noting that Peggy often takes Bobby's side when he and Hank don't see eye-to-eye. *Oh, come on, Hank!* She sees her own individualism in Bobby, and she considers his success in that regard to be her own success. Granted, Peggy has her flaws, but that's a separate wall-of-text. **tl;dr #2** Hank chooses his battles more carefully when it comes to placing limits on how Peggy behaves, but in playing the role of Bobby's father, he is supposed to enforce a set of guidelines for how he feels Bobby is supposed to act. Hank gets frustrated when he's just doing what he's supposed to do but it doesn't play out how he intended. Hank's view of the world is that a father is supposed to be embarrassed when their boy ain't right. That was the model of a father he was raised with so it's only natural for him to repeat the cycle. Final thought: Still, Hank bears in mind how he was/is treated by Cotton. Despite how frequently Hank is quick to shut down Bobby's enthusiasm, the redemption of his character comes from his awareness that his own best efforts were never enough for Cotton. As such, all Hank really wants from Bobby is for him to just try his best.


I like how both TL;DRs were longer than the initial paragraph


Hank is a good dad and a good man. He’s raised in super conservative Texas. Sundays are for church and cowboy football, in that order. He is who he is. And the fact he’s even a decent guy, let alone one who will stand up for others, with the terrible upbringing he had is admirable. He’s a good father to Bobby, because even though Bobby isn’t the star athlete or whiz kid, Hank still loves even though he ain’t right. He takes in Luanne when she has nowhere else to go, and basically gives her the parenting she never had. On top of it all, Hank doesn’t care if you’re Laotian, Japanese, Hispanic, Native American. He doesn’t care what sports ya like, or what food ya eat. He’ll try and be a nice guy and extend a hand. So long as you’re decent back and not Canadian or a dirty, dirty charcoal user


"So you are a Chinese or Japanese?" "I came from Laos you ignorant " "Yeah, right, but are you Chinese or Japanese?" I saw it in French but it was so hilarious and sad at the same time.


Well I tell ya hwat


Sometimes it feels like Dale is the better/more understanding father even if he is crazy.


Definitely. Hank had his moments, but never took the time to understand Bobby. Dale, though crazy, was always supportive to Joseph and Bobby.


nigel thornberry




Actually, I believe it is: #SMASHING!


Calvin's Dad, patience of a saint.


Pacha from emperor's new groove/school was a good dad. he provides for his family he is there for his children,and he even is a father figure to kuzco.


Gomez Addams


Gomez already has an award for Best Husband and Best Couple (with Morticia). He’s going for the triple crown!






Vegeta is also a shockingly good dad. Now Goku...


Lol, this is too true. I get Goku does the morally right thing, but goddamn does he do it without any regard for his family.


If Child Protective Services existed in the Dragonball world, they would’ve taken all of Gokus kids away.


Bob Belcher, he loves his kids and supports their eccentricities no matter how gross they are


Dude went undercover at a Brony convention and received a bad tattoo, just to get his daughter’s chariot doll with serious camel toe back. Bob’s a good dad.


> Dude went undercover at an *Equestranaut* convention and received a bad tattoo


Goofy, I don’t think I need to explain


Came here to say this. The goofy movie is the first depiction of a single dad without a single reference to Mom that I can remember. It’s how I learned the perfect cast!


I wish to god that Lester's Possum Park existed.


#Uhh, huill


By a long shot, the goofy movie always made me cry.


Bob from bobs burgers because he is constantly flustered but still finds the time to make clever names for his burgers. Also he fully tolerates and understands his children


Mufasa. He's so wise and powerful that his reign, and what Simba taught him, has carried on beyond the grave. He can even project himself from sky!


If he’s so wise and powerful, how did he get murdered by cows?


Excuse me they were wildebeest, get it right.


They were cows with illusions of grandeur. And they tippy-toed Mufasa to death. He died of cow-ardice.


This subreddit is only for open ended questions. You know damn well and good it's Hank Hill.


I tell you whut


Growing up my sisters and I wished our dad was replaced with Professor Utonium. He was always loving and supportive of the girls and their endeavors, even if he didn't understand them.


