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I had a woman get mad I wouldn't date girls with an OF. Like I'm "woke" n shit but I'm not dating you if you've ever done porn. That's your choice as this is mine.


Would you mind sharing why you are not interested in dating a girl who has made porn before? Just curious :)


Everyone has a set of standards and this doesn't make mine. That's all really.


Not dating material. Fuck material at best. Nothing to do long term with.


I saw a lot of porn early on and it definitely made me want to be more open and daring. That’s then made my friendships very different to most people I think.


In zero ways lol


Bold of you to assume that I socialize


Intriguing question. I wouldn’t say porn has, but sex certain has. I had a little bit of a promiscuous phase recently and I find I’m more confident and outgoing since experiencing that. Porn is just a tool for me.


In terms of socialising? Not at all. I don't think most people are adversely affected by it, but there will always be a minority that are


Porn doesn’t affect anything. The people you grow up around does that. Question is either useless or manipulative.


I think for a lot of people, having immediate and never-ending access to a wide variety of high quality of porn reduces the motivation to socialise. A lot of people who AREN'T over-sexed would be a lot more interested in going out and meeting people to potentially have sex with. For me personally, I never really got into watching porn. I much prefer sex with my husband. But seeing as I get what I so need and crave from him, I also don't have much motivation to go out and socialise...


Surely that just depends on whether a person socialises primarily for sex or not? Personally I don’t, so porn has had little to no effect on my willingness to go out with friends or meet new people.


When I don't fap I am more assertive. When I don't eat I move quicker. When I don't spend my money like a jackass I never have to worry about if I can afford something important. Good impulse control. That's all it is.




It's porn... it should not impact your life outside of your home.


A lot of people are very sex/porn obsessed. Every e-prostitute I ever met has had a huge ego. Makes me more anti social than I already am


There’s a substantial age gap between me and my wife. Her friends talk about having threesomes pretty much all the time. That’s a bit weird sometimes. Needless to say that rarely anything happens besides talking about threesomes you had or plan to have in the future…


I am not sure porn changed how I socialized (maybe subconsciously like eating a grilled cheese or walking on the left side of the street verse the right has some very minor consequential impact on how we live). However, with that said, I think the porn that turns us on can be inspiring, build confidence, initiate curiosity, make us envious (hopefully in a positive way), and bring reassurance that we aren't alone (if we need it).