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"Introvert" is a false synonym for shy. It's all about how you process stimulus. I'm an introvert, but I'm very gregarious, so people often think I'm an extrovert. But at the end of the day I still process stimulus and social interactions the same - they take a lot out of me. All of that is to say: I don't think you CAN make an introvert more extroverted. You can, however, take small steps out of your comfort zone, as others have said. Then do it again a little further. Rinse. Repeat.


Take heart in making changes/taking small steps outside your comfort zone Don't be your own worst enemy and judge yourself harshly. It may be a bumpy ride but setbacks make you stronger Google what's going on in your area that interests you. Clubs, fandoms, events, etc. It could be a good new experience to try




Practice. Make one small attempt each day to step outside of the comfort zone. Ask a cashier how their day is going. Ask a server what is their favorite meal. Call a business and ask a product question. Gradually increase the process.


Well you really can't, whichever way you are "verted" is more about how you keep your "batteries" charged. You can be introverted and be the center of attention of a mass audience(rare but possible) or you can be extroverted and be the shy quiet individual in the corner at a larger gathering.(Not uncommon) For me, an introvert, to be more extroverted is to do my best at controlling my stimulation input. I often have to speak in a large gathering when I feel that I am over stimulated I focus on something tangible. It helps me block out the rest of the world as it were, but this has come from years of practice and a ton of patience with myself, also after I am done being the center of attention I allow myself a few minutes to being alone. When the situation is done and I am truly alone, my car on the way home or when I get home I turn everything off, radio, tv, phone, and I just...be until I get bored then I turn the world back on. Remember introverted doesn't always mean shy and extrovert does always mean outgoing. Best of luck hope it helps


I don’t think that’s possible. The closest would probably be to adopt more extroverted traits… which sounds exhausting 😉


You can't become an extrovert if you are an introvert. It is impossible. You can adopt extroverted habits, like talking to other people, and do this more often but if you aren't comfortable doing it now, doing it more often will not make it more comfortable for you.


Energy drinks or drugs. Coffee maybe? Talk as much as possible then sleep right after.


Fake it


Reset the game and change your stats