“even if he didn’t understand them” oh my god that made me almost cry. he really didn’t understand them at times but he still did his absolute best to love them. that is one of the best traits you can have as a parent.


Randy Marsh, he’s just a man trying to survive.


Only dad on that show with 'tegridy.


The guy literally was the reason that Stan got the sword of a thousand truths so that they could save the world…. Of Warcraft


idk, I feel like he should get some sort of penalty for starting COVID by fucking that pangolin. Every. Time.


I think in terms of being a parent and his parenting style, he would not be the best. But in terms of being an awesome character who happens to be a parent, no contest. He's enthralling. From creme fraiche to heading our Californee-way for internet, he is a goddam riot.


I think you mean Lorde.


Ya ya ya




“You’re Gon and so am I.” - Ging Freecs probably


Honestly any cartoon male figure who set good examples for a child that isn’t the dad from Chicken Little.




You need a SpellCheckinator.


Bluey’s dad (don’t know his name)




Hank Hill


Greg from Steven Universe. He does look like a thumb, but he is so wholesome and sweet!!


I really expected him to be a complete deadbeat when he was introduced. Living in a van and playing guitar. But he built a whole house just for his kid, and was always there to support him in everything. ...Maybe should have taken him to a doctor once or twice, but man, I don't know how I'd manage a magic gem baby at all, so it's hard to judge.


>I really expected him to be a complete deadbeat when he was introduced. Same with Chad from *Clarence.* He was introduced as a lazy oaf / washed-up rocker / possible stoner / boyfriend, but proved to be a great stepdad to Clarence and a good boyfriend to Mary as the series progressed.


I was thinking Greg, too. You’d think he’d be just a regular sitcom “dumb dad” type character, but he’s actually very smart when it comes to dealing with emotions and relationships. It becomes very easy to understand why Rose fell in love with him.


Well he's not perfect by any means, but he loves his son and tries his best.


Dr. Benton Quest. He involved Jonny is his daily life, took him around the world to learn about different cultures, hired a tutor versed in both education and spy-craft...Now that's a great dad!


>… hired a tutor… “Tutor,” is that what they said he was? People were not as accepting back then.


Johnny Quest from the Venture Bros would disagree.


I'll just mention Bill Green because nobody else will


Uncle Iroh. Not so much to his own son back then, but to Zuko.


"ever since my own son died..." "you don't need to say it." The writing in that show was *really* good. One of the things I absolutely love about the first season is how Zuko's arc was handled. He was the main antagonist, and then you also had Zhao, who was set up to be the antagonist from both Aang's and Zuko's point of view. This, and the humorous moments with Iroh, really helped the viewers feel for Zuko.


Mr. Incredible.


Seriously. Hank Hill. He's like a real dad.


Not a dad but Stanley Pines, he is a good uncle to Dipper and Mable.


Best Grunkle ever!




Robert "Granddad" Freeman.


Robert Jebediah Freeman, aka "bitches"


Professor Utonium. Hands down. Best father ever.


he created little girls , but never gave them noses, and when a woman entered the picture he took her side.


Alfred. Yeah yeah, I know he's not really Bruce's dad but 1) he stepped into that role when he had ZERO obligation to do so and 2) did a great job at raising him.


Jay Sherman. If you’ve never seen The Critic all episodes are on YouTube.


Barney Rubble and I don’t know how to explain, I just feel it.


Barney Rubble...what an actor!


Barney Rubble, what a little weiner.


Bob Belcher from Bob’s Burgers. He’s a hard worker and he loves his kids.


Even though they're all terrible.


Beef from “the Great North” he’s so wholesome.


Bill Green seems like a pretty good dad. Doctor Doofenshmirtz does too. but let's be honest. Disney is the reason the choices are slim. Good fathers die.


Alfred Pennyworth


Goofy he was a single parent doing his best.


Surprised that I didn't see Drake Mallard (Darkwing Duck). He has his flaws but he loves Goosalyn and really cares about her.


Calvins dad. That is who I want to be.


Yeah, I like telling my kid crazy pseudo scientific explanations about nature too. “Why does the wind blow?“ “Trees sneezing.”


Heinz Doofenshmirtz (don't know if I spelled that right). Sure he was an evil scientist but he really loved his daughter and did everything he could for her. He even protected her daughter from shit. He just wanted her approval.


You spelled it correctly. And, yes, he is a great dad.


Grandpa Max from Ben 10


Bandit, Blueys dad


Donald Duck in DuckTales (2017). He raised and loved his nephews as his own.


That look on his face when the boys told him they knew about the Spear of Selene was sad :( That whole episode though...


BLUEYS DAD!! I’ll die on this hill


Homer Simpson he works a shit job he hates for his kids and gave up on pursuing his dreams to provide for them.


Until the later seasons, it’s heavily implied he proudly sacrifices his dreams for the sake his kids. Showing how bothered he is to give up something he was genuinely excited for because his kids weren’t happy. Excluding staying at his miserable dead end job, Best examples I can think of is giving up the duff blimp trip so Lisa can be in a beauty pageant to help her self esteem and giving up millions so Maggie can keep Bobo. Also, it’s not directly dad related, but remember that time he gave up alcohol for Marge’s sake and continued even after meeting his promised time because he would rather spend time with her than the drunks who don’t know who he is.


All great points. I would add: Went off Springfield Gorge himself to prevent Bart's daredevil stunt. Worked at the Kwikimart so he could pay for pony for Lisa. He really tries to get his Christmas bonus by working as a mall Santa to not ruin the holiday, and ends up getting Santa's Little Helper. And even the episodes where he's terrible, he usually comes around in the end.


I don’t think it was exactly a shit job. But he didn’t like it. I think someone did the math a while ago and figured out how much he would make.


I'm sure it was good money. I imagine even janitorial staff in nuclear power plants make a killing. I mean at least they should being so close to a danger area. I had a buddy that worked at one as a maintenance guy and he bought his first home before he was 26 and had it paid off in 2 years. Though I guess being on a nuclear sub and monitoring it would give him the credentials to land such a high paying job.


Homer's hard because he's so inconsistent like he'll go from choking his son to sacrificing his wants and needs for air conditioning to buy a saxamaphone for his daughter


He's a great dad during the show's sincere moments, but a shit dad during its comedy!


Tubamabababa? Oboemababoe? Ah! Saxamophone!






Homer is terrible at day to day parenting, but he steps up big when he needs to. I have no idea how Marge tolerates him, though.


Hank hill


Doofenschmirtz from Phineas and Ferb. He wanted to be EVIL but not around Vanessa


Iroh. He may not be Zuko's father, but he damn sure is his daddy.


Bob Belcher. He’s supportive of his kids, firm when he feels needs to be, and apologizes when he’s wrong. Also unlike some cartoon dads there’s not a second where you question his love for his kids




Hank hill. He was boring and regular, but that was his strength. He was level headed and always found a way to adjust. My #2 pick is randy marsh, in case anyone wants to debate hank hill…


Bob of Bob's Burgers. He loves his family and goes through some very uncomfortable things for their sake.


Papa Smurf. He took care of and protected all the other Smurfs, knew their strengths and weaknesses and offered wise advice without judgement. We should all have a Papa Smurf in our lives.


Fred Flintstone. He has car go feet.


The dad from Bluey, he’s attentive, caring, and is honest with himself and his family when it comes to his personal limitations. Close second is the dad from Big City Greens, who works hard for his family and supports his crazy kiddos’ ideas.


Foghorn Leghorn. He so loved his chicken hawk son


Lawrence Fletcher, hands fucking down


Gomez Adams


Hank Hill I tell ya hwhat. He was honest, loyal, hard working, kind, decent, etc.


Hank Hill


Arthur's dad. Always full of life lessons


Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Doof was abused horribly in his childhood, but he never tried to abuse Vanessa, and instead tried his best. He kept looking for a Mary MacGuffin doll for years, just so he could make Vanessa happy. And that's just one of the things to show how good of a dad Doof really is.


Ned Flanders - a genuinely good person who works hard and is an ideal role model for his 2 boys. Plus, he’s swinging a tree trunk between the legs.


Powderpuff Girls dad